Welcome to the Catholic Parish Communities of Ashby & Measham ololstcharles.blogspot.co.uk Our Lady of Lourdes Station Road Ashby-de-la-Zouch LE65 2GL
Father Colin Patey 01530 412237
[email protected] @FatherColin1
St Charles Borromeo Bosworth Road Measham DE12 7LQ
Rev Deacon Andrew Martin Primary School St Charles Borromeo Measham Mrs F Smith B.Ed, MA 01530 270572
Secondary School Blessed Robert Sutton, Burton on Trent Mr M Cain 01283 749450
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord — 12/13 April 2014 Ashby Sat 12 4.15–5.15pm 5.30pm Sun 13 10.00am Mon 14 9.30am Tue 15 9.30am Wed 16 7.00pm Thu 17 7.30pm
Exposition & Confessions Mass for the People of the Parish Mass for Joan & Jack Baxter RIP Mass for Emma Lacey (sick) Mass for Ints of A & J Holt & family Mass for Margaret Hicks (RIP) Mass of the Lord’s Supper Altar of Repose open for prayer until: 10.00pm Compline Fri 18 3.00pm The Passion of the Lord Sat 19 No Mass at 5.30pm 8.30pm Easter Vigil Mass for Private Intention Sun 20 10.00am Mass for the People of the Parish
Measham Sat 12 6.45pm Mass for Jim Kavanagh RIP Sun 13 4.00.pm Stations of the Cross & Benediction Fri 18 9.30am Stations of the Cross Sat 19 No Mass at 6.45pm 8.30pm Easter Vigil Mass for Private Intention
This week: Thursday: Holy (Maundy) Thursday; Friday: Good Friday: Abstinence from meat and Fasting; Saturday: Holy Saturday; Next Sunday: Easter Day of the Resurrection of the Lord H W C T Ashby Sat 12 4.15–5.15pm After 5.30pm Mass
Chris & John
Sun Collectors
Sun Andy & Rob
John & David
Sun Jane & Richard
Cleaners Flowers
Everyone: Thursday 9.30am Preparing for Easter
Ashby 188
Measham 33
Loose Plate
Standing Orders
Total £1343.63 £115.00 Other Holy Week Events Wed 11.30am Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Fri 12noon ‘Passion for Ashby’ Ecumenical Act of Witness meet at Holy Trinity Sat 10.00am Blessing of Easter Food (OLOL)
Measham Sun 13 After 4.00pm Stations and Benediction Fri 18 After 9.30am Stations
Sun 13 After 10.00am Mass Mon 14 After 9.30am Mass Tue 15 After 9.30am Mass Wed 16 After 7.00pm Mass Thu 17 9.00am–12noon On call: Fr Colin will be in Church or Presbytery Fri 18
After 3.00pm Liturgy of the Day
Sat 19
10.30–12noon On call: Fr Colin will be in Church or Presbytery 4.45-5.15pm
S : : ;< 10.00= M= Gospel Acclamation: Echo Cantor Holy, holy: M4 Memorial Acclamation: M7 Our Father: 467 (Pater noster) Lamb of God: M9 NB: The M numbers can be found between 967 and 968.
Invitation to pray the Rosary: On Tuesday after the 9.30 Mass (about 10:00) we pray the Rosary for priests and on Friday after the 9.30am Mass we pray the Rosary for peace. Please join us. St Charles Catholic Pre-School: To donate £2 towards the fundraising to replace our Pre-School PLEASE TEXT SCPS13 £2 TO 70070. If you would like more information please take a leaflet from the back of church. Please help to save this valuable asset to our community. The Ashby Foodbank: Thank you for your continuing support of the foodbank. Donations of food can be put in the foodbank box at the back of the church. They are dropped off at the foodbank depot on a regular basis. If you would like to know more or get involved please visit the website (http://ashbyfoodbank.org.uk), contact The Ashby Food Bank at the Holy Trinity Parish Office, or speak to Jane Desjardins at church. Items that can be accepted are: Milk (UHT or powdered) ; Sugar (500g); Fruit juice (carton) ; Pasta sauces; Sponge pudding (tinned); Tomatoes (tinned); Cereals; Rice pudding (tinned); Soup; Tea Bags/instant coffee; Instant mash potato; Rice/pasta; Tinned meat/fish; Tinned fruit; Jam; Biscuits or snack bars. Please note other items can be difficult to store and keep. Cheques to Ashby parish should be written to Ashby Catholic Parish and to Measham to St. Charles Measham RCP NRCDT. The Nottingham Diocesan Yearbook 2014 is on sale at the back of both Church, price £3. It is a useful and interesting publication and gives lots of information about what is going on in our diocese. Strongly recommended! The Youth Group next meets Friday, 9 May. Dnia 19 kwietnia (Wielka Sobota) o godz 10.00 w kościele pod wezwaniem Our Lady of Lourdes w Ashby, odbędzie się, zgodnie z polską tradycją, poświęcenie pokarmów na Wielkanocny stół. Serdecznie zapraszamy. Church Cleaning. Anyone capable of wield ing a duster (bring your own!) is inv ited to assist with cleaning the Church at Ashby on Thursday morning from 9.30am. This is necessary, we want our Church spick and span for the great Festival. It is also an opportunity to meet and work alongside our brothers and sisters and build up our community. Win win! Car Park The Diocese tell us that Church car parks must be locked outside serv ice times. We will start doing this as from May 1st. Collections Good Friday: Holy Places of Palestine; Easter Offering: this is an important contribution towards the parish’s financial support of the priest. Employment opportunities Please see ololstcharles.blogspot.co.uk for details of a vacancy for a Classroom Teacher at our own St Charles’ School, and for a Fieldworker with the Nottingham Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission. Measham 100 Club April 1. No 5 Cyril Auty £12.00; 2. No 62 Gerard Egan £4.80; 3. No 46 Betty Blackburn £2.40 Refreshments: Coffee and tea are available in the crypt after the 10am Sunday Mass and the 9.30am Mass on Wednesdays at Ashby, and after the Saturday evening Mass at Measham on the first Saturday of each month. Please stay for a chat and an opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and visitors alike. New parishioners: If you have recently moved into our parish please put your name, address & contact details in the book on the table near the piety stall at the back of church or email Fr Colin:
[email protected] T L= M ; N ; H W . The week is made holy by its celebration of Jesus’ gift of himself to us and for us. Wednesday, we remember his betrayal. Thursday is a celebration of the gift of the Eucharist and a reflection on the example of service Jesus gives to us. Friday is “Good” because we truly remember how much he loved us — even with his death on the cross. Saturday we are without a liturgy and are awaiting the night-time celebration of the Resurrection, which is his and is now ours. And, so, we begin this week with the reading of the whole Passion story — this year, it is Matthew’s version. (On Friday, we’ll read John’s version.) It is all so big and so full of meaning that I need to step back personally and focus on a few things, so that I don’t let it just get by me so quickly. I think the palms we receive today are a key. They are at least something to hold onto today and to keep close to us all week. Often we get them as we come into the church. We sometimes feel awkward and someone might encourage us to hold them up and wave them. It happens so fast, it is difficult to get into what is going on and to let it in very deeply. The palms represent our not being fully ready and fully engaged in the power of this week. The story they invite us into is about the people welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem — waving palm tree branches and laying them on the road before him. They are accepting him as the one they were expecting to usher in God’s promise. They shout, “Hosanna!” — God, come to save us!” Of course, we put those palm branches down on the pew and we listen to the Passion story, which is full of betrayal. Many of the people are persuaded to turn on Jesus. “Crucify him, Crucify him!”
And, we carry that palm branch home, wondering what to do with it, wondering what it means for us this week. This year, I’m going to cut off a small piece of palm branch and put it in my pocket. I’m going to cut off two pieces a bit longer and put one on my nightstand and put the other on my desk in my office. I’m going to try to give them meaning, every time I put my hand in my pocket and feel it, or every time I go to bed or get up in the morning, and whenever I’m working at my computer. I want that piece of palm branch to remind me of my prayer — recognising my desire to ask God to save me. And, I want it to represent my temptation to ambivalence, and how I am too easily persuaded by the crowds to deny my need for him. I want to let the palm branch get me through Holy Week. I really want to let it represent my desire to let Holy Thursday teach me deeper gratitude for his self-giving love for me — so powerfully expressed in today’s second reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I want the palm to represent my desire to be a servant for others, like Jesus, with Jesus. And, I want the palm to be with me on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, to help me stay grateful for the gift of his life for me. And, I want that palm to be close to me on Easter Sunday. I want to remember that his Passion — any participation I have in carrying my cross, in his name — leads to his Resurrection and mine, the gift of eternal life. Throughout the year, those palm branch pieces can be a continuing reminder of how much he loves me and how deeply I want to respond, “Hosanna!” — “Save me, dear Jesus!” Andy Alexander SJ