United States Patent [19]

[11] Patent Number:

Plant 7,049

Bradford et al.


Oct. 24, 1989



Date of Patent:




[76] Inventors. Norm“ G. Bradford, 11875 E Savana Rd_; Lowe“ G_ Bradford’

The present invention relates to a nectarine tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly

12439 E. savana Rd” both of Le Grand, cali? 95333

characterized by a medium size, medium vigor, hardy, very productive and regular bearing teee. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described ap

[21] APP1- N°-= 283,819 ‘


proximately the second week in July, with ?rst picking


[22] Filed’

on July 9, 1988. The fruit is uniformly large in size,

Dec‘ 12’ 1988

clingstone in type, very ?rm making excellent quality

[51] Int. Cl.‘ ............................................. .. A01H 5/00

for keeping and shipping. deep red over a reddish

[52] US. Cl.

orange background in skin color, and both acidic and



Field of Search ..- ....................................... .. Plt. 41



very sweet in ?avor. The variety was developed as the

result of a second generation seedling from the selected

References QM

seed parent, Red Diamond (US. Pat. NO. P.P. 3,165,


and an unnamed nectarine seedling as the selected pol- '

P.P. 5,654

2/1986 Bradford ............................. .. Plt. 41

1°“ Parent

Primary Examiner-James R. Feyrer

1 Drawing Sheet


In a continuing effort to improve the quality of ship

ping fruits, we, the inventors, typically hybridize a large number of nectarine, peach, plum, apricot, and cherry seedlings each year. The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of nectarine tree, which has been denominated varietally as “Summer Bright”. The present variety was hybridized in 1981 by us in a culti vated area of our experimental orchard at Bradford

Farms near Le Grand, Calif. in Merced County (San Joaquin Valley). It was the result of a second generation seedling of Red Diamond (US. Pat. No. P.P. 3,165) as the selected seed parent and an unnamed seedling as the

selected pollen parent. Subsequent to origination of the present variety of nectarine tree, we asexually repro

duced it by budding and grafting, and such reproduc~ tion of plant and fruit characteristics were true to the

original plant in all respects. The fruit produced by the present variety most nearly resembles the fruit of Summer Diamond (U.8. Pat. No. P.P. 5,654) by being a nearly full red colored nectarine with excellent ?rmness, but is distinguished therefrom and an improvement thereon by harvesting 5 days ear lier, by being a clingstone instead of a freestone, and by being much sweeter in ?avor. The present variety is similar to its selected seed

grandparent, Red Diamond (US Pat. No. P.P. 3,165), in fruit appearance by being a nearly full red colored nectarine with excellent ?rmness, but is distinguished

therefrom,by ripening 18 days later and by being a clingstone instead of a freestone°


The accompanying photograph shows the character= istics of the whole fruit in skin color and form, a charac» teristic fruit divided near its suture plane showing the

?esh and pit cavity, a typical stone, and typical leaves. POMOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Referring now more speci?cally to the pomological characteristics of this new and distinct variety of nectar ine tree, the following has been observed under the

2 ecological conditions prevailing near Le Grand, Mer

ced County (San Joaquin Valley), Calif., and was devel oped at the state of hard ripe on July 14, 1988. All major color code designations are by reference to the Inter Society Color Council, National Bureau of Standards. Common color names are also used occasionally.

TREE Size: Medium. Vigor: Medium.


Growth: Spreading and dense. Form: Vase formed. I Hardiness: Hardy.

Production: Very productive. Bearing: Regular bearer. Trunk: Size-Medium. Texture.—Medium. 20

Color. --Grayish yellowish brown [80. gy.yBr].

LenticeIs-Numerous. Color: Strong brown [55.

s.Br]. Average Size: l” to s", [3.175-9.525 mm.]. Branches: Size-Medium. Texture-Medium. COI0r.-—lst year wood - Topside: Dark pink [6. d.Pk] in sunlight. 1st year wood — Underside:

Brilliant yellow green [116. brill.YG]. Older wood: Grayish brown [61. gy.Br]. Lenticels. —Numerous, very small. Leaves:

Size.—Large. Average length: 6.0" [152.4 mm.]. Average width: 1 9/ 16" [39.69 mm.]. Thickness-Medium.

Form-Elliptical. Apex-Acuminate. Base-Acute.

Surface-Smooth. Colon-Dorsal surface: Moderate olive green [125.

m.0lG]. Ventral Surface: Moderate yellow

green [120. m.YG].


Plant 7,049 4

Margin. —Finely serrate.

Surface of the pit cavity-Deep red [13. deep R].

Venation.—Pinnately net veined.

Amygdalin. —Moderate. Juice. —Abundant, rich.

Petiole-Average Length: 7/16" [11.11 mm.]. Av

Texture-Extremely ?rm, ?ne, crisp.

erage Thickness: 1/ 16" [1.588 mm.]. Glands. —Numbers: 2 to 4 per leaf. Position: Some

Fibers-Abundant, ?ne, tender.

Ripens. —Evenly.

oppositely and some alternately positioned on petiole and base of blade. Size: Large. Form:

Flavor-Acidic with an abundance of sugar.

Reniform. Color: Grayish pink [8. gy.Pk].

Aroma. —Moderate.

Eating quality-Best.

Stipules-Numerous. Length: :l” to i” [6.350 mm. to 9.525 mm.]. Flower buds:


Type: Clingstone.

Hardiness-Hardy. Size-Medium.

Form: Oval.


Base: Straight. Apex: Acute. Sides: Equal.



Surface: Irregularly furrowed near the apex and pitted toward the base.

Flowers: Blooming period-Medium, as compared with other varieties. Size-Small.

Ridges: Jagged. Color: Light yellowish brown [76. l.yBr]. Pit wall: 3/16" [4.763 mm.] thick.

Colon-Light pink [4. l.Pk].

Tendency to split: Very slight.


Kernel: Form-Oval. Taste. —Sweet. Viable-Yes.

Maturity when described: Hard ripe, July 14, 1988. Date of ?rst picking: July 9, 1988. Date of last picking: July 24, 1988.

Average width.—-7/l6" [11.11 mm.]. Average length-l l/ 16" [17.46 mm.].

Size: Uniform, large.

Average diameter axially. —25" [63.50 mm]. Average transversely in suture plane: 2%" [60.33 mm]. Form: Uniform, symmetrical, globose to slightly

Pellicle color: Brownish pink [33. brPk]. 30

Amygdalin: Scant.



Longitudinal section form. —Round to slightly oval. Market: Fresh and long distance shipping. Transverse section through diameter. —-Round. Keeping Excellent° Suture: An inconspicuous shallow line extending from 35 Shipping quality: quality: Excellent. the base to slightly beyond the apex with a marked Resistance to insects: No unusual susceptibilities noted. depression‘on both sides of the pistil point. Resistance to diseases: No unusual susceptibilities Ventral surface: Rounded along the suture with lipping noted. on both sides toward the apex.

Lips: Equal.

Although the new variety of nectarine tree possesses the described characteristics under the ecological con ditions at Le Grand, Calif., in the central part of the San

Cavity: Flaring, elongated in the suture plane, suture showing on one side.

Base: Slightly truncate. Apex: Depressed within the suture. Pistil point: .Negligible in length.

Joaquin Valley, it is to be expected that variations in

Stem: Medium.

and/or varying cultural practices.

these characteristics may occur when farmed in areas

with different climatic conditions, different soil types,

Average length-i" [9.525 mm.].

We claim: 1. A new and distinct mid-seasonal ripening variety of clingstone nectarine tree, substantially as illustrated and

Average width.-—3/ 16" [4.763 mm.]. Skin: Thickness. —Medium.

described, which most nearly resembles the Summer Diamond (US. Pat. No. P.P. 5,654) nectarine variety by

Texture —-Tough. Tenacity. —Tenacious to ?esh.

producing fruit that is nearly full red in color and very ?rm in texture, but is distinguished from and an im

Tendency to crack. —-None observed as of yet.

Colon-Very deep red [14. v.deep R] over deep redish orange [36. deep r0] background. Flesh:

Color. —Brilliant yellow [83. brill.Y] with deep red [13. deep R] streaking toward the stone.


provement on that variety by having fruit that ripens 5 days earlier, that is clingstone instead of freestone, and that is much sweeter in ?avor, a valuable asset in to

day’s marketplace.

Nectarine tree (Summer Bright)

Oct 24, 1989 - color code designations are by reference to the Inter. Society Color Council .... Market: Fresh and long distance shipping. Keeping quality: ...

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