(IJEECS) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems. Vol: 14 Issue: 01, May, 2013

Long-Term Load Forecasting of Jordanian Power Grid using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Almaita, E.#1, Aulimat, B.*2 #

Electrical Department, Tafila Technical University Tafila, Jordan * National Electric Power Co. Amman, Jordan

Abstract— In this paper, the Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) algorithm is used to forecast the electrical load demand in Jordan. The total load consumption is divided into different sectors. These sectors are; households, commercial, services, industrial, water pumping and public lighting sector. A small and effective RBFNN models is used to forecast the load demand for each sector. These models utilize a small, but important, number of factors that drive the load demand. In order to reduce the effect of the random parameters, the input of these models also contained a delayed version of some driving factors. The data for the period 1990-2007 is used train the RBFNN models and the data for the period 2008-2010 is used to validate the models effectiveness. The total load forecasting is calculated by the algebraic sum of the forecasted value of the different sectors. Keywords— Load Forecasting, Neural Networks, Radial Basis Function, Long-Term, and Electricity Consumption

I. INTRODUCTION Long-Term Load Forecasting (LTLF) is a crucial part in power system for planning, construction of new generating units, and electricity purchasing from generating units [1]. But with a small country like Jordan, that live almost with no natural resources, his imports from energy represent around 95% of his consumption [2] , around every ten years has a waves of refugees come in, and with the big fluctuation in energy prices, long-term load forecasting represent really a challenging problem. Different techniques have been used to tackle the longterm load forecasting problem. These techniques can be classified into two models: (i) Linear models such as ARX, ARMA, etc.[3] . (ii) Nonlinear models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [4], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [5 ], and Fuzzy logic [6]. Because of the nonlinear nature of the long-term forecasting problem there was a trend in recent years to utilize the power of nonlinear models to solve this problem [7]-[11]. ANNs have great capabilities in dealing with nonlinear prediction problems. They are nonlinear in nature, can deal with huge numbers of variables, and can minimize the effect of noisy and uncertain data [7 ]-[11 ]. ANNs architectures that have been used in LTLF problem can be classified into two architectures: (i) hybrid ANN architectures and (ii) pure ANN architectures. Pure ANNs uses either the famous Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) model [12] or the Radial Basis Function Neural Network model [13]-[14], on the other hand, hybrid models try to combine the power of ANNs and other algorithms such as fuzzy logic, support vector machine (SVM) , Wavelet, and grey model [12],[15]. A lot of the previous models (Hybrid and pure) uses large number of factors to build a LTFL model [7]-[11]. Some of

these factors are not easily to obtain in developing countries like Jordan i.e amount of CO2 pollution. another issue to the previous models is the large number of the hidden neurons [7]-[11]. In this paper, the total energy consumption is divided into different sectors. The classification of these sectors reflects the existing tariff structure for the Jordanian Electric power consumers. These sectors are; households, commercial, services, industrial, water pumping and public lighting sector. a small and effective RBFNN models are used to forecast the load demand for each sector . These models utilize a small but important number of factors that drive the load demand. II. RBFNN ALGORITHM A. Structure of RBFNN The RBFNN structure consists of three main different layers as shown in Fig. 1; one input layer (source nodes with inputs I1, I2,.., IN), one hidden layer has K neurons, and one output layer (with outputs y1, y2,.., ym). The input-output mapping consists of two different transformations; nonlinear transformation from the input layer to the hidden layer and linear transformation from hidden to the output layer. The connections between the input and hidden layers are called centers and the connections between the hidden and output layers are called weights [16]–[17]. The most common radial basis function used in RBFNN is given by

 ( x − ci )T ( x − ci )  φi ( x ) = exp  − , 2 2σ i  



This is a Gaussian basis function with φi as the output of the ith hidden neoron , x is the input vector data sample (I1, I2,…,IN) (could be training, actual, or test data), ci is centers vector of the ith hidden neuron (ci1,ci2,.., ciN), σi is the normalization factor, and (x-ci)T(x-ci) is the square of the vector (x-ci) [16]–[17]. The ith output node yi is a linear weighted summation of the outputs of the hidden layer and is given by , i=1, 2,…., m (2) where wi is the weight vector of the output node and Ф(x) is the vector of the outputs from the hidden layer (augmented with an additional bias which assumes a value of 1). B. Training Algorithm of RBFNN The block diagram shown in Fig. 2 illustrates one of the RBFNN training processes called hybrid learning process [18]. The hybrid learning process has two different stages; (i)


(IJEECS) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems. Vol: 14 Issue: 01, May, 2013 finding suitable locations for the radial basis functions centers of the hidden neurons [17], [18] and (ii) finding the weights between the hidden and output layers. In the first stage the K-means [17], [18] clustering algorithm is used to locate the centers in the input data space regions where a significant data are present (shown as I in Fig. 2). In the second stage (shown as II in Fig. 2) the weights between the hidden and the output layers are found by linear matrix inversion algorithm based on the least-square solution, which minimizes the sum-squared error function [19]. w =1

C 11












f w=1

In p u t L a ye r

K H id d e n L a ye r

m O u tp u t Layer

Fig. 1 Structure of RBFNN Network

Training Data



K-means Clustering Algorithm Finding Centers Locations

Direct Inversion Matrix Algorithm Finding H-O Wieghts

One of the advantages of this method compare to other training algorithms is that it does not need iterations in the training phase; what it needs is the matrix inversion shown in (6), which needs negligible time to be calculated. III. METHODOLOGY A. Forecasting model structure The energy consumption data is separated into subcategories, this separation reflects different energy pricing and consumption pattern for each sector. These sectors are; households, commercial, services, industrial, water pumping and public lighting sector [20]. A RBFNN model for each category is trained to forecast the energy consumption in that category. Fig.3 shows the general structure for the RBFNN model used to forecast the energy consumption. The main driving factors (inputs) for this model are energy consumption in the past years, GDP growth, population growth and the electricity prices. Although, these factors are limited, they are effective in forecasting the energy consumption and they are available in most of the developing countries like Jordan [20]. In order to enhance the performance of the RBFNN model and make the model less sensitive to the random variables, that may affect the inputs of the model, a second delayed set of some of the model inputs is used as an extra input for the model as shown in Fig.3. The total energy consumption forecasting is calculated by summing all the forecasted sectors.

Fig. 2 Block Diagram for the RBFNN Hybrid Learning Process

The weights matrix w is given by

w = A −1Φ T D


where D is the desired output vector for l training data samples set and given by  d ( x1 )    d ( x 2 )  .  (4) D=  d ( x j )  .   d (x )   l  where d(xj) describes the output vector corresponding to the jth training data samples vector (xj). Φ is a matrix where each element φi(xj), is a scalar value and represents the output of the ith hidden neuron for the jth training data samples vector (xj). The Φ matrix for l training data samples is given by  φ1 ( x1 ) φ 2 ( x1 ) .... φ K ( x1 )  φ ( x ) φ ( x ) ... φ ( x )  1 2 2 2 K 2  Φ= . . .  (5) ...   . .  .   φ1 ( xl ) φ 2 ( x l ) ... φ K ( xl )  -1




B. Data preparation The data for each aforementioned sectors from 1990- 2006 is

used to train the RBFNN models. Then the data from 20072011 is used to validate the models. In order to make the inputs of the RBFNN model homogenous, all the input data is normalized by dividing each input vector by its maximum value.

A , the variance matrix and given by A −1 = Φ T Φ

Fig. 3 general structure for the RBFNN forecasting model


(IJEECS) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems. Vol: 14 Issue: 01, May, 2013 C. Model effectiveness the effectiveness of the model is measured by using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) which is calculated

factors, these extra inputs are used to reduce the effect of the random parameters. Fig.5 shows the actual and forecasted load for the households sector. The number of hidden neuron used in RBFNN model is 3 and MAPE = 0.015.

as :

Fig. 4 Households Sector Load Forecasting, (+) Actual, (o) RBFNN Forecast with Hn= 5.

where Ai : is the actual value Ei : is the Expected (Forecated) value n: is the number of the sample IV. RESULTS The used data in the different models is provided by National Electrical Power Company (NEPCO) / Jordan. The data for the period 1990-2007 is used train the RBFNN models and the data for the period 2008-2010 is used to validate the models effectiveness. The MATLAB® software is used to build the models. The value of σ in the RBFNN models depends on the input training data. This value is obtained by running the simulation several times and selecting the value that minimizes the RBFNN network error. A. Households Sector The households sector is considered the largest electricity consumer sector; for example, in year 2010 it consumed 4347 GWh which represented 37% of the total electricity consumption at that year [20]. The RBFNN model is used to forecast the load of this sector depends on four driving factors: (i) expected population, (ii) expected total GDP, (iii) expected income per capita, and (iv) consumption in the previous year. Another inputs for the RBFNN models are a delayed version of the first three factors, these extra inputs are used to reduce the effect of the random parameters. Fig.4 shows the actual and forecasted load for the households sector. The number of hidden neuron used in RBFNN model is 5 and MAPE = 0.0035. B. Commercial Sector The commercial sector is considered also an important sector. In year 2010 it consumed 2121 GWh which represented 18% of the total electricity consumption at that year [20]. The RBFNN model is used to forecast the load of this sector depends on four driving factors: (i) expected population, (ii) expected commercial GDP, (iii) expected commercial sector electricity average constant price (1994 prices) in Fils/KWh, and (iv) consumption in the previous year. Another inputs for the RBFNN models are a delayed version of the first two

Fig. 5 Commercial Sector Load Forecasting, (+) Actual, (o) RBFNN Forecast with Hn= 3.

C. Industrial Sector The industrial sector is considered a special sector because it is divided into two sub-sectors; (ii) Large-scale industries and (ii) Small and medium-scale industries sub-sectors. Largescale industries is defined as the industries that are directly connected to the transmission network. This sub-sector consumed around 8% of the total electricity consumption [20]. In this sub-sector, the electricity demand growth is driven by the physical production of each industry and from its specific energy consumption (generally in KWh per ton produced). The future production and the specific consumption is obtained directly from these industries [20]. Medium and small-scale industries, such as steel, chemical, paper, wood and other similar industries. These industries are consuming around 19% of the total electricity consumption [20]. In this Sector, The RBFNN model is used just to forecast the load of the medium and small-scale industries sub-sector. The load in this sub-sector depends on four driving factors: (i) expected population, (ii) expected industrial GDP, (iii) expected industrial sector electricity average constant price (1994 prices) in Fils/KWh, and (iv) consumption in the previous year. Another inputs for the RBFNN models are a delayed version of the first two factors, these extra inputs are used to reduce the effect of the random parameters. Fig.6 shows the actual and forecasted load for the households sector. The number of hidden neuron used in RBFNN model is 5 and MAPE = 0.0076. D. Water Pumping Sector The water pumping sector is consuming around 19% of the total electricity consumption [20]. The RBFNN model is used to forecast the load of this sector depends on four driving factors: (i) expected population, (ii) expected agriculture


(IJEECS) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems. Vol: 14 Issue: 01, May, 2013 GDP, (iii) expected total GDP, and (iv) consumption in the previous year. Another inputs for the RBFNN models are a delayed version of the first three factors, these extra inputs are used to reduce the effect of the random parameters. Fig.7 shows the actual and forecasted load for the households sector. The number of hidden neuron used in RBFNN model is 5 and MAPE = 0.0156

Fig. 6 Industrial Sector Load Forecasting, (+) Actual, (o) RBFNN Forecast with Hn= 5.

E. Services Sector The services sector includes the governmental departments, radio & TV stations, transportation, Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA), education institutions and health establishments. The services sector is consuming around 8% of the total electricity consumption [20]. The RBFNN model is used to forecast the load of this sector depends on four driving factors: (i) expected population, (ii) expected service GDP, (iii) expected total GDP, and (iv) consumption in the previous year. Another inputs for the RBFNN models are a delayed version of the first three factors, these extra inputs are used to reduce the effect of the random parameters. Fig.8 shows the actual and forecasted load for the households sector. The number of hidden neuron used in RBFNN model is 5 and MAPE = 0.004 F. Street Lighting Sector The street lighting sector is consuming around 3% of the total electricity consumption [20]. The RBFNN model is used to forecast the load of this sector depends on two driving factors: (i) expected population and (ii) consumption in the previous year. Another input for the RBFNN models is a delayed version of the population factor. Fig.9 shows the actual and forecasted load for the households sector. The number of hidden neuron used in RBFNN model is 4 and MAPE = 0.0112

Fig. 7 Water Sector Load Forecasting, (+) Actual, (o) RBFNN Forecast with Hn= 5.

G. Total Load Forecasting The total load forecasting is calculated by the algebraic sum of the forecasted value of the different sectors.

Power Consumption (GWH)

Fig. 8 Service Sector Load Forecasting, (+) Actual, (o) RBFNN Forecast with Hn= 5


(IJEECS) International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems. Vol: 14 Issue: 01, May, 2013 [13]

Fig. 9 Street Sector Load Forecasting, (+) Actual, (o) RBFNN Forecast with Hn= 4.

V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the RBFNN algorithm was used to forecast the electrical load demand in Jordan. The total load consumption was divided into different sectors. These sectors are; households, commercial, services, industrial, water pumping and public lighting sector. a small and effective RBFNN models was used to forecast the load demand for each sector. These models utilize a small, but important, number of factors that drive the load demand. In order to reduce the effect of the random parameters, the input of these models also contained a delayed version of some driving factors. The total load forecasting is calculated by the algebraic sum of the forecasted value of the different sectors. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by National Electrical Power Co. ( NEPCO) in Jordan. REFERENCES [1]

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Eyad K. Almaita (SM’2010) received the B.Sc. from the Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan in 2000, M.Sc. from Al-Yarmouk University, Jordan in 2006. He is now perusing his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Western Michigan University. His research interests include power electronics, control engineering, Artificial intelligent and microprocessor/ microcontroller embedded applications. Eyad K. Almaita Received the B.Sc. from the Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan in 2000, M.Sc. from AlYarmouk University, Jordan in 2006, Ph.D. from Western Michigan University, USA in 2012. He is now serving as assistant professor at Electrical department in Tafila Technical University, Jordan . His research interests include power electronics, power quality, energy efficient systmes, control engineering, Artificial intelligent and microprocessor/ microcontroller embedded applications. Bahjat M. Aulimat Received the B.Sc. from the Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan in 2000, M.Sc. from AlYarmouk University, Jordan in 2006. He is now serving as Head of Generation Planning in NEPCO, Jordan. His research interests include Power Plants and Energy Systems Modeling, Power Plants Emissions Calculation, Load Forecasting, Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy, Economic and Financial Evaluation.


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