Lee Public Schools

Strategic Action Plan 2017-2019

Mission Statement The mission of the Lee Public Schools is to ensure students have the opportunities to develop the social, civil, and critical thinking skills to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Guiding Beliefs We believe …. * The good of our students is at the center of every decision. * The education of our students is a shared priority and responsibility of the school, community and family. * Given the opportunity, every student can reach his or her full potential. * Successes and mistakes are part of the learning process. * Programs, services, and facilities should be of the highest quality and be responsive the changing needs of our local and global communities. * High quality professional development is essential for improving educational practice and maximizing student achievement. * Every member of the school, community, and family deserves to be treated with respect and courtesy. * Reasonable rules of behavior are necessary for the development of self-discipline and personal responsibility. * In a safe, supportive, organized, and equitable environment. * The use of technology supports and enhances teaching and learning. * In promoting broad-based communication and school-family-community partnerships. * In maximizing the available resources to meet the mission statement. * In a standard of excellence throughout the district in all endeavors.

Vision Statement We are united in the belief that our ethical, societal, and fiscal responsibilities are to provide outstanding educational opportunities and facilities. In an atmosphere of respect, compassion, and support, students will reach deeply within themselves to engage in and be responsible for their learning. We are committed to effective and innovative teaching that promotes critical and creative thinking. We will foster collaborative partnerships and maximize community resources to expand options for all students. Ultimately, our graduates will set and meet goals, make healthy and responsible choices, and embrace diversity in order to live with a sense of purpose and readily face the challenges of the future.

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -CURRICULUMCurriculum: To provide an enriched, diverse, and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Strategic Goal: 1.1 Identify and fill gaps in curriculum offerings. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Revise current survey(s) to be given to High School students soliciting feedback on where they see gaps in the High School curriculum. Have students complete surveys in school and provide an exit interview process Compile survey results into a report to be shared with department heads and administrators Departments work to identify gaps in the curriculum using survey results



Completed survey

No Action




Survey administered

No Action



Report submitted

No Action

Postage if mailing is sent home None

Department Heads


No Action

Create a proposal to fill the gaps that have been identified

Department Heads


Report of gaps submitted to building administrators Proposal submitted annually

Address identified curriculum gaps in School Improvement Plans (SIP) Develop an ELA program at the Elementary School

School Councils


No Action

Principal Consultants Department Heads Teachers

By June 2018

SIPS with gaps addressed Outline of curriculum at each level with Model Curriculum Units (MCSs) added where Mass State Frameworks is needed

No Action

In progress at LES; pilot of MCU with protocol of unit preparation and analysis of success

PD time provided for departments to meet together None unless new curriculum needs to be written None Consultation and material costs from curriculum coordination and subject lines

Note: Acknowledge the survey process, tools, recipients, and intended outcomes vary between the two schools.

Pg. 1

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -CURRICULUMCurriculum: to provide an enriched, diverse, and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Strategic Goal: 1.2 Identify and implement curriculum needs for students in transition from grade 6 to grade 7. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Establish a transition committee consisting of teachers from grades 6 and 7

District Cabinet

September 2015

Review and revise curriculum in grades 6 and 7 relative to meeting common core standards

Transition Committee District Cabinet

Analyze achievement data in grades 6 and 7 to identify strengths and gaps in the transition Recommendation made to close identified gaps in the curriculum

Indicators of Accomplishment Committee created


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources




No Action


Transition Committee District Cabinet


No Action


Transition Committee District Cabinet


No Action


Strengths and gaps of students identified

Pg. 2

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -CURRICULUMCurriculum: To provide an enriched, diverse, and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Strategic Goal: 1.3 Plan for enriched and innovative offerings. Action Steps

Evaluate current half-year elective offerings and determine whether or not they should be continued

Person(s) Responsible Department Heads Principals Guidance



Indicators of Accomplishment Suggestions and Recommendations documented and shared with appropriate people



Projected Expenses and Funding Sources None

Pg. 3

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -CURRICULUMCurriculum: to provide an enriched, diverse, and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Strategic Goal: 1.4 Develop and implement a district-wide curriculum review and update process. Action Steps

Review all reports, prioritize what gaps need to be filled and determine how needs can be addressed

Person(s) Responsible Department Heads Cabinet



Indicators of Accomplishment Plan in place to fill gaps in the curriculum


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Both ongoing Possible stipends for writing curriculum

Pg. 4

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -CURRICULUMCurriculum: To provide an enriched, diverse, and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all students. Strategic Goal: 1.5 Ensure technology is integrated into the curriculum. Action Steps

Make tech support personnel available during all teaching periods to assist with the set-up, use, and trouble-shooting of technology resources Provide reliable internet access, sufficient lab facilities and access to web resources that are educationally relevant Ideas shared between teachers and departments about ways technology is being integrated into classrooms

Develop a multi-year model to review and revise curriculum.

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources Position created and/or current staff made available Possible stipends for trainers

Tech and Building Administrators Building Principals Superintendent Tech Subcommittee Department Heads Tech Subcommittee


Support person in place

Both Ongoing


Trainings scheduled and publicized

Both Ongoing


Both Ongoing


Cabinet/Dept. Heads


Document created with ideas and best practices regarding technology in the classroom – made available to all teachers Model created and implemented

Math completed Science completed


Pg. 5

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNING Teaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.1 Ensure that time and resources are available for high quality professional development that reflects the needs of the district and the staff and meets the requirements of federal mandates. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Topics of P.D. offerings are established each year with input from teachers, staff, and other districts as well as state and federal mandates

Cabinet Department Heads Southern Berkshire Superintendents


Schedule of offerings


Participate in county-wide P.D. for special subjects

County Principals Directors Superintendents


Schedule of offerings each year



Develop a Professional Development (P.D.) calendar with common P.D. dates among the six Southern Berkshire districts

Southern Berkshire Superintendents Cabinet Teachers


Schedule of offerings



Pg. 6

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNINGTeaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.2 Use Student Data to Drive Decision Making in the Areas of Curriculum and Instruction. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Use scientific-based data to drive instruction

Principals Directors Team Leaders Staff


Evidence of data analysis


Calculated each year as part of the budget process

Maintain the process of using data driven instruction and curriculum in K-6, ELA, Math and RTI

Elementary Principal and Staff


Physical list compiled, teacher supervision/evaluation


No cost

Ensure that all teachers are using data to drive their classroom instruction

Principals Staff


Compiled list, teacher supervision/evaluation


No cost

Pg. 7

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNINGTeaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.3 Provide challenging educational PreK-12 programs with instructional resources that meet individual needs. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Review and revise 7-12 program of studies each year, and PreK-6 on a five-year plan

Principals Department Heads SPED Director


Completed program of studies


Develop study groups with department heads as chairs which will research additional instructional resources available for interventions and extensions (challenge) in all content areas

Cabinet Department Heads


Additional resources are developed and published


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

No cost for study group time. Material purchases come out of budgeted subject supply lines.

Pg. 8

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNINGTeaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.4 Increase student achievement in all grades. Action Steps

Ensure that the curriculum in all areas follows the Massachusetts State Standards by having updated pacing guides/curriculum maps

Person(s) Responsible Cabinet Department Heads Teachers


Indicators of Accomplishment


Updated pacing guides and curriculum maps


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Updated pacing guides were only possible for Math and Science (other subjects didn’t exist) Math done LES. LMHS? All LMHS subjects will have curriculum maps by June 2015

No cost beyond contractual prep time and P.D. time used for the purpose

Pg. 9

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNINGTeaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.4 (Cont’d) Increase student achievement in all grades. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Survey not done. LES and LMHS did PARCC tryout in Spring of 2014 Ongoing

Ensure that students are familiar with any new test formats and strategies

All Staff


Survey students – exit data

Implement the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation System

All Professional Staff


Completed evaluations for all professional staff

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources No cost

No cost

Pg. 10

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNINGTeaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.5 Provide challenging educational Pre-K – 12 programs with instructional resources that meet individual learning needs. Action Steps

Identify what instructional resources are presently used at each grade level for intervention and extension (challenge) in all content areas. Develop study groups with department heads as chairs, which will research additional resources that are available for interventions and extensions (challenge) in all content areas.

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Department Heads


List of resources


No cost

Cabinet Department Heads


List of additional resources

To be done at LMHS in 15-16, but Curriculum Teams established at LES since 2012 and in SPED department since 2014 that address instructional resource needs within PLCs

No cost for study group time. Materials purchases come out of budgeted subject supply lines.

Pg. 11

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TEACHING AND LEARNINGTeaching and Learning: To maximize student achievement by utilizing effective teaching that challenges and meets the needs of all learners. Strategic Goal: 2.5 (Cont’d) Provide challenging educational Pre-K – 12 programs with instructional resources that meet individual learning needs. Action Steps

Department Heads will make recommendations for additional programs to be implemented/purchased through regular Department Head Meetings

Person(s) Responsible Cabinet Department Heads


Indicators of Accomplishment


Additional programs are accessible to teachers and students


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

To be done at LMHS in 15-16, but Curriculum Teams established at LES since 2012 and in SPED department since 2014 that address instructional resource needs within PLCs

No cost for study group time. Materials purchases come out of budgeted subject supply lines.

Pg. 12

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TECHNOLOGYTechnology: To employ a variety of technologies as integral components of district curricula, administrative operations, and community partnerships. Strategic Goal: 3.1 Commitment to a Clear Vision and Implementation Strategies Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


A vision subcommittee will be created by the Technology Committee

Tech Sub-Committee

Fall 2014

Sub-Committee vision created


Proposed statement presented to Technology Committee for ratification

Tech Sub-Committee

Fall 2015

Statement ratified


Ratified vision will be presented to School Committee for adoption

Tech Sub-Committee School Committee

Spring 2016

Adoption by school committee


Vision statement will be distributed to faculty, students and community

Tech Sub-Committee

Fall 2016

Vision statement distributed

Spring 2017

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Pg. 13

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TECHNOLOGYTechnology: To employ a variety of technologies as integral components of district curricula, administrative operations, and community. Strategic Goal: 3.2 Technology Integration and Literacy Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible

Fully integrate Google application for education (G-Suite) in both schools


Continue to explore and identify new technologies for school use

Tech Sub-Committee Principals/Staff

Email accounts created for Lee Middle & High School students

Tech Support (Marie Locke)

District library media specialists will be certified in Instructional Technology


Indicators of Accomplishment


2015-2017 Google apps School integrated Years Ongoing Technologies identified and implemented Fall 2015 Accounts created

In Progress

Library and Media Specialists

Fall 2015

Certificate achieved


Formation of Technology Integration Committee (TIC)

Superintendent/Tech Sub-Committee

Spring 2016

TIC formed


Email accounts established for Lee Elementary School educational use

Tech Support

Fall 2016

Accounts created


District technology committee will make recommendation to the School Committee

District Tech Committee

Recommendations Adopted


TIC will complete a K-12 technology curriculum

Principals/Tech Sub-Committee

Curriculum Completed


Fall 2017

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

In Progress


Pg. 14

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TECHNOLOGYTechnology: To employ a variety of technologies as integral components of district curricula, administrative operations, and community. Strategic Goal: 3.3 Technology Professional Development Action Steps

TAST will be administered to LPS faculty

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Principals/ Tech Sub-Committee TIC Members

Spring 2016 Spring 2016

TAST administered


Tiered plans developed


TIC will present proposed technology professional development plan

TIC Members

Spring 2016

PD plan presented


Expansion of Technology Committee to include at least one parent


Fall 2016

Parent appointed


TIC will make recommendations for PLCs and coaching supports

TIC Members

Fall 2016

Recommendations made for PLCs


TIC will make recommendations to Technology Committee on PD

TIC Members

Fall 2016

Recommendations on PD made


TIC will present strategy to Technology Committee

TIC Members

Fall 2016

Strategies made


TIC will develop tiered support plans for faculty and staff

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Pg. 15

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TECHNOLOGYTechnology: To employ a variety of technologies as integral components of district curricula, administrative operations, and community. Strategic Goal: 3.4 Accessibility of Technology Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


LPS campus band with expanded

Wally Computers

Fall 2015

Wireless expanded throughout the LPS campus

Wally Computers

Bring Your Own Device program supplemented with LPS equipment

Principal of LMHS/ Tech Support

Technology Committee will make recommendation to School Committee Submission of annual technology upgrade/maintenance budget

Indicators of Accomplishment


In Progress

Spring 2016 Fall 2016

Bandwidth expanded to 100 Wireless available for all stakeholders BYOD’s being used

Tech Sub-Committee

Fall 2016

Recommendation made


Principals/Tech Support (Marie Locke)

Spring 2017

Budget submitted to Superintendent


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Completed Completed

Pg. 16

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -TECHNOLOGYTechnology: To employ a variety of technologies as integral components of district curricula, administrative operations, and community. Strategic Goal: 3.5 E-Learning and Communications Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Bi-Annual review by administration and library media specialists

Principals/Library Media Specialists

Fall 2015Ongoing

Review Completed


Agenda item discussed during Labor/Management meetings annually

LEA Reps/ Superintendent

Fall 2015Ongoing

Meetings held with agenda items


Wireless expanded throughout the LPS campus

Wally Computer TIC Members

Wireless expanded For use PD plan presented


TIC will present proposed technology professional development plan

Spring 2016 Spring 2016

Bring Your Own Device program supplemented with LPS equipment

Principal LMHS/ Tech Support

Fall 2016

BYOD’s being used


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources


Pg. 17

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -COMMUNITYCommunity: To develop and nurture dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with the Greater Community. Strategic Goal: 4.1 Encourage the reactivation of the Lee Youth Commission in conjunction with the Lee Youth Association. Action Steps

Reactivation of the Lee Commission in conjunction with the Lee Youth Association

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources


Pg. 18

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -COMMUNITYCommunity: To develop and nurture dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with the greater community. Strategic Goal: 4.2 Expand and maintain relationships with businesses within the greater community. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible

Development of monthly student publication to provide information on school and community events

Dan Korte Gregg Brighenti

Community service projects identified and addressed

Honor Society Advisor

Connection with businesses to allow students to “shadow” careers (Ground Hog Day for Juniors) College Fair and Career Fair for students


Implementation of “Bionic Week”, “Believe It Or Not, We Care” Students providing service to businesses that helped the Middle and High School during the year

Art Reilly Gregg Brighenti


LYA Job/College Career Seminar


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Complete and Ongoing Complete and Ongoing Complete and Ongoing Complete and Ongoing Complete and Ongoing

Regular and ongoing publications

Complete and Ongoing


Completion of identified projects



Annual visit by Juniors to local businesses Scheduling of fairs and attendance by students Annual Student Service (Seniors)







Complete and Ongoing

Success in providing information to students on College/Careers



Pg. 19

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -COMMUNITYCommunity: To develop and nurture dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with the greater community. Strategic Goal: 4.3 Create and implement a robust, effective communication network to market and inform. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment

T.V. production of school activities for the public on public access

Matt Fillio


Shows produced on public access

Development of a computer application by the high school to advertise school and community events online Develop a “Master Calendar” of school events and activities on the district website Develop an annual budget based on the recommendation of the District and School Building Improvement Plans

Gregg Brighenti

Fall 2013

District Office

Fall 2014

Superintendent Cabinet

Spring 2016

Update the District and Building websites

Dan Korte

Fall 2014

Events available online Calendar developed & updated each week Budget will be presented to town as described New website


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Partially accomplished. Published in school only. Completed Completed In Progress




Pg. 20

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -COMMUNITYCommunity: To develop and nurture dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with the greater community. Strategic Goal: 4.4 Tap into the human resources available in our community. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Collaborate with Lee Police Department to provide participation in crisis plans for the school

Principals Superintendent

Complete and Ongoing Complete and Ongoing

Establish communication and collaboration with the Lee Rotary

Art Reilly LES Principal

Establish communication and collaboration with the VFW

HS Principal Superintendent LES Principal

Complete and Ongoing

Establish a partnership with the Sons of Italy

HS Principal LES Principal

Complete and Ongoing

Establish a partnership with the Kiwanis

HS Principal

Complete and Ongoing

Develop a shared services model of human resources with Lenox and/or other districts

School Committee Superintendent

October 2015

Indicators of Accomplishment


Police involvement with the schools

Accomplished and Ongoing

Attending Rotary meetings, exchange of ideas and involvement between the schools and the Rotary Scholarships & financial support for programs from the VFW Funding provided by Sons of Italy for speakers and scholarships Funding provided by Kiwanis for speakers and scholarships Model approval by Lee, Lenox and Berkshire Hills committees

Accomplished and Ongoing

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Partially completed and Ongoing Ongoing




Pg. 21

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -COMMUNITYCommunity: To develop and nurture dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with the greater community. Strategic Goal: 4.5 Maximize the use of public school facilities and municipal resources for broad and beneficial use by the wider community. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Assist town in implementing a master plan to create more athletic fields in the community

Kathy Hall Youth Commission

Fall 2014

Assist town in helping to repair and replace park equipment Collaborate with the town to create fields at Maple Street site

Kathy Hall Youth Commission Kathy Hall Youth Commission

Fall 2014

Provide feedback to the town in the development of fields as part of the solar development

Kathy Hall Youth Commission

Fall 2014

Provide more access to the school buildings for community use; including the gyms, cafeterias, libraries, auditorium and computer access

Building Principals Superintendent

Complete and Ongoing

Fall 2019

Indicators of Accomplishment


Facilities completed and used by the community Equipment upgraded


Facilities completed and used by the community Facilities completed and used by the community Needs requested by the community are addressed

In Progress

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources




Pg. 22

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -COMMUNITYCommunity: To develop and nurture dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with the greater community. Strategic Goal: 4.6 Strengthen parental involvement with sensitivity to the changing needs of our families. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Collaboration with Busy Bees Implementation of the program Program provided students and parents participating

Not Accomplished



Cost of upgrade and additional computers

Expansion of pre-school program for typical students to support parents

Sharon Terry Kate Retzel Superintendent


Establish computer use for parents/students after the school day for homework, college applications, etc.

Building Principals Superintendent LYA


Reactivate the Middle & High School Council including parent participation

Gregg Brighenti


Active committee developing a school improvement plan


Provide monthly survey of parents to solicit needs and concerns.

Building Principals


Survey developed and distributed to parents for input

Developed at Middle and High School

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Pg. 23

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -WELLNESSStudent Wellness: To create an atmosphere that results in social, emotional, physical, and academic health for all students. Strategic Goal: 5.1 Continue to strengthen student services addressing the social/emotional wellness of all students in the Lee Public Schools. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Work with District Attorney to offer Lifeskills program for students grades 3-6 at Lee Elementary School

Janet Warner Jen Carlino Heather Lucy Kate Retzel


Program is in place. On second year for grade 6


None – DA’s office covers cost of program

Building Assistance Team (BAT) formed at Lee Elementary School

Kate Retzel Team Members: Heather Lucy Diane Naventi Rachel Wildrick Jo-Ann Orluk


Team in place and meeting on a regular basis.

Team meets 34 times per month at LES


Character Development at Lee Elementary School using MARC, Social Thinking, & Life Skills curriculum

Kate Retzel Heather Lucy


Schedules set and classes being taught



Acquire then assess Middle and High School Services available and identify personnel used

Gregg Brighenti Bear McHugh


Information compiled



Pg. 24

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -WELLNESSStudent Wellness: To create an atmosphere that results in social, emotional, physical, and academic health for all students. Strategic Goal: 5.2 Continue to strengthen student services addressing the physical wellness of all students in the Lee Public Schools. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Add community resources, school services, student services and health-related websites/activities to web page, handbook and/or Alert Now system Heart Centered Education at LES

Dan Korte Kate Olender


Information on website

Ongoing None

Kate Retzel



Wellness Speaker Series: Each year the Wellness Committee will provide a speaker who will touch upon a wide variety of wellness topics for the middle and high school First grade facilitated play to encourage conflict resolution and increase social skills

Janet Warner Jen Carlino Heather Lucy


Teachers will begin teaching breathing exercises, implement brain breaks and whole body moving into the day Speakers obtained

First grade teachers Heather Lucy Kate Retzel


Facilitated play occurring daily


Using the 5 point scale in the Elementary School to make students more aware of and more comfortable expressing and dealing with their feelings

Heather Lucy Learning and Personal Growth Department Elementary School Faculty


Posters displayed and regularly utilized by students

Ongoing None

Ongoing Wellness Committee obtains funds from outside agencies to fund our speaker series

Pg. 25

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -WELLNESSStudent Wellness: To create an atmosphere that results in social, emotional, physical, and academic health for all students. Strategic Goal: 5.3 Continue to strengthen student services addressing the academic wellness of all students in the Lee Public Schools. Action Steps

Implement Fitnessgram into the PE program to obtain information on students’ fitness and send home 2 times a year Review K-12 Physical Education Curriculum to make comprehensive through all grades; acquire Lenox Public Schools curriculum

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources Cost of Fitnessgram program; yearly expense None – use PD time

Jen Carlino Janet Warner


Test given Information sent home


Jen Carlino Janet Warner Cyndi Brouker Keith Thompson Gregg Brighenti Kate Retzel Wellness committee

Fall 2017

Scheduled, carefully reviewed and modified as needed.

Not done

Currently exploring options


Review Health Curriculum of Lee Public Schools

Keith Thompson Jen Carlino

Fall 2017

Not done

Incorporate stretching, breathing, and health tips into morning meeting/announcements

Diane Naventi Kate Retzel Classroom teachers


Provide health and wellness information for families; binders, flyers, etc.

Heather Lucy Diane Naventi Janet Warner


Review summer reading, math, exercise and nutrition program at LES

Wellness Committee Department Heads


Explore low cost after school activities that can be offered to students (golf, yoga, ballet, martial arts, etc.)

Information given every morning, activities done



Information compiled and given



Review program and make revisions as necessary



Pg. 26

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -WELLNESSStudent Wellness: To create an atmosphere that results in social, emotional, physical, and academic health for all students. Strategic Objective: 5.3 (Cont’d) Continue to strengthen student services addressing the academic wellness of all students in Lee Public Schools Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources None

Review/add to tardy/absent policy at LES (coordinate between LES and LMHS)

Principals School Councils


Reviewed yearly


Behavior/Attendance Incentives *Assemblies *Announcements *”Bucket Filler”

Heather Lucy Patrick Priester Cyndi Brouker Art Reilly


Program in place


Small amount of money for awards?

Before and after school tutoring/extra help at both LES and LMHS

Building principal Classroom teachers


Program in place



Review, enhance and communicate systems addressing at-risk students

BAT team at LES




Pg. 27

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -WELLNESSStudent Wellness: To create an atmosphere that results in social, emotional, physical, and academic health for all students. Strategic Objective: 5.4 Schedule bi-annual meetings with the wellness committee to assess the current Wellness Policy as well as progress being made with objectives 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 and report annually to the Superintendent and the School Committee. Action Steps

Access to MMS for student grades and Lee Public Schools website for homework and important information

Person(s) Responsible

Classroom Teachers Building Principals Dan Korte Kate Olender



Indicators of Accomplishment

Information posted



Projected Expenses and Funding Sources None

Pg. 28

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -FACILITIES AND GROUNDSFacilities and Grounds: To create and maintain facilities and grounds which are safe and meet the needs of teachers, students and the community. Strategic Goal: 6.1 Review and revise maintenance plans and procedures that are efficient and cost effective in the district school buildings. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment Any proposed contract changes will be negotiated Facility Director contract will be adjusted if necessary

Review, assess and propose change of current custodial duties and responsibilities in maintaining LES & LMHS

Facilities Director Building Principals

December 2016

Review, assess and propose change of duties and responsibilities of the Facility Director

Superintendent/ School Committee

December 2016

Use current shared services agreements, to explore shared services opportunities to meet maintenance needs of the school district

Facilities Directors of Lee, Lenox & Berkshire Hills

December 2016

Plan to share and identify services


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources Expenses based on assessment and outcome Expenses based on assessment and outcome

Meeting held with Berkshire Hills 2016

Possible savings for current operations

Pg. 29

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -FACILITIES AND GROUNDSFacilities and Grounds: To create and maintain facilities and grounds which are safe and meet the needs of teacher students and the community. Strategic Goal: 6.2 Identify and address facilities and grounds maintenance and capital issues. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


August 2015 December 2016

Curbs Repaired


Replace boilers at LMHS

Facilities Director/ Superintendent Facilities Director

Boiler Replaced

Repair boiler pumps at LES

Facilities Director

December 2016

Problems identified and repaired

Estimate dev. for capital outlay proposal Issues being identified and assessed

Replace pick-up truck of the district

Facilities Director

July 2017

New Truck

Move district offices to LMHS Secure bleachers at LMHS

Superintendent Facilities Director/ HS Principal Principal/ Superintendent Principals/ Superintendent

July 2016 Fall 2016

Relocation of Offices Bleachers secured to the gym floor System installed and operating RFP sought, system installed and operating

Replace curbing at entrance of LES & LMHS

Repair/replace intercom system at LMHS Repair/replace phone system at LES & LMHS

June 2016 June 2019

Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources


$15,000 - $20,000 Completed 50% Completed Completed

$5,000 $28,000




Pg. 30

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -FACILITIES AND GROUNDSFacilities and Grounds: To create and maintain facilities and grounds which are safe and meet the needs of teacher students and the community. Strategic Goal: 6.2 (Cont’d) Identify and address facilities and grounds maintenance and capital issues. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Address ADA requirements at LPS as identified in Lee Open Space & Recreation transition plan

Facilities Director Superintendent School Committee

Repave path to tennis courts

Facilities Director School Committee Facilities Director School Committee

June 2020

Path Repaired


June 2020

Path Created


Facilities Director School Committee Facilities Director School Committee

June 2020

Picnic Table Installed

June 2018

Restroom Replaced

June 2020

Path Repaired

Repair carpeting in the auditorium

Facilities Director/School Committee Facilities Director


Carpet Repaired


Refurbish curtain in the auditorium

Facilities Director


Curtain Refurbished

No Action

Create new path to softball, soccer & football fields

Install ADA picnic table Replace portable restroom with an ADA accessible one

Repave path to LES Baseball Field (Hartwood)

3 rentals for Fall, Spring, Summer ?

Pg. 31

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -FACILITIES AND GROUNDSFacilities and Grounds: To create and maintain facilities and grounds which are safe and meet the needs of teacher students and the community. Strategic Goal: 6.2 (Cont’d) Identify and address facilities and grounds maintenance and capital issues. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


Repave Elementary School driveway/parking lot? Repaint trim on buildings

Facilities Director Facilities Director

2019 2017

Parking Lot Repaved Trim Completed

No Action Trim Completed

Painting of gym ceiling

Facilities Director


Gym Painted

No Action

Lobby and hallway flooring replacement/refurbishment

Facilities Director


No Action

Create field on Maple Street Property

Facilities Director


Lobby Floor Refurbished Field Created

Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Plan Approved by Conservation Committee

Pg. 32

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT ROLE-

District Superintendent Role: Define the short and long term organizational structure of the district. Strategic Goal: 7.1 Identify, outline and assess the current operation of Lee Public Schools. Action Steps

Form a subcommittee of LPS stakeholders to define the current operational structure and future needs of the district. Define current model of operation through the organization chart, programs, facilities, and goal related to the District Strategic Plan (including successes and gaps.)

Person(s) Responsible


Indicators of Accomplishment


School Committee

April 12, 2016

Committee Formed


District Subcommittee

July 2016

Report accepted by Full Committee


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources

Pg. 33

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT ROLEDistrict Superintendent Role: Define the short and long term organizational structure of the district. Strategic Goal: 7.2 Compare current model at Lee Public Schools to other models to meet long term needs. Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Review and revise the District Vision and Mission


October 2016

Develop pros & cons of : • Current shared services agreement • Superintendent/Duel Role • Shared superintendent with current agreements • Joining a Regional (Berkshire Hills)


December 2016

Indicators of Accomplishment Presented and approved by the School Committee Report provided to the Union #29 Committee


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources



Pg. 34

Lee Public Schools: Strategic Action Plan -DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT ROLEDistrict Superintendent Role: Define the short and long term organizational structure of the district. Strategic Goal: 7.3 Define the organizational structure of Lee Public Schools. Action Steps

Compare the current model of a single superintendent (with shared services agreements) to: a) Shared services with Lenox/Berkshire Hills and and a shared superintendent b) Joining an existing model of regionalizing with Berkshire Hills with a recommendation for the most appropriate model for Lee Public Schools.

Person(s) Responsible District Subcommittee


January 2017

Indicators of Accomplishment Recommendation on Lee Public Schools model made to School Committee for approval


Projected Expenses and Funding Sources


Pg. 35

Lee Public Schools Strategic Action Plan 2017-2019.pdf

Lee Public Schools Strategic Action Plan 2017-2019.pdf. Lee Public Schools Strategic Action Plan 2017-2019.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu.

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