Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy / Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy (MSCCFT/PGDCFT) Term-End Examination December, 2015
MCFT-005 : Counselling and Family Therapy : Research Methods and Statistics Time : 3 hours Note :
Maximum Marks : 100
Answer five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Explain briefly any ten of the following (in 2-3 sentences) : 10x2=20 (a) Deductive reasoning (b) Triangulation (c) Applied research (d) Case study method (e) Experience of the research (f) Randomization (g) Control group (h) Population (i) Open-ended question (j) Preface (k) Histogram (1) Average deviation (m) SPSS (n) Covert observation (o) Personal interview
As a counselling and family therapy researcher, select any one of the following topics :
Factors contributing to alcohol use among women. OR Family therapy interventions in depression. Plan a suitable research study to examine the topic chosen by you. In the context of this study, give a brief description of the following : (a) Statement of the problem/Research Questions. (b) Objectives of the study. (c) Hypothesis(es). (d) Sample and sampling procedure. (e) Methods and techniques of data collection. (f) Data analysis. (g) Interpretation of findings.
Explain the importance of paradigms in 20 counselling and family therapy research. Briefly discuss any two approaches in the context of counselling and family therapy research.
(a) Which criteria need to be adopted to specify the delimitations in any research problem ? (b) With the help of examples, explain the basis for formulating research questions.
10 10
(a) Differentiate between qualitative studies and 10 quantitative studies. (b) Of the two - quantitative method and 10 qualitative method, which one would you prefer in counselling and family therapy research ? Give reasons to support your answer.
Why is pre-testing required before finalization of questionnaire ? Describe the methods that can be used for distribution of the questionnaire.
With the help of an illustration, explain how you would carry out qualitative data analysis ?
(a) What is data transformation in computer data analysis ? (b) What is NUDIST ?
Giving examples, discuss the criteria for evaluating a research report.
Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy / Post Graduate ...
Questions. (b) Objectives of the study. (c) Hypothesis(es). (d) Sample and sampling procedure. (e) Methods and techniques of data collection. (f). Data analysis.
600 words : Why is interactivity essential in teaching-learning process ? Discuss the role of technology in facilitating interactivity in teaching-learning process.
science and technology has ... Institute of Medical Sciences, 5th Mile, Tadong, Gangtok, East Sikkim â. 737102. ..... bachelor degree is desirable. The.
to a transitional degree for higher studies. Issues: The duration of the post .... social and human values and .... bachelor's and master's degree students in.
in India, the Graduate level entry in to Physical therapy education programs with broadened areas of clinical specialties provides scope for widening the horizon ...
POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN. ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE. DEVELOPMENT (PGDESD). Term-End Examination. 01 352. December, 2014. MED-005 : INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL. MANAGEMENT : URBAN AND RURAL. Time : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Answer all questio
What are the various stages of monitoring and evaluation of R & R projects ? Explain the issues involved at each stage. 25. 2. Who are the primary stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation ? Discuss in detail the role of such stakeholders in involunt
Attempt all parts. (a) Define a resource. By citing suitable examples, differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources. 5. (b) What are the different ...
00622. December, 2014. MGY-003 : GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE. SYSTEM AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM. Time : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50 ... (b) Give a comparative account of various GIS data models. 10. 4. (a) Discuss the different data conversion
As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible
(a) CASCO. (b) Cyber - terrorism. (c) TRIPS Agreement. (d) Cyber defamation. (e) Liability of internet service provider. 2. What is the role of certifying authority ?
(a) Role of Fire Services. (b) Hygiene and Sanitation. M PA-005. 2. Page 3. SECTION II. 6. "Understanding the psyche of provider and sufferer is the key to effective human behaviour management in Disaster Response." Explain. 10. 7. Explain the way ru
POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LIBRARY. AUTOMATION AND NETWORKING (PGDLAN). Term-End Practical Examination. June, 2014. I ti v-11. MLIL-005 : INTERNET RESOURCES. Time Allowed : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50. (Practical Work : 40. Viva Voce : 10). (Weightage
Adverse drug reactions in geriatric patients. 5. Value of antioxidants in food. 5. Diagnostic procedure for detection of disabilities in elderly. 5. Personality changes ...
word(s) : 4x1=4. (i) The word 'PPS' is an abbreviation of. (ii) The word 'GRASS' stands for. (iii) The word `SDSS' stands for. (iv) 'RAISE' stands for. MGY-003. 1.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. OPERATIONS/MASTER OF. Term-End ... ITRtz( a e *1 irctti air cto-oi. leR taut a-4R I WEkW AtET (MFA)trar *A'Tq 3TRff. Flcdd tri ...
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