NFIR National Federation of IndianRailwayrnert 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055 Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF)

No. IVNFIR/7* CpC/CORngs(MoF) TheGeneralSecretaries of AffiliatedUnionsofNFIR

Dated:10/12/2015 MOST IMMEDIATE

Brother, Sub: NJCA- Charterof demands-reg. ******** / Please find enclosed draft charter of demands prepared by JCM Staff Side (NJCA) on 09rt December 2015 which may be sent to the Government of India, seeking redressal through negotiated settlement,failing which the Central GovernmentEmployeeswill be compelled go to on Indefinite Strike from lst Week of March20I6. suggestionsfor addition/omissionof any item shouldreachNFIR's Office latest by l7:00 ,Your hours today i.e. 106 December2015 positively. This may be treated as very urgent to facilitate the Federationto conveyto JCM (Staff Side) accordingly.

DA in 3 sheets

Ph.: 011-23343305, Rly.22283, 65027299, 22626,Fax: 011-23744013,Rly.22382, Telegram : RAILMMDOR E-mbil: [email protected]; [email protected], Website: EARLYDETECTION OF HIV/ AIDS- PROLONGS QUALITYOF LIFE



L. Re-compute the minimumwage on the basisof the actualcommoditypricesas on 1.7.2015and factorthe Dr.Aykroydformulastipulatedpercentages for housingand social obligations, childreneducation etc.Revise the fitmentformula and paylevelson the basis of the sodetermined minimumwage; pay Z. Revise the matrixbasinguponthe revisedminimumwageand roundingoff the stages to the nexthundred.Acceptthe suggestion madeby the StaffSidein its memorandum to 7 CPCfor de-layering abolishthe paylevelspertaining to GP1900,2400and4600. 3. Revise the rateof increment to 5 % andGranttwo increments in the feedercadrelevelsas promotionbenefit. 4. Fillupallvacantpostsby holding special recruitment drive 5. MACPto be treated as financialup-gradation, without any gradingstipulation;to be providedon the basisof the promotional cadre hierarchyof the concerned department; increass the numberof MACPto fiveon completion of 8, !5,2!,26and30thyearsof service" Rejectthe Efficiency Barstipulation madeby 7thcPC. Personnel promotedon the basisof Examination shouldbetreatedasfreshentrantsto the cadre. 6. Upgradethe LDCsin all departments as UDCsfor it is statedby the Commission that the personnel Government hasstoppedrecruiting to thiscadre. 7. a) Parityto be ensuredfor all Stenographers, Assistants, MinisterialStaffin subordinate officesand in all the organized Accounts cadreswith CentralSectt.By upgrading their pay ' scales ( andnot by downgrading the payscales of the CSS) b) Driversin all Government officesto be grantedpayscaleon par with the driversof the LokSabha 8. To removeexisting anomaly, the annualincrement datemaybe L'tJanuary for those recruitedpriorto 30tnJuneandL'tJulyin respectof thoserecruitedpriorto 31'tDecember. 9. Wageof CentralGovernment Employees be revisedin every5 years 10.Treatthe GDSasCivilServant andgrantthemall pay,allowances andbenefitsgrantedto regularemployees on Pro-ratabasis 1.1.. Contract/casual anddailyratedworkersto be regularized againstthe hugevacancies . existing in variousGovernment offices. 1.2.lntroduce PLBin alldepartments 13 Revise the pensionandotherretirementbenefitsasunder:(a) Paritybetweenthe pastandpresentpensioners to be broughtabouton the basisof the 7thCPCrecommendations with the modification that basisof computation to be the paylevelof the postor gradefromwhichoneretired; ( b ) Pension to be 60%of the lastpaydrawnin the caseof alleligible persons whohave conipleted the requisite numberof yearsof service. (c) Thefamilypensionto be 50%of the lastpaydrawn. (d) Enhance the pensionandfamilypensionby 5%aftereveryfiveyearsand 10% on attainingthe ageof 85 and20Yo on attaining the ageof 90. (e) Commuted pension valueof to be restoredafter10yearsor attainingthe ageof 70, whichever is earlier.Gratuitycalculation to be on the basisof 25 daysin the month asagainst30 daysasperthe GratuityAct.

(f) Fixedmedicalallowancefor those pensionersnot coveredby CGHSto be Rs.2000 p.m. (g) Provideone incrementon the last day in serviceif the concernedemployeehas completedsix monthsor more from the date of grant of lastincrement. from the ambitof the NationalPensionScheme the CentralGovernment employees 14 Exclude and extendthe definedbenefitpensionschemeto all those recruitedafter L.1.2004 15 ln the absenceof any recommendationmade by 7 CFC,the Governmentmust withdrawthe appointments stipulatedceilingon compassionate as under in placeof the recommendations made 16 Revisethe followingallowances/advances by the 7'hcPc : (i) Allowances . (a) Retainthe rate of houserent allowancein placeof the recommendation of the Commissionto reduceit. (b) Restructurethe transport allowanceinto two slabsat Rs.7500 and 3750 with DA thereof removingall the stipulatedconditions. (c). Fixedconveyance This allowancehad no DA componentat any stage.. allowance: Thisallowancemust be enhancedto 2.25timeswith 25% DA thereonas and when the DA crosses50% (d) Restorethe islandSpecialduty allowanceand the TripuraSpecialcompensatory remote localityallowance. (e) Thespecialduty allowancein NERegionshouldbe uniformfor all at 30% "

(f) Overtimeallowancewheneversanctionmust be basedupon the actual basicpay of the entitledemployee (g) Cash handling lTreasury allowance.The assumption that every transactionin GovernmentDepartmentsare through the bank is not correct. There are officials entrustedto collectcashand thereforethe cashhandlingallowanceto be retained. (h)Qualification Payto be retained. (i) Smallfamilynormsallowances; (j) SavingsBankallowance (k) Outstationallowance (l) P.O.& RMS.Accountants specialallowance. )m) Riskallowance (n) Break-down allowance. (o) Nightpatrollingallowance. (p)SpecialCompensatory hillareaallowance. (q) SpeciaFallowance for NavodayaVidyalayaStaff. (r)Restorethe allowancesabolishedfor the reasonthat it is either not reported or mentionedin the Reportby the Commission. (s) DressAllowanceceilingto be raisedto Rs20,000/-p a (t) NursingAllowanceto be raisedto 2.25times of Rs4800/(u) All fixedallowances must be raisedto 2.25timesas per the principleenunciatedby the Commission

(v)Theur-n.ow statementin para9.2.5to be corrected. Vide OM No. 13018/1/2OOg_ Estt (L) dated 22.07.2009,Dop, p&w, the leave period for Child adoptionhas been increasedto 180 days. / 17 Advances.

Restore the followingadvances andrevisethe sameto 3 times. (a).Natural calamity advance; (b).FestivalAdvance @. LTCandTAadvances (d).Medicaladvance (e).Education advance. including {f) Vehicleadvances cycleadvance 18 Thestipulation madeby the 7thcPcto grantonly80%of salaryfor the secondyear

of CCL be rejectedandthe existing provisions maybe retained L9 50%of the cGElspremiumto be paid by the Government in respectof GroupB and c employees. 2A Healthinsurance to be introduced in additionto cGHSand ccs(MA)benefitsand the premium to be paidbytheGovernment andtheemployee equally. 2 L [ejectthe recommendations pRlS concerning 22 Fullpayandallowances to be provided for the entireperiodof wRil . 23 Theconditions stipulated in clause(4)& (5)underparag.z.l7 be removed 24 Rejectthe recommendation madeby the 7thCPCin Para8.i"6.9to g.i.6.14concerning dress allowance to PBoRas otherwisethe five ordinanceEquipment factoriesunderoFBwill haveto be closeddown 25 Setup a groupof Ministers'Committee to consider the anomalies including the disturbance of the existing horizontal and vertical relativitiesat the National level and Departmental/Ministry levelwith provision for referringthe disputedissues to the Boardof ArbitrationundertheJCMscheme

NJCA-Charter of demands.PDF

Z. Revise the pay matrix basing upon the revised minimum wage and ... Commuted value of pension to be restored after 10 years or attaining the age of 70,.

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