National Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3. CHELMSFORDROAD.NEW DELHI- 11O055 Affiliated to : lndian NationalTradeUnion Congress(INTUC) InternationalTransport Workers' Federation(lTF) No. IV95lPart VIII
Dated: 1310412016
The Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: NFIR's Charterof Demands-reg. Ref:
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii)
NFIR',sletterNo. IVAtrFIR/7mCPC/CORRES(R.8.) dated1110112016. NFIR' s letter No. IVAUCAfN\ / 20I 4-Part I dated23I 0I I 2OI6. NFIR's letrerNo. IVA{FIR/)*'cpclcoRnpS G.B.) dated12/0212016. NFIR's letterNo. l[l95lP artVIII datedl2l 02/2016. NFIR's letterNo. IU95/PartVIII dated1410312016. NFIR',slefferNo. tVA{FIR/7thCPC/CORRES(R.8.) dated1110412016. Railway Board's letter No. 20 15/E(LR)II1| I 8 dated08I 03/ 20| 6. Railway Board'sletterNo. 2016/E(LR)IUIl2 dated14115-03-2016.
Kind attention is invited to the referencescited above on the pending issuesof Railway employeesas also the issuesarisenconsequentupon retrograderecommendationsof 7fr CPC. During the.meeting of Empowered Committee of secretariesheld on l" March 2016 under the Chairmanshipof Cabinet Secretary,the JCM (Staff Side) Membershave explainedon 26 point Charter of Demands and "strike Decision" in the event negotiatedsettlementis not reached.After hearing the JCM (Staff Side) Members, on each issue listed in the Charter of Demands,the Cabinet Secretarysaid that adequatetime is neededto facilitate inter-departmental consultationsto crystallize the issuesto be processedfurther. Respondingto the suggestionof , Cabinet Secretary,the "strike date" has been deferred, hoping that there will be a negotiated settlementon the demandsby the end of May 2616. There are many Railway specific issueswhich were discussedat the level of CRB & MS on 23/08/2013,07/02/2014,20/0712015,01ll0l20l5, 0410212016 & 0810212016. Consequently, records note of discussionswere circulated. In this connection, kind attention is invited to Railway Board'sreferencesNo. 2013/E(LR)-IVIl15dated0210912013, 2}l3lE(LR)IIll/17 dated 1810212014,20I11E(LR)IV13l3 dated 0710812015,201518(LR)IV1l8 dated 27110/2015, 2015/E(LR)II/1/8 dated 3011112015, 2015/E(LR)II/I/8 dated 0810312016 & -03 -20 2016/E(LR)IUI I2 datedI 4I | 5 | 6. It is however noticed that commitmentsgiven by the Board pursuantto discussionsare yet to be implemented.Some issuesdealt in the Fast Track Committee meetingsand Running Staff issues discussedin the Joint Committee Meetings are yet to be resolved satisfactorily. Orders for steppingup of pay of Loco Inspectorsinducted prior to 0110112006 have not been yet issued eventhough SLPs were dismissedby the Apex Court Contd.Page...2
Phone: 011-23343305, 65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, Fax: 011-23744013, Rty.22382.Tetegram : RATLMAZDOR E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected], Website: www.nfirindia.org
il2il The delay in finalizing the pending issuesis contributing seriousunrest among staff of various categories.Added to ihis situation,the negativeand retrograderecommendationsof the VIIth Central pay Commission have generated anger and frustration among Technicians, Technical Supervisors,Running Staff, Safety categoriesstaff, SupervisoryOfficials, Railway cofirmoncategoriesstaff etc. you are aware that in the interaction meeting of EmpoweredCommittee of Secretaries held on 30thMarch 2016 under the chairmanshipof the Cabinet Secretary,the Federationshave explainedthe uniquenessof Railways and complex and difficult nature of working of Railway employeesand the need for modification of 7ft CPC recommendationsand also rectification of VI CpC anomaliesby implementing the agreementsreachedwith the Railway Ministry. The need for exemption oi Ruil*uyr from National PensionSystem(NPS) and the communications sent by Hon'bie Railway Ministers to this effect to the Hon'ble FinanceMinister have also been apprisedto the chairmanof the EmpoweredCommitteeof Secretarieson 30ft March, 2016. As the time is running out, the NFIR once again requeststhe CRB to kindly take special initiative towards resolving the issuesthrough negotiatedsettlementat the earliestfor preserving industrial peacein the RailwaYs. ThankingYou, Yours faithf
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah) General SecretarY , Copy to the Member Staff, Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessaryaction please. Copy to the Executive Director (IR), RailwaY Board. New Delhi for information and necessary actionplease. to the GeneralSecretariesof afhliated Unions of NFIR. &