Commack United Methodist Church
486 Townline Road Commack, NY 11725-7310 (631) 499-7310 Web Site: Email:
[email protected] Pastor’s E-Mail:
[email protected] Rev. Dr. John E. Carrington, Pastor (631) 499-4770 September 2007
Open Hearts
Open Minds
Open Doors
name. During my first weeks at the church, when I greeted her at the end of the service, she would tell me her name each time. Her last name was Overstreet and jokingly I called her Ms. Understreet.
Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,
Virginia and I are delighted to be a part of the Commack United Methodist Church family. We have experienced first hand that this is a "welcoming church" from the time we were interviewed by the Pastor Parish Relations Committee to the times we have worshiped with you.
If you see me in Costco, Trader Joe's, any of the stores, or library, please stop and say hello so that I can get to know as many of our church family as I can. Some people have asked me how I want to be addressed and my response has been call me John, Pastor Carrington or what ever makes you feel comfortable.
The breakfast gathering at the lovely home of the Prasad family gave me another opportunity to meet informally with many of the church members in a very pleasant and relaxed setting.
This is my fourth time serving as an interim pastor and what I will try to do is to quickly understand the culture of this congregation, the way things are done in Commack and from time to time I will make some suggestions that might be helpful for the work of the church. I am always open to hearing your suggestions as well. One of my roles is to prepare the way for
I am trying to get to know many of you by name and face as soon as I can. Please forgive me if I call you by the wrong name. In my last church one active and pleasant churchwoman told me that she wanted me to remember her 1
meetings. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in the parlor. Our purpose is to expand mission thru the participation of the global ministries of the church.
the next pastor who will soon follow me. It is sometimes helpful to have an interim pastor after a pastor who has served a congregation for seven or more years. Each pastor brings particular gifts and experience that can be precious to a church. Rev. John Carrington
We enjoy a brief, themed program, presented by volunteer members. A time for refreshment and fellowship follow the meeting. We are usually home by 99:30 PM. If transportation is needed please call Ann Aupperle, UMW President and she will arrange a ride.
A MISSION MOMENT This year we have rightly celebrated the life of Mrs. Rosa Parks, an icon to those who are committed to racial justice and civil rights. (We met her and Dr. King in 1957) We stood before the Westminster Abbey observing the ten statues of modern-day Christian martyrs, which include Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Esther John of Pakistan. These symbolize that the 20th century was the greatest century of Christian martyrdom. We were with Esther a week before she was murdered in Pakistan, by a family member, because she had converted from Islam. Truly the lives of Rosa Parks, Bonhoeffler, Dr. King and Esther John create a light that shines in the darkness. Max & Mary Lowdermilk - Arizona - Retired missionaries to Pakistan)
Thursday, September 13, Dot Megna will present the program "How Are We Raced", to explore the ways in which we are taught at an early age about the nature of race and racism. Joan Nehlsen will be our hostess for the evening.
MITTEN MINISTRY With fall and colder weather approaching, knit and crocheted hats and mittens and scarves will be needed by our Long Island homeless. onations of yarn and volunteers to knit and/ or crochet, would be greatly appreciated. At the present time, there is only one gracious lady providing the completed items, and she is not a church member! I have some simple patterns available, along with the donated yarn. All you need is the willingness and a pair of needles. Won't you please consider creating at least one pair of mittens to keep someone warm? These mittens are delivered with the PB&J sandwiches and have gone from Roosevelt to the East End of LI.
MISSION PRAYER FOCUS: Access to Economic Justice for Rural Women in Pakistan Education for refugee children in Pakistan Growing Rights of Women in Pakistan
The UMW welcomes everyone back to our Church and its activities. We hope you had a safe and refreshing summer and invite the women to UMW 2
John Muller, chairman 499-6672
ANNUAL FALL FAIR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 The fair will be held from 10 AM - 3 PM in the Fellowship Hall, and will consist of a BAKE TABLE, with many delicious homemade goodies.
SEPTEMBER Birthday Greetings: Pat Ross Jim Medina Jackie Mallgraf Steven Waidelich Joan Kopping Gail Stroup Vicky O'Connell
WHITE ELEPHANT: your junk is another man's treasure! COUNTRY KITCHEN, for morning coffee, lunch and dessert; KOREAN FOOD TABLE: authentic Korean food prepared by our sister congregation; and a BOUTIQUE, providing new handmade gifts, crafted by our talented ladies.
Happy Birthday, gentle friend, have a blessed day May your heart be filled with wonders as you travel on life's way I pray your day is filled with love and joy of every kind May the world rise up to greet you, I hope these things you find... Joy, peace and happiness, contentment in your heart May you find all these spirit fruits, the ones that you impart God bless your special day!
Soon, you will be approached by our booth chairpersons or me. Please be willing to volunteer by assisting with the sales or baking, making jams or preserves or donating new handmade items. Helpers are also needed on Thursday morning to set up and skirt the tables. A chart will be on the upstairs bulletin board for Country Kitchen food donations.
(If you haven't seen your birthday mentioned this month, I don't have it! Please let me know!) Kathy Muller
NOTE: The Fellowship Hall will be open on Thursday and Friday evening (the 11th & 12th) from 7 to 8 pm only for White Elephant or baked goods donations. Please bring them in during that hour, do not leave them at the basement door! We will gladly accept china, gifts, antiques, pots, pans, household goods, tools, jewelry, artwork, small furniture, toys and books. Almost anything in clean, working order will be appreciated. If you have any questions, please speak with Joan, Joan and Al.
Mel, Dolly and the Walker family want to thank their wonderful friends for all the expressions of support and sympathy at this time of sorrow with the death of Jenna Jurgens, their grandson’s young wife. LYDIA CIRCLE We were all pleased to welcome Joan Kopping into the circle. Judy Titolo
All proceeds go toward the current expense of CUMC. Thank you, 3
Thought this might be nice to include in the newsletter. It was on the General Board of Discipleship's Worship Page.
visited us as well and it was great to see her. She has also visited the Men’s Group. We welcomed back Eileen Waidelich after her surgery and she was accompanied by June Fick.
You are invited to participate in an online survey by telling us your ten favorite hymns. You may choose any ten selections in any combination from /The United Methodist Hymnal/ (1989) and/or /The Faith We Sing/ (2000). The survey consists of the alphabetical listing of both books' contents and a check box for each title. You simply click on your ten selections. You may find it helpful to think about your selections prior to actually completing the survey, perhaps even by browsing through the hymnal and making a list.
We heard from Jeannette that Phyllis is now home and will be going to Florida for a couple of weeks. Martha told us of a very slight improvement in Anthony’s condition. (The young sailor injured severely in Iraq) We thank Dottie and Norma for refreshments and Mary for the flowers. There was no specific program this month, just a lot of chat! We hope you are enjoying the summer vacation. Dagmar, we missed you! Betty Carson
After selecting up to ten of your favorites, you will then be asked to select up to ten selections of your LEAST favorite hymns and songs, or titles that you wish had not been included. Once again, you may select up to ten titles from either or both books in combination.
to be yourself; everyone else is taken!
The survey will not allow you to select more than ten titles in each category (favorite and least favorite). After choosing your selections, you will be asked to respond to five demographic questions that will help us in analyzing the survey. Your participation and responses are confidential and anonymous. You will not be asked for your name or identifying personal information.
From the church office... THANK YOU all for your warm wishes and blessings as Dick and I start our new life together! Although things have been very hectic in recent months, it has also been a time of great happiness. Your cards, prayers and support are appreciated! A revised phone directory will be printed this month. If you know of any changes to be made, please contact me ASAP.
This information will be used to help us plan for future resources in congregational singing and in identifying changes and trends in musical style. We are grateful for your participation and ask you to encourage your friends, your children, your congregation, Sunday school classes,
students, professors, pastors, choir members, church staff — any United Methodist — to participate. It is our hope to have wide participation.
our picnics, enjoyed strolling in the gardens and heard great music by the wonderful, world famous big band! And now, here comes Fall with new things to look forward to and enjoy together! The Happening Committee
*To take the survey, go to
. *
to Larry D. Schneckenberger for his receiving the Pulaski Association Medal in honor for his “tremendous act of heroism” in the New York City Fire Department. Back on March 20, 2006, as the members of Ladder 120 were completing their daily drill, two men were engaged in a gun battle outside of quarters and adjacent to Public School 298, where school was just letting out. He exhibited “great initiative...(as) the lives of countless civilians were at risk. This Firefighter’s swift and unselfish actions were instrumental in sheltering the schoolchildren, thereby saving untold lives.”
VOLUNTEER NEEDED... For several years I have delivered donated magazines to the NY State Veterans home, but I am unable to continue this endeavor. I would welcome any volunteer who can take over this activity which involves collecting donated magazines from our church box and delivering them about every six weeks or so. Please let me know. Also, we are “CALLING ALL GARDENERS!” The church grounds are in desperate need of some weeding and pruning. Please take some time out and help make our place look cared for. Thanks. Mary Kopf
(The article this information was taken from is on the bulletin board outside the church office.)
SUMMER HAPPENINGS! We enjoyed our annual Summer Supper at the Beach where the kids loved jumping the waves at Robert Moses! Next on our calendar was the Long Island Ducks Game, another good time as usual. - and the Ducks won! The Glenn Miller orchestra at beautiful Old Westbury Gardens was a lovely night, where threatened thunderstorms happily didn't materialize. We brought
Richard and Anne Tammaro are happy to welcome their newest grandchild, Mia Isabelle, born August 11, 2007. 5
Cokesbury’s LIFT OFF! Soaring to New Heights with God, which ran , June 24 – June 28th, included a daily visit form Skylar the Sky Squirrel, who ,by the end of the five-day program, was know as Skylar the scampering, skimming, scholarly, skillful and squealing Sky Squirrel (say that fast five times!). VBS Director, Deb Hervey, said, “This was a really fun theme and the younger kids liked listening to Skylar and his sidekick, Scoop, the reporter, introduce each day’s Flight Plan.”
Mia is the daughter of Nick and Nicole Tammaro and little sister of Anthony.
We would like to thank everyone who attended the backyard breakfast in our home and made it such an enjoyable affair. Your good company, conversation and delicious goodies made it a very memorable day for us. Thanks, Sobana, Sam and Mark Prasad. VACATION SCHOOL
Easy Bible story illustrated a Flight Plan related to a key word for the day: follow, trust, listen, repent and serve. Children learned about Abraham and his wife Sarah (Genesis 12-21), Joseph and his eleven brothers (Genesis 37-45), sisters Mary and Martha (Luke 10:3842), the tax collector Zaccheus (Luke 19:1-10) and Peter, the fisherman Jesus called to serve (John 21:1-17). Children also memorized a daily Power Prayer from Psalms to fuel their journeys.
Approximately 20 young “Sky Scouts” experienced high adventure and developed a stronger faith as they soared to new heights with God here at Commack UMC at the end of June.
One of the major components of this year’s VBS was the mission project. During each opening assembly, the children deposited school supplies into the balloon gondola. Those items were delivered to Anne Tammaro in August. To help the children understand what opportunities they have to serve right in our own community, Anne, shared a story about a local family that tied to the lesson of the day. New this year was the concept of the Sky Scouts jumping “into” the story each evening. One night they were a group of travelers that came across Abraham’s camp in the desert, another night, 9 boys joined Reuben and Judah as they went to Joseph to buy food. Another night they all had to pay taxes to mean, nasty Zaccheus and then got to
The Vacation Bible School program, 6
watch as Jesus asked him to come down from the tree and join him for dinner.
and the kids loved them when they were finished, but there was lots of knot tying involved this year, which took lots of extra adult fingers!” She continued, “The kids really like the special snacks that always have a connection to the lesson. We have Maureen Kessler and her family to thank for all the advance preparations they do to make it look so easy each night.”
Helpers for this years VBS included Ann Aupperle, Kim Colavito, Nancy Gamby, Maureen Kessler, Suzanne Litrel, Dagmar Mackay, Cyndi Pinkham, Sobana Prasad, Anne Tammaro, Dolly Walker, Penny White, Marge Wright, Margie Zubkowski. Maggie Hervey and Andi Kessler, who ran the opening each night, were joined by other youth group members who helped with set-up, presented skits, helped with snacks and craft and were general runners for whatever Mrs. Hervey needed. They included Tom Colavito, John Kessler, Sean Kessler, Alec Litrel, Sarah Mackay, Brittney Manchio, and Mark Prasad.
Children were overheard asking there parents’ why they had to miss a night when family schedules prevented them from attending on a particular evening. “Seeing the kids get excited about these stories and wanting to come and make the crafts and sing the songs, is what feeds my energy level”, shared Deb Hervey. “I was really impressed by the prayers that each child wrote at the end of each evening. It showed that they were really “getting it”. Their prayers were very earnest.” A successful VBS is measured by the strength of the volunteers who keep it running. “This year we had 20 adults help - some for just one night and others the entire week. I especially want to thank the parents and youth who helped with the crafts. They were great looking 7
CHURCH MISSIONS What a great summer of caring and sharing we've had! While many of us enjoyed vacations this summer, the hungry did not take a vacation and CUMC "peanut butter gang" was there with almost 2,000 sandwiches in July and August to help feed them. We had volunteers fill in while some of us vacationed and even roped in a few new regulars. Joe Dugan, the coordinator of this enormous project, said their cupboards were bare and the need was desperate. I pass on Joe's thanks on behalf of those you've fed. Please help us continue this wonderful ministry; keep those peanut butter donations coming and join us at 8:30AM on the first Saturday of the month to help make sandwiches that could be the only meal someone has that day. The first Saturday in September will fall on Labor Day weekend and we will need all the help we can get. We receive a small donation every so often from someone who said that a simple pb&j sandwich (maybe one of ours) let her know that someone cared about her and gave her the courage to overcome despair. Our peanut butter gang not only gives us the opportunity to help others, but also allows us to share the joy of giving as churches groups from other denominations and other communities join us in our ministry. Many boy scouts, girl scouts, brownies, and cub scouts troops regularly spread peanut butter. The high schools send community service workers to our Church to learn about helping others. A couple of scouts (boys and girls) have returned on their own bringing siblings,
Our Sky Scouts will be sharing the songs and lessons learned during worship on Rally Sunday, September 9th as they use the theme to Lift Off this year’s Sunday School season. There will also be pictures and samples of crafts to view during the Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall. Ballyhoo! See you there.
children when they return to school. Our special thanks and blessings to all that contribute to our ministry of sharing and caring.
mothers, fathers, grandparents and neighbors. Our bread donations come from the efforts of scouting parents who sought out suppliers for us. “Our peanut butter gang” has become a family working together for the good of others. . Everywhere we look in the Bible, our mission as Christians is clear "Command them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share with others." 1 Timothy 6:18. Our actions as well as our prayers speak of our faith in a loving God.
Please inform us of any need in the congregation or the community where we may be of assistance. We can only help if you keep us informed. Contact the office or a committee member and we will do our best to respond. Anne Tammaro & Gail Stroup Mission Workarea
From our food box we have been able to help children who have missed school lunches and helped supply the food pantry and the soup kitchen with staples. It is amazing how many families on Long Island struggle with constant or temporary financial difficulties; we have had more requests this summer than ever before. How fortunate that we are in a position to make a difference in so many lives. Many times "our helping hands" are enough to bridge a temporary economic gap and help a struggling family cope with hard times. Our school supply drive has been a great success and will enable children to start the year off with some of the tools needed to succeed. This ministry was the mission project for our Vacation Bible School; it is heartwarming to see our children helping other children. Not only are these supplies important for learning, but it is important for a child's self esteem to have the basics so many of us take for granted. Education may be the only way for these children to climb out of the poverty trap. Three of the young people we have helped are now in college, another is in Medical School, and another who wanted to quit high school graduated this year. From the proceeds of our change jar we have been able to provide new shoes for 10