Total Capacity
Current Enrollment
Ashford Park Elementary Chamblee Middle Chamblee High
Students generated from proposed development 20
1,053 1,810
969 1,629
9 14
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL with conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDED CONDITONS Based upon the findings and conclusions herein, staff recommends APPROVAL with conditions of RZ16-08 and SLUP16-02, subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject property shall be developed in general accordance with the site plan and phasing diagram received by the Community Development Department on August 5, 2016, and September 21, 2016, respectively. 2. The subject property shall be limited to a maximum of 200,000 square feet of office space, one hotel with a maximum of 125 rooms and 75,000 square feet, 547 residential units of which a minimum of 100 shall be senior housing units, and 56,000 square feet of commercial uses. 3. The number of rental units on the property, including the senior housing units, shall not exceed 440, and the balance of the units shall be for sale. The 20 percent workforce housing requirement for approval of SLUP16-02 shall be satisfied through rental units only, including senior housing units, and shall be documented through the master association covenants for the development. 4. The development shall occur in general accordance with the architectural elevations received by the Community Development Department on August 5, 2016. Building heights shall not exceed those depicted in these architectural elevations. 5. The common area/open space for the development shall be privately owned and maintained by a master association. 6. Owner/developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way along Dresden Drive along the property frontage to a distance of 40 feet as measured from the center of Dresden Drive or to the back of the sidewalk, whichever is greater. 7. Owner/developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way along Apple Valley Road along the property frontage to a distance of 30 feet as measured from the center of Apple Valley Road or to the back of the sidewalk, whichever is greater. 8. Owner/developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way along North Druid Hills Road along the property frontage to a distance of 50 feet as measured from the center of North Druid Hills Road or to the back of the sidewalk, whichever is greater. 9. Owner/developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way along Peachtree Road along the property frontage as required by the Georgia Department of Transportation. 10. Owner/developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way at the intersection of Apple Valley Road and Dresden Drive to accommodate a mitering of the right-of-way. Miter shall consist of an arced miter with minimum radius of 30 feet or a straight miter with a Page 17 of 21 PC 10/5/16 TB
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minimum of 20 feet as measured along the right-of-way of the respective roads from the point of intersection of the rights-of-way. 11. Owner/developer shall dedicate additional right-of-way at the intersection of Apple Valley Road and North Druid Hills Road to accommodate a mitering of the right-of-way. Miter shall consist of an arced miter with minimum radius of 30 feet or a straight miter with a minimum of 20 feet as measured along the right-of-way of the respective roads from the point of intersection of the rights-of-way. 12. Owner/developer shall install a new sidewalk consisting of a 5-foot-wide landscape zone and minimum 10-foot-wide sidewalk along the entire property frontage along Apple Valley Road, North Druid Hills Road, and Dresden Drive. 13. Owner/developer shall install a new sidewalk consisting of a 5-foot-wide landscape zone and 15-foot-wide sidewalk along the entire property frontage along Peachtree Road. 14. Property shall be limited to the following curb cuts based on the Site Plan and GRTA DRI Study subject to Public Works and/or Georgia DOT Approval of final location during permitting: Driveway 1 – an existing right-in-right-out driveway located on Peachtree Road. Driveway 2 – an existing right-in-right-out driveway on Dresden Drive, located approximately 60 feet east of the intersection of Peachtree Road at Dresden Drive. Driveway 3 – an existing full-movement driveway on Apple Valley Road, located approximately 630 feet south of the intersection of Dresden Drive at Apple Valley Road, aligned with Fernwood Circle. Driveway 4 – an existing driveway on North Druid Hills Road, located approximately 225 feet south of the intersection of Peachtree Road at North Druid Hills Road, converted to two-way operations, with a right-turn only ingress and right-turn or left-turn egress, subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. Driveway 5 – an existing right-in-right-out driveway on Dresden Drive, located approximately 240 feet west of the intersection of Dresden Drive at Apple Valley Road. Driveway 6 – a new full-movement driveway on Apple Valley Road, located approximately 360 feet south of the intersection of Dresden Drive at Apple Valley Road, aligned with Peachtree View, dependent on the approval of a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Driveway 7 – a new full-movement driveway on Apple Valley Road, located approximately 570 feet east of the intersection of North Druid Hills Road at Apple Valley Road, dependent on the approval of a variance form the Zoning Board of Appeals. Driveway 8 – a new full-movement driveway on Apple Valley Road, located approximately 250 feet east of the intersection of North Druid Hills Road at Apple Valley Road, dependent on the approval of a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Driveway 9 – an existing right-in, right-out bus-only driveway on Dresden Drive to the east of the MARTA railway tracks. Page 18 of 21 PC 10/5/16 TB
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15. Owner/developer shall implement the following Public Road improvements identified in the GRTA Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Notice of Decision (DRI# 2604), subject to permitting and approval by GDOT for any improvements on Peachtree Road: Peachtree Road at Dresden Drive/Brookhaven Drive, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. Construct an additional westbound right-turn lane on Dresden Drive, resulting in dual right-turn lanes onto Peachtree Road. Peachtree Road at North Druid Hills Road, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 2 of the development. Construct an additional southbound left-turn lane on Peachtree Road, resulting in dual left-turn lanes onto North Druid Hills Road. Reconfigure North Druid Hills Road lanes to receive the dual left-turn lanes from Peachtree Road. 16. Owner/developer shall implement the following Public Road improvements identified in the GRTA Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Traffic Study (DRI# 2604), subject to permitting and approval by GDOT for any improvements on Peachtree Road: Peachtree Road at Dresden Drive/Brookhaven Drive, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. Construct an eastbound left-turn lane on Brookhaven Drive. Change the signal phasing to allow the dual right-turn lanes on Dresden Drive to run in both a permissive and overlap phase. Convert the existing northbound right-turn lane on Peachtree Road into a shared through and right-turn lane. Construct an additional northbound receiving lane on Peachtree Road north of the intersection. Peachtree Road at North Druid Hills Road, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 2 of the development. Restripe North Druid Hills Road to carry the additional receiving lane on North Druid Hills Road through the intersection at Apple Valley Road to terminate as the existing eastbound left-turn lane on North Druid Hills Road at Briarwood Road. North Druid Hills Road at Apple Valley Road, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. Carry the additional receiving lane on North Druid Hills Road to terminate as the existing eastbound left-turn lane on North Druid Hills Road at Briarwood Road.
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17. Owner/developer shall install bicycle facilities in both directions along Dresden Drive between Peachtree Road and Apple Valley Road as approved by Public Works, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. 18. Owner/developer shall install Public Road improvements to Apple Valley Road between North Druid Hills Road and Dresden Drive as approved by Public Works to provide for traffic calming, beautification, and buffering the development. Examples of such Public Road Improvements may include, but are not limited to, replacement of the center turn lane with raised landscaped median where allowable, narrowing of through travel lanes and turn lanes, enhanced pedestrian crossings, and the addition of a pedestrian zone on the south/east side of Apple Valley Road between North Druid Hills Road and Fernwood Circle, prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. 19. Owner/developer shall execute and submit all required petitions and documents necessary to establish a Street Light District to facilitate the annual assessment of street light fees to the subject property(s), prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. 20. Owner/developer shall provide pedestrian facilities along the south side of Fernwood Circle between its intersection with Apple Valley Road and the eastern end of the subject property, and along the entire frontage of the subject property on Sylvan Circle. 21. Owner/developer shall comply with the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual (GSMM) Stormwater Runoff Quality Standard (water quality) by providing measures that treat the required water quality volume through transpiration, infiltration, and/or evaporation and be subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department. 22. Approval of a combination plat shall be required prior to the issuance of a land disturbance permit. 23. Utility cabinets or transformers shall not be located on any sidewalk, within the public open space, or within the public right-of-way. 24. Owner/developer shall record access easements allowing public access to all open spaces included in the “publicly accessible open space” requirement calculations. 25. Trash pickup, deliveries, and moving trucks shall be limited to the hours between 8:00am and 7:00pm. 26. All lighting associated with the development located outside the public right-of-way shall be designed and implemented to not allow light spillage to occur or cast upon adjacent properties. 27. Owner/developer shall provide and install removable bollards at the entry points to the road along the north, west, and south edges of the Town Green (“Road A”), prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. 28. Subject to ADA and fire access requirements, the entirety of “Road A” and the portion of “Road B” to the east of the Town Green shall be constructed of brick or stone pavers as shown on the Town Green plan received by the Community Development Department on July 1, 2016. Asphalt and poured concrete shall be prohibited in this area. 29. Owner/developer shall orient the proposed food court towards the west and install a minimum eight-foot-high acoustic barrier with transparent portions on the Apple Valley Road (east) side of the second floor. Page 20 of 21 PC 10/5/16 TB
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30. All lighting on the second-floor food court shall be directed away from Apple Valley Road. 31. Outdoor music at the food court shall be prohibited after 10:00pm. The application of “nighttime” regulations of the City of Brookhaven noise ordinance shall begin at 10:00pm each day of the week. 32. Concurrently with any submission of a land use petition or variance application by the owner/developer to the City of Brookhaven, including minor modifications and administrative variances, a copy of the submission shall be provided by the owner/developer to the following parties: Brookhaven Fields Civic Association, Inc.; Brookhaven Peachtree Community Alliance, Inc.; and Fernwood Park Homeowners Association, Inc. (collectively, the “Neighborhood Contacts”). 33. Upon their completion, owner/developer shall install interim decorative screening along the facades of parking decks along Apple Valley Road. Screening shall remain in place until the beginning of construction of the structures that will permanently screen the parking decks. Owner/developer shall provide the Neighborhood Contacts with an opportunity to review and comment on the interim screening. 34. Prior to the construction of the MARTA patron parking deck, owner/developer shall provide to the Neighborhood Contacts and the City of Brookhaven a third-party parking study showing that the spaces to be provided are sufficient to meet the anticipated demand for MARTA patrons. 35. Owner/developer shall install the improvements to the 2.52-acre common-area, openspace parcel on the east side of Apple Valley Road prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1 of the development. Improvements shall include a six-foot-wide path and/or boardwalk providing pedestrian access to the parcel, subject to the review and approval of the Army Corps of Engineers, State EPD, and the City of Brookhaven as may be applicable and required.
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