me : 3 hours
ote : (i) (ii)
All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal weightage.
Answer the following question in about 600 words : Describe the factors that are to be considered for curriculum development. OR Explain how online instructions are to be designed so that they are pedagogically sound.
Answer the following question in about 600 words : Why is interactivity essential in teaching-learning process ? Discuss the role of technology in facilitating interactivity in teaching-learning process. OR
Discuss the strength and limitations of audio and video media for educational purposes. 3.
Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each : (a) Discuss the different approaches to media selection and integration. (b) Explain the attributes of online learning and teaching. (c) Discuss the role of instructional design in courseware development. (d) Describe the steps to be taken for production control during courseware development. (e) Discuss the need of formative evaluation during courseware development. (f) Discuss the various audio formats and their uses in the teaching learning process.
Answer the following question in about 600 words. Select a topic and discuss the steps you will follow for planning, developing and evaluating a video programme on it.
600 words : Why is interactivity essential in teaching-learning process ? Discuss the role of technology in facilitating interactivity in teaching-learning process.
Answer the following question in about. 600 words. Discuss the government initiatives for the development of Early Childhood Care and. Education (ECCE) in ...
Answer the following question in about. 600 words. Discuss the government initiatives for the development of Early Childhood Care and. Education (ECCE) in India. OR. "Preschool education strengthens child's social competencies". Do you agree with the
What are the various stages of monitoring and evaluation of R & R projects ? Explain the issues involved at each stage. 25. 2. Who are the primary stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation ? Discuss in detail the role of such stakeholders in involunt
system. (d) Describe the role of NAAC as a quality control mechanism for higher education and evaluate its performance. (e) Discuss some new developments in ...
DISTANCE EDUCATION. 00566 ... Why is counselling important in distance education ? Differentiate ... Studies on educational technology have a history of.
As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible
(a) CASCO. (b) Cyber - terrorism. (c) TRIPS Agreement. (d) Cyber defamation. (e) Liability of internet service provider. 2. What is the role of certifying authority ?
(a) Role of Fire Services. (b) Hygiene and Sanitation. M PA-005. 2. Page 3. SECTION II. 6. "Understanding the psyche of provider and sufferer is the key to effective human behaviour management in Disaster Response." Explain. 10. 7. Explain the way ru
POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LIBRARY. AUTOMATION AND NETWORKING (PGDLAN). Term-End Practical Examination. June, 2014. I ti v-11. MLIL-005 : INTERNET RESOURCES. Time Allowed : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50. (Practical Work : 40. Viva Voce : 10). (Weightage
POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN. ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE. DEVELOPMENT (PGDESD). Term-End Examination. 01 352. December, 2014. MED-005 : INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL. MANAGEMENT : URBAN AND RURAL. Time : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Answer all questio
Adverse drug reactions in geriatric patients. 5. Value of antioxidants in food. 5. Diagnostic procedure for detection of disabilities in elderly. 5. Personality changes ...
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. OPERATIONS/MASTER OF. Term-End ... ITRtz( a e *1 irctti air cto-oi. leR taut a-4R I WEkW AtET (MFA)trar *A'Tq 3TRff. Flcdd tri ...
Section A - Answer all the questions. Section B - Answer all the questions. Section C - Answer any three questions out of four. SECTION A. Answer all the questions. 1. Write short notes on the following : 15. (a) User Account Policy. (b) ISO 27001. (
POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LIBRARY. AUTOMATION AND NETWORKING o. (PGDLAN). cNi. Term-End Practical Examination. C). December, 2013. MLIL-004 : NETWORKING AND INTERNET. TECHNOLOGY. Time Allowed : 2 Hours. Maximum Marks : 50. (Practical Work : 40. Viva V
Attempt all parts. (a) Define a resource. By citing suitable examples, differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources. 5. (b) What are the different ...
Note : Section 'A'-Answer all the questions. Section 'B'-Answer all the questions. Section 'C'-Answer any three questions out of four. SECTION - A. Answer all the questions. 1. Write short notes (any four). 12. (a) CASCO. (b) Cyber - terrorism. (c) T