Reg. No:..................

QP CODE: 109011

First Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations-October 2012 MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING Time: 3 Hours

Total Marks: 75 • •

Answer all questions Draw diagram wherever necessary



1. Define shock. List the types of shock with an example of their specific cause. Name two rugs with their specific action which are used in the management of a patient with shock. Discuss briefly the nursing management of a patient with hypovolaemic shock. (2+5+4+9=20) (7x5=35)

Short notes: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Lung abscess Complications of type II diabetes mellitus Post -operative management of a patient with hernia Organization of intensive care unit Care of a patient with plaster cast Classification of anti-hypertensive drugs Postural drainage

Differentiate between: 9. Herniorrhaphy 10.Tetany 11.Myxedema 12.Empyema 13. Exudate

(5x2=10) - Hernioplasty - Tetanus - Cretinism - Emphysema - Transudate

Define the following:


14.Atelectasis 15.Cushings syndrome 16.Anemia 17.Osteomyelitis 18.Cystitis I


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