December, 2014 ES-316 : CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION Maximum Weightage : 75%
Time : 3 hours
Note : (i) Attempt all the three questions. (ii) All the three questions carry equal weightage. 1.
Answer any one of the following in about 1200 words : (a) Describe the concept of curriculum. Explain the emergence of curriculum as a field of study in open and distance education. (b) Explain the various theories of curriculum and their levels.
Answer any four of the following in about 300 words each. (a) Differentiate between subject centered and learner centered curriculum design. (b) Explain how growth of technology has changed the design of curriculum. (c) State how behaviouristic theory has contributed in the development of curriculum. (d) Write the discipline based issues in relation to open and distance education.
(e) (f)
Describe the criteria for selection of content. Differentiate between continuous evaluation with terminal evaluation in open and distance education.
Answer any one of the following in about 1200 words. (a) Describe the various curriculum evaluation models. (b) Programme Evaluation is very essential in open and distance learning. Give reasons for conducting programme evaluation in open universities.
interview. 10 . What is cognitive testing ? Discuss the utility of data from tests of cognitive functions. 2 +8. 4. Describe the nature, administration and scoring.
Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Attempt five questions in all. Each question is to ... Define identity achievement. Make difference 2+8 between Erikson's identity crisis ...
about 150 words each : (a) How do the cognitive learning theories influence curriculum development ? (b) Discuss the principles involved in curriculum planning ...
system ? What are the functions of a financial system in the process of ... management. How can a bond trader use the. Macaulay Duration Model in trading ?
ADMINISTRATION. (DNA). Term-End Examination ... (c) Explain the principles of supervision in ... (b) Explain the elements of evaluation with help of examples.
different factors that influence change in gene frequencies over a ... What is Genetic Polymorphism? Examine briefly 20 ... (b) Hap Map Project. (c) Ethical , Legal ...
5. 4. (a) Explain the use of ICT in e-Learning. 5. (b) Explain medical transcription process with. 5 the help of a diagram. 5. Explain MIS as an integrated application. Also 10 explain Do's and Don'ts in development of MIS. 6. What is embedded operat
... and disadvantages of 5+5 the following training aids : (i) Posters. (ii) Films. 2. Explain what is Food Safe Facility and what are 20 the key features of such facility ? 3. (a) What are the safety measures to be taken 10 by the following to ensur
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