Numerical simulation of nonlinear dynamical systems driven by commutative noise F.Carbonell∗, R. J. Biscay∗, J. C. Jimenez∗, and H. de la Cruz†

May 3, 2007

Abstract The Local Linearization (LL) approach has become an effective technique for the numerical integration of ordinary, random, and stochastic differential equations. One of the reasons for this success is that the LL method achieves a convenient trade-off between numerical stability and computational cost. Besides, the LL method reproduces well the dynamics of nonlinear equations for which other classical methods fail. However, in the stochastic case, most of the reported works has been focused in Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE) driven by additive noise. This limits the applicability of the LL method since there is a number of interesting dynamics observed in equations with multiplicative noise. On the other hand, recent results show that commutative noise SDEs can be transformed into a random differential equation (RDE) by means of a random diffeomorfism (conjugacy). This paper takes advantages of such conjugacy property and the LL approach for defining a LL scheme for SDEs driven by commutative noise. The performance of the proposed method is illustrated by means of numerical simulations.

MSC: 60H10, 60H25, 60H35, 65C30 Key words: Local Linearization, Stochastic Differential Equations, Commutative noise, Conjugacy, Random Differential Equations, Numerical Integrators



In several physical, chemical and biological phenomena, noise plays a significant role. This is the case, for example, in turbulent diffusion, genetic regulation, chemical kinetic, biological waste treatment, polymer dynamics and large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design. When the evolution of such noisy phenomena has to be studied, the mathematical modelling of such situations is not well matched by deterministic differential equations. In these cases, stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are more suitable when a more realistic modeling needs to be considered. Since, unfortunately, analytic solutions of the equations are rarely available, in recent years much attention has been paid to design numerical methods for approximating their solutions. ∗

Instituto de Cibernética, Matemática y Física, Departamento de Matemática Interdisciplinaria, Calle 15, No. 551, e/ C y D, Vedado, La Habana 4, C.P. 10400, Cuba. Email: {felix, biscay, jcarlos} † Universidad de Granma, Departamento de Matemática y Computación, Bayamo, Cuba. Email: [email protected]


A variety of examples of SDEs used for modeling nonlinear physical systems are defined by quite complicated drift components but relatively simple diffusion terms [1]. For instance, equations driven by a single Wiener process or by commutative noise (understood as commutativity of the diffusion vector fields in the sense of Lie algebras). In these situations the simplicity in the diffusion terms of the equations has allowed for the development of analytical methods for the better understanding of their dynamics. Perhaps the most interesting results are those dealing with the extant conjugacy (diffeomorfism that performs an stationary random coordinate change) between random differential equations (RDE) and commutative noise SDEs [1], [2], [3]. This idea goes back to the Doss representation of diffusions [4] and rests upon the decomposition of the flow by the Itô Ventzell formula [5]. The main advantage of such approach comes from the fact that objects of interest in random dynamics (i.e. random fixed points, random attractors, random bifurcations, etc.) are harder to describe in the framework of stochastic calculus than in the framework of classical deterministic calculus. For instance, the conjugacy property has been already used for establishing the existence of global attractors in SDEs [1] and the stating of the Hartman-Grobman theorem for this kind of equations [3]. The aim of this paper is to take advantage of the extant conjugacy property between random and stochastic equations in order to construct a numerical method for the integration of SDEs driven by commutative noise. This idea of using an auxiliary RDE for solving a SDE is not new in the context of numerical methods. In fact, it is called the ODE approach for solving SDEs and it has been well studied in the literature [6], [7], [8]. However, this paper is the first attempt of using the conjugacy property for defining a numerical method for SDEs. In this way, our approach opens new opportunities for the comparison of the long-time behavior of SDEs and their numerical approximations. Indeed, it is possible to study the numerical dynamics of a SDE by just analyzing its conjugate RDE, which is possible by simple pathwise classical (deterministic) arguments. A key stone in the derivation of the numerical integrator introduced in this paper is the Local Linearization (LL) technique, which directly allows the use of the analytical expression for the conjugacy between pure noise linear SDEs and RDEs. This linearization approach has been previously used to derive a class of stable and efficient numerical methods for ODEs, RDEs and SDEs (see for instance [9], [10], [11], [12] and references therein). The basic components of the LL approach are the piece-wise linear approximation (by the first order Taylor expansion) of the vector fields and the numerical integration (often exact) of the resulting linear equation. In the case of SDEs, the LL approach has been restricted to the class of equations with additive noise terms or scalar equations with multiplicative noise. Therefore, the application of the LL method to cover wider classes of SDEs is an appealing challenge. In particular, this paper focuses in the class of SDEs driven by (multiplicative) commutative noises. This class includes a number of well-known examples that have been studied in several applied fields, such as the stochastic Duffing-van der Pol oscillator, the noisy harmonic oscillators in potential wells, and the stochastic Lorenz equations [13]. Specifically, the approach followed in this paper results from the combination of the LL technique and the above mentioned conjugacy property to define a LL scheme for the class of commutative-noise SDEs. The implementation of the proposed LL scheme consists of two basic steps: 1) Local approximation of the conjugacy diffeomorfism through the solution of a piecewise pure-diffusion linear SDE driven by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process; and 2) Numerical solution of the piecewise conjugate RDE by the LL method given in [11]. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summaries the main results about the conjugacy between SDEs and RDEs that will be used throughout the paper. In Sections 3 and 4 the new numerical scheme is introduced for single-noise and commutative noise SDEs, respectively. Some 2

implementation issues are also discussed in both sections. Finally, in Section 5, the performance of the new schemes is illustrated through three test examples.


Conjugacy of stochastic and random differential equations

Let wt = (wt1 , ..., wtm ) be a m-dimensional standard Wiener process and let dxt = f0 (xt )dt +

m P


xt0 = x0

fi (xt ) ◦ dwti ,


(1) (2)

be a Stratanovich SDE on Rd with vector fields f0 , ..., fm smooth enough and globally Lipschitz, so that its corresponding flow φ globally exists. Furthermore, assume that, for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m, the Lie product ∂fi ∂fj [fi , fj ] = fj − fi ∂x ∂x satisfies the commutativity condition [fi , fj ] = 0, (3) i denotes the partial derivative of fi with respect to x. where ∂f ∂x Let u : Rm × Rd → Rd be the smooth vector field that satisfies

∂u (z, x) = fi (u(z, x)), i = 1, ..., m, ∂z i u(0, x)= x,


for (z, x) ∈Rm × Rd . In addition, let Φ be the stationary diffeomorfism defined by Φ = u(z0 , ·) and let Φt , t ≥ 0 be the diffeomorfism on Rd that solves the pure-diffusion differential equation dΦt =

m P


fi (Φt ) ◦ dzti ,



Φ0 = Φ, where

dzti = −μzti dt + dwti


is a stationary Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, for all i = 1, ..., m, and μ > 0. Then the following theorem states a conjugacy (defined through Φ) between the SDE (1) and a RDE. Theorem 1 (Theorem 1.3 in [1]) Let (χt )t≥0 be the flow on Rd generated by the random differential equation dyt = g(zt , yt )dt, (7) where g(zt , yt ) = and zt =

(zt1 , .., ztm ).


∂Φt ∂x d

Then, for all x ∈R ,

¶ ¶−1 µ m P i f0 (Φt yt ) + μ fi (Φt yt )zt . i=1

φt (x) = Φt χt (Φ−1 x), where (φt )t≥0 denotes the flow of the equation (1). 3


The following proposition gives an explicit expression for the solution u(z, x) of the system (4). This, in turn, can be used to get explicit expressions for Φt and Φ. Proposition 2 (Proposition 5.1.10 in [14])The solution u(z, x) of the system (4) is given by the composition in any order of the commutative flows ξ fz11 (x), ξfz22 (x), ..., ξ fzmm (x), where for each i = 1, ..., m, the flow ξfzii (x) satisfies the ODE dξfzii (x) = fi (ξfzii (x)), dz i ξf0i (x) = x. Besides, and for all z, z´∈Rm .

u(z + z´, ·) = u(z, ·) ◦ u(z´, ·),


(u(z, ·))−1 = u(−z, ·),


In the next sections the solution xt = φt (x0 ) of (1)-(2) is approximated on the base of the conjugacy relationship (8). This requires the approximation of both, the corresponding conjugacy Φ and the flow χt associated to RDE (7), which will be achieved through a local linearization approach.


Local Linearization method for single-noise SDEs

Consider the single-noise SDE dxt = f0 (xt )dt + f1 (xt ) ◦ dwt ,


with initial condition xt0 = x0 . Let (t)h be a time partition defined as (t)h = {0 = t0 < t1 < ... < tn < ...} , where sup(tn+1 − tn ) ≤ h < 1. n


For all tn ∈ (t)h , let ytn ∈ R be a point close to xtn , and consider the SDE dyt = f0 (yt )dt + (At1n yt + bt1n ) ◦ dwt , tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 ,


with initial point ytn , which is obtained from the local linear approximation (by first-order Taylor expansion) of the vector field f1 around ytn . That is, f1 (yt ) = At1n yt + bt1n , tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 , f1 (yt ) ≈ e

1 where At1n = ∂f (ytn ) and bt1n = f1 (ytn ) − At1n ytn . Then, according to the Local Linearization ∂x approach, the solution ytn+1 of the equation (12) at tn+1 defines a point closed to xtn+1 . In this way, starting with yt0 = xt0 , a sequence of points {ytn } is obtained as an approximation to {xtn }. Equivalently, if φt and φttn denote the flow of the equations (11) and (12) respectively, then

φt (xtn ) ≈ φttn (ytn ), 4

for all tn ∈ (t)h , t ∈ [tn , tn+1 ], which defines the recursive expression ytn+1 = φttnn+1 (ytn ).


for approximating xtn+1 . Moreover, according to Theorem 1, φttn (ytn ) = Φttn χttn ((Φtn )−1 ytn ), tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 ,


where χttn is the flow generated by the random differential equation dvt = g(vt ,zt )dt, tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 , with


∂Φttn g(vt ,zt ) := ∂x


¶−1 ³ ´ tn tn e f0 (Φt vt ) + μf1 (Φt vt )zt .

Besides, by Proposition 2, the conjugacy Φtn is a linear operator on Rd given by Φtn x = exp(At1n ztn )x +

zRtn 0

for x ∈Rd , and so

Φttn x = exp(At1n zt )x +

exp(At1n (ztn − s))bt1n ds,

Rzt 0

exp(At1n (zt − s))bt1n ds

for all t ∈ [tn , tn+1 ]. From (13) and (14) it follows that ytn+1 = Φttnn+1 χttnn+1 ((Φtn )−1 ytn ),


which equivalently defines the Local Linear approximation for xtn+1 in term of the flow of the RDE (15). With the change of variable ut = exp(At1n ztn )vt the recursion (16) can be rewritten as ytn+1 = Φttnn+1 exp(−At1n ztn )utn+1 where the function ut satisfies the RDE dut = qn (ut ,zt )dt utn = exp(At1n ztn )(Φtn )−1 ytn


for all t ∈ [tn , tn+1 ], with qn (ut ,zt ) = exp(At1n zt ) g(exp(−At1n ztn )ut , zt ) h ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ i = exp(−At1n (zt − ztn )) f0 Φttn exp(−At1n ztn )ut + μe f1 Φttn exp(−At1n ztn )ut zt .

If in addition

utn+1 = utn +Fn (utn ,ztn ;hn ), hn = tn+1 − tn .

denotes the approximated solution of the equation (17) at t = tn+1 given by a one-step explicit integrator, then the map (16) can be approximated by the map yn+1 = Φnn+1 [(Φn )−1 yn + exp(−An1 ztn )Fn (exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 ytn , ztn ; hn )] 5

with the initial point y0 = yt0 , where Φn x = exp(An1 ztn )x +

zRtn 0

An1 =

∂f 1 (yn ), ∂x

bn1 = f1 (yn ) − An1 yn and Φnn+1 x


exp(An1 ztn+1 )x

exp(An1 (ztn − s))bn1 ds, x ∈Rd ,



R 0

From the linearity of Φnn+1 follows that

exp(An1 (ztn+1 − s))bn1 ds, x ∈Rd .

yn+1 = Φnn+1 (Φn )−1 yn + exp(An1 ∆zn )Fn (exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 ytn , ztn ; hn ), whereas from properties (9)-(10) it is obtained yn+1 = exp(An1 ∆zn )yn +

∆z Rn 0

exp(An1 (∆zn − s))bn1 ds + exp(An1 ∆zn )Fn (exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 ytn , ztn ; hn ),

where ∆zn := ztn+1 − ztn . Moreover, by using the identity ∆z Rn 0

it is obtained yn+1 = yn +

∆z Rn 0

exp(An1 (∆zn − s))An1 ds = exp(An1 ∆zn ) − Id


exp(An1 (∆zn − s))f1 (yn )ds + exp(An1 ∆zn )Fn (exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn ),

which provides an approximation to xtn+1 in terms of an approximation to the flow of the RDE (17). Here, Id denotes the d−dimensional identity matrix. In principle, any numerical method for RDEs can be used. For instance, the well-known Euler scheme for the equation (15) gives ([15], [16]) Fn (exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn ) = hn (f0 (yn ) + μf1 (yn )ztn ) However, the simulation results presented in [11] indicated that the LL scheme has better performance than Euler and Heun schemes for approximating the dynamics of nonlinear RDEs. Thus, the choice of the LL scheme for the equation (15) is in order. According to Section 2 in [11], the LL scheme gives Fn (exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn ) = L0 exp (Cn hn )R0 , where

⎛ ∂Fn

Cn = ⎝


(un , ztn ) 0 0

∂Fn n (un , ztn ) ∆z ∂zt hn

0 0


⎞ Fn (un , ztn ) ⎠ ∈ R(d+2)×(d+2) , 1 0

L0 = [Id 0d×2 ] and R0 = [01×(d+1) 1]| , with un Fn (un , ztn ) ∂Fn (un , ztn ) ∂u ∂Fn (un , ztn ) ∂zt and An0 =

∂f 0 (yn ). ∂x

= exp(An1 ztn )(Φn )−1 yn = f0 (yn ) + μf1 (yn )ztn , = An0 + μAn1 ztn , = An0 f1 (yn ) − An1 f0 (yn ) + μf1 (yn ),


yn+1 = yn +

∆z Rn 0

exp(An1 (∆zn − s))f1 (yn )ds + exp(An1 ∆zn )L0 exp (Cn hn )R0 ,

which by Theorem 1 in [17] can be rewritten as yn+1 = yn + L1 exp (Dn ∆zn )R1 + exp(An1 ∆zn )L0 exp (Cn hn )R0 , where

µ n A1 Dn = 0


¶ f1 (yn ) ∈ R(d+1)×(d+1) , 0

L1 = [Id 0d×1 ] and R1 = [01×d 1]| . The recursive expression (19) defines finally the conjugated LL approximation to the solution of the single-noise SDE (11) for all tn ∈ (t)h . For computational purposes and according to Theorem 1 in [17] the above scheme can be rewritten as yn+1 = yn + v1 (yn ) + B(yn )v2 (yn ), (20) where the d−dimensional vectors v1 (yn ), v2 (yn ) and the d × d matrix B(yn ) are defined in the following block matrices µ µ ¶ ¶ B(yn ) v1 (yn ) − v2 (yn ) = exp (Dn ∆zn ) and = exp (Cn hn ). − − − − It is obvious that the main computational task for implementing the scheme (20) is the computation of matrix exponentials. A number of algorithms are available for this purpose. For instance, those based on rational Padé approximations, the Schur decomposition or Krylov subspace methods (see [18] and [19] for excellent reviews). The choice of one of them will mainly depend on the size and structure of the matrices Cn and Dn in (20). For high dimensional matrices, Krylov subspace methods are strongly recommended. For matrices of certain special structures, several algorithms are presented in [20]. Nowadays, professional mathematical softwares, such as MATLAB, providing efficient codes that implement a number of such algorithms. On this basis, the numerical evaluation of the scheme under consideration can be carried out in an effective, accurate and simple way. Similar implementations for computing the LL method for ODEs and SDEs have been elaborated in [21], where more details about related issues can be found.



Local Linearization method for commutative-noise case

The approach followed in the previous section can be directly extended to more general equations. So, consider the commutative-noise SDE dxt = f0 (xt )dt +

m P


xt0 = x0 .

fi (xt ) ◦ dwti ,


with m > 1. For this, in addition to the commutative condition (3), suppose that ∂f i ∂f j ∂f j ∂f i − =0 ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x


also holds, for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ m and x ∈Rd . Conditions (3) and (22) are required for applying the conjugacy theorem 1 to the local linear approximations of the equation (21). It is worth to note that there is a number of classes of SDEs satisfying both assumptions. Example are the d−dimensional systems of the form dxit = ai (x1t , .., xdt )dt + bi (xit )dwti , i = 1..d and dxit = ai (x1t , .., xdt )dt, dxdt = ad (x1t , .., xdt )dt +

i = 1..d − 1,

m P


bj (x1t , .., xdt )dwtj ,

which include a number of well-known equations such as Shiga model [28] in the framework of genetics and the general stochastic Duffing-van der Pol oscillator considered in [29], just for mention a few. Similarly to the previous section, the LL scheme will be obtained from the linearization of the vector fields fi around each point ytn ∈ Rd closed to xtn .That is, fi (xt ) ≈ e fi (xt ) = Atin xt + btin , tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 ,

i (ytn ) and btin = fi (ytn ) − Atin ytn . Thus, according to for all tn ∈ (t)h and i = 1, .., m, where Atin = ∂f ∂x the Local Linearization approach, the solution ytn+1 of the equation

dyt = f0 (yt )dt +

m P e fi (yt ) ◦ dwt , tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 ,



at tn+1 defines a point closed to xtn+1 . It is easy to see that conditions (3) and (22) guarantee the commutativity of the vector fields e fi as well, i.e., the linear SDE (23) is also driven by commutative noise. Therefore, Theorem 1 applied to (23) yields to the approximation φt (xtn ) ≈ φttn (ytn ) := Φttn χttn ((Φtn )−1 ytn ), tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 between the flow φt of the SDEs (21) and the flow χttn of the piecewise RDE ¶ µ tn ¶−1 µ m P ∂Φt tn tn i e dyt = f0 (Φt yt ) + μ fi (Φt yt )zt dt, tn ≤ t ≤ tn+1 . ∂x i=1 8

In this case, Proposition 2 gives Φtn x = ξfz11,tn ◦ ξfz22,tn ◦ ... ◦ ξfzmtm,tn (x), tn



and Φttn x = ξfz11,tn ◦ ξfz22,tn ◦ ... ◦ ξfzmtm,tn (x), t




ξfzii,tn t


exp(Atin zti )x


Rzt 0

exp(Atin (zti − s))btin ds

Similarly to the previous section, it can be seen that the expression ytn+1 = Φttnn+1 exp(−

m P


Atin ztin ) utn+1

provides an approximation to xtn , for all tn ∈ (t)h , where the function ut satisfies the RDE (24)

dut = qn (ut , zt )dt m P utn = exp( Atin ztn )(Φtn )−1 ytn , i=1

for all t ∈ [tn , tn+1 ], with qn (ut ,zt ) = exp(

m P


= exp(−

Atin ztin )g(exp(−

m P


m P


Atin ztin )ut , zt )

Atin (zti − ztin ))[f0 (Φttn exp(−

m P


Atin ztin )ut ) + μ

m m P P e fi (Φttn exp(− Atin ztin )ut ) zti ].



Moreover, if a one-step map Fn is defined as in the previous section, it is obtained the recursion yn+1 = Φnn+1 (Φn )−1 yn + exp(

m P


with initial point y0 = yt0 , where

Ani ∆zni ) Fn (exp(

m P


Ani ztin )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn )

Φnn+1 x = ξzf11,n ◦ ξ zf22,n ◦ ... ◦ ξ zfmtm,n (x), tn+1


and Φ :=

Φnn ,



with zti

ξzfii,n t



Ani = that

∂f i (yn ), ∂x

exp(Ani ztin+1 )x




exp(Ani (ztin+1 − s))bni ds,

bni = fi (yn ) − Ani yn and ∆zni = ztin+1 − ztin . Again, by using (9), (10) and (18) follows

f1 ,n f2 ,n fm ,n yn+1 = ξ∆z 1 ◦ ξ ∆z 2 ◦ ... ◦ ξ ∆z m (yn ) + exp( n n n

m P


= yn +

m P


i=1 m P

+ exp(


i−1 P


Anj ∆znj )

i ∆z Rn


Ani ∆zni ) Fn (exp(

Ani ∆zni ) Fn (exp(

exp(Ani (∆zni − s))fi (yn )ds

m P


m P


Ani ztin )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn ). 9

Ani ztin )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn )

Finally, as in the previous section, if the LL scheme is used to approximate the solution of RDE (24) then m P Fn (exp( Ani ztin )(Φn )−1 yn , ztn ; hn ) = L0 exp (Cn hn )R0 , i=1


m P

∂qn ⎜ ∂u (un , ztn )

Cn = ⎜ ⎝



0 0

⎞ qn (un , ztn )⎟ ⎟ ∈ R(d+2)×(d+2) , ⎠ 1 0

j ∂qn ∆zn (u , z ) n t j n ∂z hn

0 0

un = exp(

m P


Ani ztin )(Φn )−1 yn ,

qn (un , ztn ) = f0 (yn ) + μ

m P


fi (yn )ztin ,

m P ∂qn (un , ztn ) = An0 + μ Ani ztin , ∂u i=1 ∂qn (un , ztn ) = An0 fj (yn ) − Anj f0 (yn ) + μfj (yn ). ∂z j

and An0 =

∂f 0 (yn ). ∂x

yn+1 = yn +

In this way, the recursive expression

m P



i−1 P


Anj ∆znj )L1 exp (Din ∆zni )R1 + exp(

m P


Ani ∆zni )L0 exp (Cn hn )R0 ,


with initial point y0 = x0 , defines the conjugated LL approximation to the solution of the commutativenoise SDE (21), for all tn ∈ (t)h , where µ n ¶ Ai fi (yn ) i Dn = ∈ R(d+1)×(d+1) , 0 0 and L0 , L1 , R0 , R1 are defined as in the previous section. For computational purposes, Theorem 1 in [17] yields to the scheme yn+1 = yn +

m i−1 m P Q Q ( Bj (yn ))v1i (yn ) + Bi (yn )v2 (yn ),

i=1 j=1


where the d−dimensional vectors v1i (yn ), v2 (yn ) and the d × d matrices Bi (yn ) are defined by the following block matrices ¶ ¶ µ i µ B (yn ) v1i (yn ) − v2 (yn ) i = exp (Dn ∆zn ) and = exp (Cn hn ). − − − −


Numerical Simulations

In this section the performance of the LL method is illustrated by means of three test examples. In all examples, the parameter μ of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process zt was chosen as μ = 1. The first 10

one corresponds to the stochastic Duffing-van der Pol oscillator with a single multiplicative noise in the position, which is described by the stochastic differential equation dx1 = x2 dt dx2 = (−αx1 + βx2 − x21 (x1 + x2 ))dt + σx1 ◦ dwt , x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 1


where β is the damping parameter, α the parameter controlling the strength of the restoring force, and σ is the intensity of the noise. A number of works have been carried out for studying the dynamical behavior of this equation (see [22] and references therein). Of particular interest has been the investigation of the stochastic bifurcation scenario of this system [23]. It is well-known that the deterministic Duffing-van der Pol oscillator (σ = 0) exhibits a Hopf bifurcation for the value β = 0 (considered as bifurcation parameter) and fixed α. That is, the fixed point (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0) is a global attractor for β ≤ 0 and becomes unstable for β > 0, where the new attractor takes the form of a topological disc. Formally, the Hopf bifurcation can be investigated by analyzing the two eigenvalues of the linearization at zero as functions of the parameter β. In the stochastic case the analysis is rather complicated. Indeed, the above mentioned eigenvalues need to be replaced by the Lyapunov exponents of the SDE (26). In this case the origin remains as a stable fixed point as long as the top Lyapunov exponent λ1 (as function of the bifurcation parameter β) be negative. Hence, stability is lost when λ1 becomes positive and two different qualitative behavior emerges, which depends on the sign of the second Lyapunov exponent λ2 . The simulation results presented in this section focus on the three different qualitative scenarios given by the conditions λ2 < 0 < λ1 , λ2 < λ1 < 0 and 0 < λ2 < λ1 , respectively. As in the deterministic case, the second scenario corresponds to a global attractor (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0). The case λ2 < 0 < λ1 is associated with the hyperbolic (saddle) scenario and for the third one the fixed point (0, 0) is a repealer, leading to a topological disc type global attractor. The simulations below are going to show the performance of the introduced LL method in these three different qualitative scenarios. For this purpose, the value of the parameter is chosen as α = |β|2 , for which it is known from [24] that λ1

γ 1/3 1/3 Γ( 12 ) , 12 = β+ 2 Γ( 16 )


γ 1/3 1/3 Γ( 12 ) , 12 = β− 2 Γ( 16 )


with γ = σ2 . Hence, by fixing σ, the three scenarios can be reproduced by a suitable choice of the parameter β. Three different combination of these parameters were used for the integration of the system (26) on 0 ≤ t ≤ 50. Figure 1 shows the comparison among the Milstein scheme, the implicit Euler scheme and the LL scheme (20) for the hyperbolic fixed point scenario (λ2 < 0 < λ1 ), corresponding to the values σ = 3, β = −0.5 and α = 0.25. Rows correspond to approximations obtained with different step-sizes h = 2−3 , 2−4 , 2−7 . For the sake of comparison, in this and in the figures below, all phase portraits are plotted at the same discrete times associated with the coarsest partition (t)hmax , where hmax = 2−3 . It is seen that all the plots in the right column are more similar to those in the last row, which evidences the well performance of the LL method even for the moderately large step size h = 2−3 . Notice that the explicit Milstein scheme (first column) shows the poorest performance. 11

Figure 2 shows the trajectories obtained by said three schemes around the asymptotically stable fixed point (0, 0) (corresponding to λ2 < λ1 < 0). In this case the parameters of the equation (26) were chosen as σ = 3, β = −1.2 and α = 1.44. As in Figure 1, the Milstein scheme does not perform well for the largest step size h = 2−3 in comparison with the implicit Euler and LL schemes. Also notice that even for large step-sizes h = 2−3 and h = 2−4 , the LL scheme correctly reproduces fine details of the exact solution around the stable fixed point. Figure 3 shows the repealer fixed point scenario (0 < λ2 < λ1 ) corresponding to σ = 3, β = 2 and α = 4. Notice that the approximation provided by the Milstein scheme does not reconstruct at all the actual dynamics of the system. In fact, this provides an approximation that explodes at time t = 9. In contrast, the LL method shows a well performance for all step sizes. It can be concluded from these figures that the behavior of the LL scheme is very similar to that of the implicit Euler scheme for all step sizes. However, the implicit Euler scheme requires much more computational effort than the LL method. This is demonstrated in Table I, which shows the relative CPU time for each numerical scheme with respect to the explicit Milstein scheme. Notice that the CPU time for the LL method is around 30 times lower than that for the implicit Euler method.

Scheme Milstein Local Linearization Implicit Euler Relative CPU time 1 2.8396 85.7914 T ableI. Relative CPU times for different numerical schemes. The second example is the stochastic planar Brusselator [25] dx1 = [(a − 1)x1 + ax21 + (1 + x1 )2 x2 ]dt + σx1 (1 + x1 ) ◦ dwt dx2 = [−αx1 (1 + x1 ) − (1 + x1 )2 x2 ]dt − σx1 (1 + x1 ) ◦ dwt , x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 0.5,


whose classical deterministic version has been used for modeling unforced periodic oscillations in certain chemical reactions. This equation has been well-studied in the context of the theory of RDS in [26]. The deterministic Brusselator (σ = 0) has a fixed point (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0), which is stable for 0 < a ≤ 2, unstable for a > 2 and and undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at the value a = 2. For the stochastic case (σ 6= 0), it was shown in [27] that the Lyapunov exponents remain negatives for the whole range of the parameter a and two different qualitative scenarios emerges. Namely, an asymptotically stable fixed point for a < 2 and a "limit cycle" for a > 2. It is well known that even in the deterministic case, many numerical methods fail to integrate equation (27) for a > 2 and moderate large step sizes. Figure 4 shows the phase-portraits of this equation obtained by the Milstein, implicit Euler, and Local Linearization schemes for different values of the parameter σ, with a = 3 fixed. For each scheme, the plots show the approximations obtained over 0 ≤ t ≤ 200 with step-size h = 2−5 . Notice that, for larger values of σ, the Milstein scheme lead to numerical explosions. On the contrary, the LL method shows more stable behavior for each value of the noise level σ. The final example corresponds to the stochastic Duffing-van der Pol oscillator with both a multi-


plicative and an additive noise. This is described by the equation dx1 = x2 dt dx2 = (−αx1 + βx2 − x21 (x1 + x2 ))dt + σ 1 x1 ◦ dwt1 + σ 2 ◦ dwt2 , x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 1,


where the parameters α, β are as in Example 1, and σ1 , σ 2 represent the intensities of the two independent noises. This equation was numerically integrated on the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 50 and the parameters were chosen as σ 1 = 1, β = 1, α = 1 and σ 2 = 8. Figure 5 shows the results obtained with the step-sizes h = 2−3 , 2−4 , 2−7 by the LL scheme (25) and by the Milstein and implicit Euler as well. As in the previous figures, the LL method has a similar behavior to the implicit Euler scheme. Notice also that this result agrees with the ones reported by [1], which states the existence of a global attractor for the system (28). The results of this section evidence that the LL scheme introduced in this paper achieves a convenient trade-off between numerical stability and computational cost, and reproduces the dynamics of SDEs much better than standard explicit integrators. This agrees with similar results reported with LL schemes for ODEs, RDEs and SDEs with additive noise.


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Legend of Figures Figure 1. Comparison of the Milstein, implicit Euler and Local Linearization schemes in the integration of the equation (26), with values σ = 3, β = −0.5 , α = 0.25 corresponding to the strange attractor type scenario (λ2 < 0 < λ1 ). For each scheme, the phase-portraits show the approximations obtained with step-sizes h = 2−3 , 2−4 , 2−7 . Figure 2. Trajectories of the Milstein, implicit Euler and Local Linearization schemes around the fixed point (0, 0), corresponding to the scenario (λ2 < λ1 < 0) of the system (26) with parameters σ = 3, β = −1.2 and α = 1.44. For each scheme, the phase-portraits show the approximations obtained with step-sizes h = 2−3 , 2−4 , 2−7 . Figure 3. Comparison of the Milstein, implicit Euler and Local Linearization scheme in the integration of the equation (26), with values σ = 3, β = 2 and α = 4 corresponding to the limit cycle scenario (0 < λ2 < λ1 ). For each scheme, the phase-portraits show the approximations obtained with step-sizes h = 2−3 , 2−4 , 2−7 . Figure 4. Phase-portraits of the equation (27) obtained by Milstein, implicit Euler and Local Linearization schemes for different values of the parameter σ, with a = 3 fixed. For each scheme, the plots show the approximations obtained with step-size h = 2−5 . Figure 5. Comparison of the Milstein, implicit Euler and Local Linearization scheme in the integration of the equation (28) with values σ 1 = 1, σ 2 = 8, β = 1, α = 1 corresponding to a limit cycle scenario. For each scheme, the phase-portraits show the approximations obtained with step-sizes h = 2−3 , 2−4 , 2−7 .


σ = 0.3


Local Linearization















−6 −2

σ = 0.4

Implicit Euler






−6 −2





−6 −2
















−6 −2





−6 −2





−6 −2














x 10 1

σ = 0.5












−1 −2 −3



−6 −2

2 154

x 10





−6 −2


Implicit Euler

h = 2−3


Local Linearization











h = 2−4

−50 −10




−20 −5



−20 −5













−20 −5

h = 2−7




−20 −5



−20 −5













−20 −5



−20 −5



−20 −5







h = 2−3


h = 2−4

Local Linearization





































h = 2−7

Implicit Euler














































h = 2−3


h = 2−4

Local Linearization


























h = 2−7

Implicit Euler































Implicit Euler

h = 2−3


Local Linearization











h = 2−4

−100 −6





−20 −5



−20 −5













−20 −5

h = 2−7




−20 −5



−20 −5













−20 −5



−20 −5



−20 −5







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