‫‪    ‬‬

‫جملة ف�ش‪‬لية ت�ش‪‬در عن مركز النهرين للدرا�ش‪‬ات اال�شرتاتيجية‬

‫مل‪ ‬العدد‬ ‫احلر‪ ‬النف�شية‬ ‫احلر‪ ‬النف�شية ‪ ..‬مقاربة قرا‪‬نية ‪ .....................‬عادل القا�شي‬ ‫احلر‪ ‬املجتمعية والية ا�شاعة الفو�شى ‪ ............‬د‪ .‬ك‪‬رمي حممد حمزة‬ ‫ال�شائعات وكيفية مواجهتها ‪ .........................‬د‪ .‬خليل ابراهيم ر�ش‪‬ول‬ ‫اثراال�شاعات من خالل املرئيات يف تغيري اال‪‬اهات ‪ ......‬د‪ .‬ثريا علي ح�شني‬ ‫احلر‪ ‬النف�شية احلاجة و�شبل العمل امل�شتقبلي ‪ ......‬الفريق د‪� .‬شعد الع‪‬بيد‪‬‬

‫الهيكلية‬ ‫امل�شرف العام‬ ‫رئي�س التحرير‬ ‫هيئة التحرير‬ ‫مراجعة الن�صو�ص االنكليزية‬

‫مدير عام املركز‪ ..‬د‪ .‬طالب احلمداين‬ ‫عادل القا�ضي‬ ‫( د‪.‬ح�سن ناجي ‪� ,‬سعد حممد )‬ ‫املركز‬


‫ال�سيد القارئ الكرمي ‪..‬‬ ‫العدد الذي بني يديك جتريبي‪ ،‬وهو خال�صة ور�شة عمل اقامها املركز‪،‬‬ ‫وعليه ف�أن العدد ال ميثل النموذج النهائي للمجلة‪ ،‬ولذلك اقت�ضى التنويه‬

‫قواعد الن�شر‬ ‫‪ -1‬ان يكون البحث املقدم ا�سهاما علميا جديدا يف جمال االمن الوطني ومل ي�سبق ن�شره او‬ ‫تقدميه للن�شر يف جملة اخرى او امل�شاركة به يف م�ؤمتر او ندوة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬تخ�ضع البحوث املقدمة للن�شر يف املجلة للتحكيم والتقومي العلمي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬االهتمام بتوثيق املعلومات من حالل �أمل�صادر واملراجع امل�ستعملة يف البحث وح�سب ت�سل�سل‬ ‫ورودها يف املنت‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -4‬هيئة التحرير لها احلق يف ت�صويب االخطاء على ان الت�ؤثر يف مو�ضوع البحث او وجهة‬ ‫نظر كاتبه‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -5‬يتحمل الباحث امل�س�ؤولية القانونية املتعلقة بحقوق امللكية الفكرية يف حالة االقتبا�س او‬ ‫اال�ستالل دون اال�شارة اىل امل�صدر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -6‬ت�ضمني البحث خال�صتني باللغة العربية و االنكليزية مع ثالث كلمات مفتاحية على االقل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -7‬يلتزم الباحث باجراء التعديالت والت�صويبات التي اقرتحها اخلرباء‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -8‬ي�شرتط تقدمي ن�سخة رقمية على قر�ص مدمج واخرى ورقية للبحث املقدم للن�شر يف املجلة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -9‬يجب االلتزام بت�سليم البحث من الباحث �شخ�صيا اىل ادارة التحرير مرفق ًا معها الربيد‬ ‫االلكرتوين ورقم اجلوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -10‬يجب ا�ستخدام معالج الن�صو�ص ‪ Word‬يف تن�ضيد البحوث بحجم خط (‪ )14‬نوع ‪. Arial‬‬ ‫‪-11‬يجب ان اليزيد عدد �صفحات البحث عن (‪� )20‬صفحة بحجم ‪. A4‬‬ ‫‪ -12‬يتم ترتيب ت�سل�سل البحوث يف املجلة العتبارات فنية فقط‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -13‬يجب ترقيم اجلداول واال�شكال يف حال ورودها ح�سب املوا�صفات العاملية بحيث يكون‬ ‫رقم اجلدول يف االعلى ورقم ال�شكل يف اال�سفل‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -14‬املجلة غري ملزمة يف رد البحوث اىل ا�صحابها يف حال القبول او الرف�ض‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -15‬للمجلة احلق يف ن�شر ن�سخة رقمية واتاحتها للن�شر على ال�شبكة الدولية من خالل موقعها‬ ‫الر�سمي‪.‬‬

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

‫ية‬‫اربة قرا‬‫ م‬ ‫شية‬‫ الن‬‫ر‬‫ا‬

‫عادل القا�شي‬ ‫رئي�س التحرير‬      "                                                               7

2014 Jen Issue No. 1


                                      

‫اهني ا�شا�شيني اأو‬‫العمليات النف�شية هنا تعمل با‬ ‫مني‬‫م�شارين متال‬

                                "

    

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

          –          –                                                                                                                                      9

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                                                                                          ‫نية للعمليات النف�شية‬‫ املواجهة القرا‬‫من اأ�شلو‬

      

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                                                                                                                                          


    

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                                       –  ‫ج ًا‬‫و‬ )‫(ق�شة االف‬

                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                                                                                                         

                                                                                                                                                                                           


    

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

‫ املجتمعية‬‫ر‬‫ا‬ ‫شى‬‫و‬‫�شاعة ال‬‫ ا‬‫واليا‬ ‫ كرمي حممد حمزة‬.‫د‬ 2013 – ‫بغداد – ا‬  – –  – –                                   ‫ اىل مزيد من‬‫تا‬ ‫ه الورقة‬‫ن معظم ق�شايا ه‬‫ا‬ .‫املراجعة والتحليل‬

     13

2014 Jen Issue No. 1



   – –                                            ‫ه الورقة على املحاور التالية‬‫تدور اأفكار ه‬

                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                             –                                                                                                                                                             ‫املواجهتان امليدانية والنف�شية‬

                            


     

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                                                               ‫ املجتمعية‬‫اخل�شائ�س االجرائية للحر‬

                        –   – –  – –                                                          15

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                                    Societal War                            –  – – –  – Wars without conflict              

                       ‫ املجتمعية‬‫ احلر‬... ‫احلر‬

                   –                –   –  – – –           Battle     –   –      – – –

 Society and Societal                                                                     Social ‫ا جمتمع ولي�س اجتماعي‬‫ولكن ملا‬

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A Quarterly Issued Magazine

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2014 Jen Issue No. 1

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                                   – –                         dysfunction                                                            

                                              –                                                                                                               


     

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                    –                                             

‫قيق الهدف‬

‫ال�شبط احلفا‬ ‫على النمط‬

                                                                


‫دارة ال�شاحلة‬‫اال‬ ‫اأو الر�شيدة‬

                                                                                                                  

                                                                           –          –  

                          

      

           –  – – – –


2014 Jen Issue No. 1

     

                   Imperatives        Function   Goal Adaptation    Integration    Attainment      Latency     AGILِ             –   –                          system   – –  – – –   – Function RitzerG  theory N – –sociological pp YMcgraq Hill

                –  –              ‫طار مرجعي للتحليل‬‫ ا‬‫ثانيا‬

 –         –                                  –                           –         –                       


     

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                  –               –  –                  –           –                –   – 

                ‫عاقة ملزم التكي‬‫ ا‬.‫اأوال‬

                                                                       ‫قيق الهدف‬ ‫عاقة ملزم‬‫ ا‬.‫ ثانيا‬  –          –  –     21

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

‫بناء ن�شق الفعل العام‬ Social System ‫الن�شق االجتماعي‬

Culture System ‫قايف‬‫الن�شق ال‬

Personal System ‫ن�شق ال�شخ�شية‬

Behavioral organism ‫ الكائن احلي‬‫�شلو‬

                                                                                   

                         ‫ املجتمعية‬‫ليات احلر‬‫ ا‬‫ا‬‫ثال‬

                                                                      


     

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                                    ‫عاقة ملزم التكامل‬‫ ا‬.‫رابعا‬

                                                                   –        –                                      

                                                                                                  –Coser Ibid pp 23

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

 – –  –

                                                                                         ‫ على النمط‬‫عاقة ملزم احلفا‬‫ ا‬.‫ا‬‫ثال‬

                                  

                                                                                                                                                      


     

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                        –                       –                          ‫ املجتمعية‬‫ االهداف اال�شرتاتيجية للحر‬                                                                                                        ‫�شرتاتيجية للحر‬‫داف اال‬‫ االأه‬‫ا‬‫ع‬‫راب‬        ‫املجتمعية‬                                                                                                                  25

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                                     ‫دارة الر�شيدة‬‫زم اال‬‫ل‬‫ة م‬‫اق‬‫ع‬‫ ا‬.‫خام�شا‬ ‫للمجتمع‬

                                         

                                                                                                   –  –                               – – –  – –                         


     

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                           ‫اأهم امل�شادر‬

–  –   –      –   –       –        –  –     –   –  –       –  –     –        –   –   –             –     –  –  –     –    –     –  –       – 

                                                        ‫ اأ�شئلة اأخرى‬... ‫خامتة‬

                                            7- Coser L. social conflict and the        theory of social change MCNall         s.g. the sociological perspective             – Bos8ton little brown m 1968.       8- Ritzer G. Sociological theory       N. Mc graw Hill 27

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                                                                                                 –  –       

                                                                                                                dysfunction                                                             role                                   


A Quarterly Issued Magazine


‫ا‬‫ه‬‫ت‬‫ه‬‫وا‬‫ة م‬‫ي‬‫ي‬‫وك‬ ‫براهيم ر�شول‬‫ خليل ا‬.‫ د‬.‫اأ‬ ‫دا‬‫ كلية اال‬.‫جامعة بغداد‬                                                                                       29

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                "            "               " "                         

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

 ""  "  Annandal       " " James Drever      "   "         "    "                                                                                                                           31

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

   

       ""                                                       ‫ ال�شائعة‬‫تعري‬

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                                         "                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                ‫ال�شائعات يف املجتمعات‬

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A Quarterly Issued Magazine

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2014 Jen Issue No. 1

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         ×                                                                      ‫العوامل املت�شلة باالأفراد‬

                      

                                     

                                      

‫العوامل املت�شلة باملو�شوع‬

                    " "                                                                             

                     ""     ×       ×                   ×                   ×

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           " "                ""      ‫ ال�شائعات على اأ�شا�س الدوافع‬‫ ت�شني‬.

   

                                                                                                                       

                   ‫اأنواع ال�شائعات‬                          35

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                           ‫العمليات النف�شية التي متر بها ال�شائعة‬

 ""                      ""                "  "    

‫اهات االأفراد‬‫ ا‬-

                                          ‫ خ�شائ�س اجلمهور‬-

                                          ""                               


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                                                                                                            37

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

   

                                                           ‫ادة النف�شية ملقاومة‬‫ي‬‫ع‬‫ون مهمة ال‬‫ك‬‫وت‬  ‫ال�شائعات ما يلي‬

                                  

                 "  "                            

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   

‫�شاعا‬‫ر اال‬‫اأ‬

‫ االجتاها‬‫ي‬‫ ت‬ ‫ املرئيا‬‫ خال‬‫م‬ ‫ ثريا علي ح�شني‬.‫د‬ ‫دا‬‫ كلية اال‬‫جامعة بغداد‬                                                                        

                                         




2014 Jen Issue No. 1

‫ليه‬‫اأهمية البحث واحلاجة ا‬

                                                   ‫ التو�شيات‬                                                                                                  – –                                          


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                                  apparent visible     Trawler             

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‫اأهداف البحث‬

                 ‫ديد امل�شطلحات‬

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2014 Jen Issue No. 1

shramm                                                                               Rumor                                      


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

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2014 Jen Issue No. 1

        

                                             ‫�شاعة‬‫ىل ن�شر اال‬‫الدوافع ا‬

                                                    pBaron        

                     ‫�شاعة‬‫ اال‬‫ا ت�شر‬‫ملا‬

          Attitudes     Alport                                                  Eagle & chaikin         

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A Quarterly Issued Magazine

        

                                                          ‫ املرئيات‬‫ ثاني ًا‬           communication                                                              Bonner           cooley                                                                         45

2014 Jen Issue No. 1


                              ‫اأنواع ال�شائعات‬

                                

      knapp                                                       7‫�شمات ال�شائعات‬

             


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                      ‫اهات‬‫يفة اال‬‫و‬

                                                               47

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

        

‫اهات‬‫ اال‬‫ ًا‬‫ثال‬

                    Attitudes Aptitudo                 ‫اهات النف�شية‬‫خ�شائ�س اال‬

                                       

                                                                                                                                                pwatler                                    

          coolly                                                          .‫عالن والدعاية‬‫ اال‬‫خام�ش ًا‬


                  pwaltwr      


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                                                                                                                  

        

                          

                                    Deutsch and  Collins                                                                               



‫اهات‬‫دور املرئيات يف تغيري اال‬


2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                           Newcomb                                                               

   ‫اهات‬‫تغيري اال‬

                                                                                                             pAranson       


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                                         ‫ عن‬‫ي‬‫ل‬‫ب‬‫ت‬‫ور يف ال‬‫ه‬‫م‬‫اون اجل‬‫ع‬‫ ت‬‫ ًا‬‫ال‬‫ث‬ ‫�شاعات‬‫اال‬

                                                    51

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

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                                                        

‫ املكتب اال�شت�شار‬‫ثاني ًا‬


                      ً ‫اأو‬ ‫فون‬‫ املو‬‫ال‬

                                                

                        Hovland and weiss                          

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 pEiser      


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

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2014 Jen Issue No. 1

        

                                                                    

     ‫�شاعات‬‫ متحي�س ودح�س اال‬‫رابع ًا‬

                                                                                          


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

        

‫شية‬‫ الن‬‫ر‬‫ا‬ ‫ي‬‫ل‬‫ب‬‫ت‬‫ش‬‫ل امل‬‫م‬‫ع‬‫ل ال‬‫ب‬‫ش‬‫ة و‬‫ا‬‫ا‬ ‫الفريق الدكتور �شعد العبيد‬ 2013 - ‫ متو‬- 16                                                                           ‫ العراق النف�شية‬‫مراحل التاأثري يف حر‬

        55

2014 Jen Issue No. 1


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‫امل�شادر العربية‬                                                     wwwammmonnewsnet                                                   www           eumedisnet                                                                                                                           


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

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2014 Jen Issue No. 1

      

            ""                 ‫ النف�شية‬‫ احلر‬‫العوامل امل�شاعدة على نفا‬ ‫عراقيا‬

                                              ""                             

                                                                                                                                 

                                                                                                      "        "                                          


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

                  ‫رها‬‫ مكافحة اال‬‫ جها‬.‫رابعا‬

          ‫ال عملي من الواقع النف�شي العراقي‬‫م‬

      

    ‫ارة الداخلية‬‫ و‬.‫ثانيا‬                                           ""                                        ""       

        "           "                              ‫ املخابرات‬‫ جها‬.‫ا‬‫ثال‬                              59

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                                                       .‫ارة الدفاع‬‫ و‬.‫اأوال‬

                                                                                              

                                                   ‫ النف�شية‬‫م للتعامل مع احلر‬‫اجلهد الال‬              


A Quarterly Issued Magazine

      

                      "         "          ‫اخلامتة‬

                                                                          61

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

                 "     "                         ‫املقرتحات‬

                                        

                                  ‫ النف�شية‬‫احلاجة الفعلية اىل احلر‬

                                                                        "" 

         ""                                                                              " "                                                               


Abstract  Psychological Warfare The Needs and the means of the prospective works

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

and administrating the process of presenting and offering bodies to deal with the information concerned with. d/Intelligence-Security and AntiTerrorisms Departments : The aim of frittering is a strategic one , and in case of disability of the Government with its available means to achieve that in a practical manner , then it is possible to form an alternative psychological aims so as to decrease of the psychological value for demonstration either internal or in external wards altogether . So this aim and the previous one( I .e Frittering ) are done by the tools of mobilized psychological warfare with all of its means with mentioned above techniques , and for the purpose of realizing the aim in scientific method which is desired by the Executive Authority , will need the following steps : a/All the techniques and the psychological means must carry the same meaning with all its forms . b/ Centralized of Planning and 63

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

administrating of the psychological works remain the necessary basis for success , while Non-Centralized , and the suitable dealing 'field with the psychological situation during the process of implementation which is the basis that complete the success without any infringement towards the requests of coordination and the cooperation among the executive sides . TheActual Need to the psychological Warfare:The Psychological Warfare with its defensive chap which is related to the interception without the enemy' realizing its psychological , mobilized and the strategic targets for the purpose of achieving the top interests of Iraq which its success depends on the availability of several trained professional specializations as it is in Iraq. And because of Iraq' unusual situation , these specializations which got training and obtained the professional experiences have splashed that caused a cut in the series of the accumulated

experiences , that led to the absence of the Psychological Effort of the government in general, in addition to the psychological , military , intelligence and security efforts especially . The side , who runs the conflict in the State is represented by The Government , definitely is represented by The President , in such case the private effort of the psychological warfare will be very close as possible as it will be , as it is super executive authority in the State.

Proposals & Suggestions First / For the purpose of creating a serious and fruitful works for the psychological warfare , there must be a specialized arrangement ; its main elements are represented by the targets , sources and people which must be logically available , for the purpose of treating this case ‘details at the present time , and in the current circumstances of Iraq . Then there will be urgent needs

to the following steps: a/ Holding Workshop in The National Security ‘ Counsel including characters who interest in negotiating the Psychological Warfare ( It was actually held ) and any documents will be

presented must be determined by; 1/ The Actual and Urgent Need for Iraq are defensive and withstanding of Psychological Warfare. 2/ determining its available amount of elements arrangements in case of a decision when needed. B/To put for negotiations during a bilateral meeting between The Ministry Of Defence and The Ministry Of Interior in addition to presidents and the chiefs of Intelligence & Security Departments as well to conclude it by a resolution “ Decision “to be sent to The President Of Iraq.      


Abstract  Psychological Warfare The Needs and the means of the prospective works

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

striving the psychological terrorism – Strengthening the relationship between the Citizen towards The State – Boosting and building up the general psychological & the social security. 2/ The Intelligence Effort for the ministry : Administrating psychological & local Operations – Observing and persuading the actions of the psychological terrorism – defeating the propaganda of terrorism – studying the features and the characteristics of weakness and strength for The Iraqi Society - Offering and presenting anti-propaganda – Analyzing rumors - Meanwhile , to present anti- rumors that reassuring and supporting for people – In addition to create instigative , motivated and aggressive positions against Baath Party members and against the enthusiasts , against Terrorism and against racism . Besides observing and watching the general psychological situations of the Iraq Society and observing and watching the directions and means of the general opinion for 65

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People towards the Government as well as to suggest amendments for the negative sides of the General Opinions . 3/ The Moral Efforts: Fortification of the Ministry’s officials and to protect and guard them psychologically Assessment of the moral situation for the police fighters and supporting them with the moral assistance – establishing good relationship between them with the Iraqi society – improving the character of the Iraqi Police for the public –opinion about the security achievements- enhancing and strengthening the feeling of belongingness in the characters of these employees – strengthening the police profession .

Third Intelligence Department

Intelligence Department will be in charge of the following below responsibilities: Observing and watching the psychological targets and the extensions into Iraq – Presenting a psychological Intelligence – Offering the assistance and the full support to pug and obstruct

the psychological gaps as well as to enhance the psychological fortification for the high levels of the state – presenting psychological assessments for the current situations in connection with the foreign and the psychological threats – attacking against the aggressive propaganda - Besides , determining and persuading the amounts the psychological breaches which are happened because of the foreigner targets in the Iraqi society and to suggest the shapes and the kinds of the psychological breaches in the aggressive societies ‘entities’ , in addition to follow the wards of the Regional and International ‘ general opinions towards The Iraqi State also suggests proposals to improve the general opinion of The State .

Forth  Counter Terrorism Department

It included a psychological fortification for the employees , to strengthen the grounds and improving the level of action – besides accompanied psychological operations to carry

our several great fighting tasks . A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE FROM THE PSYCOLOGICAL FACT OF IRAQ Issuing the decision of frittering (Top Secret): Receiving the decision as a main aim for the government with creating a psychological attitude and departing from the general aim into sub-divided aim which must be done by the psychological and mobilized forces. a/ The Army and The interior Forces . b/ The Directorate-General For the Intelligence & Security system: Preparing warning proclamations in form of frustrating . c/The Interior Intelligence: Preparing plans of psychological sedition and cramping active skulks among the demonstrators in order to guide the wandering groups and for the purpose of settling and clinching the situation of conflict beside adopting a soft approach and non-handedness to form and create upset propaganda      


Abstract  Psychological Warfare The Needs and the means of the prospective works

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

the State in a manner that do not support and enhance its entity or its presence . In other hand , after the 2003 reshuffling , the conditions had changed , as the citizens of Sunni felt that the State is not belonging to them , and they isolated themselves from the State and they treated the State Of Iraq in a manner that stop rebuilding Iraq again . at the same time Some of the Kurds and some of the Shiite couldn’t get rid of the grounds and the remains of that belief and their unfair responses after the rapid reshuffling of the State Of Iraq, some of them , as they are in the positions of authority in a manner to get benefit before the expected departure , the other former counters and converse attitudes from the Iraqi State remains in the memory as they are still effected by the method of treating of several officials in the State with its establishments that may contribute an impedance of its building. The opening gaps and slaps for the 67

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psychological warfare is not limited to the Internal position of Iraq, as the geo-political phenomenon for the area that Iraq lies in , which has remained a firebrands and nonstabled phenomenon that Iraq is situated in: 1/ Iraq adjoin and borders to Iran which is looking forward to possess the nuclear weapons. 2/ Iraq adjoin and border Syria which is planned to re-organize the Governing in, for the purpose of facilitating the process of involving Syria in the Sunni-Shiite conflict. 3/ Iraq is considered as territorial extension to the Arab Gulf States , these states have accepted to play the role of deputation for the States of Power and the executive medium for the aims of the mobilization . 4/ Iraq lies near Israel, which is forced to be acceptable among the Arab and Islamic States, and to extend its influence and its power against other states. Such a phenomenon led Iraq to be a main region of conflict and a fresh land for the psychological acts as there are many supporters

and consenters , as well as there are oppositions and condemners , at the same time , this land has integrated many of those who have benefited and many of the aggrieved people . A field that all people can move in in the circumstances of the present Media revolution , in addition to the development of Cheap means of Media ‘ communication in all directions for the aims of increasing the benefits , decreasing the damages and justifying the movement and prepossession . The Urgent and the necessary effort to deal with the psychological warfare :

First  The Ministry Of Defence

1/ the responsibility of the Army, which is represented in creating the enhancement and the strength of the Country’s Prestige as well as the strengthening of the feelings of the National Belongingness. 2/ The Directorate General of Intelligence and Security system: Its main task is represented in analyzing the psychological Diathesis along with analyzing the real nature of the psychological

divisions against the armed forces and to offer psychological intelligence for the sake of the mobilized psychological operation. Offering a psychological counsel for the leadership of the armed forces in connection with its psychological and moral administration, to further observe and watch the rumors in the military establishments. Meanwhile to present anti- rumors that reassures and supports the people, as well as measuring and assessing of the public opinion in the military establishments. 3/ The Moral Effort : and its role which is characterized by the Self fortification , moral support , military propaganda , enhancing the national belongingness , strengthen the military professions and defeating the anti-propaganda which attack against the armed forces .

Second  Ministry Of Interior

1/The General Effort of the ministry : including internal psychological Deterrence - Confrontation and      


Abstract  Psychological Warfare The Needs and the means of the prospective works

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

Judgment for the current aim “the psychological aim “. Fourth / The direction of thinking is crystalized in the process of the Mental Judgment, on the concrete concept that relates to the paid amounts or the personal profits or losses as well. A/ The mental stress: The mental discussions and negotiations as well , with oneself same or with others will not lead the debaters or most of them to achieve a clear resolution or to get a tactile result according to the basis of less darkness which is dependent by humans in general . B/ The acceptance & receptivity: The contentedness in the general loss which is resulted from exhaustion and fatigue for the purpose of achieving the undesirable matters, and to justify the acceptance and receptivity, some of the acceptors, sometimes, especially the elite resort to: First / Believing in the idea in the open. 69

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Second / calling for applying the idea as it emerges from the entity of oneself.

the desires , as it is a concerned, for the executive authority in the country .

The main assisting factors on permeability of the psychological warfare against Iraq……Iraq is an exposed country form every directions , Iraq was mobilized and directed incorrectly for many previous decades , that contributed in accompany with the directions of the psychological warfare to create social , psychological , cultural , political conditions that are disharmonious with urgent needs for the safe and civilizing life-style , as well as , dissonant with the world social movement whereas many gaps were found in which , as a result , assists in realizing the actions of the requested effect, most of them are listed below

b/ Disunity and Disruption of feelings, sensations and belongingness to the Country “ Iraq “ which has created a crack in the moral relationship for the citizen towards the State, which abducted him to implement his own obligations towards his Country, as an important base of the State, in addition to all these results, this matter leads to lessen his attitudes to defend the Country’s goals.

a/ Great level of Un-development without realizing the actual fact for living along with the real threats against the present and future as the Government itself recognizes

c/ Palpable crack in the social harmony between the components that lead the nerve-racking citizen to prefer his own private goals and the goals of his other fellow citizens such as his (( Denomination – Nationality – Party – City – or Tribe)) to the general and public interest and goals as well . d/ Lack of the political awareness that discomfit the general administration of the State (( ountry ))

and the society , and lead others to depend and rely upon others to obtain power and to depend on the foreigner to go on , this condition led the foreigner to find the full space to attend and activate his own role in the internal affairs of Iraq , The Iraqi Character is a very week citizen found the opportunity to lean on the foreigner and to draw power and reinforcement from him and to get benefit from the Foreigner’s support . e/ Disturbance in the relationship of The State : in the very beginning of establishing , and for eight current decades , The State of Iraq was administrated in the method of ruling the minority to the majority for this reason and because of the wrongly ruling manner , a very deep belief in the minds of the majority of the Central Region and The Southern Region “ The Shiite “, as well as in the minds of The Kurds and The Turks in the northern region of Iraq , that The State not belong to them , so they isolated and departed themselves psychologically , and they treated      


Abstract  Psychological Warfare The Needs and the means of the prospective works

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

of the people in all the process. The level of writing in the ( Rumors Clinic ) in the visible means must be very advanced as it is compared to another media because the individuals will adopt the nature of criticism for the absence of Non-Logic for the people who always call for Logic , and they will depend , as well , on the nature of suspicion towards others who try to reject some current and popular traditions and tribal rules . 3. Don’t overestimate the situation, as many of rumors include points of fact, the public will be increasingly to follow the policy of complete and full truth and openness. When rumor is true and harmful at the same time, it will be better to prevented from spreading more. 4. Deny the rumor and do so time and again. 5. Do not print or broadcast in anyway the evil rumors that have attractive slogans, so it will hardly be remembered .The danger will remain despite refuting it, due to the human nature of remembering noticeable slogans. 6. The Counsel Office should get a sufficient time to examine these pages of 71

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“Rumors Clinic” before sending them on, these situation requests two-three days for them to read and understand any criticisms or raps as well, and then they will send their own finding accordingly. 7. This experience tells us only 10% of the inbounding rumors to the Clinic will deserve publishing, the person in charge should be on a standby to take the necessary measures against the remaining rumors. Treating and dealing with rumors is a great responsibility that will need sufficient and long time and should not be neglected or taken lightly . 8. When refuting rumors against any group, it shouldn’t be shown or mentioned any facts of that group which is being attacked. Try to show a natural tone in these cases such as not mentioning (Negros, Jews, Irish People … etc). 9. Shouldn’t show and express the rumors as a joke, the public should not see the matter as an amusing joke. 10. All media and specially the visible media, must treat the rumors very carefully in order not to spread them carelessly, instead they should try to refute them and contain them.


Psychological Warfare

The Needs and the means of the prospective works

Dr. Saad Al Obaidey The probable Destination of the Psychological Warfare passes through many of military , political , economic and terror operations , at the same time , their psychological tabular results repass and embitter into the minds of the receivers in techniques and manners which depend on the nature of society and the methods of its administration as well as its current customs and traditions . In Iraq, privately, it takes the shape of the phased progresses as follows: A/ Frittering the emotive refusal. B/ The Mental Judgment. After the enemy’s continuity in its

diathesis in the same direction and in the same force for close interval period , supposing the decline or in case of the absence of the psychological defensive effort for the Government : First / The defense of the people’s minds begin in gradual weakness. Second / The psychological means starts , as well , in operating to create ideas that take part in weakening of the present frittering the emotive refusal . Third / the General Thinking, after that, will direct towards the Mental

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ABSTRACT  The effect of Rumors through the visible media in changing the directions

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

Targets with those means . These Visible means can be summarized in five options, as follows: First/ Directing, Guiding stands and attitudes. Second/ Increasing culture awareness and information. Third/ Developing various relationships as well as increasing the social Consistency. Fourth / Comforting society by offering the means of amusement. Fifth / Advertisement and Propaganda. Internet with all its sites of social communication have taken part in the process of cultural incorporation through broadcasting specific samples of messages , language and unified symbols , however , when checking the messages that are broadcasted by these visible means , it has , in addition to the informational knowledge , another side that possibly has an effect on the personal behavior. In general all media, visible Readable and audible have the great role of combined process especially the visible one, because a picture could be recognized and not too much thinking is required for it to reach the individual minds. 73

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Changing the directions The directions are emerged from the fact of the social, economic and ideological circumstances. The directions do not change in the same easy manner of learning and acquiring the direction, after it emerges, it will become combined within the personality of the citizen that will ultimately affect the individual behavior. Rumors may present fresh information or being in a direct communication in this case, or it even appears in a pressuring form on a case that could lead one to change his own direction. Furthermore, society on which rumors can control, may change the social position, then directions will be changed all together, like rumors in which it concentrates on sectarian, as spreading rumors of killing or bedevilment, some groups from one sect against another, which largely works on changing the attitudes of citizens against others, as a result, society will be divided and hostilities and sectarian divisions will appear to the surface. Conclusions 1. The Visible means of the internet and the satellites stations will be affected if they are exploited for broadcasting rumors and for the sake of the

destructive and captious ideas which aims to attack the citizens against their own directions of ideology. 2. Rumors are the main tools of the Psychological Warfare, have the effective and the destructive role in reshuffling the ideology of an individual’s mind and directions as well. 3. Rumors increase and spread especially in the circumstances of war and anarchy in which the Country or the society is suffering from. 4. Rumors are probably used by the visible means as they are the fastest means and as they have a great role of controlling the Culture as well as the society itself. 5. The directions include the elements of knowledge, behavior and emotional. The directions emerge from the real fact of the social, economic, political and ideological circumstances. 6. The directions are characterized with the relative constancy, however, they are changeable, they change depending on the use of various means and different approaches.

Recommendations & Instructions

1. Protecting individuals through learning the essence of rumors and their

real danger and the methods of broadcasting them as well as their various forms will assist to reduce their effects against society. 2. Fortifying confidence and optimism in individuals and society, with sufficient explanations of the information will lead to decreasing rumors and changing their directions ultimately. 3. Preventive & Protective work: The most important feature that Media Departments must adopt will be to concentrate on the role which is played in informing the general opinion. When media is strong enough with its own various means, it will be, as a result, active in removing the ambiguity and misunderstanding or perplexity.

Analyzing and defeating a Rumors

Analyzing and defeating rumors must be done just by the responsible agency so … 1. Rumors always must be committed to the responsible authorities in order to be refuted and not allowed to be answered by any other agency in replying to any rumors. 2. Refuting must be logical and supported with documents or facts as one weak and unconvincing fact may lead to a great catabolic in the confidence      


ABSTRACT  The effect of Rumors through the visible media in changing the directions

A Quarterly Issued Magazine


THE EFFECT OF RUMORS THROUGH THE VISIBLE MEDIA IN CHANGING THE DIRECTIONS Dr. Thuraiy Ali Hussein Rumor is characterized as one of the most dangerous social disease , and it is considered as well one of the most destructive weapons for people and societies altogether as it forms threat against the structure of any society , as well as , it threatens the society's consistence , also, it causes increasing anxiety and tension among the society‘s members by utilizing the progress that happened in the field of Human Sciences and the world of Technology & Communication and Media as it is used is one of the most significant techniques in the Psychological Warfare . Rumor is represented as the process of different news that has no accuracy in words, to affect the general opinions. 75

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Pervasion of Rumor Rumor has two main conditions , the first condition involves something important for the speaker and for the listener , the second condition is when the real facts must carry mystery , and this mystery may emerge from the absence of News or their succinctness or ambivalence of News , or low confidence in it that makes a person unable to accept the facts which the news is presenting to him. Rumor takes place among the people who have similar minds, when society is not well-assorted and the communication is lessened among the engaged groups, so the rumor

will probably be widely passed thru the social blocks.

The motives that lead to spreading the rumor

To explain the vitality of many rumors, we want to know the following Questions, the (Why), (How), and (to Where) especially to our surrounding areas around us, from here, the expression of “Curious Rumor “has been born. If a stranger enters any small town and the people do not know anything about him, he will create many legends that are related to his coming to town in order to satisfy other ' curious rumors.

the rumor like the information, the joke, the songs, the tale or the story 6/ Rumor will be summarized for the purpose of reminding to rumor again. 7/Rumor will be created from incorrect information 'news' or fabricated news which has very little truth. 8/Rumor is an expressing of deep and hidden emotions for some people considered as a deep and hidden expression with some people. 9/Rumors are increased when news is decreased or increased and people doubt its validity accordingly.

Features of the Rumors

Visible means

1/ Rumors emerge from the fact of the society from which it broadcasts. 2/ the needs of People will be considerably taken. 3/ People see in the rumor what is not found in others. 4/ Rumor takes the shape of ambiguity as it is not predicated to a concerned source because the ambiguity is emerged from suspicion. 5/It depends on using different methods and styles in broadcasting

Visible means: The means or the tools by which the message will be sent from the sender to the receiver. The means differ according to the differences of communications , while the best means is represented by Media which its role in society is very important as the Government has designed Departments and Offices as well as Ministry Of Culture to undertake the responsibilities of achieving Internal and External      


ABSTRACT  Rumors and how to confront them

A Quarterly Issued Magazine


Rumors and how to confront them

Dr. Khaleel Ebraheem Introduction The Human Societies have largely bedeviled and scabbed from the horrible causalities and calamities because of the emerging phenomenon of fabrication and storytelling of rumors to bruit among people as it negatively affects the morals of society and therefore weakening the social ties as well as weakening the understanding & the cooperative aspects among society as a whole. Rumor begins as a hypocrite character fabricates a lie , then , takes part in broadcasting it among captious or very simple audience to rumor it among society “ without checking it” but to kid and to trot it that matters and it will lead to attrition very great amount of 77

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people's powers , thoughts and time as well , then ,it will lead to evoke worry and disturbance among them . Rumor has often led to undermine the confidence among society, which will cause a situation of Indifference and hesitation in committing responsibilities. Rumors are largely floating and strengthening during hard times and during difficult crisis which some societies pass it through like revolutions, which compromises the ruling systems or the social and the political turnabouts or even the natural and political disasters. Most definitions of rumors confirm its flourishing in the absence of believable

criteria as these criteria will break up between rumors and news as well as the source of these news .Rumors are considered one of the Psychological warfare weapons , they are extremely powerful in effecting others in creating confusion. Obfuscations among people, may take on several names such as aspirate, babble, or gossip, it may be in the shape of stories and tales or jokes as well. Rumors almost always change when dealing with it from one person to another as they may add details, delete or change some of the facts or submit to alteration like a snow ball that rolls from a mountain top, it will change its size as it rolls down as its circles down. Someone may start a rumor that may circle back to him at a certain time in a deformed and in a beveled manner. There are individual differences connected with the sensibility towards rumors, as Elbert said, it means the ability of believing rumors. These people almost have the abilities of effecting on others by inspiration, that means, the people who believe sayings allegations without any true evidences. There are many methods to stop or to

prevent rumors, and we can list them into two groups:

1 “The internal controlling”. 2 “The external controlling “.

Among the methods of prevention the government”THE STATE “ uses, are to concentrate on paying attentions to people’s problems through media that may lessen the gap between the citizens, in order to get the citizens confidence in not to transport the means for rumors. Some countries resort to what is so-called the psychological clinic to prevent rumors and to stop against its real effectiveness during crisis and wars. Amongst the tasks of the psychological clinic against rumors are: 1-Using Posters to show rumors as its source or origin of the information that present a great service to the enemy that lead people to stop rumors. 2-Emphsizing on Media Programs which broadcast the facts that disproof lies. Furthermore , it can employee a staff responsible for collecting rumors that are spreading among people in order to for it be combat with scientific methods , those people will be called “the Guards of Morales” .      


The War & The Societal Warfare

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

or the power to protect evil ….etc. It's an internal societal warfare that has economic and political features that probably will get foreign support.

The Aims Of The Societal Warfare

We can determine the general strategic aims for the societal warfare as follow:

1.Cannibilization & Balkanization

The strategic aim of the Israeli societal warfare is concentrated on dividing Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Egypt ….etc. It happens through the slogans of Human Rights for the purpose of creating very weak Cantons in Middle East that is led and guided by Israel itself, this situation may take a form of internal bloody conflicts that may develop to become Internal & civil wars as they are taken place in Libya , Egypt and Lebanon . Cannibalization & Balkanization other shapes, terror operations for example, aim to create and find communal zones. Accompanied with these operations , braining washing, rumors , destruction for the social aspects and taking down family belongings , in other situations , the societal warfare looks forward to taking the political establishment 79

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down itself through provocation, the conflict between the legislating and the executive departments , as well as between the parties and the political sides in a manner that can defuse the political life . The Turkish societal warfare against Iraq is a great example that aims to take down a situation. It can be said that cannibalization is one of the strategic targets for America and Israel altogether in the Arab region


The Process of Isolation is an important one , because the defect of establishments that finds the gap between the ruler and the doomed , and between the authority and the citizen will impart our theoretical imaginations & our points of view into the pattern of action and its identity or its individual axis from the social pattern and its role ,as the doer is represented by “biological creature / Person one " that has several needs he must meet them in the course of the available criteria culturally , that means , he must do actions that exploit through which the available facilities of the establishments for him in this situation , so however the available facilities , the situations will be opened , contrarily ,

the situations will be closed , however the positive functions for the establishments into negative functions . When the citizen barrenness will be repeated , and his problems will be increased and complicated as well , the state of alienation will be greatly increased between him and the existent political regime .

3.Overthrowing The Regimes

Some of the societal warfare may involve on operations of political association or operations of Coup d’état “military overturns “.

4Defusing The Strategic Targets of The Societies Iran is represented as a very clear example for this target , as the western powers with all of its available resources aim and endeavor to stop the Iran Nuclear Program through the association for imposing a scientific and the economic blockade

5.The Cultural Envenoming  Poisoning It is meant, here, infiltration the intimacies of the national culture through reporting praises and systems of values that urge the contempt of the Holy Hereditary and to infringe against the limits of forbiddance in the social ties

like " Incest, Emo the trimerous marriage……" in the name of freedom, on one hand and in the name of human rights on other hand, as well as the broadcasting of the violent behavior as means of solving the personal problems.That matter will corrupt the criteria of the culture and it will remove its capacity to organize and control the behavior of individuals and groups altogether , besides justifying the ignominy and will deepen, as well , the generations conflicts in the family and will obstruct identifying the situations and the needs starting from the western culture views.

Other Questions

The relationship between the war and anarchy , and between this and the human security , and between the psychological warfare and the political poisoning as well as with propaganda with the brain Washing as well as with the failure of establishments …etc. It needs further studies, as well as, the concept of the societal warfare request privately a special care by the staff of sociology procession of sociology whether in addition to “Ekistics " or in addition to sociology reflects a continuous argumentations .      


The War & The Societal Warfare

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

pare opportunities for the external interference and take part in disunity , in addition to rumor the subdivided belongingness and damaging the relationship of the social solidarity . 3/In the course of the societal warfare, the foreign powers in calumniation of the political regime. The Communal Satellites represent an arranged and continuous effort to disrupt the ideology of the regime in Iraq. Additionally , Arab gulf satellites committed to the same rile against the Islamic regime of AL'UKHWAN' in Egypt , as this deformation include taking the measures which are done by the Government there, to be explained ,that the regime stops this class or against that group .

Third  Preventing the Obligatory Of keeping the Pattern The most dangerous equipments of the societal warfare is to cause failure in the establishments of security, protecting and supervising systems, as a result the form of the security agent that will lose his own prestige and becomes powerless against a dangerous situation of the society that is opened and uncovered the enemy AS WELL AS the law and the regulation with all establishments related to “Courts & 81

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Jails to have lost their own defensive and deterrent power. The escape of prisoners as what happened in Iraq, Libya and Tunis do not mean submitting or presenting additional powers to AL-QAIDA, but it means expressing the conscious attempt to uncover the failure to defend the security establishments , and to consider them as traitors , finally to express the amounts that are spent for these establishments . The most dangerous situation is concentrated on the relationship between the citizens and their political regime and their feelings that reflect that the Government does not participate in protecting them, and, as they imagine, they should look for an alternative to offer them a protection they so need.

Fourth Preventing the Obligatory Of Perfectness The Societal Warfare may include inserting societal elements or societal ties that have spying or destructive aims , practicing their activities in the name of HUMAN RIGHTS or DEVELOPING SLOGANS a case in point is the attitude of Russia, Sudan and Syria as well from the voluntary organizations as many of them were banished . Furthermore, the commu-

nications of the audiences and the mentioned above organizations may encourage the youths to practice behaviors that disagrees with the criteria of the society such as what happened between " The Emos, the Dopers and so on, which represent a sample for this situation , this will declaim failure or crack in the bilateral relationship between family establishment and the educational one. They reveal, as well, the dangerous role of the media in deformation of the religious beliefs and the actuation on obligation and undertaking of the criteria of the racist and communal behaviors off the criteria of citizenship.

FifthPreventing the Obligatory Of the Judicious Administration for the Society The judicious administration for the society means an authority that derives its legality from a social bond with the society through the measurements of election , freedom , points of view and the other points of view and so on that are found in the political tenors . As an example, like the character of AL Kathafey, the late president of Libya, had failed because he did not keep up a good relationship with citizens, rela-

tionships that are based on Justice , respect and conviction but instead intended on its real nature of charisma of violence and subordination .It can be said the operation of overthrowing the Govt. of AL UKHWAN in Egypt happened as a result of internal societal warfare led by Internal lots in the society of Egypt . Those Lots of the Egyptians attracted convictions of millions of Egyptians and succeeded in showing the failure of AL UKHWAN in Egypt in administrating the Government as well as the society altogether .The absence and the unavailability of the judicious administration alien between the society and achieving the four mentioned above functional requirements .

The Strategic Targets For The Societal Warfare

The internal societal warfare which are done by mafias of corruption aim to cause failure and permanent incapacity in establishments that prepare the suitable phenomenon through isolation of the laws & regulations , or diminution the activity of security and supervising sides in addition to providing the means of money laundering or depending on the use of the influence      


The War & The Societal Warfare

A Quarterly Issued Magazine

cess of creating a very complicated situation of destructive anarchy, the war of some countries against Iraq is considered the best illustrated image of it. 2/ The internal societal warfare: The best illustrated image for this kind of war is clearly shown through the degeneration in its traditional form, as well as through the political and economic circumstances when the society establishments, will accordingly, become feudalities which their conflicts do not stop, then they will offer a phenomenon to be exploited by foreign enemies. But the societal warfare and all of the establishments will be engaged in the zone of destruction, detachment and dysfunction. It is worthy to say that the societal warfare is represented by an arranged and intended attempt to cause malfunction for one party or more and concerned foreign parties as this will negatively affect the citizens and their own lives. 1. Mafias and Mobs may not be satisfied with fortune only , but looking forward to control on power & authority , 83

2014 Jen Issue No. 1

as well as creating “Colonies” in order to influence and control in several fields like " money Laundering , drugs and arms merchandise, it may transforms as it expands its own activities to become a diapason to other foreign and external intelligences , and it may , in addition , to posse military hand that could penetrate the military and the security departments of the state 'country' . The societal warfare which is warred the foreign intelligence , their targets , probably , being most dangerous , especially when they attack against the unity of the society and the relationship between the citizens with the Government " The Authority " and their own loyalty towards their society . But , it's worthy to say that the confrontation against such kind of foreign warfare is easier than confronting the internal warfare as the Internal mafia have already become a part of the authority itself and having some of its power and governance . The important strategic target for the societal warfare is to racket and to spark unstable situation in any standard criteria , either in the field of the interests of that side which commits

war , as the mafias of corruption and the terrorists aim to strengthen its authority off of the authority of the state which is represented by rules , laws , regulations and the establishing of perfectness as well as by the solidarity relationship between the citizens and the groups , starting from the allegiance . The external warfare forgathers the internal warfare in targets, as both of them aim to confiscate the state’s power to administrate society.

Equipments Of The Societal Warfare The societal warfare's may take long time , so they will need to finance, continuity , evoking new rumors and exploiting the basics of the social sciences either to recognize the societies which are being attacked with wars , or , to recognize the means of destructing them. There are more dangerous equipment's such as:

First  Preventing the Obligatory Of Adaption Mafias of the arranged corruption, the local one to join with foreign sides working on depending on the state

established operations and sources such as oil & monuments or working on participating in failing the process of investments in the infrastructure projects such as water, electricity…. etc.. Thus the feelings of barrenness, disappointment and non-consent of the citizen will be increased.

Second  Preventing the Obligatory Of achieving the aim

1/It could be said, that one of the samples of Preventing the Obligatory of achieving the aim as an equipment for the societal warfare which is represented in creating a situation of serious disunions in the political positions between the members of the political establishment, such as parties , crosscurrents and other groups towards the internal cases of society . Undoubtedly, that there are external foreign countries play a very important role in this critical situation, but the Internal powers take part either willfully or not. 2/The actual desire of possessing the authority and power in a cleaving phenomenon will participate in destructing the development process and strengthen the hidden and the declared conflicts , as well as to pre     


The War & The Societal Warfare


&The Societal Warfare Dr.Kareem Mohammed Hamza Perhaps , it is useful to stand on the wars of our present time that take many shapes such as cultural , psychological , economic , media and environmental wars , at the same time each kind of these wars has its own weapons and targets as well . Furthermore , it's possible to say man has well experienced in these kinds of wars through their long history , some of these wars were achieving their aims by depending on the use of weapons , while others were committing their own aims secretly with calm and carefulness . The societal warfare acquires its characteristics and features as its kind of conflicts that means it has expressed the aggressive pattern of the social

reaction which is emerged from collisions of the advantages. In some ideologies, it couldn't encroach it through the dialog or keep it in the balanced competitor position, or negotiations in order to divide the advantages. In the focus of the previous general definition, it could determine some standard characteristics privately for the societal warfare, the war in its general form: 1/The external societal warfare: It's easy to say that the Societal warfare which is done by an external side aims to destroy the society infrastructure and the relationship of its members and its groups altogether. It is a pro-

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A Quarterly Issued Magazine 2014 Jen Issue No. 1

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