TAI MEI TUK REGATTA 2016 14th and 15th May 2016




TAI MEI TUK REGATTA 2016 NOTICE OF RACE 14th and 15th May 2016

1. ORGANIZING AUTHORITIES 1.1. The Hong Kong Schools Sailing Association (HKSSA) is the organizing authority for the regatta. 1.2. The regatta will be held on the 14th and 15th of May 2016. 2. RULES 2.1. The Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RSS) for 2013-2016. 2.2. The Prescriptions of the HKSSA will apply. 2.3. The IODA Class Rules will apply. 2.4. Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) in good serviceable condition shall be worn at all times on the water. 2.5. If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence. 3. VENUE 3.1. The regatta venue will be the Hong Kong Schools Sailing Association (HKSSA) at Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po, Hong Kong. 3.2. The venue will be open from 8:00 am to 18:30 pm on 14th and 15th of May 2016. 3.3. Racing will take place Tai Mei Tuk, Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. 4. ADVERTISING 4.1. Competitors may be required to display a sponsor’s logo on both forward sections of the hull in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20.3 (d) (i). 5. ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY 5.1. The regatta is open to all Optimist class boats. Entry will be accepted only from competitors aged 15 or under on 31st December 2016 whose guardians have signed the disclaimer on the entry form.

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5.2. Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached entry forms. All sailors must submit their forms and payment on or before the deadline to: ANDY LAU , FLAT E, 1/F, BLOCK 1, YUET WU VILLA, TUEN MUN, NT. Entry forms can be found on HKSSA website : www.hkssa.org 5.3. All entries and fees must be received by Sunday 3rd May 2015. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Organizers, and will be subject to a 100% additional late entry fee. 5.4. Sail Numbers: Entry forms without full sail numbers will not be accepted. 6. FEES 6.1. The Entry fee will be HK $300 payable to Hong Kong Schools Sailing Association Ltd . 7. OVERSEAS COMPETITORS 7.1. To arrange charter, competitors should contact Marek Nostitz Jackowski , e-mail: [email protected] or mobile :+85262213221 8.


8.1. DATE


Saturday 7th May , 2016

Practice Race, 1400-1700hrs, HKSSA.

Saturday 14th May, 2016

Registration, 0800-0915hrs, HKSSA. Briefing, 0915hrs Racing, First Start Warning signal 1055hrs

Sunday 15th May, 2016

Briefing, 0915hrs Racing, First Start Warning Signal 1030hrs Prize Giving, as soon after the completion of the last race at HKSSA

8.2 The number of races to be sailed each day will be subject to weather conditions and at the discretion of the Race Officer, with a maximum of 4 races per day to be sailed. The starts for each day’s subsequent races will follow as soon as possible after completion of the previous race. Boats should not leave the racing area until they have been advised by the Race Committee that there will be no further races on the day. 8.3 A boat that retires from a race is required to notify the Race Committee within race time limit. 9. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS 9.1. The sailing instructions will be available on the HKSSA (www.hkssa.org) websites from the 6th May 2016, and will be posted at the official notice board on the day of race. 10. THE COURSES 10.1. The courses to be sailed will be windward/leeward or trapezoid or “World’s Courses” and will be illustrated as an Appendix to the Sailing Instructions. 11. SCORING 11.1. The Low Point Scoring System of Appendix A to the Racing Rules of Sailing will apply. 11.2. Four races are required to constitute a series. 11.3. a) When four races have been completed; a boats series score will be the total of a competitor’s race scores. b) When five or more races have been completed, a boat’s series scores will be the total of a competitor’s race scores excluding his/her worst score. 12. SUPPORT BOATS 12.1. Support boats shall, from the first warning signal for a race until all boats in that race have finished, remain at least 100m outside the area bounding the entire course regardless of whether competitors have finished a loop in a trapezoid course; unless carrying out rescue duties at the request of the Race Committee. 12.2. All coach boats must be contactable via VHF. 13. BERTHING 13.1. All Boats must be stored at HKSSA. No sailor will be allowed to participate unless he/she launches from, and recovers from HKSSA. This is a safety requirement and will be strictly enforced. 13.2. Boats may arrive at HKSSA according to a schedule distributed to the coaches of each club.

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14. PRIZES 14.1. Prizes will be given as follows: Overall

Aged 12 Or Under On 31 December 2016

Aged 10 Or Under On 31 December 2016

1st Place

1st Place

1st Place

2nd Place

2nd Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

3rd Place

3rd Place

4th Place 5th Place

15. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY 15.1. Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. 16. INSURANCE 16.1. Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a racing cover considered by their Parent or Guardian as adequate for the risks involved. Insurance policies may be inspected at registration and any competitor not found to have such insurance may be barred from this championship. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, please contact: Simon Leung/ Au Kam Chuen email: [email protected] / [email protected]

NOR Tai Mei Tuk Regatta 2016.pdf

5.2. Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached entry forms. All sailors must. submit their forms and payment on or before the deadline to: ANDY LAU , FLAT E,. 1/F, BLOCK 1, YUET WU VILLA, TUEN MUN, NT. Entry forms can be found on HKSSA website : www.hkssa.org. 5.3. All entries and fees must be received ...

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