Culto de Alabanza y Adoración, 11:00am

Worship Notes

Domingo primero de Adviento Alabanza de Apertura Salmo 122 Oración de Bienvenida Oración de Confesión Saludo de la Congregación Tiempo de Alabanza y Adoración *Te Doy Gloria *Mi Dios Puede Salvar

Testimonios Prédica Título: Y Se Le Darán Estos Nombres: Consejero Admirable, Dios Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz

Lectura: Isaías 9:2-7 Dr. Lee Heathcoat

Respondiendo al Llamado del Señor *Cuan Grande Es El

Diezmos y Ofrendas *Yo Tengo un Amigo Que Me Ama Oración de Envío *Te Doy Gloria

Anuncios:      

Desayuno Navideño, 10 de Diciembre a las 9:00am. ¡Todos están invitados! Ensayos para la Pastorela de La Posada los domingos a las 4:30pm. Hoy segundo ensayo. La Posada es jueves 15 de diciembre a las 5:30pm. Clases para matrimonios, empezando el 15 enero al 5 de marzo, a las 4:30pm. Estudio Bíblico de Adviento los miércoles a las 7:00pm, para toda la familia. Escuela dominical a las 9:30am, para adultos y niños; tenemos cuidado de niños. Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oración, al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estará disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante de este lugar.

Flowers The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of Byrtis Dial Brayboy, and in celebration of Timothy Pate’s 14th birthday, by Tim Brayboy, Mia and Timothy Pate.

November 27, 2016 27 de Noviembre 2016

Prayer Concerns Floretta Armstrong, Anna Avery, Pat Basham, Becky Brown, Roy Carawan, Dylan Harrell, Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw, Becky Humphrey, Pat Johnson, Phyllis Lang, Lucy Lowry, Ernie and Jane Miller, Jim Morgan, Gary Parker, Jim Payne, David and Lorraine Perkinson, Amy Pethick, Carol Remley, Roberta Sanford, Harlyn Van Sloten, Al Tahan, Tracey Walden, Eloise Walker, Joan Wolcott, Brandy Young, Elaine Zisek, and those serving in the Armed Forces.

Remember– every time you check in on Facebook to White Plains a donation is made to charity!

Iglesia Metodista Unida

White Plains United Methodist Church (919) 467-9394 [email protected]


Traditional Worship, 8:30am Welcome and Announcements

“Like a Child I Wait” Robert Lau

God of Hope, we come as we begin this season of Advent with its busyness and rush. Help us to find a time and space to slow down and consider how we prepare our hearts and minds to receive You and the gifts of love and hope You offer us. Give us ears to hear Your promise that a messiah will come and nothing will ever be the same. We give You thanks and praise for prophecy, promises, and preparation -to find hope and encouragement, to find peace and joy. May we do so now, in our time of worship. Amen.

“Names of the Messiah—Wonderful Counselor” Rev. Rob Phillips

Lighting of the Advent Wreath—see insert The Vansteen Family

Hymn of Response UMH #184 1 & 3

The Offertory Paul Manz

Time of Prayer - The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. UMH #881

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead: He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Gloria Patri

Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship.

Speak to us, Lord. Speak to us in the waiting, the hoping, the longing, the rejoicing. Speak to us by Your Word, read and proclaimed, that we may be awakened and prepared for Your coming. Amen.

Scripture Message

UMH #94

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Sermon Series: Who are we waiting for? “Names of the Messiah—Wonderful Counselor” Rev. Rob Phillips Children 3 years-2nd grade are invited to E9 for Children’s Church during the Message and will re-enter the service after the Message.


*Closing Hymn “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”

UMH #196


*Dismissal with Blessing

“Winter Snow”

*Choral Response “Threefold Amen

Dan Forrest


Chancel Choir and Credo Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship.

Postlude Toccata on “Veni Emmaunel”

Page C. Long CCLI#967142

*Congregation standing Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the children’s wing for nursery care at any time during the 8:30 service.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Prayer for Illumination

“Prepare the Way “Come Lord Jesus (Even So Come)” “Christ the King” Isaiah 9:2-7

Dedication of Gifts—The Doxology

Passing of the Peace

*Affirmation of Faith, The Apostles Creed

Welcoming of New Member Virginia Sapp, transfers from Dunbar UMC, Dunbar, WV

UMH #211

See insert

Gathering Greeting and Introduction

Message Sermon Series: Who are we waiting for?

“Of the Father’s Love Begotten ”

Contemporary Worship, 11:00am “You Are Holy”

“E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come”

*Hymn of Praise Lighting of the Advent Wreath The Garrott Family

Ruth Elaine Schram Chancel Choir and Credo

*Opening Prayer

“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

OT #600


Prelude “Fantasy on ‘Veni Emmanuel’”

Isaiah 9:2-7

Devices are available near the entrance of the Sanctuary for those needing assistance with hearing the service.

Please silence your cell phone before the service of worship begins.

At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front corner of each worship space.

White Plains UMC

White Plains UMC

White Plains UMC

White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We are honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center C200.

White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We are honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center C200.

White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We are honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center C200.

Church Office

Church Office

Church Office

If you have a need or question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or email [email protected]. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm Monday -Thursday.

If you have a need or question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or email [email protected]. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm Monday -Thursday.

Available for Children

Available for Children

Nursery Care by our Nursery Team during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School for children ages 3 years-5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service when announced and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service.

Nursery Care by our Nursery Team during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School for children ages 3 years-5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service when announced and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service.

Sunday Morning Schedule

Sunday Morning Schedule

8:30am 9:45am 11:00am

8:30am 9:45am 11:00am

If you have a need or question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or email [email protected]. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm Monday -Thursday.

Available for Children Nursery Care by our Nursery Team during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School for children ages 3 years-5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service when announced and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service.

Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30am 9:45am 11:00am

Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary Sunday school for all ages Contemporary worship service, Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary



Our greeters and ushers are available to answer questions. Visit for more information.

Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary Sunday school for all ages Contemporary worship service, Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary

Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary Sunday school for all ages Contemporary worship service, Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary


Our greeters and ushers are available to answer questions.

Our greeters and ushers are available to answer questions.

Visit for more information.

Visit for more information.

Save the Date….

Save the Date….

Save the Date…. WIHN/Family Promise

Nov. 27-Dec. 4

WIHN/Family Promise

Nov. 27-Dec. 4

WIHN/Family Promise

Nov. 27-Dec. 4

Community Christmas Breakfast

December 10

Community Christmas Breakfast

December 10

Community Christmas Breakfast

December 10

Christmas food distribution

December 12

Christmas food distribution

December 12

Christmas food distribution

December 12

La Posada

December 15

La Posada

December 15

La Posada

December 15

Ministry in Action - Announcements

November 27, 2016

Ministry in Action - Announcements

November 27, 2016

Ministry in Action - Announcements

November 27, 2016

Advent is here! Our sermon series for Advent is "Who are we waiting for? Names of the Messiah" based on Isaiah 9:6. If you or your Sunday School class would like an excellent study book on this, check out Names of the Messiah by Walter Brueggeman on Amazon - or ask Rob or Debbie for a copy!

Advent is here! Our sermon series for Advent is "Who are we waiting for? Names of the Messiah" based on Isaiah 9:6. If you or your Sunday School class would like an excellent study book on this, check out Names of the Messiah by Walter Brueggeman on Amazon - or ask Rob or Debbie for a copy!

Advent is here! Our sermon series for Advent is "Who are we waiting for? Names of the Messiah" based on Isaiah 9:6. If you or your Sunday School class would like an excellent study book on this, check out Names of the Messiah by Walter Brueggeman on Amazon - or ask Rob or Debbie for a copy!

WIHN/Family Promise Guest Week Our Family Promise guests will be arriving today. There are many volunteer opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ. These families need to feel God's love for them. We need people to help with: set-up and take-down crews, A.M and P.M. van drivers, meal providers, social hosts and overnight hosts. Please sign up, choosing the volunteer job and date/time you are available, at

WIHN/Family Promise Guest Week Our Family Promise guests will be arriving today. There are many volunteer opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ. These families need to feel God's love for them. We need people to help with: set-up and take-down crews, A.M and P.M. van drivers, meal providers, social hosts and overnight hosts. Please sign up, choosing the volunteer job and date/time you are available, at

WIHN/Family Promise Guest Week Our Family Promise guests will be arriving today. There are many volunteer opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ. These families need to feel God's love for them. We need people to help with: set-up and take-down crews, A.M and P.M. van drivers, meal providers, social hosts and overnight hosts. Please sign up, choosing the volunteer job and date/time you are available, at

We are continuing our evening Chapel service on Sundays at 7pm. This can be a great outreach for anyone seeking a simple service of praise, prayer, and communion. Hope to see you there!

We are continuing our evening Chapel service on Sundays at 7pm. This can be a great outreach for anyone seeking a simple service of praise, prayer, and communion. Hope to see you there!

We are continuing our evening Chapel service on Sundays at 7pm. This can be a great outreach for anyone seeking a simple service of praise, prayer, and communion. Hope to see you there!

On Sunday, December 4, please bring an UNWRAPPED new toy donation ($15-20) to be collected and blessed at the altar during worship along with your Christmas food offering. There will be a "Santa's Workshop" set up for families to “shop” for gifts during the Christmas food distribution on December 12th.

On Sunday, December 4, please bring an UNWRAPPED new toy donation ($15-20) to be collected and blessed at the altar during worship along with your Christmas food offering. There will be a "Santa's Workshop" set up for families to “shop” for gifts during the Christmas food distribution on December 12th.

On Sunday, December 4, please bring an UNWRAPPED new toy donation ($15-20) to be collected and blessed at the altar during worship along with your Christmas food offering. There will be a "Santa's Workshop" set up for families to “shop” for gifts during the Christmas food distribution on December 12th.

Community Christmas Breakfast - Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am Come enjoy a full breakfast provided by our United Methodist Men and a short program of your favorite carols. There's no charge, and everyone is welcome. Please let us know you're coming at

Community Christmas Breakfast - Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am Come enjoy a full breakfast provided by our United Methodist Men and a short program of your favorite carols. There's no charge, and everyone is welcome. Please let us know you're coming at

Community Christmas Breakfast - Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am Come enjoy a full breakfast provided by our United Methodist Men and a short program of your favorite carols. There's no charge, and everyone is welcome. Please let us know you're coming at

FOOD PANTRY MINISTRIES - Donate now for the holiday meal bag distributions on December 12. Visit for a list of what is needed and how to help.

FOOD PANTRY MINISTRIES - Donate now for the holiday meal bag distributions on December 12. Visit for a list of what is needed and how to help.

FOOD PANTRY MINISTRIES - Donate now for the holiday meal bag distributions on December 12. Visit for a list of what is needed and how to help.

La Posada - All children are invited to participate in a nativity play for La Posada Celebration on December 15th. We will practice Christmas carols in English and Spanish. There will be four rehearsals on Sundays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm starting on November 20th in the chapel.

La Posada - All children are invited to participate in a nativity play for La Posada Celebration on December 15th. We will practice Christmas carols in English and Spanish. There will be four rehearsals on Sundays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm starting on November 20th in the chapel.

La Posada - All children are invited to participate in a nativity play for La Posada Celebration on December 15th. We will practice Christmas carols in English and Spanish. There will be four rehearsals on Sundays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm starting on November 20th in the chapel.

White Plains will be conducting its White Christmas program again this year. This effort provides food and gifts for families in need in the Cary area. We are in need of support families to help. The White Christmas program provides the food and food store gift certificates, which are combined with the support family's gifts and delivered to the family in need on Sunday, December 18th. If you or a church group would like to sponsor a family in need, please contact Dave DeMaster ([email protected]) or Vicki DeMaster ([email protected]). We would like to have all of the support families identified by December 4th. Thank you for your continued support of this Christmas tradition at White Plains.

White Plains will be conducting its White Christmas program again this year. This effort provides food and gifts for families in need in the Cary area. We are in need of support families to help. The White Christmas program provides the food and food store gift certificates, which are combined with the support family's gifts and delivered to the family in need on Sunday, December 18th. If you or a church group would like to sponsor a family in need, please contact Dave DeMaster ([email protected]) or Vicki DeMaster ([email protected]). We would like to have all of the support families identified by December 4th. Thank you for your continued support of this Christmas tradition at White Plains.

White Plains will be conducting its White Christmas program again this year. This effort provides food and gifts for families in need in the Cary area. We are in need of support families to help. The White Christmas program provides the food and food store gift certificates, which are combined with the support family's gifts and delivered to the family in need on Sunday, December 18th. If you or a church group would like to sponsor a family in need, please contact Dave DeMaster ([email protected]) or Vicki DeMaster ([email protected]). We would like to have all of the support families identified by December 4th. Thank you for your continued support of this Christmas tradition at White Plains.

November 27, 2016 27 de Noviembre 2016 White Plains

Nov 27, 2016 - you check in on Facebook to White Plains a donation ... Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an ... Page C. Long .... help with: set-up and take-down crews, A.M and P.M. van drivers, meal pro- viders ...

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Jul 3, 2016 - Page 1 ... keep up the good work by checking in to White ... Facebook. ... Please sign the attendance book in your row so we might have an.