Ph.D. position : multi-service forest management The maintenance of ecological services has become a global issue in recent years by the increased recognition that ecosystems provide benefits vital to the well-being of man. However, many challenges remain for the implementation of their valuation in the management of forest ecosystems in Quebec. This project will develop a better understanding of the short and longterm consequences of forest practices on various ecosystem services evaluated in different ecological and socio-economic contexts. As part of this project, the student will be responsible for studying the interactions between ecological services and natural disturbances. The student will participate in the development of a forestry planning model and its coupling with spatially explicit models of natural disturbances (windthrow, insects, fire). The student will join a multi-institutional team of researchers in forestry and biology (Laval, UQAM, UQAT UQO TELUQ, Quebec Ministry of Forestry, Wildlife and Parks and Chief Forester Office). The student will be enrolled at the Université du Québec in Montréal (UQAM) and supervised by Christian Messier (UQAM et UQO) et Élise Filotas (TELUQ). Starting date: Septembre 2014. A scholarship of C$ 20,000/year will be available for 3 years. Qualification requirements: Hold a M.Sc. in forest science, biology, environmental science, geography, or a related discipline. Have a strong interest in quantitative ecology and modeling. Have some knowledge of geographic information systems would be an asset. Interested candidates should send a short letter of intent, a CV, a copy of their most recent transcript, as well as the name and email address of three references to [email protected].

multi-service forest management The maintenance of ecological ...

The maintenance of ecological services has become a global issue in recent years by the increased recognition that ecosystems provide benefits vital to the well-being of man. However, many challenges remain for the implementation of their valuation in the management of forest ecosystems in Quebec. This project will ...

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