MASTER OF ARTS (EDUCATION) Term-End Examination June, 2014
Maximum Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) All questions carry equal weightage. 1.
Answer the following questions in about 600 words : Discuss the determinants of educational aims. Explain the criteria of a sound educational aim. OR Discuss the philosophy and the aims of education according to naturalistic and existentialistic schools of thought. Are they relevant to the present system of Education ? Explain.
Answer the following queston in about 600 words : Explain the different sources of 'Pramana' and their implications to construction of knowledge. How do they differ from western views on sources of knowledge ? OR What are the different types of knowledge ? How do they contribute to the structure of a 'Discipline' ? Discuss the status of education as a discipline in light of the above.
Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each : (a) How do the cognitive learning theories influence curriculum development ? (b) Discuss the principles involved in curriculum planning. (c) Differentiate between a subject - centered and a problem - centered approach to a curriculum. Which one of them do you prefer and why ? (d) Explain education as a process of initiation. (e) How does education help in understanding cultural diversities ? Explain with an example. (f) Differentiate between liberal and professional education with an example.
Answer the following in about 600 words : Discuss the concept and aims of education according to Sri Aurobindo and Rabindranath Tagore. Critically examine to what extent are they reflected in our current educational system.
MES-012 No. of Printed Pages : 2 MASTER OF ARTS (EDUCATION ...
about 150 words each : (a) How do the cognitive learning theories influence curriculum development ? (b) Discuss the principles involved in curriculum planning ...
interview. 10 . What is cognitive testing ? Discuss the utility of data from tests of cognitive functions. 2 +8. 4. Describe the nature, administration and scoring.
Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Attempt five questions in all. Each question is to ... Define identity achievement. Make difference 2+8 between Erikson's identity crisis ...
system ? What are the functions of a financial system in the process of ... management. How can a bond trader use the. Macaulay Duration Model in trading ?
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ADMINISTRATION. (DNA). Term-End Examination ... (c) Explain the principles of supervision in ... (b) Explain the elements of evaluation with help of examples.
different factors that influence change in gene frequencies over a ... What is Genetic Polymorphism? Examine briefly 20 ... (b) Hap Map Project. (c) Ethical , Legal ...
5. 4. (a) Explain the use of ICT in e-Learning. 5. (b) Explain medical transcription process with. 5 the help of a diagram. 5. Explain MIS as an integrated application. Also 10 explain Do's and Don'ts in development of MIS. 6. What is embedded operat