Optimization in Economies with Nonconvexities Suchismita Tarafdar (Job Market Paper)
Abstract Nonconvex optimization is becoming the fashion to solve constrained optimization problems. Classical Lagrangian does not necessarily represent a nonconvex optimization problem. In this paper, we give conditions under which the Classical Lagrangian serves as an exact penalization of a nonconvex programming. This has a simple interpretation and is easy to solve. We use this Classical Lagrangian to provide su¢ cient conditions under which value functions are (i) Clarke di¤erentiable with di¤erential bounds, (ii) directionally di¤erentiable, and (iii) once-continuously di¤erentiable (C 1 ). Relative to the literature, we provide the most general su¢ cient conditions for the existence of directional di¤erentiable and once continuously di¤erentiable envelopes. Our theory has numerous potential examples in lattice programming, nonclassical growth theory and macroeconomics, Negishi methods, nonstationary dynamic lattice programming, and duopoly problems
Department of Economics, WP Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
Abstract. Nonconvex optimization is becoming the fashion to solve constrained optimization problems. Classical Lagrangian does not necessarily represent a ...
Jul 26, 2015 - (2011) for a survey and to the excellent website of the database they ..... solves the (IF) problem, as a build-up for its characterization of the wealth .... 18 A simple definition of a power law, or fat tailed, distribution is as fol
AUniversità di Roma WTor VergataWVia Columbia 2, 00133 Rome, Italy. â Corresponding author. Istituto di Economia e Finanza, Università Cattolica del Sacro.
Apr 18, 2017 - In this note, we prove existence of a Simon and Zame âsolutionâ in ... For example, in exchange economies, consumers are limited by their.
There are two types of goods, a homogeneous consumption good, which serves as numeraire, and a capital good. We denote by L â o the state of nature realized at date 1, where o is the set of possible states. Preferences/endowments. Each agent i valu
interaction and feedback with credit frictions. â suggests ... externalities can generally take on either sign. â· illustrate which factors cause sign to ip. â· Bonus: ...
Nov 30, 2006 - In what follows I will take the sequence of prices as a parameter of ..... agent. Compared to the allocation rule, the domain of the modified allocation rule ..... But it is more appropriate to compare h' and the continuation utility i
Nov 30, 2006 - marginal continuation utility thus deters the low shock agents from reporting high .... In what follows I will take the sequence of prices as a parameter of ..... Compared to the allocation rule, the domain of the modified allocation .
Unpacking the optimal tax rates for distributive and collateral externalities into three sufficient statistics each is also helpful in spelling out explicit conditions ...
Jan 17, 2017 - A3: The graph of E, defined by Î := {(x, v) : v â U(x) and xi â Bi(xâi) for ... It is then standard to define a generalized Nash equilibrium of E as a ...
Equilibria can be easily approximated numerically [see Judd (1998)] and one can explore ... and at the NBER Gen- eral Equilibrium Conference 2000, New York, for many stimulating comments. ...... We call these equilibria sunspot equilibria.
Available online 26 July 2015. Abstract. We study the wealth distribution in Bewley economies with idiosyncratic capital income risk. We show analytically that ...
Sep 6, 2007 - The following definition of time iteration will be used.7 ... As far as the author is aware, there has been no application of âtime .... The final proposition will show that the sequence of policy functions .... without markedly incre
Each agent sends link proposals to all other agents p i. D (p i j. ) 4. jD1 e н0,18. 4 . ( Mutually agreed upon links are formed (i.e. link ij occurs iff p i j p j i. D 1). ( A network is 4ust the set of all agreed upon links (g D нij : Vi, j e m8
different ways that owners maintain control over the work of management: 1) the owners directly .... initiatives in the field of corporate governance. Comparative ...
May 31, 2002 - System Macro Meeting in Cleveland, as well as James Bullard and Kevin Lansing ... Key Words: optimal taxation; uniform taxation; life cycle.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. Äata not available .... sumption and labor supply, firmsâ production, and governments' policies. But all ...
Jun 11, 2016 - two-good, two-agent pure exchange economies with heterogeneous but symmetric preferences with ... Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, 100 Darden Blvd, .... 1(1) < 0, we have z1(p) < 0 when p > 1 is sufficiently small. ..
Hour: 17.10. Date: November, 30th (Thursday) 2017. Place: Room: 5C, building C, SGH. Pairwise stable matching in large economies. Michael Greinecker. University of Graz. Abstract: This paper provides a model of stable pairwise matchings in two-sided
refusal to allow the boat Tampa into its waters (with its cargo of 433 asy- ... Martin was released in August 2003 and âhis storyâ was very visible in the pop-.