June, 2014 BCS-061 : TCP / IP PROGRAMMING Maximum Marks : 60
Time : 2 hours
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three from the rest. 1.
(a) What is the significance of the "Time to Live" value in an IP header ? (b) Consider a subnet mask is assigned to an address of class B. How many hosts are possible per subnet and how many subnets are possible ? (c) Compare connection-oriented and connection-less services using example(s) of each. (d) What is SNMP ? Explain its importance in TCP/IP protocol stack. (e) Close ( ) and shut down ( ) functions are used to close a socket. With the help of examples, show how these function calls differ. (f) Explain the concept of recursive and iterative resolution in DNS. (g) What is byte ordering ? Explain the functions used by byte order conversion.
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(a) What is the maximum capacity of datagram that can be carried by Internet Protocol (IP) ? Also, explain how IP datagram are deleted from the network. (b) What is the full-form of HTTP ? Explain the data transfer methods used by HTTP.
(a) Explain the count-to-infinity problem related to distance vector routing with the help of a suitable example. (b) What is meant by a socket ? Write the differences between active and passive sockets.
Write an algorithm each for UDP client and UDP server with the following specifications : • UDCP Client will start the communication, and send a string of characters to the server. • UDP server will accept the string (upto 10 characters only) and as a reply it will send the reverse of the string to the respective client. Note : Make assumptions, if any.
Explain the significance of following header fields of TCP and IP. (a) Type of Service (b) Sequence Number (c) HLEN (d) Header Checksum
BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. (BCA) (Pre-Revised). 7 1. Term-End ... with the help of a program fragment. 5. (b) Explain the concept of method ...
Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Attempt five questions in all. Each question is to ... Define identity achievement. Make difference 2+8 between Erikson's identity crisis ...
r r -1:cr l r, 10 Tzt I 9z-1 9 . wrrrq -Etr-ffuff -vrff Tzt 4;1. I TITIFTft t mil)k-7-4T. )0I- -terT*74 Yid. IR I. (q) 111:1T7 p1T 2IT 13. T -g3TE rig t-u trTdT 2TT Feb 3Tcrq 3TK1 ...
ADMINISTRATION. (DNA). Term-End Examination ... (c) Explain the principles of supervision in ... (b) Explain the elements of evaluation with help of examples.
different factors that influence change in gene frequencies over a ... What is Genetic Polymorphism? Examine briefly 20 ... (b) Hap Map Project. (c) Ethical , Legal ...
5. 4. (a) Explain the use of ICT in e-Learning. 5. (b) Explain medical transcription process with. 5 the help of a diagram. 5. Explain MIS as an integrated application. Also 10 explain Do's and Don'ts in development of MIS. 6. What is embedded operat
... and disadvantages of 5+5 the following training aids : (i) Posters. (ii) Films. 2. Explain what is Food Safe Facility and what are 20 the key features of such facility ? 3. (a) What are the safety measures to be taken 10 by the following to ensur
No. of Printed Pages : 6. BSWE-006. BACHELOR IN SOCIAL WORK. (BSW). Term-End Examination. 03185. December, 2014. BSWE-006 : SUBSTANCE ABUSE. AND COUNSELLING. Time : 3 hours. Maximum Marks : 100. Note : Answer all the five questions. All questions car
interview. 10 . What is cognitive testing ? Discuss the utility of data from tests of cognitive functions. 2 +8. 4. Describe the nature, administration and scoring.
Oct 15, 2012 - (i) How many data input and data output lines does this RAM need to have? (ii) How many address lines will ... What construct do you use in Linux/Unix instead of FAT? Explain the differences .... forms of recreation to draw people away