Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 1.
2. (i)
What is a natural resource ? Give one example each of biotic, abiotic, renewable and non-renewable resources.
Why is coal still a major energy resource and what for is it mostly used ?
How does over-exploitation affect our resources ?
Explain what is meant by the following statement :
"Tiger reserves are constituted on a `core-buffer strategy'." (ii) Why cannot saline and alkaline soil be used for cultivation of crops ? MED-006
3. (i)
Why is there a need for legislation for conservation of biodiversity ?
(ii) Write a short note on IPR, and explain `terminator technology'.
What are the differences between rivers and lakes ?
(ii) How does ecotourism help in sustainable biodiversity ?
What are biopesticides ? Explain with the help of at least three examples.
4. (i)
5. (i)
(ii) Differentiate between non-renewable and renewable energy resources. Discuss 3+4 advantages of solar energy. 6.
10 Write short notes on any four of the following : (i) Genetic diversity (ii) Biosafety Act (iii) Ramsar Convention (iv) Aquifers (v) Services provided by forests (vi) Criteria for identification of biodiversity hotspots
MED-006 No. of Printed Pages : 2 POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ...
(i). What is a natural resource ? Give one example each of biotic, abiotic, renewable and non-renewable resources. 5. (ii) Why is coal still a major energy resource and what for is it mostly used ? 2. (iii) How does over-exploitation affect our resources ? 3. 2. (i). Explain what is meant by the following statement : 4. "Tiger ...
(d) How can you bring about creative and aesthetic development in pre-school children ? (e) Discuss major components of the physical environment of an ideal ...
Highlight the problems of translation. In what 20 way translation is different from rendering ? OR. Discuss the impact of folklore on Hindi films and highlight the ...
Write short notes on any two of the following : (a) Urban folk forms. 10x2=20. (b) Folklore and films of the world. (c) Bhils of the Malwa region. (d) World literature.
POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN JOURNALISM. AND MASS COMMUNICATION. Term-End Examination. June, 2015. JMC-02 : MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY. Time : 3 hours. Maximum Marks : 100. Note : (i) Attempt any five questions. (ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Exami
international trade of services, and state the suggestions made by trade and industry to the. Government for boosting services export. 12+8. 6. Discuss the recent economic developmental trends and foreign trade of Japan. 6+14. 7. (a) Explain briefly
learning by both individuals and groups. With the development of digital technology, libraries have undergone significant transformation. Today digital libraries and digital resources have become vital in management education. Questions : (a) As a ma
01546. June, 2015. MEDS-041 : INTRODUCTION TO URBAN. DEVELOPMENT. 'ime : 3 hours. Maximum Marks : 100. Tote : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. What do you mean by Urbanisation ? Explain the key features of urbanisation in I
ADMINISTRATION. (DNA). Term-End Examination ... (c) Explain the principles of supervision in ... (b) Explain the elements of evaluation with help of examples.
Write short notes of any two of the following : 10+16. (a). Importance of e-governance. (b). GIS applications in urban planning. (c). Peri-urban areas. 6.
POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN CYBER. LAW (PGCCL). 00. Term-End Examination tr). O. June, 2015. MIR-014 : PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION. Time : 3 hours. Maximum Marks : 100. Note : (i) Answer all questions from Part A. Each questions carries 2 marks. (ii
Folder 3 : Permitted to "userl" with read only permission and permitted to. "user2" with read and write permission. Folder 4 : Permitted to "user2" with read only permission and no permission to. "userl". 2. Define the topology used in LAN and scan t
What are the various stages of monitoring and evaluation of R & R projects ? Explain the issues involved at each stage. 25. 2. Who are the primary stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation ? Discuss in detail the role of such stakeholders in involunt
As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible
(a) CASCO. (b) Cyber - terrorism. (c) TRIPS Agreement. (d) Cyber defamation. (e) Liability of internet service provider. 2. What is the role of certifying authority ?
(a) Role of Fire Services. (b) Hygiene and Sanitation. M PA-005. 2. Page 3. SECTION II. 6. "Understanding the psyche of provider and sufferer is the key to effective human behaviour management in Disaster Response." Explain. 10. 7. Explain the way ru