1 04/30/2004 . .


aaverhill.Police Depart-ent OII:PAJl!HlN'! Jl'OII(

On 1hc above date.at 1218 hours, HPD received a call from Phil Tucker ofAldrich's Store (787.{i241) saying that he read in the newspaper (CaJedonian Record) that there will be a ceremony for Maura Murray on Sunday at 1300 hollIS. . . ., . •The attached is a copy of the story 'from the interriet. -Gave copy to H2 (duty officer on Sunday at 1300 houis) .

• Notified Sgt. Yorke ofNHSP Tr:oop.F of the ev~ H24


.. )

.. .'


nT'« 0 -

THE STATE OF t'o'EW HAMPSHIRE Grafton Superior Court


378S DIttIIlOUlh CoIleae Hl&hway

" .;.,

N, HlvertlilJ, NH 03774 603 787-6961








05-.-0383 Frederick J. Murray v•• Special Inve.tigation Unit, at Ericloeed please find a copy of the Court's 'Order dated 1/25/2006 rell!ltive to: ,



lor Preliminary Injunction


Robert B. Huh·

01/26/2006 CCI

Clerk of Court

'Brian J.B. Cullaa. S.q, Dui..l J. Mullan. Baq,

FonD SIICI'OSO (lief. 0912712001)


I '


8 nTI.... 0 ,







Fredericld. MUlTllY VI.

Special Investigation Unit ofthe Division ofSlate Pob oftbe New HIIIIpIbire Departmcot of Safety; Grafton County Sheritr. Depertmeot, GraftaI CoIIIIty Altomey's omce; New Hampshire Attorney GeDrnJ Kelly A. A)"OIle; New HampshiIe GovemDi 101m. 1. Lynch; Hanover Police Department; Dilector oflbc Division ofStale Police of tile New Hampshire Depanment ofSafety; Commmv!rr of the State Police Troop F in Twin MonntUII; Troop F ofthe New HampshiJe State Police in Twin Mountain; New Hompshin: FISh m.t Game Department Region 2; end Historic: Case Unit in MIjor Crimes oflbc Division ofState Police oftbe New HampshireDeplrtmeot ofSafety ORDER ON THE REQUFST FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNClTON


F~c1c J.

Mwray (hereinafter '"!be petitioaerj bas petitiooed this Court for injUDCtive lIDd

olbcr relief under RSA chapter 91-A, IbcRigbl-to-Know law.

The ~seeb an injUDCti~

ordering various New Hampsbin: law enfortemenl agencies and oflic:ial& (bcreiDaftrr "tbe

" .. . . .., .. . .. . . . ' ... . zespondcotsj to disclose records relating to the disappearanc:e ofms daughttr, Maura Mwray. ~.

~ "Maura"). After a hearing on the ~erits on January IS, 2006, die Co~ fiIids IIIId rules astonows. Factual BKkgrouAd MlUU1l was last seen on tlie evening ofFebnJary 9, 2004. alongside RDIl~ 112 in Havedlll1, New Hampshire. The car ~ was driving had gotten stuclc in a ~w bank. A neigbbor passing through the area reported the acc:idCnt to law enfOlcenlCllt aUthorities, aud a North Haverhill police officer arrived at the scene shortly~. The officer found no sign of~nly an abandoned 1996 black Saturn registefed to the petitioner. Subsequently, law enforcement

aulhorities in New Hampshire began an investigation into Maura's disappearaDce. To Ibis date; MaUTll'S

location remains



Since Maura's disappearance, thepetitionrr has made repeated requests ,to obtain lepo1ts,

log files, and all information and data from FeblU8lY 9,2004 to the present relating to his daughter's case. The requests were made to the Grafton County Attorney's Office, tile Office ~f the Attorney

2E n"T"l/



, l

~I. 'Governor JOhn'tyncJ the Hanover POlice:Department, the Office 'Ofilie~ew HampshiIe ,Staf(: Police, State Police'Troopt. New H~ Fish and Game. Office of the C,QIiunauder oftht , HistOric Case Unit, Major Crimes Division, and ~ University ofMassachusetts Police ~ AmIierst. Thus far. the respondents have disclosed motor vehicle' accident repons and radio dien""'h I ' ~

and ~g

: files nol pertaining to Maura's case. but have othetwise .denied the requests, explaining that th~ I . , records fl1l1 within an

t:'{teptionjto,BS~ 91-A ~ by the: 'NewHamp~ Supreme Court for

.'law cn.t'orcelnent investigative files. See Lodge v. Knowlton. 118 N.H. $74 (1978). Asuesult, the petitioQer filed a Bill in Equity

r~ this Court, seekin~ injunctive relief ~ RSA 91'~A:7 and

ilttDl,DCY's fees and costs under ~A 91-A:8. . ,



DlscussloD ,

The petitioner asserts tb1t p~ to.RSi\ 91~A;4. he has made Vfotten reques~ to the ",. '.



respondents see~g copies of3flY and all non-privilegedrecords pertaining to Maura's

lnsappeamncc:. He argues that 6ecause RSA 91-). lIpplies to all state executive brIDch a8encies and

dep~enlS. including any bo~ or commission ormy state agel}CY or ~ty. the~'


ore mandated to comply with ~ strictures ofltie statute. Moreover. he conleQdJ that the records do f ' . not fall under my valid ex~ fromtbe Right-to-Know.Law. 1liepetitioper.~ that if the "

Court finds thai 8lI exemptioDisI app,licable, thl!n it SbI?W4 :COnci,uet an in CQ1IW~ miew of the , . .records in order to determine whether tbey are, in fact, eXempt from d,iad0Sllle.


The respondents do I1Qt


: .

rDtest that they are pu!>lic en~ties ~bject tc;' the ~ec:t!ves ofRSA

91-A. However, they argue ~ the majority of the recoids requesu:d by the petitioner IRl

investigatory in nature and hay 'been compiled for law'b1tOl'llemeDt PIIlpOlIeS, 3Dd thaef~ arc exempt from disc:!oSUJe. The ~!¥Ienll allege that . e o(the r:ecords at lhia time would .

. f··



impede the ongoing investigation cG.Qceming Mauta's diseppeUllllCe. The ~~ cite L2SlE t • <

v, Knowlton. 1lS N,H. 574 (197,S)8lId various federal cases interpreting the fcda:aI 'Freedom Qf . ,.

Infonnation Act (''FOlAn) for lI\IthOrity. . , . Part ~ aniele S of the N;W ~ Constitution provides that "the public's rigbtto .




access to govcmmental ptoeeedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted... The Right-

to-Know Law provides that "[eJ~ery' citizen, . , has the right to inspect all ~blic records, , ,~xcept

as otherwise prohibited bY'StatlllC orRSA 91·A:5," RSA 91-A:4, [(Supp, 2005),' 11 wasenactQl

10 n T I / on


<) ~


f' • 1.>.

"to ensure .•. the greatest possible pUl:ilic access to the actions, discussioDS and records of all public bodies." RSA 91-A:1.

To advance the purposes of the Right-{Q-Kno~ U1w, the Court interptets provisiOllS favoring. disclosure broadly and e.,

Uniog Lrnd~cm. v. New

Hampshire HouSing Fin. Auth.. 142.N.H. 540, 5~ (1997). When the Court reviews exemptioDs fiom the Right-to-K.now Law, it must ''bal:mce the public interest in disclQS\ft Qf!be requested information against' the government interest in ~Iosure."

City OfNashUL 141 N:H. It 47S.

Because exemptions IUlder the Right-to-Know Law lR similar to those und« FOlA, !be .Court "often look{s] to federol decisions c:onstruihg the FOL.... 1Or guidance." Lamy v; New Hampshin;Pub. Uti!. Comm'n, 15.2 N.H. 106,108 (200s); see also MIllS v. 'Lebanon School BeL 112 N.H. 160, 162-63 (1972) and Hew HampshireHousjniFm. Auth.. 142N.H. atSs4. ~New

Hampshire Supreme CQUltbas held that "the six-prol1g test QfS U.S:C. § SS2(bX'i) ... provides a good standard to effi:ctuate the balance of in1a:ests required by RSA ch. 91-A with reprd to police

investigatay fiIcs." Lodge, 118 N.H. at 5n. FOIA exempts investiptory l'eCOids compiled for

law enforcement purposes, but only to the ~ that the production Qfsuch m:ords would:. (A) interfere witb.et'filrr.emeutproceedinp; (B) deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or 111 impartial adjudication;.

(C) constitute II1lUlwmanted invuiOl1 Qf-priVllCy,

(0) disclose the identity oJ a con1ideDtia1 source, and in the CIIe ofa RlCOI'd compiled by a law cn1brc:~t lUltbority intbe course of a criminal inVat;ption, 01' by my agencyoooductini

a lawful .national security investigation, confidential inWanatioo funlisbed only by a confidel1lial SO~; (E) disclose investigative techniques II1d procedures; or

(F) endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement personnel.

xg. at 576 (quoting 5 U.S.C .§ 5S2(b)(7». The ~ Court determined that "(i]ftbe requested material is an •in-.:esti galory ree~rd compiled for law enfuteemenl purposes,' it may ~ withheld if the government QIll prove one of the six statutory adverse results. The agency, ofcourse, must firsl

) \


11 nTI,



sho~ that

IS. at 576-77

the file is 1) investigat~ and 2) c,ompiled for law enfQrcementpwposes."

(citations omitted). 'The respooocms contend that exemption (A) applies to the records that the petitioner sec:lcs.1 They argue that the records at issue are im-estigatory records compiled fOr law CllfurcemeDt

, purposes, and pertain to an on-going investigation in which no indictments bave bea1 rdIIn1ed, and. ,

no mesI$ have been made. TIle Iespondents assert that law enfOlCelIlelJt agencies corbiue to ,'irivestigate Mama's disappearance: and !bat a stale police detectivemaoitDIS the case On a daily

basis. At the hearing, the respondents made ano~'ofprooftbat lheCrimiml Justice Bwauoftbe ;

Attorney Geaenil's Office is overseeing !be investiptioo. They mainlajn tbIt reIeue ~f1be rec:onis could result !n destruction of evidence, chilling and intimidation of witnesws, IIId revdlliDn ofthe scope and nature of the irrvestisation. The responllents uric tbii Court to adopt the J.aSOllini of III re State (Bowman Search W!l!'!'i!!!!l!l, 146 N.H. 621 (2001), whe:rein tbeSlipieme Court held that "in most pre-illdictment criminal investigatiollS, the existeace oC an investigation itse1fwill pfovide the

overriding consideration or ~ CilCumstanee, tbat is, a sufficiently compelling inIaat, that wouldjuatify pmenting public accesa to !be m:onls."

l!l- at 629 (citation IDd quogtiODS omiltDd).


The petitioner's position is tbat inVOCllliOll of !be exemptiollS ill § ,SS2(b)(1) is misp.cecl; ,


bee_: (1) law enforcement 8Uthorities have chmcltitized Main's cae II • mining perion • mailer ~ DOt II criminlIl

investigation; and (2) ,the iuv~8t'tion doelI1IOt appeIr. to be

onaoma. '

,~petitioner argues that if the investigation bas ~luded, then be sbouId ,be ~ .~ of !bit

, fact, and llII}' records should be tIJ!DecI over to him 30 tbIt be can c:onrime seaadIina IDr iDbmItioa in !he hopes offinding Maura.~e asserts that the most cornpelIiDa

reason IDr diriJatn in this

centers qn the fact tbat Maura could very well be in danFr. and diac;,1oR1re oftbe

compiled by the ',uthorities could hdp locale her.

iD~ ,


Applying the six-prong test of S US.C. § SS2(b)(7) adopted in Lodse. this Court 1indI !bat ,m:ards sought by !be petitioner are investigamry in nature, IDd have been corJ:!Piled for law

enfolCemem pUtpOSes: Further. the Court finds that they should Ill: exempt liom discJolSure, ~ "

! . , '


production of the records would clearly inteIfere wilb. enCorcemc:nt proceediJl85. EvCII 'though

I The rapcmdelllS further alIcce that atbcr cxemptiollS cOOlainediD § SS2(bX7) lilly apply to SOIIIt of cbe t.conts'

'SOl/Iht by ,be petirionc:r_

12 nTI./

n ...

Maura's disappearance occurred ab;zi.oSt two years ago, the responde~ts.con~lYreprese!'lt'that




her case is still active. FUl'thennore, the respcndc:DlS persist that foul play bas,not been ntIcld out ~ ~


a possible theory for MaUIll's disllPpeI\[lIIICC. Considering l:Iiat it sometimes takes seveJal,-years ,., ~

even decades

for the State to prosecute major crimCs, a lapse of two ~ is DOt a long ~odof


". time.


Although the petitioner cites the fact !bat MalIn could be in danger as a compelling~'


. ' for requiring the respondCnts to discloSe the mxmIs, the Court fiads that it is precisely Cor this


re;lSOn that the reco$ shol!ld /lOt be disclosed. This is an OlII9ing ciimiDIl investigation in which j




no In:ests have been made. Release of tbp records coUld jeopardit.c: the mveatigation and leId 10;' among other things; destruction of ovidenc~ intimida o9l1 'of'witnessea, llDd 10. ofcommWlications

with entities providing CQn6dential'infonnation. Balancing the public inteRst in ctiaclosure of the

requested info lTl1ation agalnstth; gomnmCllt interest in.nondisFlosuJe, !he C~ ~

this cue, the ~ndeots'



in preserViDg the integrity of the investigati
petitiODCi"'S interest in obtaining the reeordi. ..


du.t in




Finally, the, Court finds that III i1I ctlmera ,n:view oflhe records is not W8I'1'lIDted, boc811P die

• evidence proffered conftnns ihat ~'s caae is.lJl on-going, dve crimjJ)l!I.~and . di~losure of the records could inierfcre with law en!cm:emlJll pio<;oMmp.

.•. ... AncordinglY,.tbe petitioner's reql1e1lt forinjlm'ciive rClieflUlder.llSA 9l-I\."1 iR.DENIJID, . The petitioner's request for anomey's fees and costlI is also DENIBP.·.. ~

."".. ~ . •




. January 25. 2006






.-' )\ .'

-1 "

,MISSING , 02/09/04" .

"Maura Murray ~ge:

21 ' ..


height: 5' 7"- weight: 120Ibs. ' . ')' 'curly brown ~houlder length hailj ,


. .



,Last seen wearing jeans & dark coat _":-'"7_

._ "


Contact HaveJ;hill Police Dept. 603·787 ~2222 ,










Endan'gered Missing Ad~lt Born: 05-04-1882; Gender: FemaJe; HeIght: 171nohM; Weight: 120 !be; ~ Brown; tWt: U. Brown; Race: White; lJIst Seen WMI'Ing: PoaRt!y wearing • dart&: coIoNcI 00IIt and Jeane. canylng. blIckpack.; C1rcumstJlnoM or disappearance: Unknown........'_Iut_1It approximately 7:00pm In the vicinity or Route 112 In Hav'nIIJ. MH. ..,. . . ~ In • single vehicle accident. When police ~ her vehicle wu'locked -.;d ......... gone.;

'. MISSING FEBRUARY 09, 2004 FROM, AMHERST, MA .' . ' . Any~ havlog Information


regarding IlAURA MURRAY pi-.. contIIat:


1-41 3-545-2121' " 1


Nation's Mrs~lngChlldrenOrganl~tlon, Inc. & Center for Missing Adults .

2432 West PeotI8 A _ sub 12M"-nIx" AIl_ U02I T.: eci2 I" 1718 Fu: 802 ,14 7520 ~ llOlMllIO-FINO PLEASE VISIT OUR MISSING PERSON WEB8ITE A'( WWW.M1SSlNGAOULTS.oRG


-.' '"

(, FOIA Req_est Letter

October 10. 200S

.s. Trooper JoIIIl MAW. Troop P- New HwI

I~ S. Police

P.o. BcIIll440, 302 ~ ~....,.. New Hw,,~ai80


Malin Mun,



Cae I: fM.15l4-NCIC



m, .

n-Troopcr Mc--. .... UDdr:r die fedenllaw, Fm'..m ofIpfimpIlt!nn Agt 5 u.s.c.I 552111d NH 8M 9J·A.11IID reqrwtlua the fuIIowiDa don'"o•• AD writIIIllepar~ IIId lop iDcludiDa but DIIt JimitecI to '"Bl8ck Book" emn.1IId lepudllDIlIe CIllOI' IIboutFebu.J 9. 2004 ·At DMa- I b .11 ................ 111. . . _ _ 114, wfI-. .., _ _ .., af'BlI*d law..... lilt IIII1IdliIllldaa tIIlIt pII" . . . . . . ....., e-l'f 1514 .



nqu lid

. If

JOU'" •



COM'' '

COllin dupUcadrtt tt.e cIoc:ollN•••• -lIlY ada. feel HIt" 'r d WIda 1l1li. . . . pi.- co"'Mt ...

PI-. lui.;" me of'my cxpo:IU" eo




iaJ i*t oftltia requeIt, ~ cite ...... Iflo aOI".""'; wbicbjuld8e

your rdbIItl1D rca =i I = the ICqI

Il d inh"wtMe· PIeMe DIlIif'1ID11l ....... tID me In WliIbc tIta

lIJIPllIl pc coil'. mdIIIbIe eo me UDder.., . . . . . . . . . 1JI4Iar loc8Ilaw(.) 1IIIt ~ aM!ble . metIDobaIDtb..boWH-eq' .d luCiA".&' "


. 0/ ~




)~./.,.~i~47':. ~.// c:.'~". " . Frederk:U. Murray .

CC: A.aomey 0eaeral1Celly A)'UUIs AtbD.lJ Tuwdty BrriD



. nT';'




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2452 n'T'l/ ""7t=







:II CAPl'I'OL ll'J'UB'f CONcOlID. Haw HAIlPSIUBJ oaaOl..1t1 "


. , , IUciL...L A. 'DI:LAJIl IllIPll'l'Y ATI'O...... UN1II


... "T1OIU!"



October 24, 200S


Dear Mr. Murray:



Your lettcn ~ ~ in i:onuecdon with In open in~ptiol1 haw beeii forwarded to me. Qur:office win be ~ for coordinatiJIIa responIll 10 aD the kUen you've sent to New Hampshire agenc:iCll and iDdividulla. Pleue DOte tbIt sUa par Ietlal were not directed 10 federal apncies, the I'CSJX,IIIIll 10 your inquiry will be aovcmecl bJ New Hampshire law,' ' . "

First, I I to yoUI' fl:lIuesl for documentation to the New iIampsbire BUI'eIU ofEmcrpDcy CommUllicatiooa. That ~ iadicates that RSA 106-8:14 Cll!C!I!Ipts them 60m the Riabt-ToKnow law. III addition, they do l10t haW 111)' documell1l or JtM)IdI re1edDl to your reqllllll Therefore, there will be no documeII1I or JeCOIds pnMcIed to )'O'll fioal tbiI..,ey., ,.

SecoDd, II to yourrequest.s to New Ha".....". F'lIIb IIId Oarne, Haovcr.Polioo Departmeoi, and the New HampsbirC s.... Police (Co1oael Bootb. CIplaIII ICeIIiy,I Scarinm, Trooper MOIlIhan), we expect it to tab Ilteut ~ cIayI ftom today'. date 10 detenlline !fyour req1ICIItI for documell1l will be llfII1Iad or, •








Lut, since your request CODCCI'llIII1 open and inveItiptiOll by law eoforcelllent ilgenciel, it i.likely your req.-. will be dcialed to JIfepIrd the inwstiptiOl1. However, tbat determination wiD be mide in epptOximataly dIini dayI. , ' ,


Please contllet me if you have lIlY queItioaii reprdiDa 1bii matter. Siocerely,

.. .; ,





II CAPl'fOL C'Uft COKCOBD. KaW HAM1'IBIU 01101..,., \

DLLY A. AYO'lTI: 4Tl'OIlllft _

MlCRABL A. OBx..u llIII'Ul"t 4tiOD&f 0IlIQI




liovember IS, 200S


Dear Mr. Murray:


., ......

__ .... '" '


I am writing in respoIlIO to your Odober 10, 200s let11n making. requat for information purswmt to tile Freedom ofJnfbrmaticm AJ:A ofS USCA IOC. SS2111d RSA 91·A, for lIDyrec:orda of cue m1mbcr F04-1S14, partliniDs to the invemptiOll ortile diaappeiuwte oryour dinptel', Man Mum.y. The tetlin that I am respclIIdius to wen IIIJt to Troop P (2 recp [h), NBSP Major Crime Unit, CoL Boolh, NH Filb ad Game. NIl B1InlIU 0'&......' 1 CommlJlricatiCllll, 8Dd Poticc DepirtmIlat(adda !lId to HaDovar, MaIL).


P1euo tab DOte that UDder the tama of5 USCA IIIC. S$2(t). 8Dd 5 USCA 551(1), state iOvcrelp iI'O DOt covered by t1ria In other wardI. the "" Federal Freedom orlDCarmatioG AJ:A doea DOt apply to IIIate aaeoc:iN 11M.... I have limited my review to tile proviaioaa ofNHRSA 91-A.


To the extent that)'QU beliml federal.,.-.QN may haw beeo imoIwld in tbia investipticxa, you DI.IIt IDIb • requeIt diJectIy to that Ipocy for your POIA reqa-. Additionally," we do DOt have the authority to J'OIPOIId requOltl you have !!!Ide to

M.q,cbnseHI autboritia

' " - ."

At pi ca cDt, all oCtile matr:rW. you have requestec,t that pertain to your daughtllr'a cue iI'O 0XClIqJt fiqm diIcloare they are investiptory fUN. "However, you have requested matcriaIa that may be subject to diIclOllUnl: all motot vehicle ~dent iepoturepallild to Hanovw PD NHSP aloog R1 tl2 OIl F~ 9, 2004 in the HaverilllWoodsville area 8Dd the SwiftwataiBatb uea; all ndio " dispatr_ and log fileI from 6PM OQ 2-09-04 to 6 PM OQ 2-10-04 from NH Fish aDd Game and HlIDowr PD. in _.JIlt any"m''m'iN1JMt 2""P'in to yow ~'a 9''''' w i l ~nteriaJl, • will lIlY 0Ibcr me"'! dill


flaIL_ . I

- - - - - ' l ' i t l. ." - ~ _ • 'AS


_.'n..u ••


....,. NB ._TIIIa-I.. _ ..I I -__......-


'.. "

. Z4.tO

inY21ves investigatqxy files fll' nth.,. f!I'P In otbar warda. you may be ClIltitled to have the materials that arc covered by your request to the extent that they do not involve your daughter'. cue. . Given the nature ofyour request, it is not c1eIr whether you WIIIt infarmatioo tbatdoes not have anyt'hiDa to do with F04-1S14. Ifyou do, pleue lat me bow aDd I can make the' materials, if they still exist, available to you. Our office c:bIrp a fee for copies of any materials provided under RSA 91-A and we would be able to let you know what the amount would be after you let me know ifyou 8I'e interested in tho . materialI. gm_1ou

,;:;S7L~ .~w. Ruoff


' .Alii..... Attorney GcDeral Homicide UIIit (603) 271-3671


cc: JeftIlry StzeklD, Seaior AaIiIlIIIIt ~ a-.t




, ....








2455 n T I / ""70



I Febnlary 16.2006


VIA HAND DEL!ViRy Clerk of Court Office Suprane Court of New H8~ One Noble Drive . CoocxmI, NIl 03301.

• Fiq of Notice of Appeal Fredcric:k J. Murray v. Spocial1Jmwtiprim Unit orlbe Diviaoa ofStale Police . of the New Hampllbire DepwIliWill ofSa&ty, et at '




Dear Sir

or Madam:

. \'

Eaclosed pl_ find the followiDa for filin& in the above-DImod matbr.

• "

• •


One (1) Original Notice of Appeal; 1'bRe (3) Copi. ofNodce of Appell: mel Filing Fee in the IIDOUIIt orSl4S.00.

1!DcIoIwa ce: Clerk of Court Office Grafton County Superior Court 3785 Dartmouth CoUep HiabwaY North Haverhill, NH 03774


0pp0Iing Parties

( GIlUnt & EMn. One Olde Nonh Rmd


Suite 103


CIIIImsfoId. M" 01124


u.c a

Alta,~ It ~

tel. (971) ZS6-604l D fix (971) 2S6-79T1 0 www,plUn

. Fram:




Wood LIIw 0lIIce [~..., Tuesday. S~07.2004 3:48 PM

To: JelfwrW.TII Subject: FW: Freedom c:A Inrorrn.ean ReqI III

Sir, ' This is to offic:ially inform you that I lID appralioa yow deDiaI of Ill)' petitioo IIIIdc UDder die Freedom ofinfonnatioD Act " reladw to " ~ Murray F-CM-ISI4 -.', . Fn:dcridt J. MIIIIa1 ---oriainal Messl. From: Wood Law Office Seat JUII 22. 2004 12:12 PM To: "Frederick J. Murray-" , Subject: Freedom oflnfonnltion 1lequeIt



Pear Mr. Murray:


Chief Jeffrey Wiliams of the Hav8rhlI Po!ICe ha c.iemld to IhII oiIce jfu updated Right to Know request receMld by the OepI'b...nt on June 21, 2004• • • T... CounMI for the Town of Haverhll lind 8m routineIJ i.IGid 10 edviIe 0f'I1dch .......11. I

wii review your request and ~ wti. .,,~~b18 period ~ tine.

Thenk'you. GiIYJ. Wood Law Ollice ofG~' J, Wood PO 8oll2Ol U$ CaIIraI Slrwt WOOlkYlJIt, NH 03715 Til. (603) 747·3093 FIX (603) 74'·2JS9


~-:."': ..... :,,(....1

~... ~",;,:/ i/:>'

• ' •••: : . "-:..;;


BaverJUU I'oUoe Depu: t _t: 8 O P ~ NUJlUIft ~ CIIDF JUnU L 1fTLu 'MI




_.. _

---.--- - _- . _. -.




_. -_.

Attacbed iJ die FOlA request Fred Munay made to Oraftoa Co. SheriftB Office 011 1031 041Dd the SbcrifIi DepCs. letter bide to Munayand a copy ofrecords provided to Millla)' 011110404.


. '.









? 1f


J.'OL\:Reqaafhtter .




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Orleans County Shcriffs Departmcnt Sheriff Lance Bowen

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Orleans County Sl\erifl"s Dep8rtment

Deputy Stephen Ru.... LOCATI!JlI


(802) 334 333$

LOCA'RiR . 'Ma.



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....tII Pab (lip. 1(12.n1Lu1] Tt1cndIy, ApI 01, 2004 3:1. PM

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1. PaIce DIpl. ,





Deputy 1lwI.ellr

)'Oil ~or

yow; help.

Pl.... let _

IaIow 11 you need

&IlytlWlg d.e.

Lori Peter.on





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.:21 Sex: Female . Race: White Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue HeightS']': Weight 120 . . 011 Febrully 9, 2004. Sgt. Ceecil Smith respa.oc'ed to. reported ~vehicle lIlXidcot on Wild A!I!!!IClIIOQ'UC RollI (RouIe i 12) in Woodsville. Upoa arriYIII at Ibe accidalt Il:Iefte.. the Sapaat tOuad • •""'Dlld ,.chide> • 1996 bb:k Solum ~ ~ • Me srJwsetts lqislntion. A sean:h of lhc II'CI by HavabiII Police. State Police, and EM~ otlkials did DOt Jocaee Ibe drMr. . Wjln....s lithe scent reporta:d seeing a lone remaIe wi1b DO ~al injury. Who appea.tecl impaiaed due to aIcoIIoI consumpdon. When asked if she needed help, or Ibe police to respond, she i cpIied, "Do-, Tbe femIIIe left !be scene prior 10 the arrival of CIIlCIJCDCY petSl»lCL .


A snbsequat search ofllle vehicle incfic:ates dill !be operator was MIura Murray. 11, ofHI!ISllrI, MA. She "WIS last seen wmillC jeans and a dart coJiln:d COIl



NH STATE roue! TROOP F f03 14' 3311 HAVERHlI,I. POUCE DUARTMF~ . aJ.71'7-2Z22 MTl/ 04 A




HaverhDI Police From: Seftt:

kwt0100000 (lgvI)10000!1Q1' f I!qI c I • • Fildey, ApI 02, 20041:.. AM

LOCATER Vennonl; LOCATER New Yen; LOCATER .... ~ LOCATER IM,'_FlCcnhl.,.n..It;, LOCATER CoI.~ ce: hptlO 0»12.nh.ut SubjMct: LOCATER Potatr. MISSING t"-hI PolIce ~11 To:


Posler Alert &om: HawdIiII Poli~ DepiaIWeDl MlSSINO Pleuc fiDd ID Adobe PDF poster encIoted· Ifyou c:aD't view this potIIlr; you Deed to ~ Adobe AcroIlIt Rader. llPpt~tdoIIe~......,

To view this ...... c:IoubIe click on die .PDF

,II. hnv.:Dt Wow,


set. free copy • .






'. "












DetIk On Febru8Iy 9, 2004, silt cecI ~ .JlIIlclndecl1O "~ an. ,.lIhIda •

~lilllCliCOIUC Road (rcula 112~.


an WInd

Upon anMI at . . . . . . . . . Sgl found . . .bandonad~a AIlI8Idl 01" - ,,1--•• PalIoe, Stall PalIoe,


1996 black S8tum s.dM wlt1 and EMS ... ' , did nat Iacate the driver, Vf1lI ! IIII . . . . . . . ,epol1ec1..-.g alone ~, who 8PIl11 ecI ~ due to lIIaohol c:ClIlIUft1IlIo The limiIIe left . . - . SIle _ jeeW and • dIItc cobecl COIl '



" • •.,

Haverhill Flolice Department

(-..'....... LOCATER Vennont


. .', 'LOCATER: .:...--_Wilfii. ~

(603) 787·2222








Haverhill Police .~

Ll W.rGoodeltovllcDds'O . . . . .vtuI)


~ , ApII 01, 2004.10:38 AM

To: hpdOuu23.k12.nII.ue 811bject: [Fwd: LOCATOR PROGRAMJ


Per our &cussioa. Walt

- - 0ri1iDal Mesn.--

StIbject-.LOCATOR PROGRAM Date: Wed, 31 M8r 2004 20:09:21 ~soo (EST) Fn • . vt.uP To CC I

The N.tionel Center for Hi•• in; , Exploited Children (NeMEC) i. .. t.he Nationel Cleadn;hou.e for the lOC4ltlon alld reco...ry of ••in; children in the United St.t... · ~ a private, ftonprofit r9"Aizat.ion e.tabll.bed by Conore•• In 1"4,.cMIC worke \.; cooperatively with the 'I.S ~part8eilt of .:haat1ce'. Office of JUYeft1le and Delinquency Pn_tlOll and 18 e ~f17l, DO coat n_rce tor La'" Enfor_nt and proa.CDt~. IKJC'. c:bIllenge 18 to •••iat 10C4l1 La" Entor_nt avenel.. in npldl, . di••.-1natlnv intor'Mtlon about _ of .their - . t difUCu1.t :u..-tho.. involv1ft9 lI1..i1\9 all4 abducted ChlldnD (and .180 ada1ta _tift9 certain cdteda.) _ 1'ha Lon Ch1ld Alert Tec:hnol09' R e _ (LOCATORJ aottwan 18 a t..-plate baaed applicAtion t.hoIt enabl.. indhlc1ua1 Law Entorc 7snt~geDCie. to in.tantl, create ditte&'eDt.type. ot poIItera tor i~ate di.tdbution. TeTIl1at.. can dJ,.play _ tp e1;ht i-ve. >tUh de.cr.l.ptive into~tlon teat on ee~ politer.






1'bia project endeavon to inprove Law tllfor=-t.·. 'abUit, to nCo..r ai.dno c:h11dren. adulta and tIaJIted pe~ ~ pJ:OYJ.d1.Dg tbSl toola and equi,..nt neca.aary to rapidly dl ••=iute t-ve. and 1ftfo~tlon - v La" Entor=-t a;encie.. In addition, IICIm: "ill ute Ita entire databa.. ot a:the .18.1Dt and abc:IlIcted dIild, adulta and wanted per.ona Ula9H a".1 Jabl. to La'" Enfor_nt aveneia. 24 hour. a day, 7 daya a _It and 365 daya a

YMI:. r

07:1_ COWIty Shedff·. Departlleftt h. . acquired th1a .yat= a oraftt. ... an .,111ing to entar any of th1a iDfomaUOIl lor your o.p.rtMl\t if fteeded. ... recently eotered T1Isotby YOIID9 f GlOMI' 10 to thia databa.e for VIP Darby who baa been sd.ainv dnce J.nuary. t





Pl.... eont.et us with a Pictun and bade inforMUOIl on the eubject. Phone: 334-3333 r.x:334-3307 ETail . . at . ~lKlOUr.fdpa •• totte • yt. ua . n,l/




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. 760 n"T'l/ ,of t'\



Febiuary 9, 2004 - Haverhill, NH . Weating a dark winter jacket, jeans. ' May have been carrying a backpack, and SprintlS81llSung A620 Camera Phone

. Ifyou.have information or find anything that could be connected to Mama, please, contact:

MAURAMURRAY.COM P.O. aOX466 HUMAROCK, :MA 02047 Email: [email protected]

Website: www.MauraMurray.com N.H. State. PolIce • Major CI1mes Unit



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