Paw Print

Mission Statement of Orient-Macksburg School At Orient-Macksburg we provide a nurturing environment in which every Student can develop a passion for learning and reach personal excellence

Newsletter of the Orient-Macksburg Community School District

October 2017 Judy Johnson, Editor __————————_________________________________________________________—______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-______——-

Fall has officially arrived and the students and staff of Orient-Macksburg Community Schools are now in “the swing of things” for the 2017-2018 school year. The students of Orient-Macksburg have impressed me during these first weeks of school by displaying respectful behaviors such as: greeting adults, responding when they are greeted, holding doors open for others, and using “thank you”. These are indications of the students receiving good parenting and having good adult role models in their lives. Please continue to emphasize these respectful behaviors at home.

Postal Customer

On September 20th, the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) meeting was held. Many thanks to the parents, community members, and staff who participated in this meeting. Those in attendance shared many positive comments about Orient-Macksburg Community Schools including: Teachers differentiate instruction to meet students’ needs The smaller school allows for teachers to know their students well Students receive encouragement from adults at school The curriculum is addressing the Iowa Core Standards effectively

Orient-Macksburg CSD P.O. Box 129 201 S School Street Orient, IA 50858-0129


Students learn to be passionate about learning at O-M Schools

Wednesday October 11 PSAT FFA Greenhand Fire-up Friday October 13 NO SCHOOL—-PD DAY Tuesday October 24 BGC Vocal Festival

The SIAC participants also shared recommendations for continuous improvement. Based on these recommendations, O-M schools will emphasize respect for others, especially those in authority, such as teachers, as this is a critical skill in order to be successful in school and in all aspects of life. In addition, a focus will be placed on teaching students “resiliency”, which means developing skills such as: accepting criticism in a positive manner, accepting failure as a part of learning, and persevering when things get difficult. Respect and resiliency will be promoted through day-to-day practices in the school and through guidance and health classes. In addition, guest speakers and/or assemblies that focus on respect and resiliency will be provided. Thank you for your on-going support of O-M Schools and for helping your students be successful this school year. Please communicate with your child’s teacher or an administrator if you have concerns or questions. Happy Autumn! Dr. Norene A. Bunt

Wed-Sat October 25-29

Superintendent of Schools

FFA National Convention

Orient-Macksburg Community School District


(641) 337-5061 Never believe that a few caring persons cannot change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have. Margaret Mead

For Activities: See calendar inside The Winter Music program date has been moved from Monday, Dec. 18, to Tuesday, Dec. 19.


HOMECOMING—SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 This years homecoming theme is “A Bulldog Homecoming.” King & Queen Candidates

Class Attendants & Prince & Princess

Kneeling L to R Stephen Buckman, Treyg Webb Standing L to R Cruz Tucker, Brooklyn Sammons Montana Holtry, Quincey Davis Standing Back Ashlyn Kralik, Blake Sevier. Not pictured Josee Hermann

Row 1: Row 2: Row 3: Row 4:

Alexander Wolfe and Aubrey Kramer 9th Derek Gross & Haylee Meyer 10th Caitlyn Buckman and Vihn Nguyen 11th Ethan Tonnberg & Haylee Gardner

Dear parents, Adair County Public Health will be holding a flu shot clinic at Orient-Macksburg school on Tuesday, October 17th, 2017. The injectable shot will be the only type offered this year. No flu mist will be available this season. Adair County Public Health does not collect copays. Most insurance covers flu vaccine at 100%. A $15 administrative fee is required if your insurance doesn’t cover flu vaccine or you don’t have other coverage. Flu vaccine will not be given to students without a completed form. Consent forms will be sent home with students during the week of October 2nd and will need to be returned October 11th so public health can make sure they will have enough vaccine. The forms are also available in the office at school. As always, you can all Adair County Public Health or the school with any questions. Adair County Public Health 641-743-6173 Orient-Macksburg CSD 641-337-5061

Halloween Safety Checklist 1. Stay on the Sidewalk 2. Don’t eat any candy before it is inspected by adults. 3. Don’t eat any unwrapped candies. 4. Stay with your group. 5. Wear a reflecting item on your clothing so cars can see you.

27 Sausage Gravy/Biscuit Hamburger/Bun French Fries Tomato Slices Apple 26 Coffee Cake Pizza Corn Cucumber Slices Banana

Adult Coloring: Coloring hours will be 4:00 - 6:00 pm on the first Thursday of every month. All the supplies are provided and there is no need to pre-register. Tuesday Club: Knitting and crocheting sessions will begin again soon. Contact the library if you are interested in joining us and would like to be notified of the fall start date.

25 Cinnamon Roll Spaghetti/Meat Sauce Steamed Broccoli Celery Stick Tropical Fruit

20 Breakfast Stick Chicken Fajita Romaine Lettuce Baby Carrots Melon 19 Blueberry Squares Chili Cinnamon Roll Fresh Broccoli Mixed Fruit

Lego Camps: Lego Camps will be held once a month October - April from 3:30 4:30 pm. Children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome to attend. Please register for the first session your child attends. Just a reminder, “Each student must present his teacher with a parent note the morning of each Lego Camp letting the teacher know to keep the child after school.” for more information and the registration form.

10 Egg Patty & Toast Tomato Soup Toasted Cheese Sandwich Peas Peaches

17 French Toast Italian Pasta Bake Green Beans Cucumber Slices Cinnamon Apple Slices Cookie 24 Egg Patty & Toast Burrito Romaine Lettuce Peas Mandarin Oranges

31 Bagel Beef Fingers Fresh Spinach Calico Beans Peaches

9 Breakfast Pizza Chicken Patty Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Baby Carrots Watermelon

16 Oatmeal Chicken Nuggets Tri Tater Calico Beans Strawberries

23 Breakfast Pizza Pulled Pork/Bun Red Pepper Slices Baked Beans Grapes

30 Pancakes Mr. Rib / Bun Sweet Potato Puffs Tri Tater Pineapple Tidbits


TUESDAY 3 Omelet & Toast Sloppy Joe/Bun Baked Beans Cucumber Slices Apple

18 Tri Tater Ham & Cheese Pork Patty/Bun Oven Browned Potatoes Cauliflower Orange Slices


FRIDAY 6 Scrambled Eggs & Toast Pizza Red Pepper Slices Steamed Broccoli Fruit Crisp

THURSDAY 5 Long John Chinese Chicken Corn Rice Coleslaw Pineapple Tidbits Pepper & Onions 12 Meatballs Cheesy Broccoli Celery Stix Banana Dinner Roll

Public library hours: 3:15 - 6:00 pm weekdays. Open Saturday, 10 am - 12 Noon beginning October 7.


WEDNESDAY 4 Pancakes Sausage Gravy Biscuit Sausage Patty Mash Potatoes/Baby Carrots Mandarin Oranges 11 Waffle Stix Crispitos Refried Beans Lettuce Rosy Applesauce

Public Resource Technology Center - Orient Public Library P.O. Box 182, 201 School St., ORIENT, IOWA 50858 [email protected] 641.337.5061 X124

On September 15th the Orient-Macksburg School was honored to have the SWCC Music Program students present a free concert to our students here. They gave a wonderful and professional quality concert that was enjoyed by everyone. This gave our students the opportunity to view what SWCC has to offer them in future education. SWCC not only offers an outstanding music program but many other opportunities in further education.

FFA NEWS This has been a tremendous summer for the members of the Orient-Macksburg FFA. Listed below are some of the accomplishments by our FFA Members Cody Long is the first O-M member every to receive the AK SAR BEN Leadership Scholarship, The National FFA Scholarship sponsored by Rose Acres, and the prestigious Bart Nelson Memorial Sheep Scholarship. Congratulations Cody and good luck this fall attending SWICC. Elizabeth Browning exhibited the Adams County Champion Cat. His name is Waxy and one look and you will know he is a champion. The judge’s comments included charming, relaxed, and just a joy to judge.

Sammie Long was a member of the Second Place O-M FFA Livestock Judging Team at the Adair County Fair. Other members were Cody Long, Brooklyn Sammons, and Andrew Hribal. Great Job!!!! Montana Hoyt entered the Cow Girl Queen Contest at this year’s Iowa State Fair. Her and her horse Kit Kat represented the O-M FFA in style as they competed in the Jacobsen Horse Arena on the West Side of the fair grounds. Kudoos to Montana and oats for Kit Kat. Jack Mikkelsen showed boar goats for the first time at the state fair. I believe Jack did a great job in preparing his goats for the fair. He received blue ribbons and had a great time. A BIG CONRATS TO JACKON. Good luck this fall at SWWIC. Izak Hribal entered a pen of three market steers at the Union County Fair. His steers were Angus Hereford Cross( black Baldies). Izak received a blue ribbon for his efforts with his steers. We all admit they had gained very well weighing in at 1620 lbs. See you next year Izak at the Union County Fair.

Hayli Shinn entered a photo in this year’s Photography Contest at the Iowa State Fair. Hayli received a red ribbon on her bulldog in a patch of flowers. GO BULL DOGS.

Caitlyn and Stephen Buckman were showing poultry at the Adair county fair. It was their rookie year and received many blue ribbons. I would say they had a very successful summer. See you two next summer.

Andrew Hribal once again was chosen as the Adair County Crop Champion. I have to admit Andrew did a great job presenting his field of corn.

These students have been selected to attend the National FFA Convention in October: Courtney Gross, William Sevier, Quincy Davis, Treyg Webb, Vinh Nguyen, and Ashlyn Kralik. Congratulations.

William and Blake Sevier showed broilers at the state fair. Both William and Blake received purple ribbons for their first place broilers. Outstanding!!

Iowa’s Open Enrollment Guidelines

Brooklyn Sammons exhibited her lambs at this year’s state fair. The judge’s comments included they were long, tall, lean and simply money makers.He finished by saying just give us a semi load like these lambs and we all would be in the black.

Open Enrollment is the process by which parents/guardians residing in an Iowa district may enroll their children into another Iowa school district under the terms and conditions of Iowa Code section 282.18 and 281--Iowa Administrative Code 17.

Vinh brought his dairy goats to the state fair. The judge really liked his goats naming them best doe and best of show. Vinh was 4th in showmanship plus was interviewed by Iowa Public TV for its fair 2017 show. Vinh, CONGRATULATIONS ON A GREAT JOB!!!.

The deadline for students entering Grades 1-12 is March 1st. The deadline for students entering kindergarten is September 1st. Open enrollment requests received past the deadline may be denied unless there is evidence of “good cause” such as: Change in district of residence due to: family move, change in marital status, foster care, adoption, or treatment program; participation in foreign exchange program; pervasive harassment, or severe health issues.

Cameo Walker dial 1 800 Washington D C Leadership Convention. Cameo traveled by chartered bus with 100 other FFA members from across the state to attend the National FFA Washington D.C Leadership Convention. Cameo not only got to see all the sites of D.C, but also attended leadership workshops on how to be a better volunteer in her community and interacted with FFA member from across the Nation. Courtney Gross had a tremendous experience as this year’s Grandstand Usher. She was a real trooper as she helped attendees find their way around the Grandstand. She did a great job said those who know Grandstand Ushers best. Ashlyn Kralik attended this year’s Colt (Chapter Officer Leadership Training) Ashlyn attended seminars developing her leadership skills and how to be an effective chapter officer. Treyg Webb, Aiana Sitzman-Waltz, and Katie Waters among 8 other O-M FFA members attended an I Cub game on July 9. Chapter members viewed the game from an air conditioned outfield suite. An all you can eat buffet of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, popcorn peanuts, soda, and cookies was included, plus a free ticket to the game. O-M FFA members comments could be summed up by two words “pretty sweet”. Carson Thompson exhibited blue ribbon pigs at this year’s Madison County Fair. The judge’s comments included “he did a great job taking care of his pigs”. She referred to them as real meat wagons. See you next year Carson at the Madison county Fair.

Parents are responsible for transporting children open enrolled to another district. This applies to all students, including those with an IEP. As a general rule, if the need for transportation as a related service is stated in the IEP, the parent is responsible for this obligation under open enrollment. If a child open enrolls to a district that is contiguous (borders) to the resident district, and the parents’ income meets economic eligibility requirements, the family may receive a stipend for transportation or be provided transportation by the district. Students that open enroll in Grade 9-12, shall not be eligible to participate in varsity contests and competitions during the first ninety (90) schools days of transfer. On September 7th Student Council President Cameo Walker presented Carrie Hauschild, Account Manager with the American Red Cross a check for $300.00 for the relief effort in Texas from Hurricane Harvey. The O-M Student Council held hat/jean day on September 6th to raise money for the cause.

October 2017 Newletter.pdf

Standing Back Ashlyn Kralik, Blake Sevier. Not pictured Josee Hermann. King & Queen Candidates Class Attendants & Prince & Princess. Row 1: Alexander ...

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