FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Janel Hemmesch, RD, CBE Polk County Health Dept. 715-485-8551
[email protected]
NPA Executive Committee Janel Hemmesch, RD Polk County Health Department Coalition Chair and Worksite Committee Chair Cheri Rott, RD Amery Regional Medical Center Nutrition Committee Chair Jeff Nasman, Rehab Director Amery Regional Medical Center Physical Activity Committee Chair Rebecca Stenberg, Peer Counselor Polk County Health Department Breastfeeding Committee Chair Julie Neuman, Wellness Co-Chair St. Croix Falls School School Committee Chair April HershfieldJohnson, SNS Osceola School District At-Large Member Arianne Peterson, VISTA Member City of St. Croix Falls At-Large Member Jen Carlson, Human Resources Northwire, Inc. At-Large Member
Survivor Island Challenge Impacts Six Polk County Worksites Balsam Lake, Wisconsin (April, 2010) - Six Polk County worksites and about 600 of their employees are competing in a 6-week worksite wellness challenge called Survivor Island. This challenge started April 12th and ends May 21st. First developed by Polaris Industries for their employees, it has expanded this year to Amery Regional Medical Center, Amery School District, Northwire, Osceola School District, Polaris, and Polk County Government. The challenge focuses on nutrition and fitness by striving to increase fruit and vegetable consumption, water intake, and physical activity each week. Those individuals who have not met that week’s goals are kicked of their “island”. The worksite with the highest percent of “survivors” left on their islands will win $500 to be used for future wellness programs at their worksite. Funding is provided through grant dollars received by the Polk County Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition (NPA). As part of the Worksite Committee of NPA, worksites participating in the challenge have attended quarterly meetings which provide the opportunity for sharing of worksite wellness ideas. In order to participate in the challenge, worksites also established an active wellness committee, preformed an assessment of their worksite and created a 2010 action plan if those items were not already in place. The mission of NPA is to inspire, motivate and educate individuals and communities to be healthy through good nutrition and physical activity. The next Worksite Committee meeting is Wednesday, April 21st from noon until 1pm at the Polk County Health Department. Any community members, worksites, or organizations are welcome to attend. For further information about the Survivor Island Challenge or other NPA activities, please visit or call NPA chair, Janel Hemmesch, at (715) 485-8500. Hemmesch is a Registered Dietitian employed by the Polk County Health Department as the Public Health Nutritionist. ####