Fountain / Root Prairie Lutheran Churches P.O. Box 75 Fountain, MN 55935


Fall Sunday Worship Hours Pastor: Paul Forde 507-268-4404 Secretary: Linda Rain 507-272-1482 Office Phone: 507-268-4413 E-Mail: [email protected] Bulletin Deadline : 4 pm Wednesday. Newsletter Deadline 20th of the month.

Fountain Lutheran Choir rehearsal 8:00 am Sunday Worship 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Root Prairie Lutheran Sunday School 9:15 am Worship 10:30 am Fountain Lutheran Church Mission Statement

Root Prairie Lutheran Church Mission Statement As a congregation of God’s people we, the members of Root Prairie Lutheran Church, are grateful for our heritage and thankful for the gifts we now enjoy. We look to our Lord to guide us in mission, and to give hope to all whose lives we touch. We shall always proclaim the Good News of Christ and follow His example. Root Prairie Council President Root Prairie Sunday School Supt. Root Prairie LYO Root Prairie WELCA

We are members of the Body of Christ, reaching out to all people in our community with a spiritual atmosphere. Through the study of the Gospel and the sharing of the Sacraments, we are growing in faith, nurturing relationships, and trusting in Jesus’ promise to be with us always. Fountain Council President Fountain Choir Director Fountain Sunday School Fountain LYO Fountain WELCA

Stacy Leiding Karen Hanson Lisa Nelson Marge Fuller


Dave Gudmundson Karen Forde Jill Himli LYO Parents Mona Himli

From the Pastor:

“THE VICTORY OF REWARD” Paul, nearing the end of his ministry, offers his companion Timothy words of encouragement in 2nd Timothy. Paul exclaims, in his final words, that in death there is the victory of reward: "Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness ..." (2 Timothy 4:8). Paul is speaking here of eternal life. He is saying that In Christian death, there is not only a release; there is a reward! Here is where words fail us! Suppose from the beginning, your life had been lived in a cave with nothing but the doom of darkness and the dripping of water as companions. Imagine a kindly soul trying to prepare you for the beauty of this world, which your eyes had never seen. Could words describe the beauty of a butterfly? Could phrases picture the look of love on a mother's face when she first holds her newborn infant? Could our syllables cause one to envision the grandeur of the Grand Canyon or the vastness of the sea? There are no words! How much more is it true when mortal man feebly attempts to describe eternal glory? How can one describe "everlastings" with temporary words? The Bible says it best, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). Beyond our wildest imaginings are the things God has prepared for us who love him. With our limited words, today, we may get a "hint of glory divine," the victory of reward. The reward of God is eternal life! "... the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Eternal life is sharing in the very life of God. Helmut Thielicke states that this “zoe” (everlasting life) is not a quality of our being but of God's! Eternal life is not a continuation of our life but a sharing of God's! Just as Jesus came that we might share his life upon earth, he carries us through the entrance of death in to the victory of sharing his eternal life. In victory, we know his love, share his knowledge and wisdom, and experience his peace. Does not the Bible say, "... it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ -- if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him" (Romans 8:16-17). Everything that belongs to Jesus in heaven today one day shall be ours! We are "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ." To you, fellow Christian, shall be given the victory of eternal life -- lived in the presence of God -- sharing his nature and life -- serving him joyfully as the ages roll. It almost causes us to want to go today -- to claim the victory of release and reward! Blessings and peace,


Fountain Lutheran Council Minutes - October 8, 2013 Attending: Pastor Forde, Jeff Boggs, Dave Gudmundson, Bonnie Heidtke, Mark Kottman, Steve Sutherland and Duane Vonch. Pastor Forde opened the meeting with 2nd Timothy, Chapter 2 and a prayer. Secretary’s Report: Given by Bonnie. Motion by Mark, seconded by Duane to approve with the following correction: In place of the negative $554.32, checking shows a net of $942.56. Treasurer’s Report: September expenses were $5,587.95 with revenue of $5,652.54 which brings a net of $64.59 for September. Motion by Jeff, seconded by Mark to approve financial statement as given. Pastor’s report: ♦ Pastor did 9 home communions, met with 4 potential members, baptism, and numerous other contacts as referenced in his report. A family is transferring to another church. ♦ Confirmation classes finished unit on Apostles’ Creed with test given October 9. ♦ After discussion, decision deferred on 2014 Congregational Health Plan until Root Prairie Council meets. ♦ "See through the Scriptures" small group Bible study begins Oct. 15, 7-8:00 at the Forde home. This course provides the framework needed to understand the sweep of the Bible’s narrative. ♦ Campus Ministry Sunday scheduled for both churches October 27. Waiting for information on possible Temple Talk guests from the Campus Center in Winona. Installation of new campus pastor Denis is Oct. 20. ♦ Attending Synod Theological Conference at the Stoney Creek Inn in Onalaska, WI in November. ♦ No live nativity this year. Old Business: ♦ Duane signed signature card at First State Bank. ♦ Discussion held on same sex marriage legalization. It was decided a survey and letter will be mailed to every member of the congregations to gather individual views. Self-addressed, stamped envelope will be provided or responses can be placed in box located in narthex. New Business: ♦ Duane reported toilet running constantly in men’s restroom. ♦ Bearing is going on fan. ♦ Low water pressure noted and Steve will call Kujath. Motion by Duane, seconded by Mark to adjourn. Motion carried. Council meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Communion assistants: October 27 Youth Sunday; November 3 Steve Sutherland and November 24 is Youth Sunday. Respectfully, Bonnie Heidtke, secretary

First Communion Instruction Class will be conducted at Fountain Lutheran Saturday, November 2, at 10 am. The class is for all interested youngsters and their parents. Interested parents should contact pastor Forde or your Sunday school superintendents to register. There is no minimum age requirement for participation in Holy Communion. 3

Root Prairie Church Council Meeting

October 10, 2013

Attending: Stacy Leiding, Loren Finseth, Pastor Forde, Chris Hanson, and Connie Eickhoff Absent: Gary Redalen Devotions: Pastor Forde read 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 and led us in prayer. Secretary’s report: Secretary’s report was read and approved. Treasurer’s report: Treasurer’s report was read and approved, subject to audit. Pastor’s Report:

September 22- Baptism of Miles David Bernau son of David & Ashlee Bernau

October 8- Attended the Synod Pastor’s meeting at Hayfield

October 15- Small group bible study “See through the Scriptures” begins at the Forde home

October 24- Excelling in Mission Conference will be held at United Redeemer Lutheran Church in Zumbrota. Council members urged to attend

October 27- Campus Ministry Sunday

November 3-5 Synod Theological Conference at the Stoney Creek Inn in Onalaska, Wisconsin

No reply from San Marcos yet regarding the gift of money

Drafted a letter & survey to the Congregation on same sex- marriage policy

There will be no Live Nativity this year.

Old Business• Health Care Options for future pastors- After discussion, a motion was made by Chris Hanson to designate Gary Redalen to authorize and approve the insurance plan with the Fountain council representative. Motion seconded by Loren Finseth. The deadline for this decision is October 14.

Revelations information- No action taken at this time.

New Business • Constitution- Do our current communion practices reflect the constitution? Chris Hanson will call Lucille Tangen about past constitution changes. Communion Assistant for November is Loren Finseth. Our next meeting date is November 14 at 7:30. Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Loren Finseth and seconded by Chris Hanson. Respectfully submitted by Connie Eickhoff



A sincere THANK YOU goes out to each and every person who helped in any way they could in preparing for and working the Lutefisk/Meatball Dinner on October 5. Without the dedication of all of you, this event could not be the success that it has become over the years. We served over 650 people and the numbers continue to grow. Please mark your calendars for next year's dinner, which will be held on October 4, 2014. The Dinner Committee.

Root Prairie WELCA THANKS all who contributed to the Fall Festival. We had a successful bake sale and good attendance for the luncheon. Everyone’s help is greatly appreciated. Save the date for next year October 11, 2014. Denise, Stacy, Karla, & Ilene.



Answer Answer: Meaning: Stone of help. A commemoration of divine assistance The application of this name by Samuel to the stone which he set up in commemoration of God's help to the Israelites in their victory over the Philistines at Mizpah (1 Sam 7:12)

Answer is shown What does the word Ebenezer mean in the hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”? QUESTION:

The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.

The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be conducted at Fountain Methodist Church on Sunday November 24, at 7:00 pm.

This N That for November

There will be special music by the Ecumenical choir, the Thanksgiving message by Pastor Paul Forde and a time of fellowship and refreshments following the service. Ecumenical Choir will practice preceding the service. Everyone is invited to participate in this special service.

Check this out. A few Bible verses about Thanksgiving. Psalm 50: 14 Psalm 95: 2 2nd Corinthians 9: 11 The actual first official ceremony of Thanksgiving in the Bible is listed in Leviticus 7:11-15. 11

This is the ritual of the sacrifice of the offering of well-being that one may offer to the LORD. 12If you offer it for thanksgiving, you shall offer with the thank offering unleavened cakes mixed with oil, unleavened wafers spread with oil, and cakes of choice flour well soaked in oil. 13With your thanksgiving sacrifice of well-being you shall bring your offering with cakes of leavened bread. 14From this you shall offer one cake from each offering, as a gift to the LORD; it shall belong to the priest who dashes the blood of the offering of well-being. 15 And the flesh of your thanksgiving sacrifice of well-being shall be eaten on the day it is offered; you shall not leave any of it until morning.

Fountain SS Calendar dates of importance: November 2 – First Communion Instruction DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME November 3 – 9:00am First Communion Service November 3 – 10:00am Sunday School November 10 – 9:00am Worship service November 10 – 10am Christmas Program Practice begins November 17 – 9:00am Worship service November 17 – 10:00am Christmas program practice November 24 – 9:00am Youth Sunday November 24 – 10:00am Christmas program practice

Root Prairie Sunday School News November 3rd the 3rd graders Hunter Bernau, Kayle Bernau, Lillian Hanson and Kaci Ruen will be presented their bibles. November 3rd is also Faith Partner Sunday at 9:15am. Sunday the 17th try on costumes for Christmas Program and Sunday the 24th we will start meeting at 9am for Christmas Program practice 7

Root Prairie Lutheran Church

Fountain Lutheran Church Altar Guild: Jami Wangen & Tammy Danielson

Altar Guild: Marge Fuller & Beth Redalen Ushers: The Little Family Ushers: Jack Griffin, Chris Hanson, Jason Oehlke Communion Assistant: Loren Finseth Lectors: November 3 Jessica Hanson November 10 Chris Hanson November 17 Bev Bernau November 24 Youth Service

Acolytes Jessica Solie Stephanie McElmury Chris Solie Korby Nelson

Communion Assistant: November 3 Steve Sutherland November 24 Family/ Youth Sunday Lectors: November 3 Logan Little November 10 Deb Jeffers November 17 Jeff Boggs November 24 Family Service

Acolytes Terron & Rylan Blake & Haley Grace & Riana Jared & Jessica

November Days/Dates to Remember

November 24, 2013 Confession: Korby Nelson First Lesson: Hannah Oehlke Psalms: Derek Ericson Wine: Korby Nelson & Hannah Oehlke Baskets: Corey Ericson & Dave Hanson III Ushers: Derek Ericson & Corey Ericson Acolyte: Korby Nelson

November 24, 2013 Ushers: Riley & Ella Cambern Communion Assistants: Riana Smith & Allison Long Lector: Demery Little Acolytes: Jared Reinhardt & Jessica Solie Baskets: Devin Reinhardt & Mara Schwarz Special children’s sermon from Jill Himli

Sundays: November 3: Worship Service w/Holy communion F 8 am Choir rehearsal 9:00 am Worship 10 SS RP: 9:15 Sunday School Faith Partner Sunday 10:30 am Worship First Communion Celebration November 10: Worship Service F 8 am Choir rehearsal, Council Meeting 9:00 am Worship 10 Sunday School RP 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 Worship November 17: Worship Service F 8 am Choir rehearsal 9:00 am Worship 10 SS RP 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship November 24 Family/Youth Worship Service w/Holy Communion. F 8 am Choir rehearsal 9:00 am Worship 10 am SS RP: 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Thanksgiving Ecumenical Worship Fountain Methodist 7 pm Tuesdays: November 5, 12, 19, 26: Bible Study Forde home 7pm November 12: Conference Pastors Mtg. Lutheran Campus Ctr. Winona 9 am November 26: Communion CVCC. 12:30 pm Wednesdays: November 6, 13, 20: Confirmation 7 pm Fountain November 13: Fountain Circle 2 pm November 20: Fountain Ladies workday Newsletter Deadline Thursday November 14: Root Prairie Council Meeting.7:30pm November 28 Thanksgiving day


9 20 Fountain Ladies Workday Confirmation 7 pm Fountain Newsletter Deadline

27 No Confirmation

19 “See Through The Scriptures” Bible Study 7 pm Forde residence

26 Communion Chosen Valley Care Ctr. 12:30 pm “See Through The Scriptures” Bible Study 7 pm Forde residence

17 Worship Service 18 W/Holy Communion Youth/Family Sunday F 8 Choir rehearsal 9:00 am worship 10;00 Sunday School RP 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship

24 Worship Service 25 W/Holy Communion Family/Youth Sunday F 8 am Choir rehearsal 9 Worship service 10 Sunday School RP 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Thanksgiving Service

Confirmation 7 pm Fountain



13 Fountain Circle 2pm Workday Confirmation 7 pm Fountain

“See Through The Scriptures” Bible Study 7 pm Forde residence



12 Conf. Pastors Mtg. Luth Campus Ctr Winona 9 am “See Through The Scriptures” Bible Study 7 pm Forde residence


10 Worship Service 11 F 8 am Choir rehearsal 8 am Council Mtg. 9:00 am Worship 10 Sunday School RP 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 am Worship

3 Worship Service 4 w/Holy Communion F 8 am Choir rehearsal 9:00 am Worship 10:00 Sunday School RP 9:15 Sunday School Faith Partner Day 10:30 am Worship First Communion Celebration




14 Root Prairie Council Mtg. 7:30 pm











16 .


SATURDAY 2 First Communion Instruction F 10 am

10 25 25

3 5 5 6 8 11 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 21 21 21 21 22 26 27 29 29 30

Lori & Lowell Finseth Lester & Marlene Bergan Nick & Trista Ruen

Rhonda Sveen Nathan Bremseth Corey Ericson Andrew Allen David Schwier Larry Wood Sharone Rustad Jeffrey Redalen Bernie Bacon Stacy Dohrman Judy Kujath Rachel Glende Glen Thomas Elizabeth Hanson Paul Forde Laura Copeman Helen Tangen Judd Redalen Monica Griffin Jennifer Lipke Mike Schwarz Jessica Solie Becky Asleson Matthew Reinhardt Karl Forde Tom Gartner Judy Vonch Alex Rowland

November Newsletter 2013.pdf

Discussion held on same sex marriage legalization. It was decided a survey and letter will be mailed to every. member of the congregations to gather individual ...

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