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Positions now this House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan as one of your book collection! However, it is not in your bookcase collections. Why? This is guide House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan that is supplied in soft data. You could download and install the soft documents of this amazing book House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan currently and also in the web link provided. Yeah, various with the other people which try to find book House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan outside, you could obtain less complicated to pose this book. When some people still walk into the establishment and search guide House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan, you are here just remain on your seat as well as obtain the book House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan.

About the Author Despite a rural upbringing, Joe was raised in a very liberal home environment and was exposed at an early age to the classic underground comic book scene of the sixties and seventies, as well as European graphic novels by artists like Moebius, Enki Bilal and Milo Manara. At age 9, he was reading Tolkien and Stephen King. He wrote his first novella at age 10. After a brief stint pencilling underground horror comics in his twenties, Joe settled down, got married, had kids and opened his own business. Fast forward fifteen years, and the Kindle e-reader made its debut. Realizing he could bypass the gatekeepers of traditional publishing, Joe started his novel The Oldest Living Vampire Tells All. Feeling a little insecure of his writing skills, he published it under the pen name Rod Redux. It was a surprising success. It, and the books that followed, Menace of Club Mephistopheles and Mort, sold so well Joe was able to close his business and devote himself full time to writing. Proud to be an indie author, Joe turned down a publishing contract with a traditional publishing house, although he has sold the foreign rights to a mainstream publisher overseas. He has recently abandoned his pen name and is rereleasing his titles under his real name. If you would like to contact Mr. Duncan, you may do so at [email protected]. Or you can friend him on Facebook, or visit his blog Red Ramblings.



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When paranormal investigators Allen Mandel, Jane Rivers and Billy Kasch are invited to film the infamous Forester House for their popular cable television show Ghost Scouts, they think they've scored the coup of the season. Forester House is reputed to be one of the most haunted houses in the country. For 130 years it has hosted tragedy, madness, perversion and murder, and now the Ghost Scouts team is spending the night. The Ghost Scouts are no strangers to bizarre phenomena: glowing mists, mysterious voices and things that go bump in the night... But Forester House is no ordinary haunting... ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #3952610 in Books Published on: 2014-01-31 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.00" h x .87" w x 5.00" l, .84 pounds Binding: Paperback 386 pages

About the Author Despite a rural upbringing, Joe was raised in a very liberal home environment and was exposed at an early age to the classic underground comic book scene of the sixties and seventies, as well as European graphic novels by artists like Moebius, Enki Bilal and Milo Manara. At age 9, he was reading Tolkien and Stephen King. He wrote his first novella at age 10. After a brief stint pencilling underground horror comics in his twenties, Joe settled down, got married, had kids and opened his own business. Fast forward fifteen years, and the Kindle e-reader made its debut. Realizing he could bypass the gatekeepers of traditional publishing, Joe started his novel The Oldest Living Vampire Tells All. Feeling a little insecure of his writing skills, he published it under the pen name Rod Redux. It was a surprising success. It, and the books that followed, Menace of Club Mephistopheles and Mort, sold so well Joe was able to close his business and devote himself full time to writing. Proud to be an indie author, Joe turned down a publishing contract with a traditional publishing house, although he has sold the foreign rights to a mainstream publisher overseas. He has recently abandoned his pen name and is rereleasing his titles under his real name. If you would like to contact Mr. Duncan, you may do so at [email protected]. Or you can friend him on Facebook, or visit his blog Red Ramblings. Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Started off interesting. As I went along it moved ...

By readerAmma Started off interesting. As I went along it moved well, though some character dimensions seemed thrown in just to have something to say. At the end the book seemed rushed-as though the author was running out of space. It was ok for a casual read. 11 of 12 people found the following review helpful. Didn't live up to expectations By Pam Very graphic, gratuitous violence. Storyline had potential, but I didn't feel it lived up to my expectations. Some charactors didn't seem to have any purpose or, at least, their purpose wasn't explained. Disappointed in the end. 8 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Well I understand the 1 and 2 star reviews By Kindle Customer There's like 4 maybe 5 scenes with sexual content. And the foul language? Totally appropriate to what's going on for the most part. No, I'm guessing the hate this book is getting is because one of the main cast members is a gay man. And yes the gay man has sex! Omg! I've seen many reviewers get called out for their homophobia and, while it's nice seeing a decline in homophobic reviews, it seems these people are now basically making stuff up. There's (spoilers) a short gay sex scene within the first 30 pages. Anyone who only got that far and quit and the had the audacity to write a review? Yeah, I think I can guess their problem. Anyway, good book! Took a star of cause the ending could have been better but I'd recommend this one. See all 99 customer reviews...


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Positions now this House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan as one of your book collection! However, it is not in your bookcase collections. Why? This is guide House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan that is supplied in soft data. You could download and install the soft documents of this amazing book House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan currently and also in the web link provided. Yeah, various with the other people which try to find book House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan outside, you could obtain less complicated to pose this book. When some people still walk into the establishment and search guide House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan, you are here just remain on your seat as well as obtain the book House Of Dead Trees By Joseph Duncan.


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