Time : 3 Hours
Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) All questions carry equal weightage.
Answer the following question in about 600 words. Discuss briefly the steps of curriculum designing giving suitable examples. OR Explain the concept of feedback. Discuss importance in the classroom from various perspectives derived from theories of learning.
Answer the following question in about 600 words. 'Curriculum development is a collective enterprise'. Justify the statement with suitable examples. OR Illustrate different types of observation. Explain how observation technique can be used effectively in evaluation. Support your answer with suitable examples.
Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each : (a) Differentiate with suitable examples between norm referenced and criterion referenced tests. (b) Differentiate between formal and informal evaluation. (c) Explain the characteristics of a good test item. (d) Explain the steps of problem solving. (e) Discuss why the discipline of curriculum has not got the desired impetus from educationists. (f) How will you organise an effective debate ? Explain.
Answer the following question in about 600 words. Select a topic of your choice and then develop an instructional plan based on experiential learning.
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-F7547 14. A fw- )' -vrt 14) t drIk q'lr•R : fa--*-z-A---54-ff (Norm-referenced) at W.21. Ll.a. .T134 (Criterion Referenced Tests) Tcri --1-F-47 14 --cr-zp?f 3ft9-q-rF-T*31--41:m-rf- 4-1\cia,-1 3 7I k-TuT fatrzr (Test item) a,1 ci r itdc113-ff ch cqRsql a,1 cAll(9611 -tr-77 I r ri-NHI f7WIT/fTsfzi (Discipline) 14. f7R-Trwrft-A4i l i i err qz4 -51-RE f-*—zrt ti rad-coir 3r fir a, R ?
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interview. 10 . What is cognitive testing ? Discuss the utility of data from tests of cognitive functions. 2 +8. 4. Describe the nature, administration and scoring.
about 150 words each : (a) How do the cognitive learning theories influence curriculum development ? (b) Discuss the principles involved in curriculum planning ...
system ? What are the functions of a financial system in the process of ... management. How can a bond trader use the. Macaulay Duration Model in trading ?
Yeast grow best under slightly medium. (ii) Bacterial food refers to food borne illness caused by the presence of a bacterial toxin formed in the food. (iii) A disease is said to be when it is common in the certain place. (iv) Free flowing salt has a
December, 2014. OSEI-042 : SECURING INTERNET ACCESS. Time : 2 hours. Maximum Marks : 50. Note : Section A : Answer all the objective type questions. Section B : Answer all the very short answer type questions. Section C ... wavelength radio transmiss
SECTION C. Attempt any two out of three short answer type questions. 2x5=10. 12. Provide the key security issues for SOAP web services. 5. 13. Write the advantages and disadvantages of e-mail. 5. 14. A scripting language allows control of one or more
(i). What is a natural resource ? Give one example each of biotic, abiotic, renewable and non-renewable resources. 5. (ii) Why is coal still a major energy resource and what for is it mostly used ? 2. (iii) How does over-exploitation affect our resou