Mariokart An Autonomous Go-Kart Henry Jenkins Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand September 26, 2011
Overview The Original Goal - Make department go-kart drive autonomously - Interface to the existing control system - Select actuators, motion and distance sensors - Development of a navigation system - Have go-kart drive itself around university
Our Goal - Sub-goal of of drive-by-wire go-kart - Make a robust platform for future projects
The Go-Kart
Hardware Layout PCBs x 5
Hardware Layout PCB Block Diagram
Hardware Layout Whole kart
How it all communicates Comms CAN Bus - Inter-board Communications - Expandable if someone wants to add more nodes
USART - Two on each board - One used for debugging
SPI - Two on each board - One 5v level logic
USB - Fast communication with computer
Conclusion The end. . . - All Hardware working I Only 3 minor mistakes on boards I Nice hardware platform for future years - Project almost stuck to time plan I Although we cut the goal down, we came close to achieving our stepping stone goal. - Project well documented I Wiki for documentation I Group coding standard adhered to - Most of all I I learnt a lot I Had a heap of fun
Why use Atmel SAM7s - Required Peripherals I CAN Controller I USB - Familiarity I Have used SAM7s before I Large Library for Atmel - Expansible I Spare GPIO I Can do some signal processing
Board Design Dreaming about Altium
1. Select major components I I I
MCU Voltage regulators etc. . .
2. Select headers and connectors 3. layout schematics I
Mar 9, 2011 - Make a robust platform for future projects ... Nice hardware platform for future years. - Project almost stuck to time ... Automation Software. 45d.
Mar 9, 2011 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of .... At peak load, the steering motor can draw up to 10Amps continuously.
Simon Richards [email protected]. ... autonomous vehicle capable of a simple navigation task. Due to .... Documentation/ScientificReport/Henry/report.pdf. [3] ISO ...
to say that Computer Science departments do a better job of teaching it â they don't [1] and in fact Software Engineering really should be taught as ... This was a nal year project for the ... gineering degree carried out by the authors. The aim of
Jan 7, 2017 - Since next competition is in less than a year, every member of the team have to stay in the mid-sem breaks and summer vacations (exceptions only in case of valid reasons). ⢠Leaving in-between from the team would lead to no recognitio
View segment: the AVERT system remotely scans and rapidly ... dense 360o 3D map of the environment. .... The rotation angle for the pan axis was set 360â¦,.
robotic exploration of the Solar System pertains to the fundamental communication limits imposed by the vast distances of interplanetary space, limits which.
For such I tones, we expected from previous data .... ous data obtained in a comparable condition (Semal and ... license or copyright; see ..... "Mapping of interactions in the pitch memory.
sors for estimating the vehicle's state with respect to its environment and with reference to some .... position with respect to the locally consistent submaps defined during route profiling. The inputs .... Given the dynamic and unstructured nature.
time step, and is constant over a finite time horizon. Assumption 5. The road curvature κ is known as a function ... time instant using the new measurements. The optimization problem to be solved at each time step is ... prediction horizon, and zt+k
conversion is not required. .... The potential map of the same environment with the RMS (a) and ... used to create the map have been acquired on a grid with a.
Sep 24, 2012 - One consistent framework to rule coordinawon across all systems. â Observe every operawon ... HBase. App. MR. Disk/Network ... without any service running on port 2181 so the client can fail over to the next ZK server from ...
âload-haul-dumpâ cycle is well suited to automation. In this case, a vehicle called a load-haul-dump (LHD) machine is often used to excavate fragmented.
Application software is most written in C++, following ... The human-machine interface (HMI) is a part of the ... It includes the animation of the airship in a virtual.
of energy, such as "brightness" or "sharpness" (yon Bis- .... types of I tones instead of five, subjects were run in six ..... Admittedly, an alternative hypoth- esis can ...
agent, and the method can thus be used without a compass sensor. Moreover ..... The authors acknowledge the support of the European Com- mission under ...
âI had some ideas for an email client so I built one todayâ ... up our species is to take the best and to spread it around to everybody, so that ... Today we're good ...
Nov 26, 2013 - More than 900 servers, 1,000 network devices, ... 3.2.1 Java Scaffolding . ..... provided cluster services that were used during the disaster ...
About me. ⢠Developer and QA at ... A Django based startup. ⢠It's like a Github ... msginit -i app.pot -o locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/en.po -l en.
May 14, 2013 - Emscripten, or (2) Compile a language's entire runtime into ...... html.) ⢠Poppler and FreeType: Poppler12 is an open source. PDF rendering ...
Keynesian multipliers should be big in liquidity trap. Crude Keynesianism: .... Calibrate income process to match macro and micro data. 2. Calibrate other ...
We compare the performance of the classifier (here, we use a support vector machine) ... Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2011.
select the responses which are best matches to the user input ..... the last response when the bot talked about free ... User> go and take control the website that I.