Lumsden Light Produced in association with Northern Southland College Your Community School
The Week Ahead FRIDAY 18 MAY
PIPIN’ HOT 7.30pm, Civic Theatre, Invercargill. Tickets available from ICC Booking Office, Esk St. Invercargill. LUMSDEN SENIOR CITIZENS’ there will be no cards today. YOUTH GROUP - is in the NSC College Hall, combined with Riversdale Youth, this Friday only. 7.30pm Anyone Year7 and up most welcome. SATURDAY 19 MAY LUMSDEN CHURCH - SETTING UP FOR HARVEST THANKSGIVING HELP required, please, also bring items for display or to church on Sunday. Thank you
LUMSDEN PLUNKET Coffee group 10.00 am - 11.30 am. All parents and pre schoolers welcome for a play. The rooms are located 2 Tauna Street in Lumsden. Noortje 0279374851 TUESDAY 22 MAY
UPCOMING DWN EVENT “GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR FARM TEAM” 9.30am-12.30pm in Mossburn. Join senior HR consultant Therese Doyle from Crowe Horwath’s HR division (Progressive Consulting) about the key elements with how to attract the people you want and more importantly how to retain them once you’ve done this. If you are interested in learning more about the importance of good practice recruitment, induction and performance management then this is a must! This FREE event is sponsored by Crowe Horwath. Spaces are limited and registrations are essential. Register online id=10746 or for any queries please contact Rebecca 021 138 9580 or Julz 027 478 0148 WEDNESDAY 23 MAY
BALFOUR PLUNKET Coffee Group 10am at our new rooms at Balfour Playcentre. All parents of under 5s welcome, morning tea provided. Any queries contact Janese 027 555 4088. Employment ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT DAIRY FARMING? We are looking for a 2IC to join our team at Balfour, you must have 3 years experience, with great animal health, machinery and pasture management skills. 670 cows on a well set up tidy farm. Phone Ron King 027 414 1768 CALF REARING - we are looking for compassionate, animal loving ladies to join our current calf rearing team. We have a happy, respectful, team spirited work environment. The busy season runs from mid August to the end of November. Most of the calf rearing is done during school hours. Driffield Farming Ltd is situated 3kms from Mossburn on the Wreys Bush Highway. Please contact Shelly on 021 506 866 WORK WANTED - Casual work wanted by two young, willing, hard-working French people staying in Mossburn for 3 weeks. They will tackle anything eg dairy jobs (Anna comes from a Dairy farm), truck driving (Alcide qualified), gardening, cleaning out sheds, housework…. Have a good grasp of English and keen to get to know people in our community and see how we operate. They helped out willingly with the supper at the Mossburn Cabaret on Saturday night. Will do anything from a few hours to several days to help them finish their 6 month tour of Aotearoa/NZ. No accommodation needed and they have their own vehicle. Staying with Jenny Campbell 027 351 0180 PERSONAL CARER WANTED to support/assist 24 yr old young lady with social interaction and community integration development. Up to 12 hours p week. Full licence required, must have references. Please phone or txt Sheree 022 041 3302 NSC HAS A VACANCY FOR A CLEANER If you are interested please phone Maree Smith 248 7121 ext 803 MONDAY—THURSDAY only.
Coming Up 25 MAY LUMSDEN SENIOR CITIZENS’ cards 2pm in rooms, followed by afternoon tea for fellowship and fun. 25 MAY GARSTON PLAYGROUP QUIZ NIGHT Doors open from 6.30pm, teams of 4-$20 per team. Raffles and Auctions, snacks provided & eftpos/cash bar. Held at Kingston Community Centre/ Kingston Golf Club , 32 Gloucester St, Kingston. All welcome 25-27 MAY WAIKAIA PLAYGROUP/PLUNKET HUNTING COMPETITION kids, Individuals or 4 person teams. Great categories and prizes. Email
[email protected] for event and entry details, or search for Waikaia Playgroup/Plunket Competition on Facebook 13 JUNE MOVIE NIGHT FUNDRAISER HELD BY BALFOUR PLAYCENTRE AND PLUNKET. “Life of the party” starring the hilarious Melissa McCarthy. 7pm SBS St James Theatre, Gore. $20 a ticket with complimentary drink and sweet treat. Contact Julia Duff on 027 634 2724 to book your ticket. All pre-sales go into a prize draw. Cash only door sales welcome. 15 JUNE “LOOK AND LEARN DAY” at Federated Farmers Building from 10am until 3pm. Cost $10, lunch is included. Guest speaker Dil Belworthy from Glowing Sky. Ethnic cooking, Rug making, recycling craft and other displays and demonstrations. Everybody welcome. Organised by Institute and Rural Women New Zealand 18 JUNE THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE NORTHERN SOUTHLAND MEDICAL TRUST and Northern Southland Health Company will be held at the Lumsden Maternity Centre at 7.30pm. Nominations are required to fill 3 vacancies for Trustees/Directors. John Douglas is retiring by rotation and is available for reelection. Mark Whelean and Dianne Allan are retiring. Nomination information available by emailing
[email protected]. Nominations to be emailed to the same address and close 1 June 2018 13 JULY MOSSBURN KOROWAI WEAVING WEEKEND Learn the basics of weaving korowai, taking home your own small korowai after this weekend workshop. Friday 13th July 7pm - 9pm and 14th July-15th July 9am - 4pm. At Mossburn community Centre. Phone Southern REAP on 03 236 6008 or email
[email protected] to enrol. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICES Sunday 20 May
10am Mossburn Tony Macdonald 10am Lumsden Communion, Harvest Thanksgiving
Mike 022 362 3662 CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES Every Sunday, Mass 10.30am Balfour First Sunday, Mass 7pm Lumsden Other Sundays, Communion services 6.30pm Every Sunday, Mass 9am Mossburn
NORTHERN SOUTHLAND COLLEGE NSC HAS A VACANCY FOR A CLEANER If you are interested please phone Maree Smith 248 7121 ext 803 MONDAY—THURSDAY only.
(During School Terms)
MONDAYS GARSTON PLAYGROUP: Under 6’s. BYO morning tea. Awesome fun activities– something different each session. Term 1 & 4 9.30am -12.30pm. Term 2 &3 from 12 noon till 3pm. Look forward to seeing you there. The Old Post Office, Garston. Phone Antje 021 0616 232. MOSSBURN PRESCHOOL: Our wonderful Mossburn Preschool would like to welcome you to our relaxed and friendly environment. Bring your morning tea and come join us for a fun filled morning learning through play, woodwork, indoor outdoor play, sandpit, playdough, paints, puzzles and so much more, along with a different activity each session. Casuals welcome! Monday and Wednesday 9-12 during school term. Located at the Mossburn Community Centre. Call Jennie Hales 027 337 8388 or just come along for a look. N S COMMUNITY GYM - . SPIN session 6am at NS Community Gym. The outdoor bike ride comes inside & challenges you over various terrain changes. This class is a great cardio workout. This class can be adapted to suit any fitness level, so everyone works at their own pace. Bookings essential. Please contact Amanda Senior 021 148 1739 YOGA @ LUMSDEN AND DIPTON Improve strength, flexibility & balance while encouraging a greater sense of wellbeing via a fusion of Vinyasa Flow & Yin yoga practice. Monday 9.30am Lumsden and 7.30pm Dipton (Dipton school room 238). For more info please contact Annabel Saunders on 021 762 648. MOSSBURN SQUASH CLUB starting 7pm all welcome to come along and try this wonderful game, great for fitness and excellent for that competitive person or just a social hit. Mossburn Community Centre, any questions please ph Jason 027 282 1830 LUMSDEN PLAYCENTRE: 3 Free visits with no obligation to join. Quality early childhood education for children from birth to school age, providing parents with free training and great friendships. Love to see you there. We open 9.30am -12.30pm, 33 Pluto Rd. Call us on 248 7259 or call Vanessa on 027 518 7420 or Naomi 027 222 9871 MOSSBURN BADMINTON CLUB commencing Monday 14th May Please note now MONDAY Nights! Primary 6.30pm, Secondary 7pm, Adults 8pm. All welcome , Gold coin entry. TUESDAYS LUMSDEN PLAYCENTRE: As above. KUNG FU: Stress free Kung Fu Training. All ages and fitness levels welcome. 6 -7.30pm at Lumsden Memorial Hall. Instructor John Titter Ph 03 201 6226 or 027 4917299. Enquiry welcome. BALFOUR PLAYCENTRE: is open every Tuesday and Friday from 9am to 12pm. Located at the Balfour Primary School, come visit us for a coffee, catch up and see what our wonderful facility has to offer you and your child. Operates during school term dates. For further information please contact Hannah on 027 636 0000 PATCHWORK & QUILTING CLASSES Tuesdays 1 - 4pm Five Rivers’ Hall. $15 tutor fee $3 Hall Hire. Everyone welcome - especially beginners. Please contact Jenny Tayler phone or text 248-8502 or 027-227 2515. DIPTON PLAYGROUP 9.15-12.15. Fully certificated. Located behind the Memorial Hall. Ph Leanne Fenn ph 027 488 0054, or email
[email protected] DIPTON TOY LIBRARY 9.45 am - 11.15 am. . Other times by arrangement. During school term. Wide range of toys for 0-6 year olds. Located in the Memorial Hall. Fees : $45 annual; $12 casual. Email
[email protected] LUMSDEN LADIES’ GOLF 9 and 18 holes. Tee off 10.30 am. Some sets of clubs available. Maureen Stewart 03 2016193. All welcome. NS COMMUNITY GYM - SPIN 6.30pm at the gym (starts Feb 13) A 1hr indoor bike ride which will get your heart pumping & challenge you with different terrain changes. This class is designed for any fitness level as you can adapt to suit you. CORE 7.30pm at the gym. This 30 min class is designed to help strengthen your core , while focusing on Stability, Mobility 7 Flexibility. Finishing with a relaxing stretch. Bookings essential for Spin 7 /or Core. Please - contact Sharon 027 203 3510 DIPTON GOLF CLUB - 10.00 am, 18 holes contact Paddy 248 5149 COMMUNITY GARDEN WORK every Tuesday 1pm at the garden in Helena Street. Planting for this season is complete but we need new people to help us weed and maintain the garden. All welcome. 'SENIORS’ CAFÉ' No joining fees just cost of a tea/coffee and scone - subsidized to $6.00. First Tuesday of the month 10am at 'Route 6 Café'. Next meet is Tuesday 5 June 2018. Contact Kim Spencer-McDonald 2487885. MID NORTHERN SOUTHLAND TOY LIBRARY open 3.30-4.30pm. Come and visit us at 33 Pluto Rd, Lumsden (Playcentre Hall) for all your birth to 8 yr old toys/games/indoor and outdoor equipment. Term/half/full year memberships available. New toys arriving soon! Contact Rosie 027 778 9103 or
[email protected] SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING if you enjoy Scottish Music and the fun of dance. Classes start on Tuesdays from 3 April until the end of August at Winton. Most welcome to come for a look. To carpool & for details ph Christine 03 201 6392 MENZ SHED 10am till noon. 7 Pluto street , Lumsden. All welcome. Feel free to call in for a chat to see if we can fix something for you. WEDNESDAYS TAI CHI 10am 11am at the Senior Citizens’ Rooms Lumsden. Open to all members of the community. Cost GOLD COIN donation. Great for flexibility and injury recovery. MOSSBURN PRESCHOOL: Our wonderful Mossburn Preschool would like to welcome you to our relaxed and friendly environment. Bring your morning tea and come join us for a fun filled morning learning through play, woodwork, indoor outdoor play, sandpit, playdough, paints, puzzles and so much more, along with a different activity each session. Casuals welcome! Monday and Wednesday 9-12 during school term. Located at the Mossburn Community Centre. Call Jennie Hales 027 337 8388 or just come along for a look. NORTHERN SOUTHLAND COMMUNITY GYM - BODY PUMP at Lumsden Hall 7pm, This class is designed to help strengthen the entire body, returns Feb21. $10 casual or concession card $50 for 8 classes contact Amanda for further details 021 148 1739 or email
[email protected] GARSTON PLAYGROUP: Under 5s, 9 -11am. BYO morning tea. Awesome fun activities – something different each session. Look forward to seeing you there. The Old Post Office Garston, Ph Rebecca 021 185 6448 BALFOUR YOUNG FARMERS MEETING the First Wednesday of the Month. Join the Facebook page for location. New members welcome.
WEDNESDAYS CONTINUED NORTHERN SOUTHLAND ST JOHN YOUTH 6-7pm for penguins (6-9 years old), 6 -7.30pm for cadets (8-18years old), (16-25 years old) Learn first aid skills and work on St John badges, make new friends and have fun. Just come along or phone Josie Healy Divisional Manager Youth, Lumsden 027 337 0620 for information THURSDAYS YOGA @LUMSDEN 7.30pm Lumsden Memorial Hall BALFOUR CUBS: Balfour Scout Den 6.30-8pm for 7 1/2-10 year old boys & girls. For information, Ph Trevor 03 201 6306. FIVE RIVERS’ PLAY GROUP 9.30 -12. Wonderful local playgroup, great indoor and outdoor play, music, paints, wood work and plenty more. Small focused activities every week, great chance for mums and families to relax and let kids be kids. Located in the old Five Rivers’ School building. Contact Megan 021 061 2513 or just pop along for a look. NS COMMUNITY GYM - INTRODUCTORY SPIN 6.30pm at the gym (starts 15 Feb). This 30min Spin class suits anyone who wants to experience Spin for their first time or you want a quick workout? Suitable for any fitness level as you are encouraged to work at your level while learning good positioning & technique on the bike. Finished with a good stretch to lengthen out the muscles. Bookings essential—please contact Sharon 027 203 3510 NORTHERN SOUTHLAND WALKGROUP meet 2nd and 4th Thursday’s of the month, would enjoy the company of more local folk, to experience the benefits of exercise (within ones limits), can accommodate 0.5 –15kms distance preferences. Good company - beautiful country enquire at 248 6474 DIPTON PLAYGROUP As above, plus a separate ‘Flippers’ session for 4 year olds at Dipton School. Contact Alicia McLean 021 029 90554 or email
[email protected] UFO OR CRAFTS GROUP meets Mossburn 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month: Warm welcome for more information ring 248 6474 MOSSBURN SMALL BORE RIFLE CLUB season starts again 7.30pm at Mossburn CC on Thursday 19th April. Persons under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or a responsible adult FRIDAYS BALFOUR PLAYCENTRE: As Tuesday. NS COMMUNITY GYM - TRANSFORM at Lumsden Hall 6am, starts 23rd Feb. revitalize your day & end your working week in a positive way with Transform. If you are looking for Strength, power, Muscle lengthening, Muscular definition, increased range of motion & increased circulation then you have found the perfect class. $10 casual, $50 concession card, please contact Amanda for further details 021 148 1739 or email
[email protected] SENIOR CITIZENS’ CARDS AFTERNOON … Held in RSA Hall. YOGA@LUMSDEN 9.30am at Lumsden Memorial Hall Supper Room, 1st class free after that $10 class, suitable for beginners, for more info please contact Annabel Saunders on 021 762 648 BALFOUR SCOUTS every Friday 7-9pm during school term 10-14 year olds, held at the Balfour Scout Den. Inspiring our youth to be leaders of the future through adventure and responsibility. We have fun and learn at the same time. Please contact Paul Bennett 027 483 9465, Damian Daly 027 358 8084 or Rachel Trussler 027 710 4091 for more information. LBK YOUTH GROUP is on Friday nights at the Resource Centre in Lumsden. Anyone welcome Yr 7 and up. Any enquiries ring Frido 027 748 6195 or Mark 027 625 9753
Public Notices
CANCER SOCIETY SUPPORT SERVICES available in your area for anyone affected by Cancer. Contact Cindy Quetier ph 027 305 2133 or email
[email protected] MOSSBURN CONNECTION POINT A Christian fellowship that is part of Fiordland new Life Church. Meets every Sunday from 6pm at the Senior Citizens rooms Devon St, Mossburn. All welcome to come along. See your Facebook page Mossburn connection point or ph/text 027 390 5634 EDUCATION - FREE HOME TUTOR SERVICE providing English language tuitions, available to migrants in the Lumsden area. Please contact English Language Partners Southland 03 218 2736 or 029 771 0950 LAAMBS AND LUMSDEN PLUNKET BOUNCY CASTLE IS AVAILABLE for your party! Find us on Facebook, or text 027 693 1394 NORTHERN SOUTHLAND HEALTH SHUTTLE The health shuttle is available for Hospital, Medical Centre, Plunket and Health Nurse appointments and now also available for non medical outings events and appointments. Please contact Eric on 03 248 7115 to book the shuttle THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE NORTHERN SOUTHLAND MEDICAL TRUST and Northern Southland Health Company will be held at the Lumsden Maternity Centre on Monday 18 June 2018 at 7.30pm. Nominations are required to fill 3 vacancies for Trustees/Directors. John Douglas is retiring by rotation and is available for reelection. Mark Whelean and Dianne Allan are retiring. Nomination information available by emailing
[email protected]. Nominations to be emailed to the same address and close 1 June 2018 WANTING PINE CONES for the fire this winter then we have the cones and bags, you give us a donation of $2 per bag and then go and fill the bags and all money will be given to Ronald McDonald House Southland, thank you ph 248 7110 NEED SOMEWHERE TO HOLD MEETINGS, workshops, social activities or family gatherings in Lumsden? The Senior Citizens’ Rooms could very well be the place you need, centrally situated at reasonable rates. For more information contact Trish Diamond 027 512 9425 or 03 248 7800.
Public Notices Continued
LUMSDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL FUNDRAISER - Entertainment memberships available - either book or digital membership. Some great savings at cafes, restaurants, on family activities, accommodation and more. Right throughout Southland and Otago - including Lumsden, Winton, Gore etc. A great gift to give someone! Order online at orderbooks/26143w9 or purchase at the school. Thank you for your support. Please contact Trish (
[email protected]) with any queries. MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS - operation cover up. Upgraded information now available from D Millar 131 Flora Road Lumsden, phone 248 7148. New, unused wool readily and thankfully accepted. If your group, organisation, friends, family or you are interested, please ring. WINTON FOOTBALL CLUB GIRLS ONLY - Southland Football is running 8 weeks of girls only football in groups of 9 &10, 11 &12 and 13 & 14 years. These are to be held on Friday afternoons starting 18 May, 4-5pm on the ILT Football Turf. A great taster if you have not played before or some extra coaching if you are as club or college player already. Registered club players are free, all others $20 for the season. Registration can be done online once you click on ‘read more’ on the article in the latest news at All enquiries to
[email protected] SKI WEEK CAMPS 2018 The Southland Ski Club run Ski Week Camps in the July school holidays staying at our lodge at Coronet Peak, Queenstown. Camp package includes a 5 day lift pass. Lessons twice a day (Mon– Fri), accommodation & meals, suitable for ages 10 –18 yrs. Week 1: Sun 8th - Sat 14th, Week 2: Sun 15th-Fri 20th. Applications are taken on a first in first served basis so apply now to avoid disappointment - applications close 31st May. Please go to our website to submit your application - if you have any further queries contact 027 275 0665
For Sale PEA STRAW $7 a bale phone 03 201 6274 WEANER PIGS Saddleback X, $90 ring 027 430 1360 ST JOHN OP SHOP this weeks specials, All children’s footwear 1/2 price, Baby gear lots at 1/2 price. Good stock of Jackets, hats & scarves for the family. Entertain with DVD’s, books, games, jigsaws and cd’s, good stocks of all. Lovely range of gift ideas and knick knacks. Always a bargain at the OP Shop SET OF OPEN SHELVES H 70cm, W 110cm, D 50cm. Very nice display shelves $20 for more details ph 03 201 6410 TRACTOR - 585XL INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR with Beg Clip on loader and cab, floatation front drive, goes well $6000 plus GST ph 03 202 5655 PANASONIC 2 HAND PIECE PHONE SET with answer machine $40 ph 027 678 1378 1 GRAIN SILO - 15 tonne as new never been used phone 03 248 7443
Accommodation FLATMATE WANTED in Dipton must be working, tidy. $70 week + costs. Ph 027 812 8304 WE ARE FIRST TIME BUYERS AND WOULD LOVE TO BUY SOME LAND IN THE ATHOL/GARSTON AREA. Looking for at least 2000sqm to build our dream house. For the right section and price could do a cash sale. If this is something you are interested in contact Sandro and Grainne on
[email protected] or 021 150 2032 (message only.) 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR RENT short term 3-6 months$170 week. SemiFurnished, equipped kitchen, set on abundant 1/4 acre garden, character home in the centre of Lumsden. Contact Luka on 022 321 5602
ANGLICAN CHURCH SERVICES Everyone welcome to share our Sunday Worship Sunday 20 May
Sunday 27 May
Holy Communion, Rev Gillian Mary, at home of Irene Stewart, Forest St, Lumsden Reserve Sacrament at home of Eric & Gillian, 22 Farm St Lumsden
For any information on services ring Barry & Helena 248 7087 or Eric & Gillian 248 7115
Local Businesses ADDED ENERGY LTD: Lumsden’s only resident electricians. Our highly experienced team can handle all your home, farm and dairy electrical needs. Ph 0800 LUMSDEN ALAN CLARKE CONTRACTING now offer Precision Fodder Beet Planting with the option of Conventional fertiliser placed under seed and/or NEW MICRO-GRANULE fertiliser with seed. $165/ha + GST for seed only and $180/ha + GST for seed with fertiliser/s. Direct drilling $115/ha + GST. We also offer Claydon Strip Till drilling $160/ ha +GST. Latest technology from Europe, see for more details. Call Alan now to discuss and book phone 020 400 05554 or 03 201 6429 BALFOUR STORE Big sell out Selling cosmetic goods at half the marked price. Shampoos, conditioners, hand and body creams, shower gels, powders, deodorants, perfumes etc. (excluding men’s shaving products) - phone 03 201 6177 BALFOUR THEATRE COMPANY: Costume Hire. Ziggy Roy Ph 201 6058 or 027 444 8353. BEER ELECTRICAL: David is now contracting and available in the Northern Southland area. For all your domestic and commercial electrical needs phone Dave today on 027 406 7357. BEET HARVESTING AND BEET PLANTING - Using a 18 Row precision planter. MJ & SE Dillon. Full paddock to stack service, with new equipment ensuring efficient reliable service. Ring and discuss your requirements 027 221 0080 or 03 202 5321 BRACKEN HALL Are you ready for the chilly weather? We have a good selection of slippers, woolly socks and scarves. Also lovely ponchos in a variety of styles and colours. Come in and try them on. You will be surprised how cosy they are! Don’t forget winter hours 9-5. BRETT MIDDLETON CONTRACTING LTD: For all your Fencing requirements and now available Diggers/Bulldozers for all your earthworks requirements with experienced operators. Phone for a quote 027-329 2698. BROOM AND GORSE SPRAYING phone Jason Hoyle 021 185 1909 BUILDER: WAIMEA BUILDING LIMITED, Riversdale. New builds, Alterations, Farm buildings. Contact James Martin today for your free quote, 027 261 6304 BUZZ CAFÉ /BAR winter opening hours starting June 5 2017 Mon – Wed, 9am 3pm, Thur - Sun, 9am - 8pm . Ph 248 7166 for bookings and enquiries. CNS CONSTRUCTION 20+years, qualified. For all your building and Building Maintenance needs. Contact Kane 027 771 8202 DAVID STEVENSON AUTO LTD York Rd, Riversdale. We can offer Lumsden and surrounding districts the following - Full Mechanical repairs, Transmission Flush, Tyres and Batteries, Diagnostic scanning. Contact the team at David Stevenson Auto Ph 03 202 5345 or 027 437 3631. DIPTON SERVICE CENTRE 2018 LTD Mechanical repairs, batteries, WOF, tyres. Contact Tim 03 248 5273 or 022 127 8391 EATON WILLOW LODGE LTD for Agriculture Spraying, Cultivation, Baling & Tip Trucks. Phone Paul 027 483 8103, Derek 027 437 5706 or Brent 027 485 5994 FARRIER Shayne Watson CF, Forge and Farriery. AFA Qualified Farrier, Lumsden Based, Ph Shayne on 021 083 61029 FARMLANDS MOSSBURN would like to invite you to attend their Pre Lamb Technical Roadshow, secure Early Bird deals for your Pre-lamb this season, as well as gain some invaluable technical advice from our specialist vets at each session from Zoetis, Coopers and Infield Group on Tuesday 22nd May 5-7pm at the Lumsden Hotel. Interested in attending RSVP to your local TFO or contact the Friendly team at Farmlands Mossburn on 248 4040. FIFTY SHADEZ OF PAINT for all your painting needs we specialise in interior / exterior work, roof spraying. Free quotes with friendly prompt service, always happy to serve the locals as we have been now for over a year, great refs call/text Daniel James 027 844 0977 GST registered. FIVE FINGER CRAFT & INFORMATION CENTRE Get your holiday clothing sorted, woolly Jerseys for the family. Also your Hotties with woollen covers, Felted soaps, Towels, Nappy Bags & Carry bags, Tea pot & plunger covers, Aprons, Cushions, Quilting fabrics & Embroidery packs to help fill in your leisure time while on holiday.. Open 10am - 3pm. Eftpos now available. Situated inside old Railway Station, Lumsden. VOLUNTEERS WANTED TO WORK IN THE FIVE FINGER CRAFT SHOP. Hours are from 10am-3pm or longer. We are flexible with opening hours. Open Monday to Sunday. The Craft Shop has been operating for 30 years so far. Contact Barbara Mason on 027 459 6907 FIVE RIVERS’ CAFÉ/GALLERY: Come & enjoy our freshly baked treats in our sunshine filled garden. Fantastic coffee, cabinet food & a full menu available seven days a week from 8am to 4pm. New giftware & artwork in the gallery! For bookings or enquiries call our friendly staff 248 7755. FLY AND SPIDER CONTROL (locally based) are in your area, treatments for flies, spiders, borer, cluster flies etc. For any more information you can ring Glenis on 0800 277 933 or email
[email protected] GIBSTOPPING / PLASTERING Whole house or patch that hole in the wall. Fibrous plaster restoration. Latest materials and methods used - minimal dust. Phone Charles 027 260 4418 GORSE AND BROOM A PROBLEM? FJ and AM Rae LTD are now operating a Twin Reel Unit in your area. For more information please phone Frank on 027 497 2887
[email protected] COST IS $50 FOR ONE WEEK
Local Businesses HANKS PLACE: Winter grazing is just around the corner so get ready now with GALLAGHER REELS & STRAINRITE PIG TAIL POSTS in stock now. Stay warm with bagged OHAI COAL 40KG. Call us today for dry hire of our TEREX PT50 loader or HITACHI 1.7T mini digger. HANKS PLACE 03 248 7522, 148 Flora Rd LUMSDEN HOMEKILL: Lumsden based operator est. 2006. Ray Orchard Contracting. Independent operator specializing in Homekill slaughtering. Delivery to the butcher of YOUR CHOICE. “Servicing Northern Southland & beyond” since 2006. Also killing Dog tucker. For fast efficient service, Ph Ray or Honorine 248 7868 or 027 248 6396. IQ ENGINEERING - INNOVATION - QUALITY - ENGINEERING You name it “IQ will tailor it to your needs! MOBILE BIN FEEDERS $1100+, over 4 metres long, holds over 400 litres. Our bin feeders are very well constructed yet light enough to be towed by ride on lawn mowers and motor bikes. There is a coupling at one end and toe ball at other end to connect another feeder. We use 2nd hand tyres as no warrant etc needed and this helps keep our prices down, our hubs and stubs and bearings are industrial quality made in NZ. Ideal for winter feeds, calves, water etc. The prices will not be lowered as these are very good value for money. We also do Dog kennels, Farm trailers, Gates etc and general engineering, especially those small jobs that are not economically viable for the bigger companies. Come and see us on Racecourse road, Winton, Phone Brett 022 198 3782 LUMSDEN LIBRARY: Plenty of fresh reading for all. Come in and browse Book Folding Class - Come along and experience how to make a book folding creation on the 23rd March 2-4pm at Lumsden Library. This is free just ring Colleen on 0800 732 542 to register as numbers are filling fast. LUMSDEN PRESCRIPTION & GIFT CENTRE: Open Monday - Friday 10am 5pm, lunch break 12.45-1.15pm Phone 248-7102 or Fax 248 7591 MASON ADAMS’ CONTRACTING: For half belly, crutching, and dagging. Phone Mason 027 491 3428. MACDONALD EXCAVATING: Drainage, general excavation work, roading, grading, rolling, mobile crusher and screening plant, gravel supplies and cartage. Bobcat for cleaning sheds and yards. 30-RB dragline with a reach of up to 30 metres. This is the perfect machine for pile driving, clearing sludge ponds, creeks or phone Ali 027 434 4001 or Campbell 027 271 8283. McMASTER BUILDING: Licensed Building Practitioner - phone 027 373 2848 or
[email protected] MIKE BREEN BUILDING LTD Based in Northern Southland for all your building and Building Maintenance needs. Call Mike for a quote or to discuss your next building project. Ph 027 295 2177 NORTH N SOUTH PLUMBING N DRAINAGE LTD: Get it right, Get a Master Plumber. 0800Plumbu (0800 758 628)
[email protected] NORTHERN SOUTHLAND COMMUNITY GYM - Celebrating 10 years of serving the Northern Southland Community. Please contact Amanda 021 1481739 for all Gym enquiries and for all Group Fitness sessions. For up to date information please check out our FACEBOOK PAGE—Northern Southland Community Gym NORTHERN SOUTHLAND ST JOHN The health shuttle is available for hospital, Medical Centre, Plunket and Health Nurse appointments and now also available for non medical outings events and appointments. Phone Eric on 248 7115. ST JOHN OP SHOP this weeks specials, All children’s footwear 1/2 price, Baby gear lots at 1/2 price. Good stock of Jackets, hats & scarves for the family. Entertain with DVD’s, books, games, jigsaws and cd’s, good stocks of all. Lovely range of gift ideas and knick knacks. Always a bargain at the OP Shop. Tuesday to Friday
10am till 4pm
PGG WRIGHTSON Barnyard 25kg range $25.99. Proplan Optipower 20kg $135.99. Dunstan Eezymix 20 kg $34.99. Chunky Dog Roll original 2.2kg 10 for $69.99. Whiskas 9.1kg $42.99. Ph 248 9000 RACHAEL COLLINS-Celebrant. Once you have set the date for your wedding remember to book your Celebrant. Bookings for weddings are already being made for 2020. Member of the Celebrant Association of New Zealand. For inquiries phone 027 2355144.
RISE AND SHINE WINDOW CLEANING Domestic and commercial window cleaning throughout Southland. Phone or email Sam Cathcart on 021 065 5354 or
[email protected] for a quote. RIVERSTONES’ EARLY LEARNING CENTRE 4 Helena Street, Lumsden. Teacher led learning environment catering for children 3 months - 5 years, offering 20 ECE hours (free of fees) for all 3 and 4 year olds. WINZ subsidies available. Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm. Please phone Ang 03-2801564 for an information / pre-enrolment pack. RIVERSDALE MEATS: Book your space now on 03 202 5717,
[email protected] or find us on Facebook ROCHELLE DILLON PHOTOGRAPHY - your local NZIPP Qualified Professional photographer. For photographs that capture the essence of your family call me on 027 293 3221 or email
[email protected] SHEAR TECH LTD For all your shearing and crutching requirements. Also have portable machine for lifestyle blocks. Phone Ray on 027 948 4512 for further information. SOUTHERN LAND & WATER PLANNING LTD – We specialise in preparing: resource consents, farm environmental management plans, policy advice, DOC concessions, landscape and riparian management plans and landscape assessments. Call Rebecca on 027 424 6129 or Sonya on 027 505 0077 or visit for more information. SOUTHLAND SILVICULTURE For all your planting, pruning and thinning requirements on small to medium blocks. Contact Daryl Carr 027 784 6316 or
[email protected]. SQUARE UP BUILDING Rural - Homes -Landscapes, contact Jamie Maginn (Licensed Building Practitioner) on 027 300 7780,
[email protected] or find us on Facebook STALKER BUILDING LTD Stalker Building Ltd has been servicing Lumsden, Mossburn, Athol, Balfour, Dipton and surrounds since 2005. For all building requirements from repairs and maintenance to renovations, additions, fire installation to new builds. House plans available. Proud to be a member of Registered Master Builders and David is a Licensed Building Practitioner. For a professional service from a local lad call David Stalker 027 463 8685 STORAGESPACE.KIWI Secure, cost effective, storage solutions in Lumsden. Phone Campbell 027 271 8283 ULTRASCAN NORTHERN SOUTHLAND Pregnancy testing cows and calf dehorning. Ph 248-7338 Mob 027-690 0179 Lukas & Gabriela UNDERGROUND TAKEAWAYS Available to empty your septic tanks and any other sumps that need cleaned. Phone Brian 027 407 2272 VET SOUTH LTD-LUMSDEN CLINIC Phone 248 9030, 44 Diana St, Open 9am-4pm Mon-Fri. Small animal clinic TUESDAY 12-2pm. Please ring us for an appointment. Any small animal purchase goes into a monthly draw for a voucher. NS CRCCT C OMMU N I TY C O - OR D IN A TOR ’ S OFFI C E ‘SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF OUR COMMUNITY’ NSCRCCT COMMUNITY CO-ORDINATOR
Covering the Northern Southland areas - Mossburn, Lumsden, Balfour, Athol, Garston and Dipton. REMEMBER : Free confidential advice and support for all members of our community. Kim Spencer-McDonald Phone 248 7885, Cell 027 810 8880 11 Hero St, Lumsden email
[email protected] -MENZSHED - See weekly Column - Next Seniors Café - 10am 5 June at Route 6. - Frozen meals available - meals prepared by Age Concern Invercargill. Please contact Irene Stewart on 248 7323 or our office. Meals are normally $8.00 but subsidised to only $5.00 for a large meal. PLEASE NOTE THAT MEALS ARE TO BE COLLECTED FROM IRENE - SHE DOES NOT PROVIDE A DELIVERY SERVICE - IF DELIVERY IS REQUIRED PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE. -See coming up for Community Garden and Tai Chi details. FIND US ON FACEBOOK-Northern Southland Community Resource Centre Charitable Trust - for local and Southland wide events and information