FACEBOOK PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/groups/294819463974533/
2013 MARCH
BLOG: http://ufladligroup.blogspot.com/
Greetings! Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Bienvenue! 欢迎 Bem-vindo! Board member directory President: DIANA MOSCOSO-CAUDELL President Elect: Past President: TRISTIN WEST Secretary: LIDIA ORDAZ CANALES Treasaurer: Spanish Representative: French Representative: Chinese Representative: Portuguese Representative:
Did you know that…? Several studies indicate that individuals who learn a second language are more creative and better at solving complex problems than those who do not (Bamford & Mizokawa, 1991). Quote "A different language is a different vision of life." Federico Fellini
Announcements & Reminders
UFLA DLI GROUP BOARD. we are currently looking for candidates to be involved in our board. We need candidates for "Portuguese, French and Chinese Representatives. Please email Diana at ufladligroup.gmail.com with your suggestions. UFLA DLI Group online. Introducing our new Facebook group pageUFLA Dual Language Immersion Teachers and our blog http://ufladligroup.blogspot.com/ Note: These are for the UFLA DLI Group and are separate from the State websites for Dual Language Immersion.
SWCOLT 2013. The South West Conference on Language Teaching is being held on April 4-6 2013 in Henderson, Nevada. This will be the 30th anniversary for the conference. The theme this year is "Viva Las Languages!". The purpose of the conference is to promote and support the second language programs. For more information visit www.swcolt.org BYU LANGUAGE FAIR. Every year, BYU organizes language fairs for students studying different languages. This year it will be a half day event, held on Thursday, April 18th. For more information visit this website http://languagefair.byu.edu/ STATE DLI WEBSITES utahspanishdualimmersion.org utahfrenchimmersion.org utahchineseimmersion.org utahportugueseimmersion.org 1 of 2
Share your resources and ideas! If you have ideas or resources that you would like to share with our DLI teachers, please email Diana Moscoso-Caudell at
[email protected] RESOURCES & IDEAS
St. Patrick's Day / Craft ideas DRAW IN A GRID: A RAINBOW: http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/pdfs/ grid_copy_rainbow.pdf
A POT OF GOLD http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/pdfs/ grid_copy_pot_of_gold.pdf
A LEPRECHAUN http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/pdfs/ grid_copy_leprechaun.pdf
Websites & Other KIDS SONGS IN PORTUGUESE: a Youtube channel with Portuguese songs. http://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PL8B08E35F62400856
TALES IN FRENCH: fifteen stories narrated in French. http://www.petitestetes.com/jeuxeducatifs-en-ligne/histoires-racontees/ histoires-racontees.html
IXL MATH: practice math facts at school or at home. http://www.ixl.com/
Recommended books "Writing to Read", by Steve Graham and Michael Herbert. Vanderbilt Universitiy
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Highlights If you want to highlight a teacher in our monthly newsletter, please email Diana Moscoso-Caudell at
[email protected] with the following information: Name of teacher to be highlighted. School/District. One paragraph description of why they are being highlighted. Picture of the teacher, if possible. We will be highlighting 2 teachers a month!
Le,cia Heredia LeCcia Heredia is an amaizing 1st grade teacher from Cuernavaca, Mexico. She's been teaching for 10 years, loving this proffesion and being beloved by her students. She first started teaching students of different ages unCl she decided to focus her vocaCon in the lower grades (Kindergarten and 1st Grade) because she feels that she can teach ia d re e H ia Letic them as well as academically and nish DI a p S , e d ra 1st G S. educate them in different aspects Elementar y it m m u S h So ut UT causing and enormous impact on Scho ol D., it m m u S h So ut these ages. Now she and her husband are expecCng their first baby, Elih Abidam. CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR EXCELENT WORK A ND YOUR N EW FACET A S A M OM!
Lacy Schumann is a gorgeous 1st Grade teacher. A2er eight years of teaching first, second and third grades, she decided to join the Dual Immersion Program this a c a d e m i c c o u r s e b e i n g o v e r w h e l m i n g s u c c e s s f u l . Mother of three children, Lacy e n j oys o u td o o r a c C v i C e s Lacy Schuma nn (boaCng, fishing, riding horses 1st Grade, Eng lish DI or sledding in the winter) South Summit E lementa r y S. b e s i d e s d e v e l o p i n g h e r South Summit Sc ho ol D., UT creaCvity (kniHng, crocheCng, taking pictures, and scrapbooking). THANKS FOR BEING SUCH A GREAT MODEL OF PROFESSIONALISM A ND F ELLOWSHIP!