Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4001 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-C10 : Traditions of Political Thought (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Attempt any one question of the following :


a) Discuss Plato’s idea about ‘Ideal State’. b) Explain John Locke’s theory of Social Contract.

Q2) Attempt any one question of the following :


a) Critically examine ‘Machiavelli as a Modern Political thinker. b) Critically examine the views of J.S. Mill’s on Representative Government.

Q3) Attempt any one question of the following :


a) Explain Karl Marx’s views on ‘state’ and Revolution. b) Explain M. Gandhi’s concept of Gramrajya.


Q4) Attempt any two of the following :


a) Abu Nasoral - Farabi views on political thoughts. b) Rousseau’s General Will. c) Features of Aquinas political thought. d) Hegel’s contribution on political thought.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following : a) Confuciu’s views on Ethics. b) J.S. Mill’s views on Liberty. c) M. Gandhiji’s views on Satyagraha. d) Fraritz Fanon ‘Decolonization’ theory.





Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4001 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-C10 : Traditions of Political Thought (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :- 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ gmoS>[dUo A{Zdm`© AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ßboQ>moà{UV "AmXe©amÁ`' g§H$ënZoda MMm© H$am. ~) Om°Z b°H$Mm gm_m{OH$ H$ama {gÜXm§V ñnï> H$am.

àíZ 2)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) "_°{H$`mìhobr EH$ AmYw{ZH$ amOH$s` {dMmad§V' `m {dYmZmMo {M{H$ËgH$ narjU H$am. ~) Oo. Eg. {_bÀ`m à{V{Z{YH$ emgZ {df`H$ {dMmamMo {Q>H$mË_H$ narjU H$am.

àíZ 3)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) H$mb© _mŠg©Mm "amÁ`' Am{U "H«$m§Vr' {df`H$ {dMma ñnï> H$am. ~) _.Jm§YrMr "J«m_amÁ`' g§H$ënZm {deX H$am.



àíZ 4)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) A~w Zmga Ab - \$ao~r `m§Mo amOH$s` {dMma ~) ê$gmoMr gm_y{hH$ Bhm H$) A°{ŠdZmgÀ`m amOH$s` {dMmam§Mr d¡{eï>o S>)

àíZ 5)

hoJoiMo amOH$s` {dMmam§Vrb `moJXmZ

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) H$Ýâ`w{e`gMo "Z¡{VH$Vm' {df`H$ {dMma ~) Oo. Eg. {_bMo ñdmV§Í` {df`H$ {dMma H$) _. Jm§YrOrMr gË`mJ«h g§H$ënZm S>)

\°«$Q>P \°$ZZ `m§Mm {Zd©gmhVrH$aUmMm {gÜXm§V





Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4002 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-C11 : Political Process in India (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Review the electoral politics during the years 1968-1989. b) Discuss the politics regionalism with special reference to language politics.

Q2) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Discuss the Dalit politics in India. b) Explain the causes of inter-state disputes in India.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Critically examine the Nature and Consequences of Naxalite Movement in India. b) Discuss the Economical reforms after 1990 in India.


Q4) Attempt any two of the following :


a) Limits of Caste Politics 1999. b) Farmer’s Movement. c) NGO’s about Women. d) Importance of Loksaba Election 1989.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following : a) Dominance Caste Politics. b) OBC Mobilization. c) Dominance System. d) NGO’s.





Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4002 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-C11 : Political Process in India (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :- 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ gmoS>[dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) 1968-1989 _Yrb {ZdS>UyH$s¨À`m amOH$maUmMm AmT>mdm ¿`m. ~) ^mfoÀ`m amOH$maUmÀ`m {deof g§X^m©V àXoedmXmÀ`m amOH$maUmMr MMm© H$am.

àíZ 2)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ^maVmVrb X{bV amOH$maUmMr MMm© H$am. ~) ^maVmVrb Am§Va - amÁ` {ddmXmMr H$maUo ñnï> H$am.

àíZ 3)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ^maVmVrb ZjbdmXr MidirMo ñdê$n d n[aUm_ `m§Mo {M{H$ËgH$ narjU H$am. ~) ^maVmVrb 1990 Z§VaÀ`m Am{W©H$ gwYmaUm§Mr MMm© H$am.


àíZ 4)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) 1999 Z§Va OmV amOH$maU _`m©Xm ~) eoVH$ar Midi H$) _{hbm{df`H$ ñd§`godr g§ñWm S>)

àíZ 5)

1989 À`m bmoH$g^m {ZdS>H$H$sMo _hËd

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) d[að> OmVtMo amOH$maU ~) Amo. ~r. gr. Mr H¥$VràdUVm H$) EH$ njà^wËd nÜXVr S>)

{~Ja emgH$s` g§KQ>Zm





Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4003 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-C12 : Political Participation (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Attempt any one of the following :

[Max. Marks : 50


a) Discuss the relationship between Public opinion and Political culture. b) Discuss the measures for ensuring fair participation of women in politics.

Q2) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain the characteristics on new social movements. b) Discuss the different agents of Political Socialization.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain the term Collective Violence with reference to Riots, State Repression, Ethnic and communal violence. b) Explain the role of media in Political Participation.


Q4) Attempt any two of the following :


a) Meaning of Political Socialization. b) Concept of Civic Culture. c) Importance of Public opinion. d) Typology of social movement

Q5) Attempt any two of the following : a) Classification of political culture. b) Gender Equality. c) Benefits of Political participation. d) Anti-caste Movement.





Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4003 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-C12 : Political Participation (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :• 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ A{Zdm`© AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) bmoH$_V d amOH$s` g§ñH¥$Vr `m§À`m_Yrb g§~§YmMr MMm© H$am. ~) _{hbm§Mm amOH$maUmVrb {Zînj gh^mJ {ZpíMV H$aUmè`m Cnm`m§Mr MMm© H$am.

àíZ 2)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) Zì`m gm_m{OH$ MidirMr d¡{eï>o ñnï> H$am. ~) amOH$s` gm_m{OH$aUmÀ`m {d{dY gmYZm§Mr MMm© H$am.

àíZ 3)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) gm_w{hH$ qhgm hr g§H$ënZm X§Jo, amÁ`mMo X_Z, dm§{eH$ Am{U O_mVdmXr qhgoÀ`m g§X^m©V ñnï> H$am. ~) amOH$s` gh^mJmVrb à{gÜXr _mÜ`_m§Mr ^y{_H$m ñnï> H$am.


àíZ 4)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) amOH$s` gm_{OH$aUmMm AW© ~) ZmJar g§ñH¥$VrMr g§H$ënZm H$) bmoH$_VmMo _hËd S>)

àíZ 5)

gm_m{OH$ MidirMo dJuH$aU

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) amOH$s` g§ñH¥$VrMo dJuH$aU ~) qbJ g_^md H$) amOH$s` gh^mJmMo \$m`Xo S>)

OmVr A§VmMr Midi





Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4004 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-013 : Political Thought of Dr. Ambedkar (Optional) (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Attempt any one question of the following :


a) Explain socio-political background of Ambedkar’s thought. b) Critically examine Dr. Ambedkar’s views on Indian Nationalism.

Q2) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Discuss the social Thought of Dr. Ambedkar. b) Explain Dr. Ambedkar’s views on casteism.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain Dr. Ambedkar’s ideas of socialism. b) Discuss the views on Liberal Democracy of Dr. Ambedkar.


Q4) Attempt any two of the following :


a) Doctrine of Buddhism. b) Dr. Ambedkar’s views on Fraternity. c) Economic Thought of Dr. Ambedkar. d) Views on role of the state by Dr. Ambedkar.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following : a) Views on Equality of Dr. Ambedkar. b) Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on Representative Government. c) Dr. Ambedkar’s views on Pakistan. d) Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on untouchability.





Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4004 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-013 : Political Thought of Dr. Ambedkar (Optional) (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :• 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ gmoS>dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.


Imbrbn¡H$s EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§À`m gm_m{OH$ - amOH$s` {dMmam§Mr nmíd©^y_r ñnï> H$am.

~) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§À`m ^maVr` amï´>dmX{df`H$ {dMmam§Mo {M{H$ËgH$ narjU H$am.

àíZ 2)


Imbrbn¡H$s EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) Am§~oS>H$am§À`m gm_m{OH$ {dMmam§Mr MMm© H$am. ~) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo OmVr`Vo g§~§YrMo {dMma ñnï> H$am.

àíZ 3)


Imbrbn¡H$s EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo g_mOdmXr {dMma ñnîQ> H$am ~) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§À`m CXma_VdmXr bmoH$emhr {dMmam§Mr MMm© H$am.


àíZ 4)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ~wÜXdmXmMo VËdkmZ ~) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo ~§YyËdm{df`rMo {dMma H$) Am§~oS>H$am§Mo Am{W©H$ {dMma S>)

àíZ 5)

S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo amÁ`mÀ`m ^y{_Ho$~m~V {dMma

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm A) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo g_Vo{df`rMo {dMma ~) à{V{ZYrH$ emgZ{df`H$ Am§~oS>H$am§Mo {dMma H$) S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo nm{H$ñVmZ{df`rMo {dMma S>)

S>m°. Am§~oS>H$am§Mo Añn¥í`Vo~m~V {dMma





Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4005 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-014 : Party System in India (Optional) (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain the issues of representation of Indian politics before 1950. b) State how the resurgence of Congress came into existence in Indian politics after 1977.

Q2) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain the historical background of Indian Communist Party. b) State the characteristics features of Indian Party System.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Discuss “the stability came in B.J.P. (Bhartiya Janata Party) after 1999”. b) Explain the causes and elements for the decliration of Congress Party.


Q4) Attempt any two of the following :


a) Indian National Movement. b) Manifesto of Congress Party. c) Ideology of B.J.P. d) Women’s Representation.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following : a) Akali Dal. b) Aam Admi Party (AAP) c) Importance of Regional Parties. d) Functions of Political Parties.





Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4005 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-014 : Party System in India (Optional) (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :• 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) 1950 nyduÀ`m ^maVr` amOH$maUmVrb à{V{ZYrËdmMo _yÔo ñnï> H$am. ~) 1977 Z§VaÀ`m H$mimV ^maVr` amOH$maUmV H$m±J«ogMo nwZê$‚mrdZ H$emàH$mao KSy>Z Ambo Vo gm§Jm.

àíZ 2)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ^maVr` H$å`w{ZñQ> njmMr EoË`mhm{gH$ nmíd©^y_r ñnîQ> H$am. ~) ^maVmVrb njnÜXVrMr d¡{eï>ço gm§Jm.

àíZ 3)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) 1999 Z§VaÀ`m H$mimVrb ^mOnbm ñW¡`© àmá Pmbo MMm© H$am. ~) H$m±J«og njmbm CÎmaVr H$im bmJÊ`mg H$maUr^yV R>abobo KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am.



àíZ 4)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ^maVr` amï´>r` Midi ~) H$m±J«og njmMm Om{haZm_m H$) ^maVr` OZVmnjmMr {dMmagaUr S>)

àíZ 5)

ór à{V{ZYrËd

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) AH$mbrXb ~) Am_ AmX_r nmQ>u H$) àmXo{eH$ njm§Mo _hËd S>)

amOH$s` njm§Mr H$m`}





Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4006 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-015 : Conflict and Co-operation in Asia Pacific Region (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Answer any one of the following :


a) Take review the effect on International Politics of Imperialism and the Cold War. b) Discuss Economic Resurgence as a important factor of the new Regional order.

Q2) Answer any one of the following :


a) Explain the nature and features of Asia Pacific Community. b) Write an essay on the role of China under United Nations.

Q3) Answer any one of the following :


a) Write an essay on the end of the Cold war. b) Discuss, the role of Middle powers in Asia Pacific Regions.


Q4) Write short notes on any two :


a) Issue of conflict between Japan and Russia. b) Co-operation between USA and Russia. c) Meaning of the new Regional Order. d) The role of China in the world politics.

Q5) Write short notes on any two :


a) Issue of Conflict between Middle and Small powers. b) Co-operation between Japan and China. c) United State of America a Big power. d) Issue of conflict between North and South Koria.




Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4006 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE PO-015 : Conflict and Co-operation in Asia Pacific Region (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :• 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ gmoS>[dUo A{Zdm`©$ AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© àíZm§Mo JwU Xe©{dVmV.

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) gm_«mÁ`dmX d erV`wÜXmMm Am§Vaamï´>r` amOH$maUmda Pmboë`m n[aUm_m§Mm AmT>mdm ¿`m. ~) ZdrZ àmXo{eH$ ì`dñWoMm "Am{W©H$ nwZê$ËWmZ' hm _hËdmMm KQ>H$ Amho `mda MMm© H$am.

àíZ 2)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) Am{e`m n°{g{\$H$ g_wXm`mMo ñdê$n d d¡{eï>ço ñnï> H$am. ~) g§`wŠV amï´>mVrb MrZMr ^y{_H$m `mda {Z~§Y {bhm.

àíZ 3)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) "erV`wÜX' g_már `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. ~) "Am{e`m n°{g{\$H$ {d^mJmVrb _Ü`_ gÎmm§Mr ^y{_H$m' MMm© H$am.



àíZ 4)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ$ Q>rnm {bhm.


A) OnmZ a{e`m _Yrb g§KfmªMr _wÔo ~) A_o[aH$m d a{e`m _Yrb g§hH$m`© H$) ZdrZ àmXo{eH$ ì`dñWoMm AW© S>)

àíZ 5)

OmJ{VH$ amOH$maUmVrb MrZMr ^y{_H$m

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ Q>rnm {bhm. A) _Ü`_ d bKwgÎmm§_Yrb g§Kfm©Mr _wÔo ~) OnmZ d MrZ `mVrb ghH$m`© H$) g§`wŠV amÁ` A_o[aH$m EH$ _hmgÎmm S>)

CÎma d X{jU H$mo[a`mVrb g§Kfm©Mr _wÔo





Total No. of Questions : 5]

SEAT No. :


[Total No. of Pages : 4

[5003]-4007 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE (Optional) PO-016 : Political Economy of India (2013 Pattern) (Credit System) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain the “Review of development of plans”. b) Discuss the Liberalization.

Q2) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Explain the changing nature of caste-class relationship in India. b) Evaluate questions of Autonomy of the states in India.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following :


a) Write an essay on Informalization of working class in India. b) Explain features of New Economic Policy.


Q4) Attempt any two of the following :


a) Impact of Green Revolution. b) Concept of Caste Mobility. c) The Mixed Economy Model. d) Regional Inter-state disputes.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following : a) Globalization. b) Achivement of Privatisation. c) Middle classes in Industrial Sector. d) New Economic Policy.





Total No. of Questions : 5]


[5003]-4007 M.A. (Part - II) (Semester - IV)

POLITICAL SCIENCE (Optional) PO-016 : Political Economy of India (2013 Pattern) (Credit System)

(_amR>r ê$nm§Va) doi : 3 Vmg] gyMZm :• 1) 2)

àíZ 1)

[EHy$U JwU : 50 gd© àíZ gmoS>dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) {dH$mgmÀ`m {Z`moOZmMo nwZamdbmoH$Z ñnï> H$am. ~) CXmarH$aUmMr MMm© H$am.

àíZ 2)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm.


A) ^maVmVrb OmV Am{U dJ© g§~YmMo ~XbVo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. ~) ^maVmVrb amÁ`m§À`m ñdm`ÎmVoÀ`m àíZm§Mo _yë`_mnZ H$am.

àíZ 3)

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) ^maVmVrb H$m_JmadJm©Mo Ag§KQ>rH$aU `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. ~) ZdrZ Am{W©H$ YmoaUmMr d¡{eï>o ñnï> H$am.



àíZ 4)


Imbrbn¡H$s XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) h[aVH«$m§VrMo n[aUm_ ~) OmVr`JVr_mZVoMr g§H$ënZm H$) g§{_l AW©ì`dñWoMo àmê$n S>)

àíZ 5)

àmXo{eH$ Am§VaamÁ`r` g§Kf©

Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVohr XmoZ àíZ gmoS>dm. A) OmJ{VH$sH$aU ~) ImOJrH$aUmMr CnbãYr H$) CÚmooJjoÌmVrb _Ü`_dJ© S>)

ZdrZ Am{W©H$ YmoaU





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No. of Printed Pages : 4. N. MASTER OF ARTS. (POLITICAL SCIENCE). Term-End Examination. June, 2016. MPSE-004 : SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT.

Springfield: Charles C Thomas. Publisher, LTD. Kopp, H., & Gillespie, C. A. (2011). Career Diplomacy : Life and Work. in the U.S. Foreign Service. Washington, DC: Georgetown. University ... Taylor, K., Ruck, J. M., & JIST. Works, I. (2009). Guide to.

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Kuvempu University B.A Political Science Aug 2008 Political Theory ...
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Juba 16 December 2013 Political Crisis
Dec 16, 2013 - Some Nuer youth said, they were informed over telephone that, Dinka in military ... always uses military approach to buy the political seat, some ...

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12 MA Linguistics Shillong Campus Model Paper 2013.pdf. 12 MA Linguistics Shillong Campus Model Paper 2013.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

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The New Chicago School - UIC Political Science
and Why It Matters for Urban Social Science ..... Page 10 ..... more has long been reiterated by Hollywood and popular media, travel agents, and political ..... election, we held a workshop with Bill Grimshaw, major policy guru and campaign.

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... the control of local communities. over their natural resources. 3. ' ' 1. Explain the meaning of 'Privy Purse'. 4. ... Page 3 of 12. 59-3 (Political Science).pdf. 59-3 (Political Science).pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu.

Nations are the members of SAARC. (v) the name of common currency of European. 1C. I . /! - %- !,-. 0. DiE N ! .! ) - &8! 3 ! .! ' DiiE $. ) 0 . /. ) &'. Page 3 of 33. Political-Science-3-FINAL.pdf. Political-Science-3-FINAL.pdf. Ope