Saying Goodbye to Stretch Marks

Forever ….



PART I: The Lowdown on Stretch Marks Chapter One: You and Your Skin Chapter Two: What Are Stretch Marks? Chapter Three: Do I Need to Worry About Stretch Marks? Chapter Four: Pregnancy: The #1 Cause of Stretch Marks

PART II: Prevention … Prevention … Prevention Chapter Five: Why Prevention is So Important to Treating Stretch Marks Chapter Six:

How to Prevent Stretch Marks at Every Age

Chapter Seven: How to Prevent Stretch Marks When Gaining Or Losing Weight

PART III: 7 Days to Getting Rid of Ugly Stretch Marks Chapter Eight: 7 Days to Getting Rid of Stretch Marks Chapter Nine: Professional Treatments for Removing Stretch Marks

INTRODUCTION: They are every woman (and some men’s) hidden secret. We never admit to having them – not even to our closest friends – and we certainly never show them off in public. They are ugly … they are annoying … and they seem to be on the prowl, searching for their next victim. What is striking fear into women everyone? The dreaded stretch mark of course!

Nothing yields the power to snatch away our beauty, our vibrancy and our youth quite the way a stretch mark can. Why are these simple red and white marks on our skin so insidious? Maybe it’s because they seem to appear overnight (while in reality it is a long process that takes place over time, deep within the layers of the skin); or because they are a sign that we’re growing older – and bigger. Whatever the reason we hate stretch marks so much, the reality is this: as many as 50-90%of all women (a few less men) will develop these unsightly skin marks sometime during their adult life. But, if you think that our kids are immune, you’re wrong. Nearly 70% of all adolescent girls and 40% of teen boys will get them too, which may give us adult sufferers hope – it really isn’t just about age after all.

So, if stretch marks are so common, why do so many people go to such great lengths to get rid of them, or at least hide them from others? They are not painful and they do not affect our health in a bad way, but they can damage our self esteem. The simple fact is, we all covet smooth blemish-free skin, and stretch marks are a sign that we do not control our skin – but rather, that it controls us. And, if it sees fit to make us look older looking or even uglier, there isn’t much we can do about it.

The bad news is that most of us will indeed find some of those red, purple and white markings on our skin from time to time; but the good news is clear: we don’t have to accept it! We can fight the battle of the stretch mark and win. If, of course, we understand what causes them in the first place; how to prevent before they imbed themselves into our skin; and what action to take if a few appear anyway. How? Well, you’ve started in the right place. Saying Goodbye to Stretch Marks – FOREVER, is a simple guide designed to teach you everything you need to know about stretch marks and how to treat them in just 7 days. Imagine! Being on the road to stretch mark recovery in just one week! It is possible and we’re going to show you how.

This book is divided into three main sections for easier reading and understanding of this unsightly skin condition:

PART I: The Lowdown on Stretch Marks In the first section of Saying Goodbye to Stretch Marks – FOREVER, you will learn some basics about your skin. After all, if you don’t know what makes up your skin you can’t understand what causes stretch marks, not to mention how to get rid of them. After this brief introduction on the makeup of your skin, the guide will delve headlong into an explanation of the main causes of stretch marks by outlining who’s most susceptible to them (and why); as well as an explanation on how they appear on our skin. Since nearly 90% of all pregnant women will develop some form of stretch marks, section one will also take an in-depth look at pregnancy and stretch marks in Chapter Three.

PART II: Prevention … Prevention … Prevention You’ve heard it in the past about other things regarding your health and safety. Now I’m going to repeat this old adage in relationship to stretch marks: prevention truly is worth a pound of cure. The fact is it takes a lot of time and damage to the lower layers of your skin for stretch marks to make it

to the surface where you – and everyone else –can see them. Once those unsightly markings appear, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to reverse the damage and return to an unblemished look. The answer: preventing the damage to the lower layers of your skin before it ever has a chance to appear on the surface.

Section Two of Saying Goodbye to Stretch Marks – FOREVER will concentrate on offering a comprehensive prevention regiment for anyone worried about stretch marks. From the adolescent girl ... to the pregnant women ... to the aging diva … and yes, you men out there who are suffering too … the guide will highlight practical ways to prevent stretch marks under the most common circumstances including: • hormonal changes • age • weight gain or weight loss • medications •

certain exercise routines

• and more …

PART III: Seven Days to Stretch Mark Free Skin In the final section of Saying Goodbye to Stretch Marks – FOREVER, the guide will offer a simple 7-day guide for getting rid of stretch marks naturally, in the privacy of your own home.

But, if that isn’t enough for you – or you don’t want to take the time to do it yourself, the guide will also offer a comprehensive overview of other stretch mark removal options available at your dermatologist’s office, plastic surgeon, or spa.

How you ultimately decide to rid yourself of these unsightly skin markings is up to you: the guide’s purpose is to let you know all of your skin care options so you make the best and most informed decision you possibly can.

Ready to get rid of those stretch marks scarring your skin? Then let’s get started …

PART I: The Lowdown on Stretch Marks

Chapter One: You and Your Skin Before we can begin discussing the causes and treatments of stretch marks, you need to understand how your skin works and what causes damage to it.

Human skin may be one of the most forgotten – and abused – organs in the entire human body. Although essential to keeping the rest of our organs regulated and healthy, our skin does much more in regard to the way we look and feel about ourselves. When we look good; we feel good.

That may be one of the most devastating effects of stretch marks – the way they make us feel. When you are worried about your stretch marks, you are often less confident and think of yourself as less beautiful than you really are.

Your Skin’s Structure In order to better understand where stretch marks come from and how they form, let’s take a deeper look at our skin. Your skin is made up of three basic layers that each have a special job to do to keep our skin smooth and blemish free: 1. The epidermis

2. The dermis 3. The subcutaneous.

The Epidermis, is the most visible layer of the skin, located at the top. Containing five separate layers, the epidermis’ main job is to shed old skin, to allow new skin cell growth to push its way to the top.

1. The stratum corneum (or the skin your actually see) is located at the very top of the epidermis. Since it is the oldest of all of your skin cells it can become damaged quite easily and often shows the results of any abuse you’ve inflicted on your skin.

2. The stratum lucidum, is a clear layer of skin located in the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands.

3. The stratum granulosum, is a lower layer of skin consisting of flattened, discolored cells that look a lot like small granules.

4. The stratum spinosum, consists of rows of multi-sided cells.

5. The stratum basale is the base layer of the epidermis, lying against the dermis.

The Dermis, is the next layer of skin located underneath the epidermis. It is a tough, elastic layer that holds everything else together. The dermis is made up of two of its own layers:

1. The Papillary connects the dermis and epidermis together with connective tissues called elastic papillae fibers. 2. The reticular is the second layer of the Dermis. It contains all sorts of collagenous fibers which helps gives our skin its strength and elasticity. This is usually where stretch marks begin (we’ll explain more on that in the next chapter). The Subcutaneous Tissue is the fatty layer of the skin designed to connect the other layers to the body’s muscles and protect our organs. It is what gives our skin a smooth, strong foundation.

Now that you know a little more about what makes up the skin, you can better understand how stretch marks form.

Chapter Two:

What Are Stretch Marks?

You know what they look like, but do know what stretch marks really are and where they come from?

Believe it or not stretch marks are really small (and sometimes not so small) scars on the surface of skin that originate deep within the Dermal layer of the body. When the connective tissues of the Dermis break apart, stretch marks begin deep in the skin, gradually making their way to the surface where they can be seen.

What is it that damages these Dermal tissues, making them tear or beak apart? There are several reported causes:

Cause # 1: A Breakdown of Collagen and Elastin When Dermal Collagen is damaged, it causes blood vessels in the skin to dilate. This rupturing of the Dermal blood vessels is what causes those red and purple discolorations associated with early stretch marks.

Inflammation and collagen remodeling may also lead to a loss of pigmentproducing melanocyte cells or obscuring melanin pigment. In time, this lack of pigment (or coloring) may result in a white hyper-pigmented scar that most people refer to as mature stretch mark.

SIDEBAR: What Is Collagen and Elastin? In its most basic form, collagen is the glue that holds our body together. A type of fibrous protein, it connects and supports all of the body’s tissues, bone, tendons and cartilage to its organs. How? It gives the body’s tissues its form, firmness and strength. In addition, it gives skin flexibility and resilience. This allows it to stretch without damage under normal growing conditions.

Elastin, on the other hand, is a protein that works hand-in-hand with collagen to keep skin tight, despite its flexibility. This gives your skin that bounce back ability to allow it to return to its original shape after being pulled or stretched during normal day-to-day activities.

When your skin has sufficient amounts of both collagen and elastin, it is able to adjust to stretching exercise or even a weight gain. But, when these proteins are depleted for some reason, or production is slowed, it loses its ability to bounce back, which often causes wrinkling and stretch marks.

Cause # 2: A Weakness in the Skin’s Supporting Structures When layers of the skin separate, the skin may look grooved and discolored. This type of stretch mark can be caused by a sudden change in weight which ultimately stretches the skin so quickly that it actually damages it. While the skin is remarkably flexible and can stretch a great deal over time with no adverse effects, it can react much like a balloon that has been stretched too much, to fast, becoming saggy and scarred in some circumstances.

Adolescents who experience a sudden growth spurt are especially vulnerable to stretch marks, as are pregnant women. Of course individuals who gain (or lose) weight too fast, often report the appearance of unsightly stretch mark scarring in the same way as athletes and body builders do who repeat the same stretching exercises over and over again.

Cause # 3: Hormonal Changes Another theory regarding the cause of stretch marks is an increased level of the hormone called glucocorticoids. Secreted by the adrenal glands and circulated through the bloodstream, glucocorticoids increase during pregnancy, adolescence, and obesity and under extreme exercise, which are all times when stretch marks are likely to occur.

How do glucocorticoids work? They affect the Dermis by preventing the fibroblasts from forming collagen and elastin fibers that literally hold the skin together and make it grow taut. With this supportive material underdeveloped, the Dermal layer begins to tear when stretched. Although the stretching will determine where the stretch mark occurs, it is not really the cause of the stretch mark – a lack of glucocortoids is. Certain medications may have a similar effect on collagen and elastin production, thus offering another hormonal cause to stretch marks.

The Types of Stretch Marks While there are several different things that can cause stretch marks to appear, there are really only two main types of them: white and red.

Older, more matures stretch marks look white or silverfish bands, stripes or lines embedded in the skin. They tend to become glossier with time and feature a different texture than normal skin. In much the same way a scar will fade over time, so will mature stretch marks. This is due to the fact that the skin is continuously rejuvenating itself, getting rid of older skin cells and making new ones. Although this process won’t get rid of your stretch marks (since they form from deep within the Dermis layer of the skin), it does help to lighten them considerably over time.

Newer stretch marks on the other hand, look like red and purple indentations (or crackles) in the skin that is caused by the bleeding of the surrounding tissues as they are torn and damaged from underneath. In time these bright markings will become less noticeable as they mature and lighten.

Chapter Three:

Do I Have to Worry About Getting Stretch Marks?

All types of people get stretch marks: young, old, men, women, fat and even skinny. No one is exempt from the scarring effects of too little collagen in their skin and too much stretching. But, some people do seem to be more prone to getting stretch marks than others.

Some of the people most susceptible to stretch marks include:

Adolescents Even youth can’t spare you from getting stretch marks. As a matter of fact teenagers may be more susceptible to them than their parents. With 70% of all adolescent girls suffering from stretch marks, and nearly half of adolescent boys, it’s important to understand why.

The reason? First and foremost, young adolescents often experience sudden growth spurts, which often result in a quick weight gain, and can stretch dermal tissues to the point where they break off or tear away from connecting tissues. This coupled with hormone changes that can inhibit collagen and elastin growth temporarily can make teens especially vulnerable to this type of scarring. The good news is that this type of stretch

mark is often healed beyond recognition in their growing bodies, leaving them blemish free in a few years.

Pregnant Women More than 90% of all pregnant women get stretch marks sometime after their sixth month of pregnancy, no matter how much – or how little -- weight they gain. Of course, their growing abdomen and girth has a lot to do with it, but changing hormones may be more of a culprit than their growing belly.

Bodybuilders Bodybuilders are prone to getting stretch marks because of the rapid body changes that the sport can produce. By continually doing the same stretching repetitions of an exercise, the skin’s tissues can be stretched beyond their ability to bounce back. In addition, many athletes use steroidcontaining skin creams and ointments, as well as oral corticosteroids, which can all decrease collagen production and increase the chance of developing stretch marks.

Yo-Yo Dieters Stretch marks are often associated with weight gain or obesity, but losing too much weight too fast or even experiencing an ongoing fluctuation in your weight due to yo-yo dieting can all increase the odds of developing this type of ugly scarring. Think of your skin like a balloon. Now blow up that balloon and let the air out. Do this several times. Notice how the balloon begins to sag and wrinkle under the force of the size and structure change it is being forced to undergo? Your skin can do the same thing. Gaining or losing weight more slowly may help to reduce your chances of damaging your skin and getting those unsightly stretch marks.

The Genetic Factor While no one knows for sure if there is a genetic link to developing stretch marks, it does appear that some people are more prone to them than others. Whether that has to do with your skin type; your size; your lifestyle or your genes is still up for debate. Still, the fact remains than women get stretch marks more than men as are those with lighter complexions.

SIDEBAR: Who Gets Stretch Marks? All kinds of people get stretch marks, but those most at risk include: • teenagers • pregnant women • body builders • yo-yo-dieters • those with light complexions • people on certain medications Who doesn’t get stretch marks? Believe it or not, men get them less than women and the older you get, the less apt you are to get stretch marks. Why? Men have more testosterone in their bodies, while older individuals (over age 40) have more skin which allows it to be stretched further before damage can occur.

Chapter Four:

Pregnancy: The # 1 Cause of Stretch Marks

If you’ve ever had a baby, or know someone who has, you know the simple truth: Pregnancy = stretch marks. Of course it seems kind of obvious that pregnant women would develop stretch marks in the latter months of their pregnancy’s considering how much both their belly and breasts tend to grow. But what about the mother-to-be who gains a mere 15 pounds and barely stretches her skin? Why does she often develop more stretch marks than the woman who gains 60 pounds and looks likes she’s about to explode by the time she gives birth?

The reasons may have a lot less to do with her weight gain than other factors.

Blame Her Raging Hormones Hormones certainly do get a bad rap, especially during pregnancy. They are often blamed on everything from a woman’s bad mood to a constant craving for food. While hormones may not always be the cause of your distress, in the case of stretch marks it is definitely a culprit to consider.

As a pregnant woman’s body produces more and more estrogen, her blood vessels may become clogged or congested, causing spider veins in the face and arms. While annoying, these small markings generally go away when hormone levels revert to normal and the congestion in the blood vessels is relieved after the birth.

As previously discussed, other hormone changes including an increase of glucocortoids can limit the amount of collagen and elastin being produced by the skin, making it easier for stretch marks to develop and make their way to the surface.

Weight Gain Of course, a sudden weight gain, which is often the case during pregnancy, can result in stretching dermal tissues further than they were intended. Couple that with an ever expanding belly that is stretching to make room for a growing baby, and the odds are the woman will indeed develop at last some tissue scarring resulting in stretch marks.

One way to combat stretch marks during pregnancy is to gain weight as slowly as possible. Most doctors recommend that avoiding more than

2.8% of your total body weight per month is not only healthier, but can help to stave off the damaging effects of stretching the skin too quickly. While this is not always possible, it is a good goal to strive for.

Excessive Amniotic Fluid While you have no control over the amount of amniotic fluid your body produces, reports have shown that women with excessive amniotic fluid have a higher than average incidence of stretch marks.

Some Other Causes Although it is reported that 60-90% of all pregnant women develop some degree of stretch marks during their last trimester, those most susceptible are young pregnant women; those who are physically heavy; those expecting multiples or larger babies; those with fairer skin; and those whose mothers and sisters developed this type of skin scarring during pregnancy. Although none of these factors are preventable, it can help you better understand why you (or someone you know) developed more stretch mark scarring then someone else.

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