Two Ways to Pay: * Check/Cash *
The mission of Viper Football is to prepare the young men of Verrado High School to be difference makers in today’s world. Our goal is to graduate young men who will become leaders in their communities, excellent husbands and fathers, as well as role models for future generations. We look to accomplish this by developing the complete football player (body, mind, and spirit) while promoting excellence on and off the field.
2011 Football Camp
$325 – Due by July 11 $275 if paid by June 30 Please make checks payable to: Viper Touchdown Club Freshmen Camp – July 11-15
Tax Credit
Varsity & JV Camp – July 18-22
Winslow, Arizona $325 – by July 11 Please make checks payable to: Verrado High School Verrado High School
Questions: Please contact Coach Wahlstrom by e-mail at
[email protected]
20050 W. Indian School Road Buckeye, AZ 85396
Registration ________________________________________ Participant ________________________________________ Parent’s Name(s) ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City, State Zip ________________________________________ Email ________________________________________ Primary Phone Number
What should I bring to Football Camp?
Sleeping Bag Air Mattress Pillow Towel Tooth Brush Tooth Paste Deodorant Soap Sun Block and Chap Stick At least 7 changes of workout clothes (White Shirt, Long Socks, Black Shorts) 7-10 Changes of Underwear and Socks Some regular clean clothes
Sandals Running Shoes Cleats Sweatshirt Sweatpants Spending Money, around $10-$20 (There will be a concession stand) Notebook Pen Pencil Cell phones and/or listening device (iPod, etc) usage will be limited Playing cards (optional)
________________________________________ Secondary Phone Number Shirt Size: _____ Short Size: _____ Grade: _____ Participants should be covered under their own insurance policies. It is understood that Verrado High School, Winslow School District, and Winslow High School are released from any and all claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever in any way growing out of or resulting from participation in, or in transit to or from, this football camp. I hereby authorize the Camp Directors to seek medical attention if such attention is warranted: ________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ________________________________________ Date