Ictus: Quick Start Rules Common Terminology: PV: HPT: MOV: RCB: RNG: CCB: WIL: DEF: SP: D6: LOS: OF: AA: DOT: HIT:

Unit Name

Point Value Hit Points Movement Ranged Combat Ranged Distance Close Combat Will Power Armor Special Ability Dice, standard 6 sided Line of Sight Officer Area Attack Damage over Time A roll of 5 or 6 on the D6

PV Unit Type and Faction

Unit Abilities

Special Abilities

Supplies Needed to Play: Tabletop Ruler Terrain objects to provide cover and variety Some D6 Pen and paper

Flavor Text

Setting up the game: Agree with opponent(s) on a map setup and maximum army size. (Size determined by maximum PV total of army. For example the starter boxes come with 50 point armies.) At least one OF is required per army. An army is allowed a maximum of one officer per rank. Players write down their units and their HP on a piece of paper to keep track of damage. Each player rolls a D6, the player with the highest roll chooses who goes first. In the event of a tie, roll again. Duh. Placement: The starting player places their pieces first. Then the other player places their pieces on the opposite side of the map All units must be placed within 4 inches of the edge of the game board. All units must be within 2 inches of an additional friendly unit.

Winning: A player wins when all of the opponents OF are defeated.

Leadership: Each army is required to have at least one OF. An army can have multiple officers, however, it can only have one officer per rank. For example you can have a Lieutenant, Captain and Major, but not two Captains. In addition to leading the army the officer lends moral strength to the troops. An officer’s area of leadership is marked on its card. An OF 8 has a leadership range of 8 inches. Any soldier outside the command of an officer suffers -1 WIL to a minimum of 1.

Sequence of Actions: The starting player activates units one at a time. After the activated unit performs its actions it is marked by turning the character card 90°counter clockwise to show it acted that turn. If a unit was pushed this turn it is marked by turning the character card 180°. A unit that performs an ongoing special ability is turned 90° clockwise, thus showing the ability is active. A unit that is activated it may not act again unless otherwise noted in the SP. When all units in an army have activated the player’s turn is over. The second player repeats the process as the first. At the start of the first player’s second turn they turn any pushed units character card to the 90° counter clockwise position to show it can’t act that turn. Turn all remaining character cards to the starting position. There is an exception for units that have activated an ongoing special ability; if the player chooses to have this remain active the corresponding character card is not rotated and remains turned 90° clockwise. All available units perform their actions one at a time. The activated unit performs its actions and its character card is turned as noted above. The second player repeats the process as the first. The player’s repeat this process until all of the OF on one team are defeated. The player with remaining OF wins!

Copyright 2016 – Titan Zero Industries, LLC

Version 1.25

Rule of 6’s and Critical Failures In the game a HIT or success is considered a roll of 5 or 6 on the D6. However, all 6’s can be rerolled and subsequent 5’s and 6’s are added to total HITS or successes. A player can keep rolling until there are no more 6’s. A critical failure happens when the defending player dice roll a majority of 1’s (round down) and there are no HITs or successes rolled. A critical failure means the unit takes an extra point of damage.

Actions Each unit may perform two actions per round without penalty. However, a unit may be pushed to perform a third action. A pushed unit loses one HP and is unable to perform any actions next turn. Move: Every character gets one free movement action each round. A character can move up to its MOV value in inches, measured from the front of the base. Turning a unit to look a new direction counts as a movement. Attack: If a unit has LOS and an enemy character is within range a unit may execute an attack. The RNG determines the maximum range for a ranged attack. This is measured from the closest points of the two bases. RCB and CCB determine the attack strength. CCB range is 1/2” unless a character has the Reach ability. Defend: A unit may enter a state of pure defense and gain +1 to DEF until the start of next turn. A unit may not attack and defend in the same turn. Reload: Unless otherwise noted all ranged weapons must be reloaded after being fired. All units start the game with their weapons loaded and ready to be fired. Once a unit has fired mark it with a dime or other unique token to show that the weapon is now empty. When the unit reloads remove the token. Special Ability: The unit activated the special ability on the card. For me information and a commentary on specific special abilities please see the appendices.

Special Actions Charge: The unit rushes in a straight line up to double its MOV+2. If the unit ends its movement within melee range of an enemy unit it may conduct a melee attack with a +2 CCB bonus. However this attack leaves the unit vulnerable to incoming damage and the unit receives a -2 DEF until the start of the player’s next turn. A unit may not perform any other actions or movements the same turn it does a Charge. A unit that Charges may not be pushed the same turn. Push: The unit takes an additional action. This leaves the unit exhausted. As a result the unit takes 1HP damage and cannot act next turn. Mark pushed units by turning the character card 180°.

Close Combat: When a unit is engaged in melee combat with another unit it. A unit engaged in CCB receives a -2 RCB bonus. A unit must make WIL 2 roll (roll WIL with a minimum of 2 successes) to disengage from close combat. A failed attempt gives the other unit(s) it’s engaged in CCB with a +1 CCB bonus to attack it until the start of that unit’s next turn. Officer: The leader(s) of your army. A play may only have one officer of each rank in their army at the start of the battle. If all a player’s officers are defeated that army loses. Each officer is ranked in the following format OF4, with the number following the OF being the rank and range of that unit’s command. For example an OF4 has a range of 4”. Named Units: An army may only have copy of a uniquely named unit. Units with unique names will have two rows of information on their Unit Card. A B.A.C. army could have 20 conscripts, but only one Oliver Brookwater, British Captain. Rough Terrain: Marked on the game map it gives a -1 MOV to any unit crossing it. Elevation: Any unit attacking with RCB gains a +1 RCB bonus for every 1/2” of elevation above the defending unit. A unit attacking with CCB gets +1 CCB when attacking a unit at a lower elevation. Attacking a unit on higher elevation gives a -1 RCB and -1 CCB against the elevated unit.

Combat When a unit is within CCB or RNG of an enemy unit they may execute an attack action. The attacking unit must have LOS to the defender. A ranged attack may only be performed if a unit does not need to reload. Attack Sequence:         

Combat Modifiers: LOS: A unit has LOS to another unit if it can draw an unobstructed line from its base to the other base. Obstruction: A block in the LOS. Can be created by terrain or other units. A unit or terrain piece with a smaller base does not create an obstruction. Units or terrain pieces with the same size or larger bases create obstruction. Friendly units can cause obstructions. Light Cover: A defensive bonus that a unit may receive when it is within 1” of a terrain piece of equal size and the attacking unit is not flanking. Unit receives a +1 DEF bonus. Full Cover: A defensive bonus that a unit may receive when it is within 1” of a terrain piece of larger size and the attacking unit is not flanking. Unit receives a +2 DEF bonus. Flanking: When you can draw a straight line from the center of your army unit to the back 180° of an enemy unit, that unit is flanked. A flanked unit receives a -1 DEF bonus and the flanker receives a +1 RCB or CCB bonus.

The attacker declares the attack action. The attacker calculates total RCB or CCB, including any modifiers. The attacker rolls total RCB or CCB dice. The attacker counts total HITs rolled. The defender calculates total DEF, including any modifiers. The defender rolls total available DEF. The defender counts total HITs rolled. The defender subtracts total HITs rolled from DEF from total RCB or CCB HITs rolled. The defending unit loses HPT equal to the total remaining attack HITs. If the defending unit is killed it is removed from gameplay.

Defense: Each unit has a defense pool equal to their DEF plus (or minus) any modifiers. This dice pool refreshes every time the unit activates. The defense pool is the total number of CCB and RCB HITs the defense can reduce. Each DEF hit rolled reduces the total defense pool by 1 to a minimum of 1. The rule of 6’s does not apply to defense pool loss. Example: Defender rolls 4 dice: 1, 3, 6, and 6. The two 6’s were rerolled (see rule of 6’s) and scored 1 more HIT. The defender gets a total of 3 HITs and reduces incoming damage by 3. The total defense pool is reduced by 2 from the original HITs but not the additional HIT from the reroll. If this unit was attacked again this turn it would only have 2 dice remaining to defend with.

Copyright 2016 – Titan Zero Industries, LLC

Version 1.25

Official Rules - QuckStart.pdf

LOS: Line of Sight. OF: Officer .... Flanking: When you can draw a straight line from the center of. your army unit to ... Official Rules - QuckStart.pdf. Official Rules ...

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