List Decoding of Second Order Reed-Muller Codes and its Covering Radius Implications Rafa¨el Fourquet1 and C´edric Tavernier 1


Universit´e de Paris 8 Saint-Denis (MAATICAH), France Email: [email protected] 2 THALES Communications Colombes, France Email: [email protected]

Abstract. An improvement of the Kabatiansky-Tavernier list decoding algorithm for the second order Reed-Muller code RM (2, m), of length n = 2m , and a better evaluation of its complexity (with a gain of a factor n) are proposed. We give a new bound for this complexity and conjecture a better bound which corresponds to the results of our simulations. This algorithm has the property of being deterministic and this fact drives us to consider the applications and to determine some lower bounds concerning the covering radius of the RM (2, m) code.

Key words: list decoding, Reed-Muller codes, covering radius.



Introduced by P. Elias [1] fifty years ago, the concept of list decoding has been recently revived thanks to M. Sudan discovery [3] of efficient list decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon (RS) codes. Despite that there are a lot of similarities between Reed-Solomon and Reed-Muller (RM) codes, no efficient list decoding algorithms for RM codes were known until very recently. O. Goldreich and L.A. Levin [10] have suggested a probabilistic algorithm which works in the worst case for the first order binary Reed-Muller code RM (1, m). Subsequently, O. Goldreich, R. Rubinfeld and M. Sudan [9] have generalized this algorithm over a finite field and suggested an extension for any order over a large finite field. Then deterministic algorithms have been suggested by R. Pellikaan and X.-W. Wu [4] for any order, by G. Kabatiansky and C. Tavernier [2] for the order 2 and by I. Dumer, G. Kabatiansky and C. Tavernier [5] for any order. This last algorithm considerably improves the algorithm [4] by correcting up to the Johnson bound. Here, we are also interested in decoding RM (2, m) code beyond minimal distance, then our attention goes toward [5] up to the Johnson bound and [2] beyond minimal distance. These three last algorithms are very correlated with the technique used in [10] and [9]. ?

The work of C. Tavernier was supported by DISCREET, IST project no. 027679, funded in part by the European Commission’s Information Society Technology 6th Framework Programme.

In [2], two algorithms, called “Ratio” and “Sums”, were considered. We will here focalise on the Sums-Algorithm: a recent improvement [7] proves a better bound for the lists generated by the Sums-Algorithm for the first order ReedMuller code, which is experimentally verified. We will extend this property to the second order Reed-Muller code. In this paper, we √ first summarize the algorithms Sums and Ratio of [2], which correct up to n( 12 − 2−h−3 − θ) errors, where h = 0, 1, . . . , m/2, θ > 0, with a complexity in O(n3+2h θ−2 ). Then we give a better evaluation of this complexity by reducing it to O(n2+2h log(n)θ−1 ) for the Sums algorithm. We also propose an algorithmic trick, “Sort-Sums”, which considerably reduces the running time of Sums-Algorithm, and a new metric “R-sums”. For both of them, we conjecture a complexity in O(n1+2h log(n)θ−1 ). We finally give some experimental results about the non-linearity of order 2 m for some well known Boolean functions like trace(x2 −2 ) over IF2m up to m = 11 and other power functions.


Deterministic List Decoding Algorithms for the Second Order Reed-Muller Codes

Let us first recall the main ideas of the Goldreich-Levin algorithm ([10, 9]). The first order Reed-Muller code RM (1, m) of length n = 2m consists of vectors f = (. . . , f (x1 , . . . , xm ), . . .), where f (x) = f (x1 , . . . , xm ) = f0 + f1 x1 + · · · + fm xm is an affine Boolean (i.e. IF2 -valued) function and (x1 , . . . , xm ) runs over all 2m points of the Boolean cube of dimension m. Recall that, by the definition given in [1], a list decoding algorithm of decoding radius T should produce, for any received vector y, the list LT (y) = {c ∈ C : d(y, c) ≤ T } of all vectors c belonging to a code C which are at distance at most T apart from y. Let y be a received vector and Lε (y) = {f ∈ RM (1, m) : d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − ε)} be the desired list. The algorithms of [10] and [9] work recursively by finding at the ν-th step a (ν) list Lε (y) of “candidates” which could (but may not) coincide with the ν-th prefix c(ν) (x1 , . . . , xν ) := f1 x1 + · · · + fν xν of some f (x1 , ..., xm ) ∈ Lε (y). Let Sj = {(x1 , . . . , xν , s1 , . . . , sm−ν )} be an ν-dimensional ”facet” of the m-dimensional Boolean cube, where (x1 , . . . , xν ) runs over all 2ν binary ν-dimensional vectors, s1 , . . . , sm−ν are fixed and j = s1 + · · · + sm−ν 2m−ν−1 is the ”number” assigned to this facet. The main idea, for the selection of the candidates c(ν) , is to lower bound the Hamming distance between the received vector y and any codeword f ∈ RM (1, m) by the sum of Hamming distances from y − c(ν) to RM (0, ν) code, taken over all the ν-dimensional facets Sj ’s. O. Goldreich and L.A. Levin have proven that their algorithm works with a polynomial time. The exact complexity of this algorithm is given in [6]. With almost the same notation, this algorithm has been extended and improved in [2] in the following way:

The binary Reed-Muller code RM(2, m) of order 2 and length n = 2m consists of vectors f = (. . . , f (x1 , . . . , xm ), . . .), where f (x) = f (x1 , . . . , xm ) = f0 +

m X

fi xi +



fi,j xi xj

is a quadratic Boolean function and (x1 , . . . , xm ) runs over all 2m points of the Boolean cube of dimension m. Let y be a received vector and Lε (y) = {f ∈ RM (2, m) : d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − ε)} be the desired list. The proposed algorithm also (ν) works recursively by finding at the ν-th step a list Lε (y) of candidates which could (but may not) coincide with the ν-th prefix of some f (x1 , ..., xm ) ∈ Lε (y). The main idea is to lower bound the Hamming distance between the received vector y and any codeword f ∈ RM (2, m) by the sum of Hamming distances from y − q (ν) to RM (1, m) code, taken over all the ν-dimensional facets Sj ’s, where q (ν) is the ν-th (ν = 2, . . . , m) prefix of f (x1 , . . . , xm ), defined as follows: q (ν) (x1 , . . . , xν ) = x2 (f1,2 x1 ) + · · · + xν (f1,ν x1 + . . . + fν−1,ν xν−1 ). The restriction of the function f (x1 , . . . , xm ) to any ν-dimensional facet Sj (ν) (ν) can be represented as f (x1P , . . . , xν , s1 ,P . . . , sm−ν ) = (q P + l )(x1 , . . . , xν ), ν m (ν) where l (x1 , . . . , xν ) = f0 + i=1 fi xi + i=ν+1 fi si−ν + 1≤i≤ν
minc∈RM (1,ν) dj (y − q (ν) , c) from the vector y − q (ν) to the first oder RM code, (ν)


RM (1, ν), restricted to the first ν coordinates. Then dj (y, f ) ≥ ∆j (y, q (ν) ) and hence d(y, f ) =

2m−ν X−1 j=0

(ν) dj (y, f )

2m−ν X−1


∆j (y, q (ν) ) := ∆(ν) (y, q (ν) ).



This inequality leads us to the following natural criterion of acceptance of a candidate : q (ν) is accepted if and only if ∆(ν) (y, q (ν) ) ≤ n( 21 − ε), i.e., 1 (ν) L(ν) : ∆(ν) (y, q (ν) ) ≤ n( − ε)}. ε (y) = {q 2 This criterion will be applied only for those q (ν) ’s for which there exists a prefix (ν−1) (y) (i.e. if q (ν) = q (ν−1) + xν c for some c ∈ RM (1, ν − 1)). We q (ν−1) in Lε call the corresponding algorithm the Sums-Algorithm. To work effectively, any list decoding algorithm should generate rather small list(s). The aim of the next section is to upper bound the size of the intermediate lists. In [2], this was done by introducing another algorithm: Ratio. Lemma 1. [2]. Let ε = a + θ, where 0 ≤ a < ε < 1/2. Consider any quadratic Boolean function f (x1 , . . . , xm ) such that d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − ε) = n( 12 − a − θ) and let q (ν) be its ν-th prefix. Then for every ν = 2, . . . , m, there is a fraction of at least θ facets Sj which satisfy 2−ν ∆j (y, q (ν) ) ≤ 12 − a − θ2 .


This lemma motivates the introduction of the lists Ra,θ (y) consisting of all prefixes q (ν) such that, for a fraction of at least θ facets Sj , we have 2−ν ∆j (y, q (ν) ) ≤ 21 −a− θ2 . The corresponding list decoding algorithm is called Ratio-Algorithm. (ν) (ν) Note that La+θ (y) ⊆ Ra,θ (y).


Bounds on the Size of the Lists

Before presenting an improved bound for the size of the lists generated by Sums, let us recall the fondamental result of [2] which allows to get a polynomial complexity even beyond the minimal distance. Theorem 1. [2]. For any vector y ∈ IFν2 , let N be be the number of all quadratic Boolean functions f such that d(y, f ) ≤ 12 − ε 2ν , where ε > 0. Then N ≤ Mε , (ν) where Mε = Mε is defined as follows: – Mε = – Mε =

1 1 √ 8ε2 −1 for ε > 2 2 (Johnson 9+22ν+1 1 3(16ε2 −1) for ε > 4 ; 2hν kh 2 for 2−(h+2)/2 ≥ ε2 −2−(h+3)


ε > 2−(h+3)/2 and h ∈ {0, . . . , b ν2 c − 1} – Mε = fixed, where kh is a (calculable) constant. Lemma 2. [2]. Let ε = a + θ, where 0 ≤ a < ε < 1/2. Then for any received vector y and for every ν = 2, . . . , m, we have: (ν)


−1 |L(ν) Ma+θ/2 ε (y)| ≤ |Ra,θ | ≤ 2θ




Theorem 2. |Lε (y)| ≤ Mε . P2m−ν −1 (ν) (ν) Proof. Let us recall that ∆(ν) (y, q (ν) ) = s=0 ∆s (y, q (ν) ), where ∆s (y, (ν) q (ν) ) = minc∈RM (1,ν) ds (y − q (ν) , c). Let q (ν) be such that ∆(ν) (y, q (ν) ) ≤ n( 21 − ε). Then we associate to each such q (ν) the vector Q(r, s) = (q (ν) (r) + cs (r))s∈IFm−ν ,r∈IFν of lenght n = 2m , where cs is an element of RM (1, ν) which 2




satisfies ∆s (y, q (ν) ) = ds (y − q (ν) , cs ). By construction, this association is an injection that satisfies d(y, Q) ≤ n(1/2 − ε). Let us denote by E the set of such (ν) elements Q, and M = |E| = |Lε (y)|. Define  2 X X  S := (−1)y(x)+f (x)  , x∈IFm 2

f ∈E

where f = f1 + f2 , f2 ∈ RM (2, ν)/RM (1, ν) with f2 (r, s) = f2 (r) and f1 (r, s) = (f ) cs (r) ∈ RM (1, ν). The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality implies that 2  1 X X S≥ (−1)y(x)+f (x)  ≥ 4ε2 nM 2 n m x∈IF2 f ∈E

P since x∈IFm (−1)y(x)+f (x) = n − 2d(y, f ) ≥ 2εn for any f ∈ E. On the other 2 hand, XX X X X (−1)y(x)+f (x)+y(x)+g(x) = M n+ (−1)f (x)+g(x) . S= f ∈E g∈E x∈IFm 2

f,g∈E|f2 6=g2 x∈IFm 2

Then, the knowledge of theP minimal distance of RM (2, m) implies that, for f2 6= g2 , d(f, g) ≥ n/4, i.e., x∈IFm (−1)(f +g)(x) ≤ n/2, and hence S ≤ M n + 2 M (M −√1)n/2. Thus M (M + 1)n/2 ≥ 4ε2 nM 2 ⇔ M 2 (8ε2 − 1) − M ≤ 0, and if ε > 1/2 2, then M ≤ 1/(8ε2 − 1), and we get the proof for h = 0 (see Theorem 1). Now, for f, g ∈ E, let l = l2 + l1 = f + g, with l1 = f1 + g1 that satisfies (l) (l) l1 (r, s) = cs (r) and cs ∈ RM (1, ν), and let Ff = {l = f + g | g ∈ E, l2 6= 0}, such that |Ff | = M − 1. We have X X X X X X X (l) (−1)l2 (x)+l1 (x) = (−1)l2 (r) (−1)cs (r) . f ∈E l∈Ff x∈IFm 2

f ∈E l∈Ff r∈IFν s∈IFm−ν 2 2

, using the knowledge of the weight distribution of Now for each s ∈ IFm−ν 2 RM (2, ν) (Ai , for i ∈ [0, 2ν ], denotes the number of code-words whose Hamming weight is i, see [11] Chap. 15), we get that XX X (l) l (r)+c (r) ν−1 ν−2 (−1) 2

f ∈E


≤ M A(1/2−1/4)2ν 2

+ M (M − 1 − A(1/2−1/4)2ν )2


l∈Ff r∈IFν 2

We deduce in summing over all s ∈ IFm−ν that 2 4M ε2 ≤ 1 + A(1/2−1/4)2ν 2−1 + (M − 1 − A(1/2−1/4)2ν )2−2 , which leads to the theorem for h = 1, since A(1/2−1/4)2ν < 22ν+1 ([11]). The general formula is deduced in continuing this process. 2


Complexity (ν−1)

For a given candidate q (ν−1) of the list Lε we will evaluate the complexity of finding all its good continuations xν (c1 x1 + · · · + cν−1 xν−1 ). We consider that an addition and a comparison between two i bits integers cost O(i) binary operations. 4.1

Complexity of the Sums-Algorithm (ν−1)

For each q (ν) of the form q (ν−1) +xν c with q (ν−1) ∈ Lε and c ∈ RM (1, ν −1), (ν) we need to calculate ∆j (y, q (ν) ) for all j = 0, . . . , 2m−ν − 1 and check if ∆(ν) (y, q (ν) ) ≤ n( 12 − ε). To achieve this task we have to calculate the quan(ν) tities dj (y − q (ν−1) − xν c, d), for all c(x1 , . . . , xν−1 ) = c1 x1 + · · · + cν−1 xν−1 ∈ RM (1, ν−1) and all d = d1 x1 +· · ·+dν xν ∈ RM (1, ν). To do this, we separate the

computation of this Hamming distance according to whether xν = 0 or xν = 1: (ν) (ν) denoting, for 0 ≤ j < 2m−ν , dj = dSj , Sj0 = {(x1 , . . . , xν−1 , 0, s1 , . . . , sm−ν )} and Sj1 = {(x1 , . . . , xν−1 , 1, s1 , . . . , sm−ν )}, we have (ν)


dSj (y − q (ν−1) , xν c + d) = dS 0

(y − q (ν−1) , d(ν−1) ) +




(−1)dν dS 1 j

(y − q (ν−1) , c + d(ν−1) ) + 2ν−1 × dν ,

where d(ν−1) = d1 x1 +· · ·+dν−1 xν−1 . Each distance can be deduced by applying the fast Fourier transform, but it is faster to exploit the recursive structure of the code RM (2, m): then the cost in memory becomes O(m2 2m ) bits, provided that the algorithm is implemented in a recursive way: all the selected continuations q (ν−1) + cxν of q (ν−1) will be examined (the algorithm is run at the step ν + 1 (ν−1) for each of them) before examining another element of the list Lε . At the (ν−2) previous step ν −1, let us assume that we have computed all quantities dS 0 (y− j


q (ν−2) , u) and dS 1

(y − q (ν−2) , u), for u ∈ RM (1, ν − 2) and 0 ≤ j < 2m−ν+1 .


Then with O(ν2ν−1 2m−ν+1 ) binary operations we can compute the quantities (ν−1) dSj (y − q (ν−1) , u) for u ∈ RM (1, ν − 1) and 0 ≤ j < 2m−ν+1 . We will now separate the cases “up to the Johnson bound” and “beyond the Johnson bound”. Beyond the Johnson Bound. For each candidate q (ν−1) we have computed all (ν−1) (ν−1) quantities dS 0 (y −q (ν−1) , u) and dS 1 (y −q (ν−1) , v) with u, v ∈ RM (1, ν −1), j


so, according to (3), we just need to make 22ν comparisons between the sums or (ν) the differences of these quantities in order to get the value of ∆j (y, q (ν−1) − xν c), for each c ∈ RM (1, ν − 1). Then we compute ∆(ν) (y, q (ν−1) − xν c) = P2m−ν −1 (ν) ∆j (y, q (ν−1) − xν c), which is compared to n(1/2 − ε). The total j=0 Pm (ν) amount of needed binary operations is then ν=2 |Lε |ν(2ν + 22ν )2m−ν . We deduce: Theorem 3. For any received vector y, the proposed algorithm Sums evaluates the list of all vectors f ∈ RM (2, m) such that d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − ε) with complexity O(n


m X

ν|L(ν) ε (y)|).



In √ particular, denoting ε = a + θ, the complexity equals O(n2 log(n)θ−1 ) for a = 1/ 8; O(n4 log(n)θ−1 ) for a = 1/4; and O(n2h+2 log(n)θ−1 )) for a = 2(h+3)/2 and h ∈ {0, . . . , b ν2 c −1} fixed correspondingly. An Alternative to the 22ν Comparisons: “Sort-Sums” Algorithm. Re(ν) call that to determine ∆j (y, q (ν) ), we had to compute dSj (y−q (ν−1) , xν c+d) (for (ν−1)

each Sj ) by making 22ν comparisons involving distances of the form dS 0 j

(y −


q (ν−1) , u) and dS 1

(y − q (ν−1) , v) with u, v ∈ RM (1, ν − 1). We want here to


avoid this O(22ν ) complexity. Our problem is equivalent to determine L(c) := P (ν−1) (r)−u(r) maxu,v|u⊕v=c (|F0 (u)| + |F1 (v)|), where F0 (u) = r∈IFν−1 (−1)y(r,0,s)−q 2 P (ν−1) (r)−v(r) and F1 (v) = r∈IFν−1 (−1)y(r,1,s)−q , with u, v ∈ IFν−1 . To achieve this, 2 2  in the dewe will examine the values of the set |F0 (u)| + |F1 (v)|; u, v ∈ IFν−1 2 creasing order until all the L(c) are known: in practice only O(2ν ) such values need to be examined (but we are not able to prove this), which improves on the 22ν−2 additions required for the naive way. We first observe that all the values taken by F0 (resp. F1 ), which are assumed to be stored in a list of size 2ν−1 , are equal to each others modulo 4 when ν ≥ 3 (which is easy to prove). So we can divide F0 (resp. F1 ) by 4 without loss of information (provided that we store the sum rest of the two rests of this division). Then we observe that almost all integers between 0 and the maximum max0 of |F0 | (resp. max1 of |F1 |) are present in this list with high redundancy. So we apply what is sometimes called the ”pigeonhole sort”: let P0 (x) (resp. P1 (x)) be the list of those u’s such that |F0 (u)| = x (resp. |F1 (u)| = x), this is computed in O(2ν ). For all 0 ≤ x ≤ max0 , let R(x) be initialised to max1 and let us set z = max0 + max1 . At each step of the algorithm, z and some of the R(x) are decremented by 1, while the vectors c for which L(c) = z are determined. In such a step we proceed as follows. For all 0 ≤ x ≤ max0 3 : – if x + R(x) = z, then for all u ∈ P0 (x) and v ∈ P1 (R(x)), set L(u ⊕ v) = 4 × z + rest, only if this value is not already determined, and then decrement R(x); – if x + R(x) < z then do nothing. Note that the use of P0 and P1 and the division by 4 is not needed to run  |F0 (u)| + |F1 (v)|; u, v ∈ IF2ν−1 in a decreasing order, but is very efficient in the implemention. Conjecture 1. For any received vector y, the proposed algorithm Sums fit out with this new fast sorting algorithm evaluates the list of all vectors f ∈ RM (2, m) Pm (ν) such that d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − ε) with complexity O(n ν=2 ν|Lε (y)|). Up to the Jonhson Bound. In this case the method is a little bit different. At the ν-th step, we are going to suggest a small list of potential candidates c(x1 , . . . , xν−1 ) = c1 x1 + · · · + cν−1 xν−1 ∈ RM (1, ν − 1) as continuations. To do this task, we use the classical Plotkin construction: consider the derivative of y, which is equal to Dy(x1 , . . . , xν−1 , xν+1 , . . . , xm ) = y(x1 , . . . , xν−1 , xν + 1, xν+1 , . . . , xm ) − y(x1 , . . . , xm ). If d(y, q) ≤ n(1/2 − 1/4 − β) (β > 0, q ∈ RM (2, m)), then d(Dy, Dq) ≤ n2 (1/2−2β). Now the Johnson radius corresponds √ to β = 1/(2 2) − 1/4, so we can decode with the list decoding algorithm for the first order RM code of [7] with a complexity in O(n) binary operations in 3

It is possible to start from x = max0 and go in a decreasing order, and then stop if x + R(x) < z and R(x) = max1 .

this case, and the size of the list is less than or equal to 5, according to the Johnson bound for the RM (1, m) code. Thus the total cost of these derivative Pm steps is given by ν=2 O(n) = O(n log2 (n)). Then we do not need to make 22ν comparisons because we have already a list which contains the correct candidates: (ν) we just have to calculate ∆j (y, q (ν−1) −xν c) for each j ∈ [0, . . . , 2m−ν −1]. This (ν)

is done in O(ν2ν 2m−ν ) binary operations, since the quantities dS 0 (y − q (ν−1) , u) j


and dS 1 (y − q (ν−1) , v) are already recursively computed. We deduce: j

Theorem 4. For any received vector y, the proposed algorithm Sums √ evaluates the list of all vectors f ∈ RM (2, m) such that d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − 1/(2 2) − θ) with complexity O(n log22 (n)/θ). We remark that the complexity in [5] was in O(n log2 (n)/θ2 ) for the same decoding radius. Hence, for θ ≤ 1/ log2 (n), we improve the previous algorithm. 4.2

A New Metric Between Sums and Ratio : “R-Sums”.

In the original Sums metric, we have to consider all quantities d(ν−1) (y −q (ν−1) , u) S0 j

and dS(ν−1) (y − q (ν−1) , v). Let ε = a + θ and ε0 = a + θ/2. In our new metric R1 j

Sums, we avoid making the 22ν comparisons, by calculating two lists l0 = {u ∈ (ν−1) RM (1, ν − 1) | dS 0 (y − q (ν−1) , u) < 2ν−1 (1/2 − ε0 )} and l1 = {v ∈ RM (1, ν − j


1) | dS 1

(y − q (ν−1) , v) < 2ν−1 (1/2 − ε0 )}. Then we obtain all c ∈ RM (1, ν − 1)



such that ∆j (y, q (ν−1) − xν c) < 2ν (1/2 − ε0 ) with a complexity in O(2ν /ε02 ), according to the Johnson bound for the RM (1, ν − 1) code. Then instead of P2m−ν −1 (ν) ∆(ν) , we compute the quantity ∆0(ν) (y, q (ν−1) −xν c) = j=0 ∆j (y, q (ν−1) − (ν)

xν c)1Ej +2ν (1/2−ε0 )1Ej where Ej is the event: ∆j (y, q (ν−1) −xν c) < 2ν (1/2− ε0 ). Then ∆0(ν) is compared to n(1/2−ε). By construction ∆0(ν) (y, q (ν−1) −xν c) ≤ ∆(ν) (y, q (ν−1) − xν c), so a candidate accepted by Sums will be accepted by RP2m−ν −1 Sums. If we note k = j=0 1Ej and choose γ such that k2ν (1/2 − γ) = P2m−ν −1 (ν) ∆j (y, q (ν−1) − xν c)1Ej , then a continuation c will be accepted if k ≥ j=0 m−ν 2 θ/(2γ − 2a − θ), which is greater than 2m−ν θ. Thus R-Sums is better or equal to Ratio. We have observed in practice that the size of the lists are of comparable size for this algorithm and for Sums, but we could not prove it. Conjecture 2. For any received vector y, the proposed algorithm R-Sums evaluates the list of all vectors f ∈ RM (2, m) such that d(y, f ) ≤ n( 21 − ε) with Pm (ν) complexity O(n ν=2 ν|Lε (y)|).


Simulations and Implications for the Covering Radius

We present in this part some experimental results which insure the efficiency of the Sums-Algorithm.

Cryptographic Functions. We represent here the size of the lists at each step of the decoding of some cryptographic functions with the Sums-Algorithm: m – The inverse function (trace(x2 −2 )) m \ step ν 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 2 8 64 448 76 78 8 2 8 64 1023 4495 16 16 9 2 8 64 1024 32666 38285 9 9 10 2 8 64 1024 32768 2016990 68303 2 2 11 2 8 64 1024 32768 2097152 263217917 4492858 66 66

d 36 82 182 392 842

ε t 0, 219 0, 180 0, 145 0, 117 0, 03 0, 089 6

The decoding radius d (associated with ε) was chosen as small as possible so that solutions can be found. The number of needed hours for the computation is also displayed (t). We decoded this function in RM (2, 12) with d = 1730, but there was no solution. However a solution was found at distance 1768. We deduce that 1730 < d(trace(x4094 ), RM (2, 12)) ≤ 1768. We also obtained d(trace(x8190 ), RM (2, 13)) ≤ 3696, d(trace(x16382 ), RM (2, 14)) ≤ 7580 and d(trace(x32766 ), RM (2, 15)) ≤ 15506. 2k k – The Kasami functions (trace(x2 −2 +1 ), with gcd(m, k) = 1 , k ≤ m/2) m; k \ step ν 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7; 3 2 8 64 39 7 7 8; 3 2 8 64 198 112 56 68 9; 4 2 8 64 1024 28393 4622 137 141 10; 3 2 8 64 1024 32768 1201601 7144 165 165 11; 4 2 8 64 1024 32768 2097152 81407968 47918 99 99

– The Welch function (trace(x2



d 32 72 176 384 824

 0, 25 0, 219 0, 156 0, 125 0, 098


m \ step ν 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 d ε t 7 2 8 64 256 512 1027 36 0, 219 9 2 8 64 1024 31232 209408 22016 23552 184 0, 141 11 2 8 64 1024 32768 2097152 254615552 119707648 1603584 1628160 848 0, 086 7

We also computed that 3460 < d(W elch, RM (2, 13)) ≤ 3632, d(W elch, RM (2, 15)) ≤ 15488 and d(W elch, RM (2, 17)) ≤ 63680. Lower Bound of the Covering Radius. In order to try to lower bound the covering radius for a small number of variables, we tested all (for m ≤ 10) the power functions of the form trace(xk ) and the sums of two power functions that is, of the form trace(xk + xh ) defined over IF2m with k, h < 2m . We have represented in the following table the Hamming distance of the furthest power function we found from the RM (2, m) codes. We compare the values obtained with the lower bounds given in [8]. m f d(f, RM (2, m)) Bounds of [8] 6 x21 ; x11 + x21 ; x13 + x21 ; x21 + x27 ; 18 18 (exact) 7 x7 + x15 ; 38 40 8 x7 ; x73 84 84 73 9 x 196 171 10 x7 ; x35 ; x37 ; x41 ; x49 ; x73 ; x85 400 11 x67 ; x73 848



We have designed an efficient algorithm whose complexity is proved (resp. conjectured) to be quasi linear up to the Johnson Bound (resp. beyond the Johnson Bound). The experimental results confirm that our conjecture has sense (with a quadratic complexity the number of calculations would be too important for a computer). This algorithm permitted to determine some lower bounds on the covering radius of RM (2, m) up to 11 variables. It should be interesting to see if it is possible to extend these results for greater order. Acknowledgement We gratefully thank Professor Grigory Kabatiansky for very helpfull and stimulating discussions.

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List Decoding of Second Order Reed-Muller Codes and ...

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