What’s Next? Top Web Design Trends in 2018   As we spend more and more time online, keeping track of the latest trends in S ​ earch  Engine Optimisation​ website creation becomes a marker of good taste for both  professional designers and ordinary web users.   

    In this article, we will see how graphic trends evolve and how technology transforms our  daily routines into breathtaking experiences.    Take a minute to dive into our collection of web design templates that are crafted for the  future.    Cleaner Layouts and Bold Typography   


    In 2018, ​Search Engine Optimisation​ web designers will be competing for mobile users by  reducing load time to bare minimum. We expect layouts become even cleaner and more  conversion-centered than in 2017. Users will not be tired by complex, flashy elements,  instead, we will see very catchy headlines and calls to action set against ample negative  space. Original typefaces will be pushing graphics and 3D animation out of the spotlight.    Bottom Menus and Sticky Elements    Hamburger menus are still in trend, but many web designers have come to prefer  tab-based navigation placed at the bottom of the page. As you might have guessed by now,  this is due to people getting used to bottom navigation icons on their mobile devices and  tablets. Sticky call to action elements will follow users as they scroll down the pages, which  will lead to increased conversions.   


Modules and Irregular Grids    Modular S ​ earch Engine Optimisation​ layouts reached their peak popularity in 2017.  Designers use them to structure text content and visuals into cohesive and balanced  stories. With a shift towards geometry ever increasing, websites in 2018 will feature mosaic  grids and chaotic card layouts. Many designs will include images and chunks of text  organized into irregular yet mobile-friendly geometrical patterns.   

    Longer Content  Forms    Recently, website  visitors have  become more  willing to scroll  and scan  through  long-form  content. Search  engine  optimization  requires building website designs around content and going “below the fold”.         

Personalization    Modern S ​ earch Engine Optimisation​ websites collect much data about us and our browsing  history. Consumers are used to being called by the name and shown specific content  depending on location, past purchases, etc. With machine learning tracking behavior  patterns, visitors will continue getting unique user experiences and becoming emotionally  attached to brands.    Cinemagraphs    We have gotten used to screen-wide videos that welcome us on many websites. In 2018,  cinemagraphs will take over to keep users entertained and focused on key converting  points. These animated images are most functional on product pages where they allow  showing certain elements of a product in motion or at a different angle. Cinemagraphs load  much faster than videos, so that is a perfect match for modern lightweight websites.   

      Scalable Vector Graphics    JPGs, PNGs, and GIFs slow pages down, so we will see them replaced by scalable vector  graphics. SVGs do not harm website’s ​Search Engine Optimisation​ performance, and their  quality remains intact after scaling the image to fit a mobile screen. 



    Micro Interactions    Micro interactions are the options for action available to a user without reloading the entire  page.  They include:    ● providing feedback or leaving a “like”  ● writing a comment  ● changing page setting  ● dealing with user errors 

  We will also see a lot of web application features, such as push notifications and splash  screens, embedded into websites. This trend aims at building a strong relationship with  each user and encouraging them to spend more time on the site.    Animated Typography    In 2018, large animated buttons and images will give way to scroll-triggered animation  focused on typography. Most layouts will feature animated logos, headlines, and calls to  action while remaining static and clean. Another one will keep visitors scrolling in awe.     Virtual Reality Videos    Screen-wide background videos and video intros were trending in 2017. They will be taken  to the next level and made interactive. With 360 videos, video mapping, and augmented  reality videos embedded into many web pages, viewers will be getting used to spectacular  and comprehensive digital brand experiences.    Negative space typeface    One of the most trending S ​ earch Engine Optimisation​ effects is the combination of bold  typefaces with negative space. Photo backgrounds and images lurk through the letters  creating a deep and vibrant impression.   


    Gradients and Double Exposure    Extensive use of bright colors will mark the 2018 ​Search Engine Optimisation​ web designs.  Gradients have made a comeback since the early 2000s, only to be combined with double  exposure background photos.    Merging two photos into one, placing one monochrome image on top of another, or adding  colored shades – these graphic design trends will determine the look and feel of many  websites next year.   


Corrupted Images    Designers will also seek S ​ earch Engine Optimisation​ to overwhelm and shock viewers with  ruined images and “glitch” effects.Using color channels, they will create websites that  resemble horror movie scenes or hallucinations. Reality distortions and ruined aesthetics  will rule the show in 2018.   

    Contact Details    All Round Marketing Solutions  113 Goldcroft  Yeovil  Somerset  BA21 4DE  Website: h ​ ttp://www.allroundmarketingsolutions.co.uk  Google Folder: h ​ ttps://goo.gl/vwzwxd  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv8qAi-QfVQ    Recommended Links    lead generation report  lead generation report template  lead generation representative  lead generation responsibilities  lead generation resume 

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Modules and Irregular Grids. Modular Search Engine Optimisation layouts reached their peak popularity in 2017. Designers use them to structure text content and visuals into cohesive and balanced. stories. With a shift towards geometry ever increasing, websites in 2018 will feature mosaic. grids and chaotic card layouts.

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