Summer 2017
Boston Mission Trip June 25- July 2
Trip Leaders (23 Total) Denver McCollister- Youth Director Ryan Born- High School Director Hannah Johnson- High School Director Jenny Pearsall- Middle School Director Ben Barnes- Middle School Director Paris Griffin- Small Group Leader Kate Born- Small Group Leader Cindy Marion- Small Group Leader John & Becca Drexel- Small Group Leaders Morgan Bates- Small Group Leader Bess Alford- Small Group Leader Lauren Casey- Small Group Leader/Nurse
Ali Silverman- Summer Intern Kate Campbell- Summer Intern Michael Rohr- Summer Intern Nathan Ives- Summer Intern John Watson- Small Group Leader Scott Reamer- Small Group Leader Charles Sommer- Youth Volunteer Tim Cornelson- Youth Volunteer Donnie Marion- Youth Volunteer Brooks Terry- Youth Volunteer Lexi Reamer- Former Intern
Contact Information *In the case of an emergency here are the numbers you can call: Denver Cell: 713-859-1037 Ryan Cell: 832-380-0966 Hannah Cell: 713-392-2140 Cheryl Cell: 713-443-5773 Paris Cell: 713-398-5392
Why do we go on mission trips?
To get away from the noise To learn the value of service God has asked us to “go” To build strong relationships We’ve seen the fruit & we’ve experienced it first hand
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world ~James 1:27 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then, the
righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me.’ ~Matthew 25:34-40
Who are we going with? Why Boston?
Nicknamed “The Hub of the Universe”, the greater Boston area is home to nearly 5-million people, which means there is plenty of opportunity to serve. The city was originally founded by Puritans, but a Pew Research Center study says only about 57% of Bostonians now claim to be of Christian faith. We will have a chance to show God’s love, not only to people in need, but to those who serve them as well. Our focus of engagement will be in different pockets all over the city where we will serve in orphanages, churches, hospices and a variety of other venues. These service opportunities will be coordinated by Praying Pelican Missions, an organization we have used on previous mission trips. We found them to be organized, safe, efficient and faithful people who were able to set up meaningful service opportunities for our large group!
Boston Mission Trip Questions 1) How many people are coming on the trip? -We are bringing 125 people. (102 students and 23 leaders) 2) What will the weather probably be like when we get here? -Boston weather ranges between 85° and 66° in July 3) Where will we be staying? It is totally safe? -We will be staying at Nueva Vida Church in Chelsea
4) How many work sites are there? Do we know for sure that there will be enough work? What kind of work will we be doing? -We will split into 8 small groups of 15 -There will be plenty of service work -There will be 2-3 leaders per work group to help navigate and keep each group safe while we travel and serve 5) What are the safety issues? Will there be supervision at each site? Are any of the sites high-crime areas? -There will be FPC supervision at each site, 2-3 adults for every group. There will also be one Praying Pelican leader at each site. -The two biggest safety issues are dehydration/exhaustion & safety with all work tools. -None of the sites are high-crime areas. 6) In the case of an injury, what would be the plan? -We will be in the Boston area at all times close to hospitals and urgent care centers. We will notify his/her parents immediately. -We will have a Registered Nurse (Lauren Casey) 7) Who cooks the food? -Food will be provided by Praying Pelicans. Depending on the day, work groups may decide to eat lunch out and there will be some nights that the whole group will get food in a certain area of Boston.
Days off/Activities: 1) We will attend a Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park mid-week. 2) Groups will be encouraged to explore the Boston Common Area throughout the week. 3) We will also spend a day at a beach on Saturday where we will have a clam bake.
FPC Summer Parent Agreement 1) No motorized sports 2) No iPods, iPhones, head phones, game boys, or electronics of any kind are allowed on this trip
They are totally disruptive to the process. We expect parents to make sure they are in possession of their students’ iPods and iPhones during our trip.
3) Absolutely NO DRINKING or DRUG USE Just a friendly reminder of our ALCOHOL & DRUG policy as stated on the FPC Release & Agreement which was signed by both students and parents:
If a student is caught in possession of alcohol or drugs, the student’s parent(s) will be responsible for arranging and paying for all parts of getting them home (airport shuttle/cab, plane). They will not come home with us, no matter what day of the trip it happens.
Important Information for Parents! 1- Forms: If you have not turned your student’s forms in yet, please turn them in ASAP! 2- Attend Sunday School & Summer Activities: Now that you are officially on the list, we strongly recommend that each student attend as many youth events as possible. The summer calendar will be posted on our website soon at Team unity and fellowship are dynamic essentials to the success of this mission trip, so each person’s involvement now is vital as we prepare together for the mission. 3- Payment: If you have not yet paid your balance, you can expect to receive an invoice soon. If you have any questions about what you owe or if you paid, please contact Eva Garcia in the FPC Finance office.
Boston Packing List Devotional Materials Bible Personal Journal/Notebook and Pen Spending Money Money ($50-100) Clothing (6 work days, 2 travel, 2 beach) Work shoes must be closed toe (hiking boots, tennis shoes, or work boots) Rain Coat Jeans or Work Pants (1-2, scrubs work well) Shorts (4-6) T-Shirts (11-15) Work shirts (5) Swim wear (conservative) Underwear (9 day trip) Socks (2 per day recommended/good quality work or athletic) Sleepwear (lightweight) Bandanas/handkerchiefs for sweat or hat Tennis shoes/sandals/after work shoes Laundry bag Dress clothes for church & dress shoes GIRLS: knee length dress or skirt, nice shirt, nice shoes. NO tank tops or short skirts. BOYS: nice pants, collared shirt, closed toe shoes Travel Supplies Flight information Medical insurance card (optional)
Health, Safety, & Hygiene Prescription medicine Nonprescription medicine Sunblock (aloe vera) Soap/shampoo/conditioner Deodorant Toothbrush and paste Water bottle (put name on it) – important! Insect spray Towel (2) Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer Contact solution/case/contacts/glasses Wet-wipes Supplies and Equipment Work gloves Backpack Watch or alarm clock Sunglasses Bedding: Sleeping bag/ sheets, sleeping mat, pillow * We will be sleeping on the floor of a church Food Snacks and diet food (if required)
What NOT to pack: cell phones, iPods, electronic devices, etc (see list from previous page)
Trip Prayer Requests 1) For students “to know the love that surpasses knowledge—that they may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19 2) For every student to feel loved and welcomed, and to walk away with lasting, meaningful friendships. 3) For students to escape the distractions at home so that they may be fully present and able to listen to God. 4) For good health for all and the overall safety of our trip. 5) For God to give the leaders wisdom and extra energy during the course of the trip. 6) And prayers for Denver and Sarah, as baby # 2 will have been born shortly before the mission trip (due date = May 28)!
Flight Information HOBBY AIRPORT Departure 10:35AM 6/25/2017 Southwest #4920 3:30PM HOU/BOS Return 6:10PM 7/2/2017 Southwest #4814 BOS/HOU 9:30PM Arrival Time for group check-in is 8:30 am at HOBBY on Sunday, June 25 Group will return to HOBBY, landing at 9:30 PM on July 2.
Still have Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us in the Youth Office! Email is the best way,
[email protected]. If you need to speak by phone, email us your phone number and a good time to call.