TERM: 2011-2012 ROOM: 209
Email Address
[email protected]
Teacher Support
Students may meet with individual teachers for supplemental support any day of the week before or after school based upon teacher availability. Additionally: th st Monday Rm 210 5 lunch (1 20 min.) th st Tuesday Rm T20 2:15-2:45 Rm 209 4 lunch (1 20 min.) th st Wednesday Rm 212 6:35-7:05 Rm 209 4 lunch (1 20 min.) Rm 209 2:15-2:45 Thursday Rm 209 6:35-7:05
DEPARTMENTAL MISSION STATEMENT: The North Gwinnett High School Mathematics Department believes that all students learn mathematics at high levels. Overall each student should: Learn to communicate mathematically Learn to use mathematics in his/her daily life Become proficient with the appropriate computational tools and techniques Learn to reason mathematically Become a mathematical problem solver Student responsibility is an important component of learning at high levels and preparing for a successful life. A successful mathematics student is responsible for: completion of all course requirements in a timely manner, seeking help outside of regular class time, when necessary, making up missed work in a timely manner, and academic honesty.
COURSE DESCRIPTION (Published in the Choice Book) This is the fourth in a sequence of mathematics courses designed to prepare students to enter college at the calculus level. It includes rational, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions; basic trigonometric identities and the laws of sines and cosines; sequences and series; vectors; the central limit theorem and confidence intervals. With this course, students complete full content of Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry. Prerequisites: Integrated Algebra II
COURSE CURRICULUM CONTENT The entire list of Academic, Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be accessed through the district web address at
Process Skills Numbers and Operations Geometry Algebra Data Analysis and Probability Reading Across the Curriculum
UNITS/TOPICS First Semester: 2.1-2.3, 5-8 Second Semester: 2.4-2.6, 3, 4,11.1-11.3, Stat supplement
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Published Materials Pre-Calculus : Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Sullivan, Sullivan Cost: $102.47
Instructional Supplies 1. Pen and Pencil 2. Graphing Calculator 3. Three-ring Binder 4. Lined and Graph Paper
Online Textbook: 1. Go to 2. Enter the webcode: azk-1006
EVALUATION AND GRADING Assignments Class work Homework Projects Labs Tests Daily Quizzes Final Exam
Grade Weights Summative Assessments: Midterm 5% Tests 40% Classroom Assessments: Homework 5% Quizzes 25% Project 5% Final Exam: Performance Final 5% Multiple Choice Final 15%
A: B: C: D: F:
Grading Scale 90 and above 80 – 89 74 – 79 70 – 73 69 or below
OTHER INFORMATION Expectations for Academic Success 1) Complete homework daily 2) Ask questions daily 3) Attend tutoring sessions 4) Participate constructively as a team member 5) Proof read written assignments and edit meaningfully 6) Review multiple sources of information 7) Challenge yourself to continuous improvement
Additional Requirements/Resources
Academic School Day Support Services After School Support Services Online Support Services
Calculator Policy: Every student at North Gwinnett High School is required to have access to a graphing calculator. Students are encouraged to purchase their own. The math department recommends a TI-84. If it is not possible for a student to purchase their own calculator, then he/she may rent a calculator from NGHS. Special circumstances or concerns can be addressed with your student’s math teacher. The rental fee for the school year is $20. Monies received from calculator rentals will go toward purchasing additional calculators, batteries, and classroom technology. Make up Policy: All tests are announced at least two (2) days in advance. Every effort should be made to attend class on assessment days. Failure to make up the test within five days will result in a grade of zero (0) for the test. Tardiness: Students are allowed six (6) minutes between each class. Please be seated and ready to begin work when the bell rings. A student is considered tardy when s/he is not inside the classroom when the third tone sounds. There are no "free" tardies. st
1 tardy: Warning nd 2 tardy: Warning rd 3 tardy: Teacher detention and parent contact th 4 tardy: Teacher detention th 5 and subsequent tardy: Administrative referral * * Students who are tardy to first period will be required to check-in to school in the attendance office after 7:30 am. Tardy policies apply as listed above.
Please note:
Your lowest test grade prior to the midterm will be replaced by your midterm exam grade, if the exam grade is higher. Your lowest test grade following the midterm will be replaced by your final exam grade, if the exam grade is higher.
*** The instructor will make changes to the syllabus as deemed necessary.
STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET: Student Name: _______________________________________ Student e-mail address: _______________________________ Student Cell Phone Number: ____________________________ Parent Name: _______________________________________ Parent e-mail address: _______________________________ Parent Phone contact number:_________________________
I have read the syllabus and understand all requirements of the course as stated. _______________________________ Student Signature
_________________________________ Parent Signature