WUOA Executive Board Meeting - Minutes Date/Time of Meeting: March 14, 2009 Place of Meeting: Meeting held at Winterhaven Minutes taken by: Judy Hoops Meeting Called to Order at 10:30 am Proof of Quorum: 

There were 8 board members present:  Betty White – President  Trice Benge – Secretary (present via conference call)  Judy Hoops - Treasurer  Roy Shrewsbury  Mary Cox  Laurie Pate (present via conference call)  Richard Bland  Dwayne Porter

Agenda: 

The meeting was called to discuss the budget planning for the 09-10 fiscal year.

Discussion:            

There was some discrepancies over the current financial data. Betty and Judy will work after the meeting to resolve the discrepancies and report back later to the board with the actual numbers. There was some suggestions as to items to be considered for the next year's budget as follows: Finishing the work on the roof water drain lines Resolving freezing pipe problems Painting rear of buildings (Roy to evaluate and report back to board if there is a current need) Installing hot water heater pans and drain lines and cut-off valves Cleaning and weather proofing decking Structural support for rear decks More gravel for parking lot Evaluate phone system WiFi for entire building Establishing a managing agent: The consensus of the board was that there was a need for a managing agent to oversee the interests of the WUOA. The Board agreed to wait until the final budget numbers were determined and to then schedule a conference call for the Board to discuss and reach a conclusion.

Meeting Adjourned: 

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm.

March 14, 2009 Place of Meeting: Meeting held at Winterhaven Minute

Trice Benge – Secretary (present via conference call). ○ Judy Hoops - Treasurer. ○ Roy Shrewsbury. ○ Mary Cox. ○ Laurie Pate (present via conference call).

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