October,3 13:0019:00:00 Small hall


Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Lifetime Imaging 14:00 Welcome _Savitsky/Becker/DWIH/RSF 14:20 W.Becker Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Multi-Dimensional TCSPC: Advanced Techniques and Applications 14:50 Enrico Gratton (invited) , University California-Irvine, USA Metabolic changes in cells and tissues revealed by FLIM of intrinsic autofluorescence 15:20 Klaus Suhling (invited), Kings College London, Wide-field Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting FLIM 15:50 Elena Zagaynova (invited) Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia, Tumor metabolism: fluorescence imaging with autofluorophors and genetically encoded sensors 16:20- Break 16:40 16:40 Dusan Chorvat (invited), International Laser Center, Bratislava, Slovakia, Advanced imaging and spectroscopy of intrinsic fluorophores 17:10 Shirmanova Marina, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy Measuring viscosity in cancer using molecular rotors and FLIM 17:30 Svitlana Kalinina, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany Simultaneous NADH-FLIM and oxygen sensing PLIM for metabolic mapping 17:45 Thomas Gensch (invited), Research Centre Jülich, Germany. Intracellular ion concentration in living cells and tissue determined by FLIM 18:15 Ilya Turchin (invited) , Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, Fluorescent small-animal imaging with genetically encoded sensors нет тезисов не зарегистрирован Вика 18:40 Patrick Schaefer, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany Imaging Mitochondrial Function in Alzheimer´s Disease 19.00 Anastasia Belova, Institute of Applied Physics, Russia, Fluorescence sensing of hydrogen peroxide level changes under cisplatin treatment of tumor cells 19:15- Poster session+drinks 20:30


Congress Hall Diffuse Optical Imaging and Clinical Imaging 9:00

Valery Tuchin (invited) National Research Saratov State University Tissue and cell optical clearing as a tool for enhaced microscopy and imaging: from in vitro to in vivo


Heidrun Wabnitz (invited), PTB Berlin, Germany. In-vivo time-domain diffuse optical imaging of the adult human brain

10:00 Konovalov Alexander, Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Zababakhin Institute of Applied Physics, Snezhinsk, Russia An analytic perturbation model for high-resolution time-domain diffuse optical tomography in the flat layer transmission geometry 10:20 Yoko Miura (invited),Univ. Lübeck, Germany , Fluorescence lifetime in retinal cell pathology 10:45 Martin Hammer (invited), University Jena, Germany Pathologic alterations in clinical FLIM at the ocular fundus – lessons learned from two photon FLIM microscopy in vitro

11:10-11:30-Coffee Break Congress Hall - Neuroscience 11:30 Alexey Semyanov (Invited), Institute of Neuroscience University of Nizhny Novgorod. Cellular and subcellular optical imaging in neuroscience 12:00 Konstantin Lukyanov (invited) , Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russia Towards high-photostability imaging of live cells 12:30 Vsevolod Belousov (invited) Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russia Thermogenetic stimulation of neurons with single-cell resolution 13:00 I.V. Fedotov , M.S. Pochechuev , O. Ivashkina, M. Roshсhina , A.B. Fedotov, K.V. Anokhin, and A.M. Zheltikov (invited)MSU Fiber-optic neurointerfaces for fluorescence brain imaging 13:30 -14:30 -Lunch Congress Hall - ADFLIM Plenar

EU molecular imaging program ???

14:30 Michael Roberts (invited), University of Qeensland, Brisbane, Australia Ex vivo and in vivo imaging of molecular and nanosystem transport 15.00 Wolfgang Becker, Becker&Hickl GmbH, Simultaneous Phosphorescence and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by MultiDimensional TCSPC and Multi-Pulse Excitation…. 15.30 Anna Moore, (invited) Harvard Medical School, USA АПС 16:00-16:30- Break 16:30 - opening of Congress of biochemistists and Congress of physiology and immunnology 17:30 Forum Plenar Lecture1 18:15 Forum Plenar Lecture2-Christopher Contag, Stanford School of Medicine, USA, Molecular Imaging 19:30-21:30 - Welcome Party

October,5 Small Hall- Super Resolution Microscopy 9:00

Jerker Widengren (invited) ,KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Fluorescence fluctuation and super-resolution techniques - fundamental biomolecular studies and towards clinical diagnostics


Vladislav Shcheslavskiy ,Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin, Germany, Scanning near-field optical microscopy enhanced with fluorescence lifetime imaging


Ago Rinken (invited) University of Tartu, Insitute of Chemistry, Estonia Fuorescence-based methods for monitoring lgand binding kinetics to GPCR

10:10 – 10:30

Natalia Klementieva, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia Fine structure of actin cytoskeleton in cancer cells and tissues unraveled by fluorescence imaging


Forum Plenar Lecture - Marcus Sauer, Julius Maximilian University Würzburg, Germany. Super-resolution fluorescence imaging by dSTORM

11:30-12:00-Coffee Break Probe chemistry 1 12:00

Alexander Savitsky (invited), FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia SAASOTI as a probe for the super resolution microscopy


Marcel Leutenneger (invited),Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Synthetic fluorophores for GSDIM: screening and image analysis


Alexi Bogdanov (invited),Department of Radiology University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA, Probes and sensors for nearinfrared imaging of enzymatic activity and protein-DNA interactions

13:30 -14:30 -Lunch 14.3015:15

Forum Plenar Lecture1


Forum Plenar Lecture2-

Probe chemistry 2 16:15

Ugarova Natalia (invited), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Firefly luciferase as a probe for imaging and monitoring in living systems


Sergei Vinogradov (invited), Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Perelman School of medicine, University of Pennsylvania Two-photon microscopy of oxygen

17:15-17:30 - Break 17:30

Dmitriy Papkovskiy (invited), University Cork, Ireland, Imaging of oxygenation and cellular function in 3D tissue models by multiplexed PLIM/FLIM


Klingberg Franco Thermo Fisher Scientific New Technologies and Reagents for Live Cell Imaging (sponsor presentation)


Piotr Wardega _NanoTemper. Technologies Advanced quantitative biomolecular analytics in free solution (Sponsor presentation).


Poster Session

October,6 Small Hall- FLIM-FRET 1 9:00

Ammasi Periasamy (invited), University of Virginia, USA, Investigation of prostate cancer in live specimens using FLIMFRET microscopy


Yves Mely (invited) ,University of Strassbourg, France, Quantitative and high resolution fluorescence imaging techniques for investigating intracellular interactions and dynamics of HIV-1 proteins


Michael Börsch (invited), Jena University, Jena, Germany Observing the rotary motors of F oF1 -ATP synthase at work using single-molecule FRET

10:45 11:30

Forum Plenar Lecture2

11:30-12:00-Coffee Break Small Hall-- FLIM-FRET 2 12:00

Claus Seidel (invited),University Duesseldorf Watching structure and dynamics of proteins and protein complexes by high-precision FRET in vitro and in live cells


Raul Bukowiecki, Max Delbruck Molecular Medicine Center, Imaging Detection of protein misfolding in Huntington’s disease model systems with sensitive TR-FRET-based lifetime imaging


Victoria Zherdeva, FRC of Biotechnology, to be announced


Alexander Goryashchenko, FRC of Biotechnology, to be announced


D.V. Smirnova, N.N. Ugarova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia, Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer system based on

Firefly L. mingrelica Luciferase and its application for the Rapid Homogeneous Immunoassay 13:30 -14:30 -Lunch 14:30:00- Forum Plenar Lecture1 15:15 15:15: 16:00

Forum Plenar Lecture2 Karsten Koenig, University Saarbruecken, Germany Multiphoton tomography of astronauts



Aisada Uchugonova Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Femtosecond Laser Microscopy of Stem Cells


Dmitry Gorbachev, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russia, Green fluorescent proteins with long fluorescence lifetime анг тезисы


Morozova N., Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Study of restriction-modification system Esp1396I in E. coli at the single-cell level using fluorescence microscopy


Anastasia Tikhonova, International laser center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Different stages of fibril formation as seen in intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence


Andrey Bogorodskiy, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Nucleation and Growth of Membrane Protein Crystals In Meso - A Fluorescence Microscopy Study


Olga Ivashkina, Marina Roshchina, Ksenia Toropova, Konstantin Anokhin Department of Neuroscience, NBICS-center, NRC "Kurchatov Institute". Neuronal encoding of conditioned signals in the mouse parietal cortex: in vivo two-photon imaging


I.Ferulova, A.Dzerve, A.Lihachov, J.Spigulis. Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia. Correlation of skin autofluorescence photobleaching rate and the lifetime component


Meeting of Russian molecular imaging society

Poster presentations


Arseniy Aybush Institute of chemical physics, Moscow


Boruleva Ekaterina FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia


Grigoryeva N.Yu., Chistyakova L.V Institute of Limnology RAS


Gurskaya N.G. Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia


Kazachkina N.I. FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia


Kopanchuk Sergei, University of Tartu, Insitute of Chemistry, Estonia


Koshel Elena Saint-Peterburg State University


Kovaleva Vera Southern Federal University Rostov-on-Don Russia


Lukina Maria, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia


Mardanova Rufina FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia


Marynich Nadezhda FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia


Radaev Anton Saint-Peterburg State University


Samtsov Mickael, Fluorescence of indocarbocyanins in biological tissue, Minsk Belorussia


Sergeeva Tatiana, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia


Shaposhnikov Leonid FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia


Solovyev Ilya FRC of Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia


Uglov Alexander, Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Zababakhin Institute of Applied Physics, Snezhinsk, Russia


Vedyaykin A.D., Research Institute of Nanobiotechnologies, Peter the Great St.Petersburg

October,3 October,4 -

Oct 3, 2016 - 14:50 Enrico Gratton (invited) , University California-Irvine, USA Metabolic ... Jerker Widengren (invited) ,KTH, Royal Institute of Technology,.

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