MANE-001 : HUMAN GENETICS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Answer any five questions. Choose at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks is 500 words and for 10 marks are 250 words. SECTION-A
Discuss the importance of human genetics in physical anthropology. Examine briefly the different branches of human genetics.
What is Hardy - Weinberg Law ? What are the 20 different factors that influence change in gene frequencies over a period of time ? Discuss any two factors.
What is Genetic Polymorphism? Examine briefly 20 various tools used for studying polymorphism.
Discuss briefly the Mendel's Laws of inheritance. 20
Write notes on any two of the following : (a) Alkaptonuria (AKP) (b) Consanguineous marriages (c) One gene one enzyme hypothesis (d) Genomics
Define DNA Polymorphism. Describe briefly any two techniques used in Molecular Genetics.
What is Human Genome project ? Examine any two applications of Human Genome project.
What is Genetic Screening and Genetic Counselling ? Discuss.
What do you understand by Bio-informatic. Briefly discuss few tools used in Bio-informatics.
Write short notes on any two of the following in 250 words each. 10+10 (a) DNA Structure (b) Hap Map Project (c) Ethical , Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) in Genetics. (d) Balanced polymorphism
different factors that influence change in gene frequencies over a ... What is Genetic Polymorphism? Examine briefly 20 ... (b) Hap Map Project. (c) Ethical , Legal ...
Discuss the Upper Palaeolithic culture of. Europe. 20. 10. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10. (a) River Terrace. (b) Holocene. (c) Levalloisian ...
ADMINISTRATION. (DNA). Term-End Examination ... (c) Explain the principles of supervision in ... (b) Explain the elements of evaluation with help of examples.
5. 4. (a) Explain the use of ICT in e-Learning. 5. (b) Explain medical transcription process with. 5 the help of a diagram. 5. Explain MIS as an integrated application. Also 10 explain Do's and Don'ts in development of MIS. 6. What is embedded operat
... and disadvantages of 5+5 the following training aids : (i) Posters. (ii) Films. 2. Explain what is Food Safe Facility and what are 20 the key features of such facility ? 3. (a) What are the safety measures to be taken 10 by the following to ensur
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Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Attempt five questions in all. Each question is to ... Define identity achievement. Make difference 2+8 between Erikson's identity crisis ...
I CIC-05. No. of Printed Pages : 8 ... You cannot close MS-Word application by ... aTT.TITT -. 1 10 cam. `achC4779 t I 371k rtfq. Trt fq-*77- 31f-*7 ch. 10x2=20. 1.
December, 2014. OSEI-042 : SECURING INTERNET ACCESS. Time : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Section A : Answer all the objective type questions. Section B : Answer all the very short answer type questions. Section C ... wavelength radio transmiss