Enginer –how many times you Mrs. did that scene..? Sharon –the entire life… all the men asked me to do that scene .. and women too… and I did… I mean, I ended up doing….and even I as well… I needed to know if I still was Sharon Stone… it’s difficult to say what was all that… how much this contributed to that which followed…the chair looks like stayed with something mine… Enginer –and you signora thinks that this is important for the men..? Sharon –you’re funny….

Enginer –To the men, no, but for me, maybe… I think so it’s something that I had to pass.. as if I was predestined to sit in that chair…was something that I learned…it was how I understood the learning…was something that I asked myself… Angelina Jolie.. Michele Pfeifer, Cameron Diaz, so many pretty women, and even really the improbable, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Britney Spears…. Why Sharon Stone..? Enginer –you mrs. have the smile-of-the-gata… Sharon –and what’s this..? Enginer –the expression of the pleasure, when does something that it’s liking… the sensation of that who does because likes, but hides this in the enigmatic smile-of-the-cat… it is different of the Mona Lisa one, the eye of the observer… that who knows what the other one it’s doing… your beauty is uncommon, and if it weren’t you mrs., any other one would do it.

Sharon –and isn’t this destiny..? Enginer –no, a tuning… there exists a music, yes, but… which’s its naturalness….? Sharon –yes… this is an interesting problem… I always felt myself nude… but the cameras always had the capacity of dressing me… and taking off the clothes in scene, passed to be not so well natural… Enginer –was it a pleasure share the screen [contracenar] with Michael Douglas..? Sharon –no, it was not a pleasure.. Enginer –would you mrs. like to do Basic Instinct III…? Sharon –is this some joke..? it was already hard to do the II… I mean, why a trilogy..? it looks like a continuity of a same thing… and who’d be the actor..? Enginer –sir Michael Douglas…

Sharon –but, Michael ..? couldn’t it be another...?

Enginer –Kahmn..?

Kahmn –no… it has to be Michael, really…

Sharon –but, why…:?

Enginer –it was him who took you to the prison…

Sharon –he was only a cop… it was by case…

Kahmn –cop lives under suspect… Sharon –suspect of what..? Kahmn –of a crime... Sharon –but what crime..? Kahmn –cop it’s man, woman it’s the suspect…of a crime.. Sharon –but, what crime..?

Kahmn –seduction… you miss proved that he was right: on sitting on the chair: and stablishing a parallel of ends in your knees, there was a value in there, it’s the angle of a finality, the proof… did I hit it all, Enginer…? Enginer –yes, you hit… Kahmn –the proof of what, Enginer..? Enginer –of the submission… for this she accepted to sit in there.. Sharon –I don’t know very well if I’m understanding what you guys are talking about… Enginer –miss stone, it’s as I said, you may revert this question, it’s way easier than the judgement… Kahmn –it’s just you miss accept follow with us in some passages…

Enginer –you miss was raped in that chair…

Sharon –but I accepted the rape…

Enginer – it doesn’t exist acceptation in the nature… you miss are being judged by a crime that you didn’t committed… Sharon –but how didn’t I committed any crime, I seated in the chair… Enginer –but it isn’t you that’s being judged… there was someone else seated there, and it wasn’t you… Sharon –and who was seated there? Enginer –the man… sir Michael Douglas… and he got to make you sit in his place, you Mrs. understand..? Sharon –no… Kahmn –pois é, the scene that we’re going to do, you will understand…

Sharon –how many mysteries…!

Kill –have you seen this movie..?

God –I’ve seen.. I’ve seen…

Kaos –everybody saw the taste of the man. Who should be seated in that chair was God… Enginer – “it was the woman who did: it wasn’t I: it was her who caused the interruption, in the will of a weak-one…”: so affirms the Book. The woman it’s servant while submissive, and submissive because doesn’t controls herself: a taste that isn’t hers, but of the evil.. the evil seduced her, and she doesn’t get to control this seduction: for this, the evil it’s her owner: And so, the evil putted a taste in the woman, and the woman will put this taste in the man: a seduction: an interruption in the will of God: the man doesn’t see, but it’s the woman that calls his attention: a movement of which he is not expecting: Do you Mrs. agree with this..?

Sharon –in certain form, yes, because.. otherwise I wouldn’t have accepted the role. But I wouldn’t do it once again.. not even by all the money of the world.. Enginer –so you Mrs. didn’t found right this understanding of the woman..? Sharon –no, I didn’t found…

Sharon –but how would a woman seduce a man in these circumstances…? Enginer –you mean, how would a woman seduce a man if it weren’t in these circumstances…? Kahmn –pois é, the History it´s about seduction… this word isn’t natural… Enginer –yea, miss Sharon stone, there doesn’t exists seduction in the nature… Kahmn –wasn’t it a seduction that was happening there in the scene..? Sharon –I think so… but.. I’ve never seduced anyone like this.. Kahmn –but validated that the seduction exists… and that’s proper of the woman seducing the man… Sharon –this isn’t important… Kahmn –it is, for the crime in question… the crime against the nature…

Sharon –I didn’t understand, I’m being judged by a crime against the nature..? this must be a joke, I love the nature… Enginer –the nature in question it’s yours…. Was it a pleasure for you doing that film..? Sharon –no, it wasn’t… I think so no movie it’s a pleasure, but a work… Sharon –what is the movie that you guys are talking about..? Enginer –the film that you’re going to do will be a pleasure, not a work…. Kahmn –Magdalene… Sharon –Magdalene…? I hate this one… could it be the other… Sarah…? I’m Jewish, I don’t make religious movies… Enginer –all the movies are religious… Sharon –I thought the scene was of Eve…

Enginer –the scene it’s of the validation, Eve did, but it was Magdalene who validated… the scene of the chair it’s the history the proof of a happening… it was something that stayed lacking in the Book… the image of the seduction… Sharon –but I didn’t understand it this way…. Enginer –and you Mrs. understood it how…? Sharon –as something professional… Kaos –the work it’s exposing your intimacy…? Do you Mrs. mean that you do this normally, without being working, for being a pleasure, or a desire..? . Sharon –I know what you guys are putting, but you have to understand that that was opportune, given the moment in the life of each one, and I accepted the exposition… and what an actor does it’s exposing his intimacies…

God –the of the others as well.. you end up involving yourself with the scene of the actor, and this is a violation of intimacy… did I hit it all, Enginer..?

Enginer –yes, you did…

God –and in this sense, better would be not see nothing… Kahmn –the basic instinct of the human being it’s the vision… God –and what’s this, Kahmn..? Kahmn—a reflection …. Kahmn –in the scene, at any moment, did you miss saw yourself seated in that chair..? Sharon –yes… it’s natural of the actor… imagining, before, the scene that he’s gonna do… Kahmn –but isn’t natural of the vision… Kill, do you get to see yourself outside of you, imagine yourself outside of the nature..?

Kill – …I don’t know what is the outside...

Sharon –and what do you see..?

Kill –what I’m seeing…

Kill –…a wolf…

Kahmn –no, you’re wrong, dude, it’s a cat… Kill –no, it’s a wolf.. a sad female wolf…

Sharon –it’s right, I … always saw myself as a cat, but.. maybe I be another thing… I’ve never met a wolf… but I’m joyful…

Sharon –what have you seen of strange in the scene..?

Kill –in the scene of the chair… I saw something strange…

Sharon—and…what something it’s this..?

Kill –the chair… the chair was strange in the scene.. and the scene was strange in the chair…everybody was looking to the chair, and I looked as well..

Sharon –there was someone seated in there, haven’t you seen..? Kill –no…

Sharon –it looks like you don’t get to see very well the things…

Enginer –no, no… he gets to see very well… what isn’t nature… it’s just that he doesn’t knows this, for this, he finds strange… he didn’t saw the wolf…

Sharon –and what does this means..? Enginer –he didn’t see the nature Sharon –and what did he saw, then…?! Enginer –the chair… your image as being a chair… Sharon –my God, what is your problem…? Enginer –Kill doesn’t see black box, only white box… the unique image that he sees it’s of the eyes of God.. he depends on the instinct of God, to see something that isn’t nature… Sharon –black box, white box, what’s this..? where am I exactly…?

Kahmn –we’re in the angle of two boxes Kahmn –the question it’s this, miss Sharon Stone, the chair it’s the angle between two boxes: and this angle it’s exactly the sex: for being the sex that which’s between the life and the death, between the good and the evil… between God and the nature, between the man and the woman,… the most basic image of the human vision it’s the sex.. the basic instinct it’s the vision… Sharon –the vision of the human being it’s instinctive..? Kahmn –reflexive…

Enginer –the man reflects him in the nature, and then in the woman…it’s the understanding of proper and intimate… the Michael Douglas Law it’s a law that rules over the value of the woman.. Sharon –law Michael Douglas..? I didn’t know this law… Kahmn –the parallel of ends, between the knees…the stepping-away of the woman it’s a permission to sin. Enginer –the woman produced her own violation: It’s the explanation of the why the man disaffirms his weakness while taste… Enginer –the angle of the divine grace… it’s the instinct of the vision…the extinction of the natural vision…it doesn’t treat about just clothes, but what the clothes caused to the natural vision, the redirecting of sound, colors and senses…. It was judged to protect a good, but what was created it’s what’s being discussed: the sex: the sex is the basic image of the senses, in mode that the human sense being sexual it’s what’s being discussed. Or, in another words, the sex it’s the basic instinct of the senses…: the human vision it’s the understanding of the Book. But the human vision it’s also understood as something unnatural, involved in a series of diseases and degenerations. That which generated a kind of intelligence it’s also involved with the sentiments and tastes strangers to the nature…

Sharon –I’m not understanding… Michael Douglas it’s suing me sexually..? are you guys against the sex..? am I being accused of what, exactly..?

66—of nothing, it’s only the juridical understanding…

Enginer –of the proof… you mrs. proved something, and for having proved, became the proof.. Sharon –but, the proof of what…? Enginer –of the certainty of the accusation… Sharon –and which accusation it’s this..? Enginer –that the nature seduced God… Sharon –and the nature did this…? Enginer –what you mrs. thinks, did she..?

Sharon –where did she go…? Kill –she went to take a ride…

66—we’re throwing some things…would you like to throw some, miss Sharon..? Sharon –the law Michael Douglas… Enginer –it is in the movie…the movie it’s an image…everything that hasn’t nature, will be burned. There was a taste in there, but it wasn’t the movie that was tasty.. I mean, the taste of the woman isn’t a scene, isn’t a happening… the smile isn’t of the scene, because the scene isn’t of the taste. Enginer –the man cannot be seen in the scene: but he will be there, for that the woman sees what she is doing: possessing herself with the image of what he is seeing: and this will be her taste… Sharon –I didn’t understand.. the man doesn’t like of what he’s seeing…?

Enginer –that’s the question…he doesn’t affirm that he likes and neither that he doesn’t likes: but that that treats about the taste of the enemy, the latu sensu of the seduction: he will suffer an interruption of the image, and a device in the will will be created: he will act as a good-one [bonzinho]… the distrust of a cop, toward the suspect: The suspect, identified as possessed by the evil, will have to be possessed by the good, on counter-taste of its oppressor, in the form of spiritual favor: It’s how the sexual act became understood. The motives of the man hide his desires. And in this sense, the defense of the value it’s understood as the Will of God, and that the man, acting like this, will be in concordance with the Law. What the Book doesn’t clears up is where does the woman acting like this, will be in concordance with the man: because indeed, it’s something that never was of the common interest clearing up. As it was already said, the woman agreed .. Sharon –I understood… the movie proved this.. .

Enginer –the ideology it’s an idea, and the smallest particle of an idea, it’s the image. And the image, it’s a body. And the smallest particle of a body, it’s the sexual-organ… . So, the human ideology it’s basically sexual. It was stablished, though, that the image it’s the pleasure: and that the posse of the image it’s the desire: and that the control of the posse of the image, it’s the sex. This is the human understanding of its sentiments.. aren’t naturals… Enginer –was accepted then, that the sexual control of the image, would be the taste of the man, the will of God Kahmn –as it was said, the chair it’s the angle of two boxes: the sex was the solution of the interior of the boxes.

Enginer –your body was never there, only your vagina…because this is the value of the woman, the smile of the man, that with which he relates himself… if the woman didn’t have that value, she would be only a chair to the man… Sharon –I understood…on sitting in the chair I confessed being this my taste… God –not only yours, as of all the women as well…

Sharon –but I didn’t understand this way…

God –it’s comprehensible, I too haven’t understood like this… Kaos –this isn’t something to be understood…

66—do you Mrs. believes in God..? Sharon –yes… 66—and is he man..? Sharon –yes… 66—you Mrs. believes in the Goddess..? Sharon –no… 66—did you Mrs. understood why your result is man..? by whom you Mrs. possess yourself…by whom the woman possess herself… [?] …are not simple details of a translation…

66—the vagina of the woman stayed in the chair, the penis of the man stayed in the table, but it was the ass that stayed in the floor. Sorry for the interruption, miss Stone, in the conversation… but it’s a language that all understands… the human body indeed it’s a mystery to the nature. But its functioning, it’s well known. Which’s the relation of the involved organs, in the humanity of the question…? Its arguments are valid and its judgements accepted: in form that the anus it’s the fundamental principle of the Law [é o princípio fundamental do Direito]: on seeing himself without anus, the human being saw himself in a terrible question: how to explain his submission…? The sex it’s the question. It’s of what we’re talking about. You Mrs. may argue that you know the sex better than anyone, because it’s the argument of any woman of half age: what she lived, what she saw don’t overwrite exactly what she felt: the pleasure and the desire still hover as unknowns, involved in a police-plot, where the guilty and the suspect are intimately related in a criminality of the mind.. God –this chair isn’t yours… it’s mine…

God –…the pleasure of the woman cannot be a chair.. . because the nature isn’t the sex… and in this sense, if the chair it’s the defendant, it is also the judge. You Mrs. are free of the human culpability.. but it’s the nature that’s gonna finish the question. 66—bring it to here… this chair it’s going to be burned as well.

Sharon –and how will it be the movie…?

Enginer –ah, it will be in a big boat… in a city in the clouds… actually, it doesn’t exist well a locality, because, your character, Magdalene, will be present in many passages…

Sharon –passages.. I didn’t understand well what’s this…

Enginer –yea, the story it’s interdimensional, for this, it’s hard to explain, but the scenarios and the scenes in matter, the ones of seductions, will be the bests possible .. and the most naturals too… you mrs., completely comfortable … Sharon –you mean without clothes..? Enginer –yea, without clothes… Kahmn –I think so it’s as all would like to see Sharon Stone… isn’t it, Enginer…? Enginer –absolutely, they’d forget even of the chair. Stone –but won’t this be an exposition…? I mean, there still left some intimacy… Enginer –pois é … the scenes will be of pleasure…and not of seduction…

Enginer –there won’t be any persecution, none defense of any inestimable value… nor any kind of feminine survival… but something has to be better identified… the smile of the cat… the tone of her expression… Sharon –I start to understand better the smile of the cat…. Enginer –you mrs. will be laughing, and not suffering, and believe it, besides the strong scenes, you mrs. won’t need of balloon of oxygen Sharon –I’m curious to know how’s this story… Enginer –yea, we too… we also don’t have script… but the story it’s something that’s already happening… Sharon –all right… I think that little by little I’ll go understanding how this functions… it was something that I understood very early… that there was a functioning...

Kahmn –sir 66, the papers here, are these..?


Kahmn –okay… you may let it.

Continues on Part II…


Page 1 of 48. Enginer –how many times you Mrs. did that scene..? Sharon –the entire life... all the men asked me to do that scene .. and women too... and I did... I mean, I. ended up doing....and even I as well... I needed to know if Istill was Sharon Stone... it's difficult to say what. was all that... how much this contributed to that ...

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