444 CITY OF OJAI HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting Thursday, July 14, 2016 Call to Order Chair McCredie called the regular meeting of the Ojai Historic Preservation Commission to order at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 14, 2016, in the Ojai City Hall Council Chambers, 401 South Ventura Street, Ojai, California. Roll Call On a call of the roll, the following Historic Preservation Commissioners were present: Chair McCredie, Vice Chair Aikens, and Commissioners Hill, James, Quinn, and Voogd. Absent: Convery Staff present: Kathleen Wold, Community Development Director, Matthew Winegar, Contract Planner, Matthew T. Summers, City Attorney, and Stefanie Edmondson, Contract Planner acting as Secretary. Museum Liaison, Mark Lewis. Pledge of Allegiance

Chair McCredie

Public Communication


Museum Representative Report

Mark Lewis reported on activities at the Museum.

Consent Item 1. Minutes of the June 9 2016, Regular Meeting Commissioner Voogd requested additional information be added to the June 9, 2016 minutes to reflect the City Council Liaison, Mayor pro-tern Weirick's comments with regards to his discussion regarding direction to the Commission and the proposed term sheet to be provided by the City Attorney. Continued to revise the minutes per Commissioner Voogd' s request. Disclosure of Site Visits and Ex-Parte Contacts Taormina Lane: Commissioner Hill visited the site and had no ex-parte contacts, but has received many emails but has not responded. Vice Chair Aikens visited the site and had no ex-parte contacts, but received many emails.

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Commissioner Quinn visited the district and had ex-parte contact with Sue Williamson and Commissioner Valerie James. Commissioner Voogd visited the district and had ex-parte contact with Robin Gerber and Sue Williamson.

Commissioner James recused herself as she is a resident of the Taormina Community Public Hearing Item 2. Proposal to Establish a Historic District for the Taormina Community Chair McCredie turned the time over to Matthew Winegar who presented the staff report. Chair McCredie opened the item for Public Comment Speakers Spoke in support of the establishment of the district: Elaine Needham spoke for Eve Venturi, 39-A Taormina Lane. Elaine Needham, 39 Taormina Lane. Helene Vachet, 53 Taormina Lane. John Vachet, 53 Taormina Lane. Anne Shrage, 10 Taormina Lane. Trina Grantham, 66 Taormina Lane. Trina Grantham, spoke for Charlene Spretnak, 48 Taormina Lane Trina Grantham, spoke for Chelsea Roe, 104 Taormina Lane. Linda Lambert, 11 Taormina Lane. Laurel Miller, 6180 Via Real, Carpinteria. Laurel Miller, spoke for Margo Geiger, 99 Taormina Lane. Jennifer Bury, 67 Taormina Lane. Jon Lambert, 11 Taormina Lane. Craig Walker, 1160 Lake Drive, Ojai. Charleen Michaels, 600 Vista Hermosa Drive. Marqui Bury, 67 Taormina Lane. Elizabeth Wolf, 68 Taormina Lane. Jesse Grantham, 66 Taormina Lane. John Sherfey, 12 Taormina Lane. Joan Sherfey, 12 Taormina Lane. Bill Painter, 14 Taormina Lane. Dale Hanson, Mary Nelson, 31 Taormina Lane. Mary Nelson spoke for Christina Pagas, 39 Taormina Lane. Mary Nelson spoke for Katherina Ann Jones, 105 S. Arnaz Avenue. Wendy McCobb Tony Records, 51 Taormina Lane.

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Deidre Daly, 1909 S. Rice Road. Stephanie O'Neill, 97 Taormina Lane. Kristin Storey, 111 Taormina Lane. Robert Dodge, 111 Taormina Lane. Brandee Smith, 64 Taormina Lane. Kim Bryson, 22 Taormina Lane. Britt Allcroft, 95 Taormina Lane. Eric Rosenberg, 97 Taormina Lane. Robin Gerber, 51 Taormina Lane. Spoke in opposition of the establishment of the district: Susan Williamson, 47 Taormina Lane. Dan Mullins, 47 Taormina Lane. Peggy Carey, renter at 91 Taormina Lane. Chari Petrowski, 115 Taormina Lane. Terrell Ann Riley, 16 Taormina Lane. Phyllis Wright, renter at 93 Taormina Lane. Ellen Bunner, 18 Taormina Lane. Ellen Bunner spoke for Charles Ray, 35 Taormina Lane. Ellen Bunner spoke for Robert Boyd, 87 Taormina Lane. Sherry Fiorentino, 36 Taormina Lane. Jerome Landfield, 20 Taormina Lane. Spoke with no opinion: Steve Quilici, 516 W. Eucalyptus Street, spoke about the topic of "majority of property owners," and how the votes were conducted. Chair McCredie closed the Public Comment portion for this item Questions for staff Chair McCredie • Asked how the votes were counted. Mr. Winegar answered only one vote per property owner. Vice Chair Aikens ■ Asked how a duplex was counted. City Attorney answered if the duplex has only one owner, then one vote. If the duplex has two owners, then each owner has a vote. City Attorney added any owner of a parcel whether vacant or not is allowed a vote. Mr. Winegar stated there were 56 yes votes and those owners that voted were validated by the City' Records Manager, Cheryl Shaw, against the County of Ventura's most current assessor's parcel list.

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Commissioner Voogd • Is opposed to the use of the County of Ventura's most current assessor's parcel list. • Has issue with the way the count was conducted. • If the count has not been done correctly then they cannot approve. • Has an issued with the lighting. • Thinks the Commission should participate in the preparation of the City Council staff report with the Commission's recommendation. • Had the question as to whether pre-fabricated homes would be allowed to be constructed in the district. • Feels the item needs much more evaluation with regards to the criteria in which the property owners need to comply with. City Attorney Summers addressed Commissioner Voogd inquiry on the legality of property owner rights. Commissioner Quinn • Said she read the conditional use permit (CUP) and the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). • Understands the regulations that any new houses are required to be built in the current historic style. • Feels that many of the restrictions that result from the designation of a historic district are already in place from the CUP and CC&Rs. Vice Chair Aikens • Responded to some of the speakers comments who claim that they will incur expenses if Taormina is designated an historic district. He did not understand the statement and wondered what expenses would result from the designation. Contract Planner Winegar answered there are no fees associated with the designation other than if someone is proposing changes to a residence they would be required to apply for a work permit to be reviewed by the Commission. •

Restated that it is an incorrect statement that a renters cost would increase with the designation.

It is his understanding that a pre-fabricated home is allowed to be constructed in the Historic District as long as it meets the design characteristics. City Attorney Summers confirmed that is a correct statement that a pre-fabricated home can be constructed as long as it complies with the design guidelines.

Commissioner Hill • Felt the report was very interesting and informative. • Supports the idea of keeping the fees for a work permit or any related permit, to a minimum.

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Is prepared to make a recommendation to the City Council.

Chair McCredie • Complimented staff on the good staff report and helpful materials in the packet. • Feels the design guidelines that are set forth in the designation of the historic district are very flexible. • Thinks the neighborhood is very identifiable with the sameness in roof lines and roof pitch, etc. • Is in support of the proposal and is feels it is appropriate to move forward and make a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Voogd • Is opposed to moving forward with the recommendation, as to the issues of lighting and the procedures used to count the votes. • Asked City Attorney if the street lamps meet the current dark sky ordinance. City Attorney Summers answered the lights were approved with the original CUP and are legal non-conforming. If there were to be any change to the light then they would need to bring it into compliance. Contract Planner Winegar stated the lights could change the glass from the existing clear glass to opaque to be in compliance. •

Has issue with the interpretation provided by the City Attorney.

Vice Chair Aikens • Asked who counted the votes. • Wanted to understand why a property owner who owns multiple properties is only allowed one vote. Contract Planner Winegar answered he counted the votes and the count was validated by the City Clerk.


City Attorney Summers added the count was conducted per the standards in the City's Municipal Code (OMC) Section 4-8-08(d)(3) Report and recommendation of Historic Preservation Commission. He stated the evidence before the Commission is sufficient to meet the standards in the code •

After complete explanation from Director Wold, Contract Planner Winegar, City Attorney Summers, he was satisfied with the way the vote was conducted.

Commissioner Voogd • Has issue with the use of information from the county assessor's office rather than information from the county recorder records.

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City Attorney Summers noted for the record that Commissioner Voogd is referring to the definitions in the OMC section 4-8.04 "owner of record" means the person, corporation, or other legal entity listed as owner on the records of the County Recorder of Deeds. He explained the City used the section of the code that refers to property owners and the County Assessor's office, for taxation purposes, is the most up to date records that the City can access regarding ownership of a property. ■ Commissioner Voogd does not agree. Motion: Vice Chair Aikens moved and Commissioner Hill seconded the motion to adopt HPC Resolution recommending City Council designate the Taormina Community as a Historic District based on the criteria identified in the draft HPC resolution: The motion passed as follows: AYES: Aikens, Hill, McCredie, Quinn NOES: Voogd ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Convery RECUSED: James Commissioner James returned to the dias 3.

Review Text Amendment (TA 15-10) the proposed amendments to the Ojai Municipal Code, Title 4, Chapter 8, Cultural and Historic Preservation and report of Ad Hoc Historic Preservation Commission Committee's consideration of these amendments, related to cultural and historic preservation and landmark regulations and procedures Chair McCredie turned the time over to City Attorney Summers to present the staff report. Chair McCredie opened the item for Public Comment Speakers Steve Quilici, 516 W. Eucalyptus Street spoke to his understanding of the changes to the code that allows the Commission to recommend the designating a property on the Sites of Merit list. Mary Kennedy, 307 S. Montgomery Street, is concerned and confused by the cultural and historic preservation ordinance. What happens if a home owner does not want to be on the list. Richard Keits, 307 S. Montgomery Street, is concerned with the overprotecting of structures. Chair McCredie closed the Public Comment portion for this item

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Motion: Commissioner Voogd moved to continue this item to the next regularly scheduled Historic Preservation Commission meeting on August 11, 2016 to allow the Commission to review the materials provided by staff. No second was made due to further discussion by the Historic Preservation Commission. Commission Comments Vice Chair Aikens • Asked for clarification on Ms. Kennedy's comments. City Attorney Summers responded by explaining how the Historic Resources Inventory Survey was created and how Phase III, the Screening Survey is used. Commissioner Quinn • Has concern with the sites of merit list. Secretary Edmondson addressed the Commission and said the reason the Keits property is subject to design review is because it is in a commercial zoning district. Commissioner James • Asked if the sites of merit list, applies to residential properties. City Attorney Summers answered the requirement for a Historic Resources Report is driven by the age and the recognition that there is some historic value to the property, so it does apply to residential, but being in a commercial zone has the further requirement of design review. Commissioner Voogd • Noted that the words "Sites of Merit" does not appear in the Municipal Code. • Spoke about CEQA requirements. Commissioner Hill • Explained how, in the past, the Commission, created the list of priority sites. There was further discussion on the Historic Resources Inventory Survey as well as the Sites of Merit list. Motion: Commissioner Voogd moved and Commissioner James seconded the motion to continue this item to the next regularly scheduled Historic Preservation Commission meeting on August 11, 2016 to allow the Commission to continue reviewing the materials provided by staff: The motion FAILED as follows: AYES: Hill, James, Voogd NOES: Aikens, McCredie, Quinn ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Convery

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Motion: Vice Chair Aikens moved and Commissioner Quinn seconded the motion recommend approval to the City Council the proposed amendments to Ojai Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 8, related to Cultural and Historic Preservation: Detailed Term Sheet for Proposed Amendments: •

Purpose - Section 4-8.02. Adopt the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as the City's guiding principles for reviewing historic properties.

Purpose - Section 4-8.02. Clarify the purpose language to refer to landmarks, historic districts, sites of merit, and points of historical interest, matching the body of the ordinance.

Commission's Powers - Section 4-8.05. Refine statement of Historic Preservation Commission's powers and functions to match ordinance's language referring to landmarks, historic districts, and sites of merit, but not monuments, to add that the Historic Preservation Commission may evaluate properties for potential landmarking as requested by the Council and Planning Commission, to delete a public hearing owner notification requirement [as that is required elsewhere and duplicative in this section], and to provide that the Historic Preservation Commission's powers include reviewing and recommending approval of proposed Mills Act contracts and renewals to the City Council for approval.

Work Permit Requirements — Sections 4-8.15, 4-8.16, 4-8.17, and a new section. Create two tiers of work permits — major work permits and minor work permits.


As proposed, major work permits would be approved by the Commission for any exterior work on a landmark or any non-landmarked structure on the same parcel as a landmark that is visible from the public right of way. Minor work permits would be approved by the Community Development Director for any interior work on a landmark, unless the interior elements at issue are characterdefining elements. Ordinary repair and maintenance would not require a permit.


Require all applications to include a historic resources report detailing the landmark's character defining elements and assessing the impacts of the proposed project on those elements.


Revise procedural requirements for processing major work permits and create requirements for processing minor work permits.


Adopt required finding for approval of a minor work permit by the Community Development Director — that the proposed work will not detrimentally alter the landmark's character defining elements.


Revise required findings for approval of a major work permit by the Commission — that a proposed project will not detrimentally alter the landmark's character defining elements and that any new construction on the same parcel as a landmark that is visible from the public right of way will be compatible with the landmark and its character defining elements.

Work Permit Requirements — Sections 4-8.15, 4-8.16, 4-8.17, and a new section. Currently, sections 48.15(a) and 4-8.17(a) are ambiguous as to when a work permit is required for exterior work on a nonlandmarked structure on the same parcel as a landmark. The proposed amendments resolve this by clearly stating when a major work permit is required for proposed development on a landmarked parcel. At present, the proposal is to require approval of a major work permit for any exterior work on a landmarked structure or any non-landmarked structure visible from the public right of way on the same parcel as the landmark. This is one of the key decision points for the Commission and the Council, as it governs which development projects are subject to the Commission's review. The Commission could recommend requiring a work permit for any of the following situations: o

Work on a landmark;


Work on a landmark and any other portion of the same structure, for structures that are partially landmarked;


Work on a landmark and any non-landmarked structure on the same parcel visible from the public

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right of way; o

Work on a landmark and any non-landmarked structure on the same parcel visible from the landmark;


Work on a landmark and any non-landmarked structure on the same parcel as the landmark.

Appeals of Work Permit Decisions — Section 4-8.18. Major work permits would be approved by the Commission and minor work permits would be approved by the Community Development Director. Any decision could be appealed up the chain, to the Commission from the Director and to the Council from the Commission.

Extensions and Time Limits for Work Permits — new section. Provide that all applications for extensions of work permits would be governed by Article 32 of Chapter 2 of Title 10 of the Ojai Municipal Code, the zoning code's extension provisions, with the modification that an application for extension must be approved by the same entity that approved the original project.

Repair of Landmarks - Section 4-8.04, 4-8.20 and 4-8.22. Add a detailed definition of ordinary repair and maintenance. At present, repair of a landmark does not require a work permit, but the term repair is not defined clearly. Proposed definition is intended to allow a landmark property owner to maintain the property and keep it in good condition without having to secure a major or minor work permit, but still ensuring that any work which could change its appearance or negatively impact a character-defining element is reviewed via a major or minor work permit. Property owners would be required to keep landmark properties in good condition.

Sites of Merit — Section 4-8.13. Proposed changes would elevate sites of merit above the current designation-only status and instead add additional approval requirements for work on a site of merit. These changes require careful consideration because this would be a fundamental alteration to the status of sites of merit, which are presently solely a list of sites deemed worthy of special recognition by the Commission and approved by the City Council. •

Require notice to the property owner and a public hearing before the Commission may recommend and City Council may approve listing a property as a site of merit.

■ Require proposed demolitions of sites of merit to be reviewed and approved by the Historic Preservation Commission. ■ Require exterior modifications to sites of merit to be approved by the Planning Commission via a Design Review Permit after the applicant prepares a Historic Resources Report and the Historic Preservation Commission reviews and comments on that report. o

Staff recommends that the Commission consider these changes carefully, as these revisions would be a significant change in the status of sites of merit, imposing significant restrictions on these properties that are presently not under any restriction due to status as a site of merit. Moreover, for these restrictions to be effective on any property, the Commission would need to recommend and the City Council would need to approve the designation of a property as a site of merit after notice to the property owner and a public hearing. This is because any currently designated sites of merit were designated as sites of merit with the explicit provision that the property would not be subject to any restrictions as a result of that status. With these proposed changes, this would no longer be true, requiring new Council approval of all sites of merit for these restrictions to be legally enforceable.

Landmark and Historic District Nominations - Section 4-8.08. Add a requirement for a professionally prepared historic resources report that identifies character-defining elements for all proposed nominations of landmarks and historic districts.

Landmark and Historic District Nominations - Section 4-8.08. Allow an applicant to withdraw a landmark or historic district nomination application before the public hearing starts.

Landmark and Historic District Nominations - Section 4-8.08. Clarify current provision regarding work

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during landmark nomination consideration to require that all work be stopped on the site during the time period between the application being deemed complete and the Council's decision on the proposed landmark, not to exceed 90 days. •

Landmark and Historic District Declarations — Section 4-8.09. Add a requirement that the Council resolution declaring a landmark or historic district identify the character-defining elements of the landmark or historic district in detail.

Landmark and Historic District Declarations — Section 4-8.09. Permit Council to update an existing landmark declaration resolution to add a clear identification of the landmark's character-defining elements.

Landmark and Historic District Declarations — Section 4-8.09. Delete the unenforceable requirement that an applicant wait twelve months before completing work on a landmark.

Commission's Secretary & Agency Notification - Section 4-8.21. Revise the reference to the Commission's Secretary in the requirement to notify public agencies that own property in the City of the responsibilities involved in owning landmark properties to instead be a reference to the Community Development Department, as the Commission does not have a designated Secretary at present.

The motion PASSED as follows: AYES: Quinn, Aikens, McCredie Hill, NOES: James, Voogd ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Convery

Chair McCredie renumbered Items #4 and #5 Discussion Item , 5. Proposed Sarzotti Park Master Plan Update Chair McCredie turned the time over to Planner Winegar who introduced Sophocles Cotsis, Parks and Recreation Director to make a presentation and mentioned he is aware of the historic structures on the property being the Boyd Center building and the quansit hut. Commission questions or comments Commissioner Hill • Would highly recommend the maintaining of the Boyd Center building. Vice Chair Aikens • Was expressed his gratitude to Director Cotsis for the great plan that was presented. • Agrees the Boyd Center and quansit hut should be preserved. Motion: Commissioner Voogd moved and Vice Chair Aikens seconded the motion to state "Having heard the presentation by Sophocles Cotsis, Parks and Recreation Director, on July 14, 2016, wishes to note its concern about preservation of the Boyd Center and quansit hut and would hope that the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council give full consideration to their possible preservation, movement, or other protection:"

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The motion passed as follows: AYES: Aikens, Hill, James, McCredie, Quinn, Voogd NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Convery


Annual Historic Preservation Award Nomination Chair McCredie turned the time over to Planner Winegar to review staffs recommendations. 1 Deliberate on the nominees; and 2. Identify one candidate for the Historic Preservation Award and/or Lifetime Achievement Award for 2016; and 3. Discuss assigning a Commissioner to develop a biography for the award; and Direct staff to prepare a Resolution to recommend the award winner to City Council and bring it back to the next Historic Preservation Commission meeting for approval Commission questions or comments Commissioner Quinn • Wanted to nominate Terry Tallent, author of "Making the Reata." • She explained some of Terry Tallent's accomplishments. Commissioner Hill • Agrees with the nomination of Patricia Weinberger.

Motion: Vice Chair Aikens moved with no seconded to nominate Patricia Weinberger The motion passed as follows: AYES: Aikens, Hill, James, McCredie, Quinn, Voogd NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Convery Informational Items Future Agenda Items Planner Winegar reported on the status of the two historic resources survey on City Hall and Chaparral High School are anticipated to be complete around the first of September. Commissioner Voogd would like the Historic Landmark list to be reviewed for accuracy. He also wanted added to a future agenda the opportunity to suggest certain terms for the term sheet. City Attorney Summers recommended to Commission Voogd if he has thoughts on the term sheet for the City Council for the proposed amendments to Ojai Municipal Code Title 4, Chapter 8, related to Cultural and Historic Preservation, that he submit his recommendations to the City Council directly as a single Commissioner, the for the Commission.

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Commissioner Hill would like "Points of Interest/Sites of Merit": Train Station, Olive Mill, Ojai Fire, etc.be on for added as a discussion item on some future agenda. Planning Report City Attorney reported on behalf of City Council Liaison Severo Lara, as Council Member Lara needed to leave earlier in the meeting. Commissioner Comments Chair McCredie announced the HPCs involvement in Ojai Day working at the Historic Jail. Council Liaison The City Attorney reported on behalf of City Council Liaison Severo Lara, as Council Member Lara needed to leave earlier in the meeting. Adjournment There being no further business brought before the Commission, Chair McCredie adjourned the meeting at 10:00 pm.

Prepared and submitted by: th Approved by:

Wold AICP, Communi Development Director

UX/Ca Darwin McCredie, Historic Preservation Commission, Chair

July 14, 2016 Regular Meeting.pdf

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