June 3, 2018 Sunday Mass: Vigil 4:00pm; 9:00am, 11:00am Weekday Mass: 9:00am - Except Wednesday Morning Prayer 8:45am Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Confessions Available First Saturday Mass: 9:00am

St. Athanasius Church 300 Haverhill St, Reading, 01867 Monday - Friday 9am-4pm www.StAthanasiusReading.org [email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading Twitter: twitter.com/StAsReading

Phone: 781-944-0330 Fax: 781-944-1266

Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:153:45pm and during Eucharistic Adoration. Baptism: Celebrated the 3rd Sunday at 2pm. Call to register for Baptism Prep. Anointing of the Sick: Notify the office when a person is seriously ill. Extraordinary Ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to the homebound. Marriage: Call at least 6 months in advance of your wedding.

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

June 3, 2018

Please pray for our military and civilians who defend our freedom, especially: The 26th “Yankee” Brigade, and 1st Lts. Ryan & Nolan Johnson, US Army, Patrick Cavanaugh, PFC Christopher Lewis, CPL.Brenden Amico, Justin Whitmarsh, PFC Michael Goddard, Chaplain Tom Whiteman, Brian Basso US. Army, USMC Captain Zachary Johnson,LCPL Dean Lepore

Saturday, June 2 9:00am First Saturday Mass 4:00pm Janice Steele Memorial Sunday, June 3 9:00am Mass for the People 11:00am Clara Walsh Memorial Monday, June 4 9:00am Corazon Dingcong Memorial Tuesday, June 5 9:00am Rev. Gregory Staab Memorial Thursday, June 7 9:00am Jean Perry Memorial Friday, June 8 9:00am Fr . Edwin Condon Memorial Saturday, June 9 4:00pm Bernard R. Silva Jr. 1st Year Memorial Sunday, June 10 9:00am Patricia Yetman & Thomas Murray Memorial 11:00am Mass for the People

Remember those in need of prayers, especially: Maryann Lucerto, Margaret Sumner, John Cadigan, Pat K & Family, Marie Brown, JDF & Family, Patrick & Brianna, Rick Q, Trudy, Sean T, Dianne, Dina Luongo, Anne B,Katy, Bernadette, Bryan, Guarino Family, Robert D, Richard D, Steve R, Nowicki family, Scott, Trudy, Carla, Patrick M, Matthew, Paula, Marie M, Sheila S, Bob C, Rose, Dom, Daniel, Sandra Cadigan, Lindsey, Matt & Chloe, Margie M, Kelly G, Frank G, Ben Goodhue, Jeff Eble, Peter, James B, John M, Christine M, Sheila D, Richard Rossi, Dottie Dillon, Richard, Andrew, Thomas, Anna W, Mary M, Terry G, Larry Y, Marion M, Phil T, Beth O, Denise S, Martha K, Noreen, Rosemary, Heather, Anne Marie, Barbara G, Tim Ervin and family, Barbara, Daniel, Asher, Brian,Caitlyn, Sue, Jill, Frank Thomas, Ryan Smith, Johnson Family, Elliott Family, Olivia Harper Johnson, Malin Family, Danny, Joan.B, Josephine.S, Bob Curran, David W, Morgan L, Enzo, David, Chip Case, Ed. S, Frank F ,Eddie, Ed .S, Marie M, Stephen O’Neill, Maddy M, Elijah & Family, Joel Rivera , Baby Wally, Diane S , Nancy, Costa Family, David Brey , Holly Benson, Pitman Family

SPECIAL DONATIONS: Altar Flowers : In Memory of Bernard R. Silva Jr. Week of 6-10-18

These names will stay in the Prayer Corner until Sunday, July 2nd - Call the office or email [email protected] to add or renew a name of your loved ones on the list.

S CRIPTURE 3 4 5 6 7 8

SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

9 Sat 10 SUN




Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 2 Pt 1:2-7/Mk 12:1-12 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Mk 12:13-17 2 Tim 1:1-3, 6-12/Mk 12:18-27 2 Tim 2:8-15/Mk 12:28-34 Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/Jn 19:31-37 2 Tm 4:1-8/Lk 2:41-51 Gn 3:9-15/2 Cor 4:13—5:1/Mk 3:20-35

Mass Attendance Last Week: 428 Last Week Offertory: $ 5471 Next Week 2nd Collection= Deficit Reduction


St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

June 3, 2018

Parish Happenings !!!!


Sea Glass Workshop 6-16-18 Artistic skills are NOT required! The workshop leaders from Create & Escape provide the materials and guidance you need to create your own unique sea glass masterpiece!


June 2 & 3rd

Sat & Sun Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive After All Masses

All skill levels welcome!

June 15 Fri

Farewell To Fr.C Dinner Event @ Hillview Country Club


June 24 Sun

Summer Kickoff and Farewell to Fr. C Picnic


Choose the size of your project: 5x7” - $35; 8x10” $48 & then start thinking up your design. Reserve your spot by 6/4/18 Call 781-835-6120 or email [email protected] to register and for payment details Follow Saturday Night Club on Facebook for more details and ideas to inspire your creativity!

Coffee Hour Please Consider Hosting !! We are always in need of hosts

A nice way to relax with friends from our parish. Contact Sophie at 781-944-9085 or sign up in the Parish Center for June & July

Donation Opportunities Deacon Dalmatics (Memorialized) $500.00 Four total, each a different color to match the priest’s vestments.

Join us for Eucharistic Adoration at St. Athanasius Every Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm With Confession 3

Heating Oil (1 week)


1 Month of Altar candles


Flowers for the week


Bread & Wine for the week


St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

June 3, 2018


WELCOME SUMMER PICNIC - FAREWELL TO FATHER COLARUSSO Please join us after Father Colarusso's final Mass at our Parish as we welcome summer and bid farewell to Father Colarusso. Food and drink will be provided but we welcome side dishes. Sign up sheets will be in the back of the Church for anyone interested in bringing a side dish. SUNDAY - JUNE 24 , 12:00 NOON ST. ATHANASIUS LAWN RSVP THE OFFICE - 781-944-0330 PLEASE SPECIFY PICNIC

Attention ... All Religious Ed Families LATE FEE SOON APPROACHING on JUNE 17th ! Registration is NOW open - for the 2018-2019 school year ! *** Please Consider teaching and receive 25% off of the tuition fee*** If you need a form please call the office at 781-944-0330 or go online In addition: Forms and payments can be done on our website at www.stathanasiusreading.org once there ,you can download the form, copy and paste it to word to fill it in and email back to [email protected]


St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

June 3, 2018

The Body and Blood of Christ The soldiers from our area were leaving for active duty overseas and the local television news covered their departure. The reporter asked each one what he was taking with him as a reminder of family and friends back home. The soldiers displayed pictures, lockets of hair, medals and lucky charms of all sorts. Each one took a little piece of home with him, hoping that they would come back, safe and sound. As Jesus prepares to face His crucifixion and death, He gives the Apostles more than just a reminder of Him. He gives them the gift of Himself—His true, real and eternal presence in the sacrament of the Eucharist. His Presence will guide, protect, nurture and heal the Church. Living and true, His Presence will unite people of all time and places into the one Body of Christ. The communion of saints is not something we observe, but the way we live our faith. St. Paul reminds us that Christ offers Himself as the sacrifice for all ages, forming us into His Body, the Church. Through Him, we receive the grace we need. With Him, we proclaim His Gospel. In Him, we draw our strength and purpose. As one Body, we share with each other life and faith, hope and love. It is the gift of His Presence that will lead us safely home.

~James Gaffney, St. George Publishing


St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

June 3, 2018

Pilgrimage to Greece

Parish Staff

Walking in the Footsteps of St. Paul

Pastor ………………………………. Reverend Darin V. Colarusso [email protected]

March 15, 2019

Parochial Vicar………………………..Reverend Patrick Armano [email protected]

Fr. Liias & Fr. Armano, Spiritual Directors

Permanent Deacon………………………….Deacon Neil Sumner [email protected]

Join Fr. Liias and Fr. Armano on an 8 day Pilgrimage to Greece, with an optional 3 day, Greek Island Cruise. Come and journey in the footsteps of St. Paul, as we travel to Thessalonika, Philippi, Corinth and Athens. The optional cruise will include visits to the islands of Santorini, Crete and Myconos. We will also dock in Turkey for the day, to visit the House of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus, and then on to the Isle of Patmos, where St. John wrote the Book of Revelation. An Early Bird Discount will be offered for all deposits received before July 15, 2018. For more information or to obtain a brochure/registration form, please contact Cathy DiPirro at 781-307-2474 or email [email protected]

Permanent Deacon…………..….………… Deacon Matt Baltier [email protected] Administrative Office Manager………………. Kerry Basford [email protected] Director of Religious Ed……………………………….. Jo-Ann Rossi [email protected] Music Director..………………………………………..John Donovan [email protected] Business Manager……………………………………...Janine Castro [email protected] Administrative Assistant ……………………….. Luann Barretto [email protected] Youth Ministry……………………………………….Brad Agostinelli [email protected] Religious Ed Administrative Assistant …..Michele Barrette [email protected]

Submissions for our bulletin are by Monday 9am [email protected]

June 3 ~ Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ This weekend we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi – the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is central to our life of faith and the precious gift given to us by Jesus. At the Passover meal of the Last Supper, Jesus took the bread; blessed it, broke it, gave it to his disciples, and now He gave it to us, his disciples. Each time we gather for Mass and receive the Body and Blood of Christ we are sent forth to be the Body of Christ to others. As you leave Mass today, ask for the grace to carry Christ’s presence with you to your family, friends and co-workers

READING FOOD PANTRY Suggestions for JUNE Salad Dressing, Juice Boxes, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Canned Tuna and Chicken, Paper Towels, snacks Caring for the needs of our Community


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D a v e C o lb y J u n io r P r o g ra m

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Pilot Bulletins

Saint Athanasius, Reading, MA


June 3, 2018 - The Boston Pilot

Jun 3, 2018 - of Himself—His true, real and eternal presence in the sacrament of the Eucharist. ... with each other life and faith, hope and love. It is the gift of ...

2MB Sizes 0 Downloads 385 Views

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Jun 10, 2018 - Once our covering priest determines a day and ... Today's scriptures remind us that even when we try to hide from God because of our failings ...

June 10, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 10, 2018 - Take a few moments today to pray again, the opening prayer of today's Mass: “O God, from whom ... on you in our need, may at your prompting discern what is right, and by ... At the young age of 7, Fr. Nieme lost his mother.

June 17, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 17, 2018 - Call to register ... Sunday, July 2nd - Call the office or email .... Thank you for all you've done to support me in my service of God and work with ...

June 17, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 17, 2018 - Lumber & Plywood. Andersen Windows. Doors & Molding. Paint & Stain. Kitchen Cabinets. Free Delivery. 164 Chestnut STREET • N.READING.

June 12, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 12, 2016 - Call the office or email. [email protected] ... Hosted by the St. Athanasius Men's Group. Grilled Meat & cigars. Starts at 6 pm. Bring Beverages. Donations Welcome. Saturday June 25th. Summer Kickoff. Pizza Party and

June 25, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 25, 2017 - Last week I received a phone call from our regional bishop, Bishop Mark .... dinner at Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence are on Saturdays 6/24, 7/29, and 8/19. .... Licensed Nursing 24 hours a day • Recreational Therapy ...

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Jun 18, 2017 - Can we do the good works our faith calls us to do, .... Coffee Hour ... dinner at Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence are on Saturdays 6/24, 7/29, ...

June 12, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 12, 2016 - www.StAthanasiusReading.org. [email protected]. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/. StAthanasiusReading. Twitter: twitter.com/StAsReading. Phone: 781-944-0330. Fax: 781-944-1266. Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:15-. 3:45pm and du

June 11, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 11, 2017 - We have a group communication program using text messaging called Remind. ... bravely gave their lives in service ... Kids Get in Free.

June 18, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 18, 2017 - and social service agencies that provide assistance to the poor, the hungry, immigrants .... Social Media ... For Advertising call 617-779-3771.

June 4, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 4, 2017 - facebook.com/StAthanasiusReading .... But why did Christ call the grace of the Spirit water? .... work. This feast reminds us that the Holy Spirit has poured upon us the gifts we need to ... For Advertising call 617-779-3771.

June 4, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 4, 2017 - be generous and support these seminarians on their journey toward their .... Get youth ministry updates via texts right to your phone. Your cell ...

June 25, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 25, 2017 - Sunday, July 3rd. Call the office or email .... you did not receive an email please call the office at. 781-944-0330. ..... St. Athanasius with this Ad.

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June 18, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 18, 2017 - our contribution to the common good of all Americans. ... more than that our God-given right to religious liberty be respected. .... Social Media.

June 4, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 4, 2017 - service, we pray, as future priests. We are ... you did not receive an email please call the office at .... Automatic Delivery • 24-Hr. Burner Service.

June 25, 2017 - The Boston Pilot
Jun 25, 2017 - Last week I received a phone call from our regional bishop, Bishop Mark O'Connell, ... good things for our two parishes and our beloved community on behalf of Our Lord. ..... Holistic Business and Personal Financial Planning.

July 3, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
3 Jul 2016 - Christopher Lewis, Lcpl Brenden. Amico, Cpl. 3rd Class Christopher. Donohue, Justin Whitmarsh. Remember those in need of prayers, ... G., Dillon R., Mr. Blunt, Denise B., Ann Swift, Molly, Rob,. Guy, Denis Hebert, Babies Max and Nate, Mi

April 3, 2016 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 3, 2016 - Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ .... business hours. Please contact the Parish office at .... For Advertising call 617-779-3771. Pilot Bulletins.

January 7, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
5 days ago - Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:15-. 3:45pm and during Eucharistic. Adoration. Baptism: Celebrated the 3rd. Sunday at 1pm. Call to register for Baptism Prep. Anointing of the Sick: Notify the office when a person is seriously ill. Extraordin

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6 days ago - Michael Goddard, Chaplain Tom Whiteman, Brian Basso. US. .... another one opens with the promise that through it all, the Lord will be with us.

April 8, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 8, 2018 - AT READING. SHORT TERM REHABILITATION. LONG TERM CARE. 1364 Main Street, Reading, MA 01867. Call for your private tour 781-942-1210. At Wingate at Reading, we're dedicated to maintaining a close connection to our community and offering

January 14, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Jan 14, 2018 - POWR Winter Clothing Drive. The Reading POWR group welcomed a family of three adult male Ethiopian refugees on December 20, and has been helping the family to learn about life in the. U.S. They are in desperate need of warm clothing. T

April 1, 2018 - The Boston Pilot
Apr 1, 2018 - again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures,” obviously refers to Our Lord and to that first Easter morning. However, that final line ... God, it's not that difficult a miracle-- no different than any other action He does