Life Cycle Earnings, Education Premiums and Internal Rates of Return Manudeep Bhuller∗

Magne Mogstad†

Kjell G. Salvanes‡

October 2016

Abstract: Using Norwegian population panel data with nearly career-long earnings histories, we provide a detailed picture of the causal relationship between schooling and earnings over the life cycle. To address selection bias, we apply three commonly used identification strategies. We find that additional schooling gives higher lifetime earnings and steeper age-earnings profile, in line with predictions from human capital theory. Our preferred estimates imply an internal rate of return of around 11 percent, suggesting it was highly profitable to take additional schooling. Our analysis reveals that Mincer regressions dramatically understate the return to schooling because key assumptions are violated.

University of Chicago, Department of Economics; Statistics Norway (SSB), Research Department and IZA. E-mail: [email protected] † University of Chicago, Department of Economics; Statistics Norway (SSB), Research Department; NBER. Email: [email protected] ‡ Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics. Email: [email protected]



Many empirical papers use cross-section data to estimate a Mincer regression of the following type: y = µ0 + µ1 S + µ2 X + µ3 X 2 + ,


where y is log earnings, S is years of schooling, X is (potential) experience and  is the error term.1 The problem of selection bias can be addressed by controlling for correlated determinants of earnings or with an instrumental variable for schooling. However, it is not clear how the coefficient on schooling should be interpreted. One possibility is to view the Mincer model as a pricing equation for labor market characteristics and interpret µ1 as the growth rate of earnings with schooling (education premium). A more ambitious interpretation is that µ1 gives the discount rate which equates the present value of potential income streams for different schooling levels. This internal rate of return (IRR) is a fundamental economic parameter that is often used to assess private profitability of additional schooling or whether expenditure on education should be increased or decreased. However, a number of strong assumptions must hold in order to interpret µ1 as an IRR (Heckman et al., 2006, 2008). In this paper, we provide a detailed picture of the causal relationship between schooling and earnings over the life cycle, following individuals over their working lifespan. There are a number of key questions addressed. What do the education premiums look like over the life cycle? What is the impact of schooling on lifetime earnings? How does the IRR compare with the market interest rates typically observed? Do Mincer regressions provide accurate estimates of the returns to schooling? To investigate these important questions, we use population panel data from Norway containing records for every individual from 1967 to 2014. Our analysis focuses on males. To account for endogeneity of schooling, we apply three identification strategies that are currently in use in the literature: compulsory schooling reform as an instrument for education; controls for ability test scores; and within-twin-pair estimation. Our analysis is explicitly ex post, focusing on the actual returns earned by certain cohorts.2 We begin by using the long panel data to flexibly estimate education premiums 1

See the review articles by Card (1999), Harmon et al. (2003), Psacharopoulos and Patrinos (2004), and Heckman et al. (2006). 2 In studies that aim to explain or forecast schooling choices, the distinction between ex ante and ex post returns to schooling is important (see e.g. Altonji, 1993; Cunha et al., 2005; Heckman et al., 2006; Cunha and Heckman, 2007). For example, ex post returns govern schooling decisions only if individuals anticipate future changes in skill prices.


at each age. We find that additional schooling gives higher lifetime earnings and steeper age-earnings profile, in line with predictions from human capital theory. Our preferred estimates imply an IRR of around 11 percent, after taking into account income taxes and earnings-related pension entitlements. Under standard conditions, this finding suggests it was financially profitable to take additional schooling because the rates of return were substantially higher than the market interest rates typically observed. Our approach to estimating the returns to schooling relaxes many of the strong assumptions that are typical in the literature. It is therefore useful to compare our results to those produced by other approaches. Our analysis reveals that Mincer regressions dramatically understate the return to schooling, because key assumptions of the Mincer model are violated. These results complement the work by Heckman et al. (2006) and Heckman et al. (2008), who examine the role of taxes, tuition and a flexible relationship between earnings, schooling, and experience in the estimation of IRR. Unlike our study, Heckman et al. assume that schooling is exogenous and also require a method for extrapolating the earnings function to work experience levels not observed in the data. We find significant upward bias in the OLS estimates, pointing to the importance of accounting for endogeneity of schooling. This paper unfolds as follows. Section 2 describes our data, presents the identification strategies and reports summary statistics. Section 3 presents the estimated education premiums and corresponding rates of returns. Section 4 contrasts our results with estimates from Mincer regressions. Section 5 concludes.


Data and Empirical Strategy


Data and Sample Selection

Our empirical analysis uses several registry databases maintained by Statistics Norway. This allows us to construct a rich longitudinal data set containing records for every Norwegian from 1967 to 2014. The variables captured in this data set include individual demographic information (including sex and age), socio-economic data (such as years of schooling and annual earnings) and ability test scores from military records. The data set includes personal identifiers, allowing us to link children to their parents and siblings. We can also merge the longitudinal data set with census data from 1960. This allows us to measure family background variables, including childhood municipality of residence. We consider three measures of income. In each year, our measure of (pretax) earnings is the sum of labor income (from wages and self-employment) and 2

work-related cash transfers (such as unemployment benefits and short-term sickness benefits).3 To take income taxation into account, we use detailed information on the Norwegian tax system for the period 1967-2014. In each year, we measure after-tax income by subtracting taxes (on labor income and work-related cash transfers) from earnings. We also consider a measure of income which takes earnings-related pension entitlements into account. All Norwegians are entitled to public pension upon retirement (in accordance with the Norwegian National Insurance Act). The pension amount depends on an individual’s earnings history from age 16 to retirement. For every income variable, we measure income at a given age as the annual real income in the corresponding year, adjusted for wage inflation.4 The Norwegian earnings data have several advantages over those available in most other countries. First, there is no attrition from the original sample because of the need to ask permission from individuals to access their tax records. In Norway, these records are in the public domain. Second, our earnings data pertain to all individuals, and not only to jobs covered by social security. Third, we have nearly career-long earnings histories for certain cohorts. And fourth, top-coding is only performed at very high earnings levels. In fact, less than 3 percent of the observations have right-censored earnings in any given year.5 Our regressor of interest is the number of years of schooling. There is virtually no pecuniary cost of schooling (such as tuition or fees) in Norway. Educational attainment is reported by the educational establishments directly to Statistics Norway, thereby minimizing any measurement error due to misreporting. In the main analysis, we focus on the 1943-1963 birth cohorts in order to ensure long earnings histories for all individuals. Our analytical sample is restricted to males because of low labor market participation rates for women in the early periods. We exclude immigrants as well as a small number of individuals with missing information on years of schooling or childhood municipality of residence. Applying these restrictions provides us with what we will refer to as the full sample, consisting of 601,290 individuals. 2.2

Life Cycle Earnings and Returns to Schooling

We aim to provide a detailed picture of the relationship between schooling and earnings over the life cycle, following individuals over their working lifespan. To 3

Because of data availability, we cannot measure earnings net of work-related cash transfers. Throughout the paper, all monetary figures are reported in Norwegian Kroner (USD/NOK≈8), and adjusted for inflation to 2015 levels. 5 We have also estimated the returns to schooling using a Pareto distribution to simulate earnings above the top-coded threshold. These estimates are very similar to the baseline results and available from the authors upon request. 4


formalize ideas, consider a single cohort of individuals with potential working lifespan from ages 17 to 62.6 For each age a in this interval, we can estimate the simple regression of annual real earnings Ya on years of schooling S: Ya = αa + βa S + εa


where the parameter βa gives the average gain in earnings at age a from another year of schooling (education premium). If one could consistently estimate these education premiums at every age, it is possible to infer how additional schooling affects earnings over the life cycle and compute several summary measures of the impact of schooling on lifetime earnings. To begin with, we will use estimates of βa to compute the education premium in the undiscounted average of lifetime earnings, β¯ =

62 X

βa . a=17 62 − 16


Based on the age-specific education premiums, it is also posssible to infer the IRR, defined as the discount rate (ρ) that equates the present value of potential income streams for different schooling levels. Specifically, the IRR can be computed as the solution to the following equation: 62 X

βa = 0. a−16 a=17 (1 + ρ)


Under standard conditions, the IRR can be compared to opportunity cost of funds to determine if it was financially profitable to take additional schooling. The opportunity cost is often proxied by the real interest rate in the market (r). Additionally, the profitability of investing in education can then be quantified by computing the education premium in the annuity of lifetime earnings, β˜ = r˜

62 X

βa a−16 a=17 (1 + r)


where the constant r˜ = 1−(1+r)r−(62−16) . The education premium calculated in equation (5) gives the constant annual flow of income that would generate the same present discounted value of earnings gains from an extra year of school. To calculate annuity 6

By focusing on these ages, we abstract from earnings differences before age 17. However, very few individuals in our data had substantial earnings before age 17, and we do not find any evidence of education premiums at these ages. As a result, restricting the sample to individuals who are at least 17 years old does not materially affect our IRR calculations.


Age−earnings profiles by level of education (in 1000 NOK)

values, we discount the earnings streams by a real interest rate of 2.3 percent, which corresponds to the average real interest rate on deposits and loans in Norway over the period 1967–2010 (Aaberge et al., 2011). 900 750 β45 600


β 450 β22

300 150 0 17










Age College graduates: Annual earnings

Less than college: Annual earings

College graduates: Average lifetime earnings

Less than college: Average lifetime earnings

Figure 1. Life Cycle Earnings and Education Premiums Note: We use the full sample, consisting of the 1943-1963 birth cohorts of males. We graph the annual undiscounted earnings by age and the undiscounted average of lifetime earnings, for males with and without college degree. For each individual, we define lifetime earnings as the undiscounted sum of annual earnings divided by the number of years the individual is observed over ages 17-62 in our data. The college premium at a particular age βa is given by the vertical difference between the earnings profiles. The difference between the horizontal lines gives the college ¯ The IRR of a college degree is the discount rate that equates the earnings premium in mean lifetime earnings, β. streams of college and less than college educated.

¯ β, ˜ and ρ while addressing In our empirical analysis, the goal is to estimate βa , β, concerns over selection bias and incorporating income taxation or earnings-related pension. But to graphically illustrate the relationship between life cycle earnings, education premiums and the IRR, it is useful to abstract from these issues for a moment. Figure 1 plots the earnings-age profiles for college and less than college educated Norwegian men born in the years 1943–1963. Both earnings profiles display the familiar concave shape documented and analyzed by Mincer (1974). The college premium at a particular age (βa ) is given by the vertical distance between the earnings profiles. The education premiums start out negative when people are young, reflecting that some individuals taking higher education are still in school, and that low-educated workers have considerably more work experience early in their careers. However, the college-educated workers experience more rapid earnings growth through most of the life cycle, and have higher annual earnings after age 27. The horizontal lines depict the undiscounted average of lifetime earnings for college 5

educated and for less than college educated. The college premium in this measure of ¯ is given by the vertical distance between the two horizontal lines. lifetime earnings (β) The discount rate (ρ) that equates the two earnings streams depends on the extent to which college education gives higher lifetime earnings and steeper age-earnings ¯ holding the slope of βa fixed; and it profile. In particular, the IRR increases in β, reduces in the slope of βa , keeping β¯ fixed. 2.3

Identification Strategies

In the absence of experimental evidence, it is difficult to know whether the higher lifetime earnings observed among highly educated workers are caused by their additional schooling, or whether individuals with greater earnings capacity have chosen to acquire more schooling. To address this concern for selection bias in earnings regressions, a number of identification strategies have been proposed. In this paper, we apply three different identification strategies that are currently in use in the literature. Instrumental Variable Approach Our first identification strategy is an instrumental variable (IV) approach that follows Black et al. (2005) in using the staged implementation of a Norwegian compulsory schooling law reform as a source of exogenous variation in educational attainment.7 The reform increased compulsory schooling from seven to nine years, and was implemented between 1960 and 1975 in different municipalities (the lowest level of local administration) at different times. Thus, for more than a decade, Norwegian schools were divided into two separate systems, where the length of compulsory schooling depended on the year in which an individual was born and the municipality of residence. From public records, we are able to successfully identify the year in which the reform was implemented for as many as 672 of the 732 municipalities. Individuals who were residing in a municipality to which we could not assign a reform indicator are dropped from our sample. Applying this sample restriction we get an IV sample consisting of 577,098 individuals who were born during the period 1943-1963, covering nearly 96 percent of the full sample. As shown in Table A1 in Appendix A, there is 7

We refer to Black et al. (2005) for details about the reform. Other studies that have used this reform include Monstad et al. (2008), Aakvik et al. (2010), and Machin et al. (2012). For evidence on how compulsory schooling laws have affected earnings in other countries, see e.g. Angrist and Krueger (1991) and Oreopolous (2006) for the United States, Harmon and Walker (1995), Oreopolous (2006), Devereux and Hart (2010), and Devereux and Fan (2011) for the United Kingdom, Meghir and Palme (2005) for Sweden, and Oreopolous (2006) for Canada and Northern Ireland. None of these studies estimate education premiums experienced by individuals over their life cycle and the corresponding internal rates of return.


considerable variation in exposure to the compulsory schooling reform, both across cohorts and municipalities. In particular, nobody born before 1946 was subject to nine years of compulsory schooling, whereas all individuals born after 1960 were affected by the new law. The IV model is given by the following two-equation system, where (7) is the first stage and (6) is the second stage: Y a = βa S +


c µca dc



+ ea


S = δa Z +


c θca dc



+ ua


m µma dm

m θma dm

where the instrument Z is an indicator variable that is equal to 1 if the individual was exposed to the reformed schooling law and 0 otherwise, subscript a denotes the age at which the outcome variable is measured,8 subscript m denotes childhood municipality, and subscript c denotes birth cohort. We estimate this system of equation by 2SLS, separately for each age. If the effect of additional schooling is heterogenous across individuals, the 2SLS estimate of βa should be interpreted as the average education premium at age a among persons who are induced to stay in school longer because of the reform (see e.g. Card, 1995, 2001). Unobservable determinants of earnings or schooling that are fixed at the municipality level will be controlled for through the childhood municipality indicators dm , just like the birth cohort indicators dc absorb changes in cohort quality or aggregate time effects.9 Throughout the paper, standard errors are two-way clustered at cohort and municipality level. Figure 2 provides a visual representation of our IV approach, after taking out municipality and cohort effects. For brevity, we focus on the causal link between the schooling law reform and the undiscounted average of lifetime earnings (instead of annual earnings at every age). For each municipality, time zero represents the first birth cohort affected by the compulsory schooling law reform. The y-axis on the right (left) side of the graph shows the change in compulsory schooling law from time -1 to time 0 is associated with a substantial increase in educational attainment (average lifetime earnings). The graph suggests a sizable IV estimate on average lifetime earnings of the reform-induced increase in schooling.10 8

There is no age subscript on S and Z because these variables are time-invariant for a given individual. As a result, the estimates of δa do not vary with age in the regressions that use a balanced panel of individuals. With the unbalanced panel, the estimates of δa vary with age because of cohort differences in the first stage effect of the instrument. 9 Holding age fixed, cohort of birth and calender time are perfectly collinear. As a result, the birth cohort indicators effectively control for aggregate time effects. 10 Estimation results from equation (7) show a strong first stage with an estimated coefficient on the instrument of 0.2. This means that exposure to the compulsory schooling reform increased years of schooling by about one-fifth of a year. The F-statistic for the instrument is around 75,



499 11.85

498 11.8 497

Years of schooling

Average lifetime earnings (in 1000 NOK)




495 11.7 −3







Time relative to school reform Average lifetime earnings

Years of schooling

Figure 2. Graphical Illustration of the IV Approach Note: For each municipality, we recenter the data such that time zero is the year in which the reform was implemented. Variables are residuals from a regression on birth cohort and municipality fixed effects (adding in a common intercept). For each individual, we measure average lifetime earnings as the undiscounted sum of annual earnings divided by the number of years the individual is observed over ages 17-62 in our data.

In Appendix A, we challenge the validity of the instrument, finding that the timing of reform implementation is unrelated to differential trends in earnings across municipalities. To further increase confidence in our IV strategy, we check the stability of IV estimates to the inclusion of municipality-specific trends, finding little cause for worry. Alternative Strategies The IV model identifies the education premiums among persons obliged to stay in school longer because of compulsory school laws. Because of the local nature of these estimates, we will also apply two alternative identification strategies that are currently in use in the literature. Rather than using an instrument, our second strategy attempts to control directly for differences in ability when estimating equation (6). To this end, we use information on ability test scores from Norwegian military records. In Norway, military service is compulsory for all able males. Before entering the service, their medical and psychological suitability is assessed; this occurs for the great majority around their 18th birthday.11 The ability test scores are only available for cohorts born in 1950 or implying that weak instrument bias is not a concern for our analysis. 11 The test scores may influence the nature of the military service and, as a result, the scores may affect individuals’ subsequent choices of schooling. If this is the case, then controlling for test scores may bias the estimates of education premiums and internal rates of return.


later. Our ability sample therefore consists of 325,417 individuals who were born during the period 1950-1963. This amounts to about 81.2 % of the full sample. The ability measure is a composite score from three speeded tests—arithmetics, word similarities, and figures.12 The composite test score is an unweighted mean of the three scores. The score is reported in stanine (Standard Nine) units, a method of standardizing raw scores into a nine-point standard scale with a normal distribution, a mean of 5, and a standard deviation of 2. We add a full set of test score indicators to equation (6). Our final strategy is to use within-twin-pair estimation of equation (6). Our twins sample consists of 6,434 individuals, which is about 1.1 % of the full sample. Unfortunately, our data do not allow us to distinguish between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. This means that our within-twin-pair estimates might be confounded by unobserved heterogeneity in genetics. As we only consider male twin pairs, we know from Weinberg’s rule that about half of the males in the twins sample are monozygotic. Within-twin-pair estimation identifies the education premiums by comparing the difference in schooling of the twins in a pair with the difference in their earnings (see e.g. Griliches, 1979; Ashenfelter and Krueger, 1994). The idea is that twins share genetics and the same family background environment, possibly reducing the extent of selection bias.13 Empirically, we find that within-twin-pair estimation eliminates a large portion of the observed differences in ability. For example, if we randomly assign twins in our sample to singleton-birth children from the same cohort and childhood municipality, the differences in IQ scores between twins and singletons are on average 72 % higher than the differences we observe within the twin pairs. 2.4

Descriptive Statistics

Before turning to the estimation of the education premiums, we describe a few important features of our data. We study the 1943-1963 birth cohorts during the period 1967-2014. This provides up to 48 consecutive observations of individual earnings. Our baseline model estimates 12

The arithmetic test mirrors the test in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS); the word test is similar to the vocabulary test in WAIS; and the figures test is comparable to the Raven Progressive Matrix test. See Sundet et al. (2004, 2005) and Thrane (1977) for details. 13 Although much used, within-twin-pair estimation has been criticized. First, there could be other differences between the twins that are unobservable to the researcher and that affect both the schooling decision and earnings. Second, within-pair estimates are likely to suffer from greater attenuation bias (see e.g. Bound and Solon, 1999; Isacsson, 2004). We reduce the problem of measurement error by using administrative data on earnings and education attainment rather than self-reported surveys.





300,000 Number of observations

Number of observations

age-specific education premiums from age 17 to 62—a total of 46 years. For the cohorts born 1950-1952, we have complete earnings histories over ages 17-62. For the remaining cohorts, however, our baseline estimates are based on an unbalanced panel of individual earnings. For the cohorts born earlier (1943-1949), we miss one or more earnings observation between the ages of 17 and 23. For the cohorts born later (1953-1963), earnings are not observed at some point over the ages 52-62.

500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000

250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000


50,000 Dead or out−migrated Estimation sample

0 17




Dead or out−migrated Estimation sample














(a) Full Sample










(b) IQ Sample




6,000 Number of observations .

Number of observations

42 Age

500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000

5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000

Dead or out−migrated Estimation sample

0 17




Dead or out−migrated Estimation sample














(c) IV Sample


(d) Twins Sample

Figure 3. The Size of Each Estimation Sample over Ages 17-62 Note: The IQ sample consists of individuals born during the period 1950-1963, while the other samples consist of cohorts born between 1943 and 1963. The graphs show the total number of observations over the ages 17-62, the attrition due to death and out-migration, and the size of each estimation sample. At each age, the Twins estimation sample consists of twin pairs in which both twins are alive and living in Norway.

Figure 3 shows the size of each sample by age. Over most of the working lifespan, these samples change little. However, the number of observations decrease significantly late (early) in the working lifespan because we are not observing the earnings of younger (older) cohorts at these ages. It is therefore reassuring to find that both the earnings profiles (cf. Figure 1) and the education premiums (cf. Figure 4) display smooth shapes over the life cycle. Nevertheless, we provide a sensitivity 10

analysis in Section 3.4, showing that our results are robust to restricting the sample to ages at which we have a balanced panel. Figure 3 also highlight that there is little attrition to the samples due to death and out-migration. As a result, our estimates barely move depending on the assumptions we make about the missing earnings of these individuals (see Section 3.4). Table 1. Summary Statistics Full sample

IQ sample

IV sample

Twins sample





230 106.5 (116 037.0) 555 934.8 (282 272.0) 602 728.2 (410 024.3) 164 194.9 (28 368.0)

256 541.6 (146 539.8) 546 056.0 (257 030.0) 569 700.7 (429 776.8) 161 817.0 (24 225.1)

251 514.1 (135 230.1) 531 645.8 (209 040.9) 552 716.8 (365 261.0) 161 616.1 (24 007.2)

11.78 (2.76)

12.05 (2.60)

11.78 (2.77)

11.61 (2.66)





Panel A. earnings and pension income Mean earnings, age 17 - 24 Mean earnings, age 25 - 44 Mean earnings, age 45 - 62 Mean pensions, age 63 - 85

256 417.1 (146 361.4) 545 181.0 (255 179.6) 568 635.1 (426 421.5) 161 753.9 (24 032.8)

Panel B. Educational attainment Years of schooling

Number of observations

Note: For each sample, panel A displays sample averages of annual earnings and pension income over different age intervals, whereas panel B reports average years of schooling. Standard deviations are reported in parentheses. Earnings and pensions are reported in Norwegian Kroner (NOK) adjusted to 2015 levels (USD/NOK~8).

Table 1 reports summary statistics for key variables in our analysis. In Panel A, we present means and standard deviations for earnings or pension income over ages 17-24, 25- 44, 45-62, and 63-85. Panel B reports means and standard deviations for years of schooling. The increase in mean earnings over the life cycle is accompanied by an increase in the variance of earnings, in line with the fanning out of the earnings profiles by education levels.


Education Premiums and Rates of Return


Main Results

To estimate the education premiums and the rates of return, we follow the approach described in Section 2. We begin by characterizing the relationship between schooling and earnings over the life cycle. Graph (a) in Figure 4 displays OLS estimates of the 11

age-specific education premiums (βa ) in equation (6). Each estimate comes from a separate regression of earnings at a given age on years of schooling and fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. The estimated schooling coefficient increases over most of the life cycle. The estimates start out negative when these men are young, reflecting that some individuals taking higher education are still in school, and that low-educated workers have considerably more work experience early in their careers. The education premiums rise quickly until individuals are in their late 40s. Equipped with education premiums at each age, we compute the corresponding IRR from equation (4). The first column of panel A in Table 2 reports the OLS estimate of the IRR in earnings with standard errors computed from non-parametric bootstrap.14 This estimate suggests that a discount rate of 9.3 percent is necessary to equate the present value of earnings streams across schooling levels. In the other graphs of Figure 4, we address concerns over selection bias in the estimation of the relationship between schooling and earnings over the life cycle. In each case, we estimate the education premiums separately by age while controlling for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Columns 2-4 of panel A in Table 2 translate the age-specific education premiums into IRR, following equation (4). Panel B summarizes how these education premiums vary across the life cycle by estimating the effect of schooling on average earnings over different age intervals. Panel C ¯ displays the education premium in the undiscounted average of lifetime earnings (β). This panel also reports the impact of schooling on the annuity value of the sum of ˜ discounted by the market interest rates. All estimates in panels B and earnings (β), C are reported in Norwegian Kroner (NOK), while the estimated effects relative to the dependent means are reported in squared brackets. 14

We use 250 bootstrap replications. Throughout the paper, in each iteration of the bootstrap we re-estimate the education premiums so that the standard errors account for the fact that βˆa is itself an estimated object.


IQ control estimate of the effect of an extra year of schooling on earnings (in 1000 NOK) at a given age

OLS estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on earnings (in 1000 NOK) at a given age






−15 OLS estimate: βa 95% CI

−30 17














−15 IQ control estimate: βa 95% CI














−15 IV estimate: βa 95% CI

−30 22

















−15 Twin FE estimate: βa 95% CI

−30 17





(c) IV Estimates


(b) IQ Control Estimates Twin FE estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on earnings (in 1000 NOK) at a given age

IV estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on earnings (in 1000 NOK) at a given age

(a) OLS Estimates


42 Age








(d) Twin FE Estimates

Figure 4. Estimates of Age-Specific Education Premiums Note: This figure graphs OLS, IQ control, IV and Twin FE estimates of the age-specific education premiums in equation (6). All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Standard errors are heteroskedasticity robust and two-way clustered at cohort and municipality level. The 95 % confidence intervals are drawn in shaded areas.

There are clear patterns in our results, independent of identification strategy. Additional schooling gives higher lifetime earnings and steeper age-earnings profiles. Taken together, the age-specific education premiums give IRR estimates which are substantially higher than the market interest rates typically observed. This finding is mirrored in the positive and significant effects of schooling on the annuity lifetime earnings. However, the estimated education premiums in lifetime earnings tend to be even higher because most of the earnings gains to schooling arise late in the working life and are discounted heavily in the annuity calculations. For example, the OLS estimates imply that an additional year of schooling increases lifetime earnings by 5.8 percent (NOK 28,719) while annuity lifetime earnings increases by 4.6 percent (NOK 14,185).


Table 2. Education Premiums and Internal Rates of Return Full sample

IQ sample

IV sample

Twins sample

(1) OLS

(2) IQ control

(3) IV

(4) Twin FE

0.083*** (0.003)

0.112** (0.048)

0.089*** (0.008)

Panel A. Internal rate of return Internal rate of return

0.093*** (0.002)

Panel B. Education premiums over the life-cycle Mean earnings, ages 17 – 24

-20889.4*** (562.6) [-0.082]

-17011.6*** (351.5) [-0.074]

-5905.7 (6980.6) [-0.023]

-12001.6*** (839.5) [-0.048]

Mean earnings, ages 25 – 44

26553.3*** (1039.3) [0.049]

18600.1*** (854.7) [0.034]

12609.7** (5874.0) [0.022]

13673.9*** (1571.1) [0.026]

Mean earnings, ages 45 – 62

53375.0*** (1750.7) [0.094]

42655.7*** (1559.2) [0.071]

11296.2 (10658.5) [0.020]

32283.5*** (2892.2) [0.058]

Panel C. Lifetime education premiums Mean lifetime earnings

28719.2*** (726.5) [0.058]

19792.2*** (628.0) [0.040]

9750.6** (4939.0) [0.020]

17042.5*** (1571.9) [0.035]

Annuity lifetime earnings

14184.9*** (386.3) [0.046]

9276.1*** (335.7) [0.029]

6138.3** (2893.5) [0.020]

8340.5*** (897.4) [0.027]






Note: For each identification strategy, we report estimates of IRR (Panel A), education premiums in average earnings over different age intervals (Panel B), and education premiums in the undiscounted average of lifetime earnings and the annuity lifetime earnings (Panel C). All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Standard errors of the education premiums are heteroskedasticity robust and two-way clustered at cohort and municipality level. The standard errors of the IRR are computed by non-parametric bootstrap with 250 replications. All earnings estimates are reported in Norwegian Kroner (NOK) adjusted to 2015 levels, while the estimated effect relative to the dependent mean is reported in squared brackets. * p < 0.10, ** < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.


Comparison between OLS and IV Estimates

Although there are clear patterns in our results across identification strategies, there are some noticeable differences. These differences are unlikely to be due to the discrepancies in sample selection, as the OLS estimates are very similar across the samples.15 In particular, addressing the concern for selection bias decreases the OLS 15

The results are available from the authors upon request.


estimates of the education premiums in both annual and lifetime earnings. The decreases are particularly pronounced if we instrument for schooling.16 A common interpretation of the relatively large OLS estimates is that schooling is endogenous and individuals with greater earnings capacity have chosen to acquire more education. Another possible explanation for the differences between the OLS and IV estimates is nonlinearities in the returns to schooling. In Table 2, we followed much of the previous literature in using a linear-in-schooling model. Taken literally, this model assumes that the effect of an extra year of elementary school is identical to the effect of the last years of high school and college. However, sheepskin effects and other nonlinearities are likely to arise in practice (see e.g. Jaeger and Page, 1996). Angrist and Krueger (1991) and Angrist and Imbens (1995) show that a misspecified linear-in-schooling model will generally yield different OLS and IV estimates even in the absence of endogeneity, since these estimators can be written as weighted averages of the grade-specific effects, where the sets of weights differ for the estimators. In particular, IV places all the weight on schooling margins that are affected by the instrument, while the underlying distribution of schooling in the population determines the OLS weights. Building on these results, Lochner and Moretti (2015) and Løken et al. (2012) suggest that comparing reweighted OLS estimates with IV estimates may be a useful approach for assessing the importance of nonlinearities. Appendix C provides details on how to construct the reweighted OLS estimates. The first step of the approach is to estimate the OLS and IV weights. The lines in Figure C1 in Appendix C report estimates of these weights. They are clearly different: the OLS weights are high between 10 and 16 years of schooling, while the IV weights are highest at 9 years of schooling, implying that the effect of moving from 8 to 9 years of schooling figures prominently in the IV estimates. This is not surprising since the instrument adopted is an education reform that increased compulsory schooling from 7 to 9 years.17 The next step of the approach is to estimate grade-specific effects for every age by OLS. These effects come from separate regressions of earnings at a given age on dummies for each level of schooling and fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Figure C2 in Appendix C summarizes the estimation results by graphing the conditional expectation of lifetime earnings and years of schooling based on the linear-in-schooling model and the model with dummies for each schooling 16

Selection bias not only affects education premium in lifetime earnings but also the slope of the age-specific education premiums. Empirically, the two types of biases offset each other, creating relatively similar IRR estimates across identification strategies. 17 The IV estimates also assign significant weight to 8 years of schooling, suggesting imperfect compliance to the new schooling law.


level. Using the IV weights in Figure C1, we then re-weight the OLS estimates of the grade-specific effects. The re-weighted OLS estimates suggest an education premium in mean lifetime earnings of 5.0 percent (NOK 24,694 with a bootstrap standard error of 332.6), which is smaller than the baseline OLS estimate of 5.8 percent (NOK 28,719), yet remains much larger than the baseline IV estimate of 2.0 percent (NOK 9,751). This finding points to the importance of selection bias rather than nonlinearities in explaining the difference between the OLS and IV estimates of education premiums. Unlike education premiums in annual and lifetime earnings, a comparison of the OLS and the IV estimates does not reflect significant differences in the IRR. The IV estimate of 11.2 percent is slightly higher than the OLS estimate of 9.3 percent. This finding likely reflects that even though the IV estimate of average education premiums over ages 25-44 is about one-half of the OLS estimate (NOK 12,610 versus NOK 26,553), the IV estimate of average education premiums over ages 17-24 is only about one-fourth (NOK -5,906 versus NOK -20,889). The relatively low IV estimates of foregone earnings, combined with modest future gains, nonetheless imply a slightly higher IRR compared to the OLS estimates. These differences are however not statistically significant. 3.3

Accounting for Taxes and Pension Entitlements

Like most studies of the returns to schooling, the estimates in Table 2 are based on pre-tax earnings. Since tuition costs are negligible in Norway, proportional taxes on earnings would have no effect on estimated IRR as they reduce earnings by the same proportion regardless of educational choices (Heckman et al., 1998, 2008). For the same reason, ignoring earnings-related pension entitlement would not affect the IRR estimates if pension income was proportional to lifetime earnings. However, the progressive nature of the Norwegian tax and pension system may attenuate the incentives to invest in education. In the first and second row of Table 3, we report IRR estimates based on pre-tax earnings and after-tax income, respectively. As in most OECD countries, the tax system in Norway is progressive through deductions and surtaxes.18 Comparing the estimates, we find that accounting for income taxation reduces the IRR estimates by around 20-25 percent. To understand how taxes affect the incentives to invest in education, Figure 5 presents estimates of the age-specific education premiums in both pre-tax earnings and after-tax income over the life cycle. We can see that 18

Appendix E describes the tax system in more detail and presents marginal and average tax rates on labor income in different years.


progressive taxes not only reduce the education premium in lifetime income but also attenuate the slope of the age-specific education premiums. Table 3. IRR Estimates Accounting for Taxes and Pension Entitlements Full sample

IQ sample

IV sample

Twins sample

(1) OLS

(2) IQ control

(3) IV

(4) Twin FE

Pre-tax earnings

0.093*** (0.002)

0.083*** (0.003)

0.112** (0.048)

0.089*** (0.008)

After-tax income

0.069*** (0.002)

0.068*** (0.003)

0.091** (0.041)

0.072*** (0.007)

After-tax income + pension income

0.069*** (0.002)

0.069*** (0.003)

0.091** (0.038)

0.072*** (0.007)






Note: For each identification strategy, we report estimates of IRR in pre-tax earnings, after-tax income, and the sum of after-tax income and pension entitlements. All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. The standard errors are computed by non-parametric bootstrap with 250 replications. * p < 0.10, ** < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.

In the third row of Table 3, we report IRR estimates based on a measure of after-tax income that includes future earnings-related pension entitlements. We calculate after-tax pension entitlements based on individuals’ earnings histories, assuming that each individual retires at age 63 and dies at age 85; these assumptions match the typical retirement age and life expectancy of the cohorts born between 1943 and 1963 (Brunborg et al., 2008). We find that the IRR estimates barely move when we account for pensions, irrespective of the identification strategy we employ. This is largely because pension income is received at older ages. As a result, it is discounted heavily in the computation of the IRR. This suggests that earnings-related pension entitlements play a minor role for the incentives to invest in education.


IQ control estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on pre−tax earnings and after−tax income (in 1000 NOK) at a given age

OLS estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on pre−tax earnings and after−tax income (in 1000 NOK) at a given age






−15 Pre−tax earnings After−tax income

−30 17














−15 Pre−tax earnings After−tax income














−15 Pre−tax earnings After−tax income

−30 22
















−15 Pre−tax earnings After−tax income








(c) IV Estimates


(b) IQ Control Estimates Twin FE estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on pre−tax earnings and after−tax income (in 1000 NOK) at a given age

IV estimates of the effect of an extra year of schooling on pre−tax earnings and after−tax income (in 1000 NOK) at a given age

(a) OLS Estimates


42 Age








(d) Twin FE Estimates

Figure 5. Estimates of Education Premiums in Pre-Tax Earnings & After-Tax Income Note: This figure graphs OLS, IQ control, IV and Twin FE estimates of the age-specific education premiums in equation (6), using measures of pre-tax earnings and after-tax income as dependent variables. All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Standard errors are heteroskedasticity robust and two-way clustered at cohort and municipality level. The shaded areas show 95% CIs of the pre-tax earnings estimates. The stipled grey lines show 95 % CIs of the after-tax income estimates.


Sensitivity Analysis and Specification Checks

Unbalanced Panel. So far, our analysis has been based on data for the 1943-1963 cohorts during the period 1967-2014. Our baseline model estimates age-specific education premiums from age 17 to 62 – a total of 46 years. As we do not observe each cohort for 46 years, these estimates are based on an unbalanced panel of earnings. It is therefore reassuring to find that both the earnings profiles (cf. Figure 1) and the education premiums (cf. Figure 4) display smooth shapes over the life cycle. Nevertheless, Appendix B provides a sensitivity analysis, showing that our results are robust to restricting the sample to ages at which we have a balanced panel. In particular, the third row in Table B1 in Appendix B presents IRR estimates based on complete records of earnings from age 17 to 55 for the cohorts 1950-1959. By 18

comparing these estimates to those reported in the first row, it is clear that our findings are robust to restricting the IRR calculation to education premiums over ages 17-55.19 In Table B1, we also show that our IRR estimates change little depending on the assumptions we make about the missing earnings of individuals who die or migrate. In the fourth row, we keep these individuals in our estimation sample by assigning zero earnings to ages at which their earnings observations are missing. In the fifth column, we replace the missing earnings observations with an individual’s average earnings over the past five years prior to death or migration. In either case, the IRR estimates are quite similar to the baseline results. Exogeneity of Instrument. An important requirement for our IV approach to be valid is that the timing of the reform implementation is unrelated to different underlying cohort trends in earnings across municipalities. In Appendix A, we take several steps to examine this common trend assumption. We begin by documenting that there is no evidence of a systematic relationship between the timing of the reform implementation and baseline municipality characteristics. To further increase the confidence in our IV estimates, we present results from two specifications that allow for differential cohort trends across municipalities. First, we estimate municipalityspecific cohort trends over the pre-reform period. We then add controls for these cohort trends in both the first and second stage of the IV model. Second, we include interactions between each municipality-level characteristic and cohort trends. In doing so, we allow the reform implementation to be related to different underlying cohort trends across municipalities, depending on their pre-reform characteristics. In both specification checks, we find that the IV estimates change little when we allow for differential cohort trends across municipalities.


Comparison with Mincer Earnings Regressions

A considerable body of empirical work uses cross-section data to regress log earnings on years of schooling and work experience, as in equation (1). This model is often referred to as the Mincer earnings regression, and it can be motivated by two conceptually different theoretical frameworks used by Mincer (1958, 1974). As detailed in Heckman et al. (2006) and Heckman et al. (2008), a number of strong 19 For comparison, the second row of Table B1 presents IRR estimates based on earnings from ages 17 to 55 for our baseline sample (i.e. 1943-1963 cohorts). The results show that using earnings over ages 17-55 rather than ages 17-62 gives broadly similar but slightly lower IRR estimates. This is as expected since estimated education premiums over ages 56-62 are positive.


(and often implicit) assumptions must hold in order to interpret the coefficient on schooling in the Mincer regression as the IRR. One key assumption is that schooling is exogenous. This assumption has received a lot of attention in the empirical literature. To investigate and relax exogeneity of schooling, researchers typically control for correlated determinants of earnings (e.g. ability measures) or use an instrumental variable (e.g. education reform). By comparison, other key assumptions of the Mincer’s model have received less attention. First of all, Mincer specifies an earnings function with multiplicative separability between schooling and experience. This assumption rules out that log earnings-experience profiles diverge with experience across schooling levels. Mincer also assumes stationarity of the economic environment. Under this assumption, cross-section log earnings-experience profiles can be used as guides to the life cycle earnings of persons. Additionally, Mincer assumes no earnings while in school (or that earnings in school offset tuition) and exogenous post-schooling employment. These assumptions allow researchers to estimate Mincer regressions from data on the post schooling earnings of employed individuals, excluding observations of earnings while in school and dropping observations of people who are unemployed or out of the labor force. In contrast to the Mincer regression, the IRR calculation based on equation (4) does not require parallelism over experience across schooling levels or a stationary environment. Nor does it rely on assumptions about no earnings while in school or exogenous post-schooling employment. For each age 16-72, we separately estimated the education premiums experienced by individuals, allowing us to directly calculate the discount rate that equates the present value of potential income streams for different schooling levels. Heckman et al. (2006) and Heckman et al. (2008) used a similar approach to test (and reject) some of the assumptions behind Mincer regressions. However, these studies assume that schooling is exogenous and also require a method for extrapolating individual earnings to ages not observed in the data. In Figure 6 and Table 4, we compare the IRR estimates based on equation (4) to those produced by Mincer regressions. We begin by performing OLS estimation of equation (1) using cross-section data on all males aged 16-72 in a given year. Figure 6 reports the estimates of the coefficient on years of schooling for each cross-section over the period 1980–2010 (solid grey line). For comparison, this figure also presents the IRR estimate of 0.093 (horizontal black line), which we obtained from OLS estimates of the education premiums at every age (see Figure 4 and Table 2). The results suggest a strong downward bias in the IRR estimates from the Mincer regressions.


OLS estimates of the returns to schooling

.1 .09 .08 .07 .06 .05 .04 .03 1980







Year IRR estimate: cohort−based, cohorts 1943−1963

Mincer estimates: cross−sectional, cohorts 1943−1963

Mincer estimates: cross−sectional, ages 17−62

Figure 6. Comparison of OLS Estimates of Returns to Schooling Note: The horizontal line displays our baseline OLS estimate of IRR in pre-tax earnings, which is computed from age-specific education premiums over the life-cycle of the 1943-1963 cohorts. The Mincer regressions use cross-section data on males with non-zero earnings. In each year over the period 1980-2010, we regress log pre-tax earnings on years of schooling, experience and experience squared. The solid line represents estimates for individuals aged 16-72 in a given year, whereas the stippled line represents estimates for the 1943-1963 cohorts. Shaded areas show 95% confidence intervals.

One possible explanation of this bias is non-stationarity, either due to birth cohort or calender time effects. Indeed, recent evidence suggests that wage patterns have changed substantially over time or across cohorts (see e.g. MaCurdy and Mroz, 1995; Card and Lemieux, 2001), raising doubts about the stationarity assumption. To investigate the importance of cohort heterogeneity, we restrict the estimation sample to include the same set of cohorts in the two analyses (i.e. the 1943-1963 cohorts). Using this restricted sample, we re-estimate the Mincer model. As shown in Figure 6, the OLS estimates of the coefficient on years of schooling (grey stipled line) is generally higher for the 1943-1963 cohorts, but they remain substantially lower than the baseline IRR estimate. To compare the same cohorts over the same time period, we pool the cross-sections from the years 1967-2014. In every year, we restrict the sample to the 1943-1963 cohorts. Panel A of Table 4 presents estimates from the Mincer model on this pooled sample. Independent of identification strategy, the results suggest a significant downward bias in the IRR estimates from the Mincer model. For example, comparing the OLS estimates in Panel A to those reported in the first column of Panel B suggests a bias in the Mincer estimates of nearly 6 percentage point.


Table 4. Comparison of Returns to Schooling Estimates Full sample

IQ sample

IV sample

Twins sample

(1) OLS

(2) IQ control

(3) IV

(4) Twin FE

0.022* (0.011) 576,049

0.048*** (0.001) 6,398

Panel A. Internal rate of return based on mincer regression Repeated cross-sections, 1967-2014 N

0.062*** (0.001) 600,200

0.047*** (0.001) 325,314

Panel B. Internal rate of return based on age-specific education premiums Baseline estimate N Assign zero earnings while in school N Restrict sample to employed workers N Assign zero earnings while in school & restrict sample to employed workers N

0.093*** (0.002) 601,290 0.071*** (0.001) 601,290 0.088*** (0.002) 600,200 0.066*** (0.001) 600,200

0.083*** (0.003) 325,417 0.054*** (0.002) 325,417 0.080*** (0.003) 325,314 0.051*** (0.002) 325,314

0.112** (0.048) 577,098 0.069** (0.034) 577,098 0.115*** (0.041) 576,049 0.076*** (0.029) 576,049

0.089*** (0.008) 6,434 0.051*** (0.005) 6,434 0.082*** (0.008) 6,398 0.045*** (0.006) 6,398

Note: Panel A reports estimates from Mincer regressions using pooled repeated cross-sections from years 1967-2014. In each year, the sample consists of males who were born between 1943 and 1963 with non-zero earnings over postschooling ages. We regress log pre-tax earnings on years of schooling, experience and experience squared, reporting the estimates for the schooling coefficient. Panel B reports estimates of IRR in pre-tax earnings computed from age-specific education premiums. The sample consists of males who were born between 1943 and 1963. The first row reports our baseline estimates, the second row assigns zero earnings to individuals while in school, the third row drops observations with zero earnings over post-schooling ages (i.e. the same sample as used in Panel A), and the forth row both assigns zero earnings to individuals while in school and drops observations with zero earnings over post-schooling ages. All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Standard errors in Panel A are heteroskedasticity robust and clustered at cohort-municipality level. Standard errors in Panel B are computed by non-parametric cohort-municipality block bootstrap with 250 replications. * p < 0.10, ** < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.

In Panel B of Table 4, we explore two other possible explanations for the bias in the Mincer estimates. We first examine the importance of Mincer’s assumption of no earnings while in school. In the absence of tuition, this assumption implies that the costs of an additional year of schooling is equal to an individual’s total earnings capacity. However, many high school and college students actually have non-zero earnings while in school (NCES, 2013; Kalenkoski and Pabilonia, 2012), which should generate a downward bias in the estimates from the Mincer regression. In the second row of Panel B, we assign zero earnings to individuals while they are in school and re-estimate the education premiums at every age. Equipped with the new education premiums at each age, we compute the corresponding IRR from equation (4). We


find that earnings while in school account for a considerable part of the discrapency between our baseline IRR estimates and those produced by the Mincer regression. This finding is consistent with the fact that earnings accumulated early in life receive a lot of weight in the IRR calculations. In the third row of Panel B, we explore whether education affects employment and therefore creates an endogenous sample selection in the Mincer regressions of log earnings on schooling and experience. This would create downward bias in the estimated rates of return from the Mincer model, insofar additional schooling increases the employment rate of individuals with low potential earnings. Specifically, the third row re-estimates the education premiums at each age after dropping individuals with zero earnings over post-schooling ages. Equipped with the new education premiums at each age, we compute the IRR from equation (4). Our results suggest the assumption of exogenous employment leads tosome downward bias in the IRR estimates. In the fourth row of Panel B, we assign zero earnings to individuals while they are in school and drop individuals with zero earnings over post-schooling ages. While this reduces the bias in the Mincer estimates, a considerable discrapency remains between our baseline IRR estimates and those produced by the Mincer regression. This discrepancy could be due to log earnings-experience profiles diverging with experience across schooling levels. In Figure D1, Appendix D, we explore this possibility by regressing log earnings on years of schooling, experience and their interaction. The results point to significant interaction effects between experience and schooling, in contrast to Mincer’s functional form assumption.


Concluding Remarks

This paper used Norwegian population panel data with nearly career long earnings histories to provide a detailed picture of the causal relationship between schooling and earnings over the life cycle. To account for endogeneity of schooling, we applied three commonly used identification strategies. Our empirical findings may be summarized with two main conclusions. The first is that the internal rates of return to schooling were substantially higher than the market interest rates, even in a setting with a progressive tax and pension system. This finding suggests it was financially profitable to take additional schooling. Ability bias does not seem to explain why more individuals do not take additional schooling despite its high estimated financial return, as the IRR is much higher than the real interest rate even after controlling for correlated determinants of earnings or


instrumenting for schooling. Alternative explanations include psychic costs (see e.g. Carneiro et al., 2003; Cunha et al., 2005), credit market constraints (see e.g. Carneiro and Heckman, 2002; Lochner and Monge-Naranjo, 2011) or uncertainty about future earnings gains from additional schooling (see e.g. Altonji, 1993; Cunha et al., 2005; Heckman et al., 2006). Sorting out these competing explanations is an important task for future research. Another important extension is to quantify the overall social rates of returns, which is necessary to assess whether expenditure on education should be increased or decreased. The second conclusion of our study is that Mincer earnings regressions do not produce accurate estimates of the internal rates of return to schooling. An important reason is non-stationarity, implying that cross-section data approximate poorly the life cycle earnings of individuals. The use of long panel data that follows individuals over the life cycle is therefore essential to accurately measure their true earnings pattern and estimate the rates of return to schooling. Additionally, we reject Mincer’s assumption of parallelism over experience across schooling levels, and show that his assumptions of no earnings while in school and exogenous post-schooling employment create downward bias in the estimates of the rates of return. Taken together, the biases from violations of these assumptions are empirically more important than the significant selection bias in the OLS estimates of the returns to schooling. On the whole, our results point to the importance of moving beyond the conventional Mincer regressions, taking advantage of the access to better data and the improvements in empirical methods that have occured since Mincer did his seminal work.

Appendix A IV Strategy Table A1 details the compulsory schooling reform implementation. There is considerable variation in exposure to the reform, both across cohorts and municipalities. In particular, nobody born before 1946 was subject to 9 years of compulsory schooling, whereas all individuals born after 1960 were affected by the new law. An important requirement for our IV approach to be valid is that the timing of the reform implementation is unrelated to different underlying cohort trends in earnings across municipalities. We begin by investigating the relationship between the timing of the reform and baseline municipality characteristics. To this end, we estimate the following equation Tmt = (Γt × Bm,1960 )0 ψt + τt + χmt 24


where Tmt is an indicator variable that is equal to 1 if municipality m implemented the reform in year t (and 0 otherwise), and Bm,1960 is a vector with municipalitylevel information from year 1960 on demographic, socio-economic and political characteristics. By interacting these variables with a vector of time-dummies Γt , we can estimate whether the timing of the reform is correlated with observed municipality characteristics. Figure A1 plots the estimated coefficients from the vector of coefficients ψt for each year t (and the associated 95 % confidence intervals). We find no evidence of a systematic relationship between the timing of the reform implementation and baseline municipality characteristics. Table A1. Implementation of reform across cohorts 1943-1963 All Cohort:



(% of all)

(% of all)

1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963

23,164 26,345 27,220 30,478 28,986 28,487 27,517 27,269 26,721 27,605 27,775 27,458 27,828 27,979 27,602 27,436 27,782 27,139 27,408 27,324 27,575

0 0 0 36 1,588 2,024 2,494 4,071 6,819 10,529 15,655 17,159 21,420 24,545 26,140 27,191 27,633 27,037 27,408 27,324 27,575

(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.11) (5.47) (7.11) (9.06) (14.93) (25.52) (38.14) (56.40) (62.49) (76.97) (87.73) (94.70) (99.11) (99.46) (99.62) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

23,164 26,345 27,220 30,442 27,398 26,463 25,023 23,198 19,902 17,076 12,110 10,299 6,408 3,434 1,462 245 149 102 0 0 0

(100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (99.89) (94.52) (92.89) (90.94) (85.07) (74.48) (61.86) (43.60) (37.51) (23.03) (12.27) (5.30) (0.89) (0.54) (0.38) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)







Note: An individual is treated if the schooling reform had been implemented in the childhood municipality of residence by the year the individual turned age 14, and non-treated otherwise.


A. Population Size

C. Share of Married Couples

B. Male−Female Ratio

D. Education Attainment: % Primary School

E. Education Attainment: % Secondary School

G. Level of Income

H. Income Unequality

K. Share of Welfare Recipients

J. Unemployment Rate




1974 1974












1972 1972 1972


1970 1970

























−.1 −.15


−.1 −.15 1966




0 −.05


0 −.05





.1 .05


.1 .05





R. Population Density .15

















Q. Share of Votes for Right/Conservative .15



P. Share of Votes for Centre/Left














−.1 −.15



−.15 1962

−.1 −.15


0 −.05





0 −.05


.1 .05




















O. Share of Votes for Labour Party

N. Voter Turnout .15



M. Share of Registered Church Members






















−.1 −.15 1961

−.1 −.15





0 −.05


0 −.05





.1 .05








L. Share of Disabled































−.1 −.15


−.1 −.15 1961




0 −.05


0 −.05





.1 .05


.1 .05








I. Labor Force Participation































−.1 −.15


−.1 −.15 1961

−.1 −.15


0 −.05


0 −.05


0 −.05


.1 .05


.1 .05








F. Education Attainment: % High school or More
































−.1 −.15



−.15 1961

−.1 −.15


0 −.05





0 −.05


.1 .05





.1 .05






Figure A1. Reform Implementation by26 Baseline Municipality Characteristics

Note: We regress an indicator of timing of school reform on baseline municipality characteristics (measured in 1960) interacted with time dummies (see equation (A1)). The figures plot coefficients on the interaction terms. To easily compare across graphs, we divide the estimated coefficient by the standard deviation of the corresponding varaiable.

To further increase the confidence in our IV estimates, we consider two ways to allow for differential cohort trends across municipalities. First, we estimate municipality-specific cohort trends over the pre-reform period based on birth cohorts born 1930-1960. For each municipality, we obtain estimates of linear and quadratic cohort trends in earnings and years of schooling. We then add controls for these cohort trends in both the first and second stage of the IV model. Columns 2 and 3 of Table A2 show that the IRR estimates remain sizable after controlling for pre-reform cohort trends. Second, we include interactions between each municipality-level characteristic and cohort trends. In doing so, we allow the reform implementation to be related to different underlying cohort trends across municipalities, depending on their pre-reform characteristics. Columns 4 and 5 of Table A2 support the conclusion that it was financially profitable to take additional schooling because the IRR is substantially higher than the market interest rates. Table A2. Robustness of IV Estimates Baseline

Pre-reform trend

Interacted trend


(2) Linear

(3) Quadratic

(4) Linear

(5) Quadratic

0.112** (0.048)

0.113** (0.048)

0.115** (0.048)

0.113** (0.048)

0.114** (0.048)

F-value (instrument)

0.200*** (0.023) 74.86

0.202*** (0.019) 110.49

0.202*** (0.018) 120.56

0.202*** (0.019) 110.65

0.202*** (0.018) 120.69







Panel A. IV estimates Internal rate of return

Panel B. First stage estimates Coefficient

Note: Column (1) repeats the baseline IV results, while columns (2) and (3) include controls for linear and quadratic cohort trends for each municipality and columns (4) and (5) further add interactions between cohort trends and baseline municipality characteristics (measured in 1960) listed in Figure A1. All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. The standard errors of the IRRs (Panel A) are computed by non-parametric bootstrap with 250 replications. Standard errors of the first-stage estimates (Panel B) are heteroskedasticity robust and two-way clustered at cohort and municipality level. * p < 0.10, ** < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.

Appendix B Sensitivity to Unbalanced Sample Table B1 provides a sensitivity analysis, showing that our results are robust to restricting the sample to ages at which we have a balanced panel. In particular, 27

the third row presents IRR estimates based on complete records of earnings from age 17 to 55 for the cohorts 1950-1959. By comparing these estimates to those reported in the first row, it is clear that our findings are robust to restricting the IRR calculation to education premiums over ages 17-55.20 Table B1 also makes clear that our IRR estimates change little depending on the assumptions we make about the missing earnings of individuals who die or migrate. In the fourth row, we keep these individuals in our estimation sample by assigning zero earnings to ages at which their earnings observations are missing. In the fifth column, we replace the missing earnings observations with an individual’s average earnings over the past five years prior to death or migration. In either case, the IRR estimates are quite similar to the baseline results. Table B1. Sensitivity of IRR Estimates to Unbalanced Panel Full sample

IQ sample

IV sample

Twins sample

(1) OLS

(2) IQ control

(3) IV

(4) Twin FE

Unbalanced panel: baseline sample cohorts 1943-1963, ages 17-62

0.093*** (0.002)

0.083*** (0.003)

0.112** (0.048)

0.089*** (0.008)

Unbalanced panel: restriction on age





cohorts 1943-1963, ages 17-55





Balanced panel: restriction on cohorts cohorts 1950-1959, ages 17-55

0.087*** (0.003)

0.073*** (0.004)

0.113** (0.048)

0.087*** (0.012)

No attrition: assign 0 earnings cohorts 1943-1963, ages 17-62

0.097*** (0.002)

0.089*** (0.003)

0.142*** (0.044)

0.103*** (0.008)

No attrition: assign past earnings cohorts 1943-1963, ages 17-62

0.095*** (0.002)

0.086*** (0.003)

0.127*** (0.046)

0.098*** (0.008)

Note: The first row repeats the baseline results; the second row restricts the IRR calculation to education premiums over ages 17-55 for cohorts 1943-1963; the third row restricts the IRR calculation to education premiums over ages 17-55 for cohorts 1950-1959; the fourth row keep individuals who die or migrate in our estimation sample by assigning zero earnings to ages at which their earnings observations are missing; the fifth row replaces the missing earnings observations with an individual’s average earnings over the past five years prior to death or migration. All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. The standard errors are computed by non-parametric bootstrap with 250 replications. * p < 0.10, ** < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. 20

For comparison, the second row of Table B1 presents IRR estimates based on earnings from ages 17 to 55 for our baseline sample (i.e. 1943-1963 cohorts). The results show that using earnings over ages 17-55 rather than ages 17-62 gives broadly similar but slightly lower IRR estimates. This is as expected since estimated education premiums over ages 56-62 are positive.


Appendix C Nonlinearities This section considers whether nonlinearities may help explain the differences between the OLS and IV estimates. To fix ideas, consider the linear-in-schooling model Y = α + βS + ε and the saturated-in-schooling model Y =α+

21 X

γs ds + v


where ds is a dummy variable that is equal to one if an individual has at least s years of schooling (and zero otherwise), and γs represents the marginal effect of increasing years of schooling from s − 1 to s years. The linear model assumes that the marginal effects are homogenous across individuals and independent of schooling level, whereas the saturated model allows for nonlinearities in the relationship between earnings and schooling. Consider the case of a binary instrument Z, satisfying the standard IV assumptions of exclusion, independence and monotonicity. The IV estimand (β(Z)) for the coefficient on years schooling in the linear model can be written as

21 Cov(Y, Z) X β(Z) = = γs ws (Z), Cov(S, Z) s=8

where ws (Z) =

Cov(ds , Z) . Cov(S, Z)

By comparison, the OLS estimand (β(OLS)) is given by β(OLS) =

21 Cov(Y, S) X = γs (OLS)ws (OLS), V ar(S) s=8

where γs (OLS) is the OLS estimand of the marginal effect and ws (OLS) =

Cov(ds , S) . V ar(S)


Both for β(Z) and β(OLS), the weights on the marginal effects sum to one, and can be directly estimated using the sample analogs of these expressions. However, the sets of weights will generally differ. As a result, a nonlinear relationship between earnings and schooling may produce significantly different OLS and IV estimates of β even in the absence of endogeneity. Building on these insights, Lochner and Moretti (2015) and Løken et al. (2012) suggest that comparing reweighted OLS estimates with IV estimates may be a useful approach for assessing the importance of nonlinearities. Specifically, they suggest comparing β(Z) to 21 X

γs (OLS)ws (Z).


The sample analog of these two estimands may differ because of endogeneity (and sampling error), but not due to nonlinearities.


IV weights

OLS weights

Margin−specific weights






0 8





13 14 15 16 Years of schooling






Figure C1. OLS and IV Weights Note: This figure displays OLS and IV weights for every grade-specific effect.

The lines in Figures C1 report estimates of the OLS and IV weights (after accounting for covariates).21 They are clearly different: the OLS weights are high between 10 and 16 years of schooling, while the IV weights are highest at 9 years of 21

Simplifying the notation, we can relate the equations above to our estimation equations (6)-(7) by considering that each variable here is expressed as a residual where municipality and cohort fixed effects are already taken out; the formulas remain otherwise unchanged.


Conditional expectation of average lifetime earnings over ages 16−72 (in 1000 NOK)

schooling, implying that the effect of moving from 8 to 9 years of schooling figures prominently in the IV estimates. This is not surprising since the instrument adopted is an education reform that increased compulsory schooling from 7 to 9 years.22 The next step of the approach is to estimate grade-specific effects for every age by OLS. These effects come from separate regressions of earnings at a given age on dummies for each level of schooling and fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Figure C2 summarizes the estimation results by graphing the conditional expectation of lifetime earnings and years of schooling based on the linear-in-schooling model and a model with dummies for each schooling level.

800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 7





12 13 14 15 16 Years of schooling






Figure C2. Conditional Expectation of Average Lifetime Earnings on Years of Schooling Note: This figure graphs the conditional expecation of average lifetime earnings and years of schooling based on OLS estimates of the linear-in-schooling model (the linear line) and the saturated-in-schooling model with dummies for each schooling level (the dots). We include 95 percent confidence intervals around the estimates from the saturatedin-schooling model. All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. We measure average lifetime earnings as the sample average of the undiscounted sum of annual earnings over ages 17-62 divided by the number of years the individual is observed over same ages in our data.

Using the IV weights in Figure C1, we can re-weight the OLS estimates of the grade-specific effects to construct IV-weighted OLS estimates of education premiums in mean lifetime earnings. As discussed in Section 3.2, the IV-weighted OLS estimates suggest an education premium in mean lifetime earnings of 5.0 percent (NOK 24,694 with a bootstrap standard error of 332.6). While smaller than the baseline OLS 22

The IV estimates also assign significant weight to 8 years of schooling, suggesting imperfect compliance to the new schooling law.


estimate of 5.8 percent (NOK 28,719), the IV-weighted OLS estimate remains larger than the baseline IV estimate of 2.0 percent (NOK 9,751).This finding points to the importance of selection bias rather than nonlinearities in explaining the difference between the OLS and IV estimates.

Appendix D Interactions between Experience and Schooling In Figure D1, we present OLS estimates of experience-specific education premiums in log pre-tax earnings using data over years 1967-2010. In each year, the sample consists of males who were born between 1943 and 1963 with non-zero earnings over post-schooling ages. (i.e. the same sample as used in row (1) of Panel A in Table 4). All regressions use log earnings as dependent variable and the set of regressors include years of schooling, experience, and their interaction as well as fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. The results point to significant interaction effects between experience and schooling, in contrast to Mincer’s functional form assumption.

OLS estimates of the effect of an extra year of education on log earnings at each year of experience


OLS estimate 95% CI





0 0




20 25 30 Years of experience




Figure D1. Estimates of Experience-Specific Education Premiums Note: This figure graphs OLS estimates of experience-specific education premiums in log pre-tax earnings using data over years 1967-2014. In each year, the sample consists of males who were born between 1943 and 1963 with non-zero earnings over post-schooling ages (i.e. the same sample as used in row (1) of Panel A in Table 4). All regressions include fixed effects for childhood municipality and birth cohort. Standard errors are heteroskedasticity robust and two-way clustered at cohort and municipality level. The 95 % confidence intervals are drawn in shaded areas.


Appendix E The Norwegian Tax and Pension System






60 Average tax rate (%)

Marginal tax rate (%)

As in most OECD countries, the Norwegian tax system is progressive through deductions and surtaxes. Important features of the Norwegian tax system include a basic flat tax rate of 28 % on labor income, a series of progressively increasing surtaxes at different income brackets, a basic income tax deduction that further increases the progressivity, and finally, a social security contribution tax on labor income. While the basic structure of the Norwegian tax system has remained unchanged over the past decades, there have been considerable changes in both the surtax rates, tax brackets, and deductions over time. Moreover, the Norwegian tax system has become less progressive through a series of policy reforms over the recent decades. These features provide considerable variation in both average and marginal tax rates over time, as illustrated in Figure E1.

50 40 30 20

50 40 30 20


10 1975 1995

0 0




400 500 600 Pre−tax labor income (in 1000 NOK)

(a) Marginal Tax Rates


1985 2005 800


1975 1995







400 500 600 Pre−tax labor income (in 1000 NOK)


1985 2005 800



(b) Average Tax Rates

Figure E1. Marginal and Average Taxes on Labor Income in Norway Note: Graphs (a) and (b) plot marginal and average rates, respectively, for single wage earners. We take into account progressivity of taxes and basic deductions for labor income. Information on tax rules is taken from SSB (1975, 1988, 1994) and Skatteetaten (1991-2010).

In accordance with the Norwegian National Insurance Act (Folketrygdloven), all Norwegians are entitled to public pension upon retirement. The pension amount depends on an individual’s earnings history from age 16 to retirement. Although the mandatory retirement age is 67, about 80 % of Norwegian workers are entitled to receive early retirement benefits beginning at age 62 (Hernaes et al., 2013). Based on individuals’ earnings histories, we compute their pension entitlements and after-tax pension income. Details on the pension system can be found in AID (2009) and NAV (2013), while tax rates on pension income are described in SSB (1975, 1988, 1994) 33

and Skatteetaten (1991-2010).

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education premiums and corresponding rates of returns. ..... 12The arithmetic test mirrors the test in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS); the word.

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