Administrative Procedure 214 – Appendix B
LEARNER SUPPORT PLANS The district recognizes the need to provide specialized supports and services for identified diverse learners with behavioural, communication, language, intellectual, learning or physical characteristics that exhibit diverse learning needs. This may include those students who have the need for special health care services, as well as, those who are gifted and talented. The Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#001/2013) of the government of Alberta indicates the goal for an inclusive kindergarten to Grade 12 education is “to inspire all students to achieve success and fulfilment and reach their full potential by developing the competencies of Engaged Thinkers and Ethical Citizens with an Entrepreneurial Spirit who contribute to a strong and prosperous economy and society.” The district fulfils this mandate to include all students through Learner Support Plans for those who have been identified as requiring specialized programs, supports and/or services. Procedures 1. The Learner Support Plan (LSP) replaces the Individualized Program Plan (IPP) for students who have been identified as having diverse learning needs. A LSP is a concise plan of action designed to address an individual’s learning needs and is based on diagnostic information and in consultation with the student’s parent/legal guardian or when appropriate, the student. LSPs may be provided in a variety of settings and is based on and modified by the results of continuous assessment and evaluation. Students taking courses for credit are expected to meet the course requirements using the supports and accommodations outlined in the student’s LSP. 2. Homeroom teachers (Elem/JH) and high school teacher advisors are required to create and update a LSP for each student who has been identified as having diverse needs. Diverse learning teachers support the LSP development process. Parents/legal guardians or where appropriate, the students, are to be consulted in the development, implementation and evaluation of the LSPs. 3. For student input, refer to the inventory forms in the Inclusive Education Library which can be downloaded, completed and attached to the LSP. 4. For parent/legal guardian input, refer to the inventory forms in the Inclusive Education Library which can be downloaded, completed and attached to the LSP. 5. LSPs are based on diagnostic information and assessment and may include the following: 5.1
SRT meeting information;
Anecdotal notes;
Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 1 Administrative Procedures Manual
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Behaviour checklist;
LA/Math profile;
Achievement test scores;
Reading and writing samples;
Custody documentation;
Relevant medical information.
6. Intervention strategies may include: 6.1
Required classroom accommodations;
Changes to instructional strategies;
Assessment procedures;
Differentiated materials, resources or equipment;
Transition plans;
A response plan for behavior.
7. District resources for LSPs may include the following Instructional Services teams, as appropriate to the individual student’s needs: 7.1
Special Needs;
Mental Health;
Assistive Technology;
First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI);
English Language Learning (ELL);
District Family Support.
8. A year-end summary must be included with recommendations for the following year. 9. See the LSP Teacher Support Documents (intranet/default.asp?V_ITEM_ID=1209) for a summary of LSP expectations. Approval Date:
April 12, 2016
Section 8, 16.2, 18, 20, 23, 45, 45.1, 47, 48, 60, 61, 62, 96, 113, 123, 124, 125 School Act Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12 Standards for Special Education Standards for the Provision of Early Childhood Special Education Ministerial Order on Student Learning
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Inclusive Education Library
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