
Oconee County Middle School

1101 Mars Hill Road Watkinsville, GA 30677 706-769-3575 (Fax) 706-769-3572 Office Hours-- 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM

Dr. Suzanne Bryant Miller, Principal Mr. Dallas LeDuff, Assistant Principal (students whose last names begin with A-L) Mrs. Jennifer Adams, Assistant Principal (students whose last names begin with M-Z)

Revised July 29, 2015


OCONEE COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOLS GENERAL INFORMATION The purpose of the Oconee County Middle School handbook is to provide information for our students and parents. Every effort has been made to provide clear and concise information; however, this handbook may not be an exhaustive or thorough presentation of all procedures. The Oconee District Handbook is also included on our website to provide additional procedures and policies for our schools. Information is subject to change and we will do our best to communicate any changes. ACADEMIC DAY One of the goals of the Oconee County School System is to offer relevant, challenging middle school programs that embrace current research to challenge the middle school learner. The core academic curriculum includes mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. Curriculum for classes in middle school covers the objectives set forth by the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) and the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). Materials for these classes are available for review throughout the year. Connections courses are taught at all grade levels. Examples of connections courses are: Art, Family and Consumer Science, Band, Chorus, Agriculture, Computers, Foreign Language, and Physical Education. We also have Extended Learning Time for students who need additional assistance with Reading and/or Math. Connection Course offerings may change from year to year according to the needs of students as well as staff availability. Band and Chorus are yearlong courses. PE is a semester-long class and incorporate Health standards. Our teachers work together in Professional Learning Communities to support our belief that by working together we can support students’ learning needs through honest effort and determination. We expect students to be successful and achieve at high levels. We are committed to developing student leaders and problem solvers as well as high achievers. ACADEMICS Students will receive numerical grades in all classes every nine weeks with a semester and yearly grade. The current grading scale is: A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-70 F = below 70 Teachers will use two categories for grades, Formative and Summative. Formative grades will be taken for assignments where students are acquiring (forming) the knowledge of the academic standards. Summative grades will be taken for assignments where students are demonstrating their mastery of the standards. Summative grades are typically, but not always, tests, major projects, and other types of culminating assignments or activities. Summative grades will be 70%, and Formative grades will be 30% of the students overall grade. End-of-Course Milestone assessments count 20% of the overall course grade. Parents and students are encouraged to use Power School as a tool to monitor academic progress. Students and parents will be reminded to check grades at the 4½ weeks and 9 weeks each quarter. If a parent wishes to receive a printed report card prior to the end of the school year we will be happy to provide one upon request. If you need assistance with Power School please contact the OCMS office. At the end of each academic year, students who have made satisfactory progress in their subjects, and in system criteria, are promoted to the next grade level. If grade promotion is a school concern, parents are notified by the school in advance and a cooperative effort is made by all involved personnel to ensure the student’s successful completion of the grade. KEY FACTORS FOR CLASSROOM SUCCESS

 Be prepared for class.  Keep, and utilize, an assignment tool (agenda book, planner, etc.).  Complete, and turn in, assignments on time.  Ask questions.  Seek extra help.  Develop good note-taking skills.  Manage and budget time wisely.  Keep an organized notebook.  Keep a neat and organized locker. Revised July 29, 2015


  

Plan review sessions 1-2 weeks before a test. Spend one hour or more on homework each night. Respect the space and property of yourself and others.

ACCEPTABLE USE GUIDELINES BRING YOUR OWN TECHNOLOGY (BYOT) The following are OCMS guidelines which are in addition to the OCS Acceptable Use guidelines found in the OCS Student Handbook, which is also posted on our webpage. 1. The use of technology is not a necessity but a privilege! Inappropriate usage may result in the loss of this privilege. 2. Students must ALWAYS use the district Wi-Fi when accessing the internet. 3. OCMS teachers will determine when students are allowed to use technology in the classroom, and students are expected to follow the teachers’ direction. 4. Cell phones must be on silent mode and placed face-down on the student’s desk/table during class, unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. 5. Students using technology with malicious intent, or for purposes of academic dishonesty, may be subject to administrative consequences. 6. Cell phones are not to be used for personal communication, such as sending and/or receiving text messages and phone calls, during the school day. If a parent needs to get in touch with a student during the day, please call the front office. If a student needs to contact a parent, we have a phone in the front office for that purpose. 8. The school is not responsible for a student’s personal device if stolen, lost, or damaged. 9. Students should not physically share their devices with other students without parent permission. 10. Students should never touch another person’s device without that person’s prior consent. OCMS teachers may use the following vocabulary when referring to the use of SMART phones in the classroom: Out - device is to be on silent mode, and placed face-down on the desk/table. Up – ready for use during class. Away – power to the device is off, and the devise is put away (typically out of the classroom) – this will occur during testing. Oconee County Middle School students will follow the OCS Technology Agreement as stated in the Student Handbook and on the OCMS website. Failure to comply with these guidelines could result in disciplinary consequences. ACCIDENTS We pride ourselves in taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all our students at all times. However, despite our best efforts an accident may occasionally occur. Any student who is injured during school or at a school event will be assisted by a staff member. The staff member may provide reasonable care as needed or refer your student to the school clinic. Parents will be notified regarding any significant injury. An accident report will be completed by the supervising staff member if needed. AFTER –SCHOOL EVENTS Students and parents are encouraged to attend after-school events to support the students and staff of OCMS. If a student is remaining after school for an event, of any kind, the student may NOT leave campus (unless escorted by an adult) and return to campus. This helps to ensure the safety of our students. ARRIVAL TO, AND DISMISSAL FROM, SCHOOL School begins promptly at 8:15 AM daily. We encourage students to arrive by 8:05 AM to ensure a smooth beginning of the day. Sixth grade students arriving prior to 8:05AM should report to the Locker Forum. All other students arriving prior to 8:05 should report to the gym. At 8:05 AM students are released from the Locker Forum and gym to go to their lockers and report to homeroom. STUDENTS WHO ARRIVE TO SCHOOL AFTER 8:15 A.M. ARE TARDY TO SCHOOL AND MUST SIGN-IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE. Unless a parent escorts the student to the Front Office, or provides a written note as to why the student was late, the tardy is considered unexcused. We encourage our students to eat a healthy breakfast prior to the school day. Our cafeteria offers breakfast from 7:30AM to 8:05 AM. Parents may access their student’s meal account at https://www.lunchprepay.com .

Revised July 29, 2015


Parents should drop-off and/or pick-up their student only at the MAIN ENTRANCE of the school. These procedures are in place to provide supervision and safety for the students. Parents are encouraged to follow the school’s procedures (see information listed under Car Riders) to ensure student safety at all times. Parents are discouraged from checking out their student after 3:00PM except in emergency situations. Transportation (bus) information can be found at the OCS webpage, under the tab Offices, Operations and Student Services. If a student needs to ride a bus, from a different route, in the afternoon, a parent/guardian must write a note requesting the change. The student needs to submit the note to the OCMS Front Office Secretary no later than the beginning of first period. The note must include a current phone number where the parent can be reached. If confirmation of the note cannot be determined, the student will not be given permission to ride an alternate route bus. ATHLETICS/OCONEE COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOLS        

Football - Interscholastic sport that takes place from August to October. Basketball- Interscholastic sport for boys and girls that takes place from late October to early February. Cheerleading- Tryouts usually take place in March. The activity ranges from August to March. It entails spirit support in cheering for football and basketball. Softball- Interscholastic sport for girls that takes place from early August to the end of September. Tryouts take place each year in May. Track- For Boys and Girls. Begins in March and concludes in late April. Cross Country – For Boys and Girls. It begins in late August and ends in early October. Boys and Girls Soccer- This is an interscholastic sport that takes place in the spring. Volleyball- This is an interscholastic sport for girls that takes place from August to late September.

ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY - MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT ELIGIBILITY Extracurricular athletic eligibility is determined by School Board Policy. For determining student eligibility, the grading period shall be a semester. A period of one semester shall also be the minimum length of the ineligibility. Student shall be eligible if he/she passes five (5) subjects that carry credit toward grade promotion during the prior semester. Connection courses taken in the same semester shall be averaged together and counted as one course grade towards eligibility. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Student must have a certificate of an annual physical examination on file at the school prior to participating in any athletic try-outs, practices, or games that indicates the student is physically approved to participate. Physical examinations will be good for twelve (12) months from the date of exam. Forms are available in the main office. If a student does not have an up-to-date physical examination on file, the student will not be able to participate in an organized sport at the school. Student athletes must be able to show proof of current health insurance coverage prior to participating in a sport. ATHLETICS/PRACTICES Football, Girls and Boys Basketball, Girls Softball, Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Track, and Cross Country are possible interscholastic offerings at the middle school level. Practices are intended for participation by those students playing those respective sports. Students who are not participants with those teams are not allowed to stay after school to attend the team practices. Students may not attend practices, and/or games, on the day serving In-School Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension. ATTENDANCE STATEMENT The attendance protocol can be found in the OCS Student Handbook on our OCMS website and will require the signature of both the parent/guardian and the student (if age 10 years or older). Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period to verify student’s attendance at school.

Revised July 29, 2015


BOOKBAGS After being dismissed to go to homeroom, students are to go to their lockers and put their bookbag away for the day. Students scheduled in PE may take a drawstring back to PE class to hold their PE attire. Students have two scheduled locker breaks during the day to obtain materials needed for class. CAFETERIA The cafeteria provides breakfast, hot lunches, salads and sandwiches daily.      

Students eat lunch at the time that is appointed for their particular class. Students may either buy lunch in the cafeteria or bring their own lunch from home. Students who bring lunch are discouraged from bringing carbonated soft drinks since those cannot be available during school lunch time. Boxed fruit drinks, or juices, such as “sip-ups” are permitted. Parents are discouraged from bringing a “fast food” lunch to their students. When this occurs students will be not be allowed to eat the lunch in the cafeteria but will eat in the front office. OCMS has several microwave ovens in the cafeteria for students to heat various frozen, boxed meals or leftovers from home. Ice treats are available for purchase. Free and Reduced Lunch forms can be found as a link on the OCS and OCMS webpages.

2015-16 Meal Prices OCMS will follow the price guidelines set by the county nutrition office for both breakfast and lunch. Links to meal prices, and weekly menus, can be found on the OCS web page, under the tab Offices, Operations and Student Services. CAR RIDERS Parents who drive students to school are asked to drop students off no earlier than 7:30AM. and pick them up no later than 3:45PM. Parents are also asked to drop off and pick up their student in the car rider line at the MAIN ENTRANCE of the school and not the bus loading, gym area, parking lots, or cafeteria side of the school. This will ensure safety of all. CARE OF PROPERTY Students are urged to take pride in the appearance of their school. Students may be required to pay for any damage they cause to the property of our school. CARE OF VALUABLES/LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES Oconee County Middle School makes every attempt to help students safeguard their valuables. We suggest placing name labels on personal articles and clothing and using lockers to safeguard them. The school will not be responsible for personal items lost at school. Students should not bring large amounts of money or valuables to school. Lost and Found is located in the front office. Lockers, including PE Lockers, are expected to be LOCKED at all times when not in use. Personal items should be locked in the lockers. CLUBS AND INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES Students may participate in a variety of clubs and activities. Students are encouraged to view the OCMS webpage and listen to the daily announcements to determine which clubs are of interest, and when those clubs meet. COMMUNICATION Parent-student-teacher conferences are highly encouraged. Consistent, positive contact between home and school facilitates trust and enhances student opportunities for personal and academic success. Please feel free to contact your student’s team of teachers to determine a convenient meeting date and time for all parties. Also, you can call during the school day and speak with guidance counselors for possible conference times. Mrs. Amber England works with the students whose last names begin with the letters A-L. Ms. Jessica Dickerson works with the students whose last names Revised July 29, 2015


begin with the letters M-Z. The guidance counselors are also available for conferences regarding test scores, placement, and personal situations. We ask that you do not come to talk to a teacher without prior notification. This is an effort to preserve instructional time in our classrooms and minimize disruptions in the instructional day. If you have an emergency, please feel free to speak with someone in the office or an administrator. Mr. Dallas LeDuff, Assistant Principal, works with the students whose last names begin with the letters AL. Mrs. Jennifer Adams, Assistant Principal, works with the students whose last names begin with the letters M-Z. All OCMS Staff will make every effort to return communication within one work day. Each OCMS teacher is required to have a web presence. You can find a link to each OCMS teacher on the OCMS webpage. The link will take you to the teacher’s classroom information. OCMS teachers will also be using a tool called Remind to send out quick text messages to those parents who sign up. More about that will be coming from your student’s teachers. Middle School students are encouraged to use a planner/agenda as an instructional tool. A school planner is available during Meet the Teacher. If your student should lose his/her planner, you may go to our Front Office for a replacement. Our goal is to help students improve their academic performance and parent communication through the use of the agenda. The school uses Blackboard Connect to send mass emails, and recorded messages, to parents/guardians. For this tool to be used successfully we MUST have your updated email address, and phone number. You should make sure your contact information is current, and correct, in Power School. If you do not have access to Power School you will need to come into the front office and see a clerk. You will need a picture ID to receive Power School secure information. Other communications tools such as Braves Bulletin (a monthly newsletter) and Coffee & Conversation (a real-time informational meeting) will also be utilized. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. DANCES Dances are scheduled during the school year. Only Oconee County Middle school students are allowed to attend school dances and the admission price, if any, is announced beforehand. The school dress code should be followed at all school events. The Oconee Schools Code of Conduct applies to school functions. Any student who is in In-School Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension may not attend school dances, athletic practices, or athletic competitions on the day of suspension. DISCIPLINE Our goal at OCMS is educating students by providing them a rigorous, relevant education. This includes guiding them to become self-disciplined young people. Individual classroom teachers issue consequences to students for rule violations, or infractions, following the school-wide, progressive, discipline plan (refer to the teacher’s syllabus). Incidents of more serious nature, or multiple infractions, may necessitate that school administration investigate the incident and provide appropriate consequences. A complete system- wide Code of Conduct is provided on the OCMS website. It is important that students and parents read and discuss these documents. Students and parents are expected to sign documentation that the Code of Conduct has been read. If you have questions regarding a discipline issue, please contact your student’s administrator. PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) In addition to the Code of Conduct, OCMS is implements PBIS, which stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Students will receive explicit instruction about appropriate behavior and expectations in the classroom and throughout the campus. There will be rewards for expected behaviors, as well as consequences for inappropriate behaviors. You can view the PBIS Matrix (Rubric) on the OCMS webpage. DETENTION – BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL Students who violate school rules may be assigned detention. Teacher detention days will vary according to the teacher. Students who arrive late for the assigned detention may be required to serve an additional detention. Students who do not attend detention (unexcused) could be assigned to ISS by an administrator. Twenty-four hour notice should be given to the student prior to the detention. An instructional assignment will be provided to all students as needed. Parents should communicate to the teacher if the student, at the last minute, is unable to attend the detention. DISCLAIMER Any policy or procedural changes that take place after the online posting of the student handbook will be sent home with the student. Such changes will supersede what may be listed in this handbook. Revised July 29, 2015


DRESS CODE A goal of OCMS is to develop student leaders. We want students to learn behaviors and develop habits that will support a successful future. Learning to select appropriate dress for school is part of learning work- readiness skills. Students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for school. Dress that may be acceptable outside of school may not be appropriate for school and school functions. Students have growth spurts and clothing will need on-going evaluation. The following are some general guidelines:  Skirts/dresses: May not be shorter than 3” above the knee (as measured by a ruler or a 3 X 5 index card). Girl’s tights or leggings may only be worn with a skirt/dress that meets this requirement.  Shorts/skorts: May not be shorter than 5” above the knee (as measured by a ruler or a 3 X 5 index card). Skirts with shorts attached are considered skorts. Girl’s tights or leggings may only be worn with a skirt/dress that meets this requirement.  Shirts/blouses: Must be below the waistline even with arms raised above the head or when the student is seated, and not reveal cleavage. Sleeveless tops should be no less than 2 inches in width on the shoulders. Men’s/boys’ shirts must have sleeves.  Pants: Men’s/boys’ pants must be worn at the natural waist. Oversized pants should be worn with a belt so that they may fit at the waist. The following items are prohibited: 1. Headgear in the building. NO headgear may be worn in the building or gym. This includes, but is not limited to, caps, hats, bandanas, “do” rags, sweatbands around the head, etc. Hats may be worn outside before and after school. 2.

Dark glasses in the building.

3. Inappropriate tops. These include unbuttoned shirts/blouses, halter tops, tank tops, spaghetti strap tops, tube tops, sheer tops, any top which allows the midriff and/or back to show at any time, and/or tops that reveal cleavage. Sleeveless tops for females should be no less than 2 inches in width on the shoulders. Sleeveless shirts are not allowed for male students. 4. Any type of apparel that implies membership or affiliation with any non-school sanctioned group or organization. Attire that represents nationally recognized youth organizations and church groups, such as Boy Scouts, 4-H, Royal Ambassadors, etc. are permissible. 5.

Spiked accessories or chains longer than 6 inches when attached to a wallet.

6. Any type of clothing which displays logos or words (expressed or implied) that refer to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vulgarity, profanity, sex, or ethnic slurs may not be worn. 7.

Pants/jeans/shorts that are ripped, torn, or laced up (at or above the knee).

8. Pajama tops and/or pants and/or bedroom slippers or clothing resembling sleep wear. Nylon mesh wind suits that fit appropriately are acceptable. Consequences: Students who violate the OCMS dress code will be sent to an administrator. Students will change into the appropriate clothing before returning to class or be sent to in-school suspension (ISS) for the day if no appropriate clothing is available. School-issued alternative clothing should be laundered and returned to school the next school day.  1st Offense: Warning/ Change clothes or go to ISS for the rest of the day  2nd Offense: Change clothes or go to ISS for the rest of the day, plus one day admin detention  3rd Offense: Change clothes or go to ISS for the rest of the day, plus three days admin detention  All others: Three (3) days ISS Per the OCS Student Code of Conduct: The school administration is responsible for the enforcement of the school dress code, and has, at their discretion, the right to assign the appropriate disposition for those students who violate the school dress code. EARLY DISMISSALS Only parents/legal guardians/or designated people on the student’s information card or enrollment papers can sign a student out of school. Students who return to school that same day are to sign in at the office to let the office personnel know that they have returned. OCMS utilizes an identification system called Identakid. Parents/guardians wishing to check out a student, or enter the school building for a meeting, will be required to show a picture ID. Revised July 29, 2015


If a student becomes sick while at school, the student should report to the clinic. Permission to be dismissed can be granted only when the student’s parent/legal guardian can be contacted by phone and the dismissal procedure is approved. OCMS has a nurse on campus from 7:45 AM to 3:45 PM daily. The forms for administration of medication can be found on our school website. Students may NOT be in possession of prescription, or over-the-counter medication, while at school (there are exceptions to this rule- see the OCS student handbook or speak with the school nurse). Consequences will be given for students who violate this rule. EMERGENCY PLANS Detailed emergency management plans are in place at OCMS and are designed to provide guidelines in response to a variety of emergency situations. They are reviewed several times during the year and drills are conducted periodically. Please make sure you have documented on the enrollment form the dismissal plans for your student if school is dismissed early due to weather or other situations. FIRE DRILLS/TORNADO DRILLS Fire and/or tornado drills are conducted monthly to ensure the students and staff members are familiar with safety protocol procedures. In each room, directions for leaving the room are posted. Whenever a tornado alert is sounded, students will follow the teacher’s instructions and assemble in the school hallways with backs to wall/lockers, and hands or a book over the head. Students are not allowed to be checked out of school when the school is in the middle of an emergency drill. FIELD TRIPS /ACTIVITIES A field trip is designed to enrich, extend, and reinforce curriculum by allowing students to engage in educational opportunities in the community. Trips are planned in advance and require written parental permission. Scholarships may be available to students who show a need. GUIDANCE/COUNSELING Guidance services are available to every student in the school. These services include assistance with interpersonal relationships; educational planning; interpretation of test scores; career planning; study skills; and help with home, school and personal concerns. Guidance services are provided through classroom guidance, small group sessions, and on an individual basis. Appointments can be made with the counselor for individuals/groups as requested. Students should have written permission from his/her teacher before going to the guidance office. If guidance counselors are not available, students should return to class or see an administrator for assistance. Mrs. Amber England works with students whose last names begin with the letters A-L. Ms. Jessica Dickerson works with students whose last names begin with the letters M-Z. HOMEROOM The Homeroom bell rings at 8:05 with Homeroom beginning at 8:15 AM. Student attendance is recorded, general school information is provided, and our Braves News Network (BNN) is shown while students are in homeroom. IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION (ISS) There may be opportunities during a student’s middle school career that he or she may make decisions that require the disciplinary action of ISS. A member of the administrative team may assign a student to ISS for a portion of his/her day or multiple days. Students will complete their assignments in the ISS room at OCMS. Students who are assigned ISS may not attend regular classes; take part in any school functions/practices during the time in ISS, or for the remainder of the day. Each student’s parents shall be notified when their son or daughter is assigned ISS, the reason for the action, and the expectations for the student and parents. INVITATIONS Distributing personal invitations to parties is not allowed at school. These types of activities are usually instructionally disruptive and result in conflicts and hurtful feelings. LATE WORK

Revised July 29, 2015


It is the student’s responsibility to turn in make-up work, when he/she is absent from school. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to retrieve make-up work. The student has one day (1) school day for each day missed, plus one additional day to make up work. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances. Consequences for make-up work during unexcused absences will be outlined in each teacher’s course syllabus. LOCKERS AND LOCKS Lockers are provided for student use and will be assigned at the beginning of the year. A locker maintenance fee is to be paid at the beginning of the school year. This fee helps to offset the cost of upkeep and maintenance to the locker. Students are not permitted to change lockers after they have been assigned without authorization. Students are expected to furnish their own locks (combination type) for some hall lockers. Lockers are school property and should not be abused. Students are responsible for everything in their lockers. Lockers are school property and students should be prepared to make lockers available at any time for inspection.

MEDIA CENTER The Media Center contains books, magazines, pamphlets and audiovisual materials which may be used for reference, class work, and personal enjoyment. Courteous and quiet conduct is expected of students in the Media Center. A student must have a signed Hall Pass to visit the Media Center before, during, and/or after normal school hours. Textbooks and Media Center books are checked out to individual students. Please encourage your student to check books back in to the Media Center and not give it to another student. If this procedure is not followed, and the book ends up missing, your student will be responsible for paying the associated fee to replace the book. MOVING It is important that families keep the office informed of any change of address or telephone number, both home and work. Before a student transfers to another school from OCMS, the person who enrolled the student should come to school to formally withdraw that student to process a transfer of records, turn in textbooks and settle any charges. If your family has changed residence or jobs, please send to the main office this updated information. This will be helpful for mailings and emergencies. PARENT NOTICE OF TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS In compliance with the requirements of the Georgia Board of Education regarding Highly Qualified Educators, you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teachers. PHYSICAL EDUCATION and HEALTH We make every effort to schedule Physical Education (PE) for all middle school students. Students will take PE a minimum of one semester during the school year. Students who are to be excused from PE participation must provide a note written by a parent. If the request is for more than three days, a written medical doctor’s note is required. Alternative assignments will be given to those students who are properly excused. Due to the physical nature of PE, all students are expected to dress out for the class each day. OCMS spirit wear is recommended for PE attire. PE attire must meet dress code requirements. Students whose schedule includes PE may bring a drawstring bag to school specifically for the purpose of carrying PE attire to and from class. PE lockers, and locks, are rented to each student who is enrolled in PE for students to secure their belongings in a locker. Please remind your student that he/she must lock up personal items in the assigned locker during PE class, and not leave belongings on the floor of the Locker Room. Leaving items out may lead to the items being lost, damaged, or soiled. PTO The Oconee Middle School PTO is an organization of parents and teachers whose primary goal is to support the school in a variety of ways. We encourage all parents to become members of the PTO. The following activities are examples of PTO Support Services: -Assistance with health screenings -Assistance with Trading Spaces cafeteria supervision -Assistance with supervision of dances and field trips. -Assistance in fund raising -Coordination and operation of PTO activities -Voluntary tutoring of students Revised July 29, 2015


-Fall and Spring Book Fairs -Periodic clerical assistance in the main office and other areas of the school -Brave Run -Spirit Wear to promote our school We have an outstanding group of PTO board members and committee chairpersons. The PTO is an important part of our school. One way to stay informed is to join PTO. You will find a link to PTO information via the OCMS Webpage. REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS Student grades are available for review in Power School at all times. Parents do have the ability to print reports directly from Power School. End-of-the-school-year Report Cards will continue to be printed. Parent conferences are encouraged to discuss student progress at any time during the school year.

RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION OCMS utilizes the Response to Intervention (RTI) model that promotes early identification of students who may be in need of additional academic and behavioral support. Parents and teachers want to help children succeed in school. RTI provides a flexible problem-solving model in which schools provide timely assistance to students and match that help to each learner’s level of need. Students who are identified through the RTI process as needing additional support may be scheduled for an additional academic class during their day. Mr. Dallas LeDuff, Assistant Principal, and Mrs. Amber England, Counselor, work with the students whose last names begin with the letters A-L. Mrs. Jennifer Adams, Assistant Principal, and Ms. Jessica Dickerson, Counselor, work with the students whose last names begin with the letters M-Z. SPECIAL EDUCATION/INDEPENDENT EVALUATIONS The Oconee County School System will consider independent evaluations; however, the school system reserves the right to conduct further evaluations for placement decisions and/or to establish eligibility for special programs according to state and federal regulations. SCHOOL INSURANCE School insurance is offered to each student on an optional basis. The insurance provides coverage for all school functions and is available in different types of policies. All students participating in athletics, or attending over-night field trips, must be covered by either a comprehensive school policy or a policy through parents. TESTING PROGRAMS Oconee County Middle students participate in the state-wide end-of-year, or end-of-course, Milestones assessment program. Three times a year MAP assessments are also given as a way to assist in determining student’s progress toward mastering standards. Common Formative and Summative Assessments will be given by classroom teachers to support instructional planning and rigor for our students. These assessments are important for our students. While we acknowledge that testing is not the most important result of our educational years, the test results provide valuable information for instructional planning. Students are encouraged to give their best efforts on all assessments. The results of assessments offer guidance in placement decisions for promotion/retention as well as class placements. The assessments in the classroom and the major summative assessments should be taken seriously. TELEPHONE CALLS A telephone for student use is located in the front office. Please communicate changes in transportation to your student prior to school. The office personnel may not take messages for delivery to students, except in an urgent situation. Calls of an emergency nature may be directed to the principal, assistant principals, or counselors. Student cell phones and other electronic devices must be in the SILENT mode during the school day (unless authorized by a staff member to be on). Parents are highly discouraged from contacting students via personal technology devices throughout the school day, as this is a distraction to learning. Students may be given a consequence for using their personal technology devices for personal communication during the school day. TEXTBOOKS

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Some academic classes will assign textbooks, while others may not. Many student textbooks are now available electronically, not just hardback form. Refer to the teacher’s syllabus to find a list of instructional materials that will be used during class. Students need to come prepared to learn each day. This includes bringing supplies daily. Student text books can be checked out through the Media Center. Damaged books and/or lost books may require a replacement cost. Language Arts teachers may ask students to purchase a personal copy of novels studied. This is to assist students in learning the skill of annotation. WEBSITE The OCMS website provides current information including a monthly calendar, announcements for families and community members and district level information. Please make our school website a favorite and follow the news of the Braves!

Revised July 29, 2015


OCMS Student Handbook 2015-16 (revise 2.0).pdf

2015-2016. Oconee County Middle School. 1101 Mars Hill Road. Watkinsville, GA 30677. 706-769-3575. (Fax) 706-769-3572. Office Hours-- 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM.

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Student Handbook
disability, religion, or other status protected by law in admission or access to, or treatment and employment in, its programs and activities. Additionally, a lack of English ..... will result and conditions for readmission to East High will include

Student Handbook
property, who is in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose ... Resources include local health and social services, family services, ...

acceleration and speed problems graphing- OCMS 2016 (1).pdf ...
Page 3 of 3. acceleration and speed problems graphing- OCMS 2016 (1).pdf. acceleration and speed problems graphing- OCMS 2016 (1).pdf. Open. Extract.

Circ candidatura SASE secundario 201516- retificada.pdf
Circ candidatura SASE secundario 201516- retificada.pdf. Circ candidatura SASE secundario 201516- retificada.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

Poster escacs CEIP REI JAUME I 201516.pdf
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DISTRICT Student Handbook 2017.2018.pdf

Parent Student Handbook (PDF)
Thunderbird. School Colors: Purple and Teal. SCHOOL ... Parent Student Handbook (PDF). Parent Student Handbook (PDF). Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In.

MMHS student handbook 2017.pdf
Page 1 of 13. MOUNT MIGUEL HIGH SCHOOL MATADOR CALENDAR 2016-2017. August. 15-19 Assembly Schedule. 22 Collaboration Day. 29 Collaboration ...

Student Handbook 8th Grade.pdf
Page 1 of 24. MAR VISTA ACADEMY. STUDENT HANDBOOK. 2017-2018. ENGAGE EDUCATE EMPOWER. Sweetwater Union High School District programs ...

Student Handbook Verification-1.pdf
Page 1 of 1. Student Handbook Verification. My signature indicates that I have read and understand the Southwest CTA. policies included in the Student ...

Student Handbook 2016-2017 Final.pdf
Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. Student Handbook 2016-2017 Final.pdf. Student Handbook 2016-2017 Final.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with.

Student Handbook 2016-17.pdf
Student Handbook. 1801 Echo Hollow Road. Eugene, OR 97402. Main Office 541-689-0731. Attendance Office 541-689-0734. Counseling Center 541-689- ...

Student Handbook 17-18.pdf
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Technology Student Handbook Signature Page.pdf
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Student Handbook 2015-2016 RL.pdf
Student Handbook 2015-2016 RL.pdf. Student Handbook 2015-2016 RL.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Displaying Student Handbook ...

Student Handbook 7th Grade.pdf
Maria Jaramillo Brenda Garcia Cameron Matson. Ulisses Hernandez Rick Sevilla. Susana Vega. Support Staff. ASB Advisor Ashley Dahlstrom 628-5150.

Student Handbook 2017-2018.pdf
Health (Head Lice) P. 19. TDAP Vaccinations (7th grade) P. 19. Insurance P. 19. Inclement Weather School Procedures P. 19. Crisis/Safety Management Plans ...

Student Handbook 17-18.pdf
or semester of the school year in which the child becomes 18. years of age. Regular attendance is an important element for. success and is the responsibility of ...