True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks. Eventually, you will certainly find a brand-new experience and expertise by spending even more money. But when? Do you assume that you need to obtain those all needs when having significantly money? Why don't you try to obtain something easy in the beginning? That's something that will lead you to know more about the world, experience, some locations, history, entertainment, and also much more? It is your very own time to proceed checking out habit. One of the publications you can take pleasure in now is True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks right here.

From Publishers Weekly Charming, divorced Jeremy Marsh is a rising star. As a dashing, successful 37-year-old Manhattan science journalist, his skeptical scrutiny of ineffective antidepressants, cults and television clairvoyants has caught the eye of North Carolina restaurant owner Doris McClellan, who invites Jeremy to bucolic Boone Creek to scoop the story of eerie mystery lights appearing in an ancient cemetery. A diviner who can predict the sex of unborn babies, Doris suspects the lights are a ghostly curse. Her beautiful librarian granddaughter, Lexie Darnell, makes a lovely, if guarded, tour guide as Jeremy revs up his electromagnetic equipment for the ghost hunt. After witnessing the ethereal graveside lights, both grow closer, much to the chagrin of local deputy Rodney Hopper, who wants Lexie for himself. Guided by sage Doris and manipulated by meddling mayor Tom Gherkin, big-city Jeremy and smalltown Lexie find that trepidation about their differences somehow manages to bloom into love. Jeremy eventually uncovers the hidden truth behind the glowing graveyard fog and departs the lush gothic environs for New York. Can love bridge the gap? Sparks (The Wedding) delivers another shrink-wrapped, reliably uncomplicated romantic confection that's light as air, smooth as silk and gloriously sweet. Agent, Theresa Park. (One-day laydown Apr. 12) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Booklist New York skeptic Jeremy Marsh makes his living exposing frauds in the articles he writes for Scientific American. His latest target is a famous psychic who claims to speak to the dead. The acclaim he receives for his expose places Jeremy in the public eye with an appearance on national television. Jeremy then travels to Boone Creek, North Carolina, to search for the truth behind the mysterious lights that appear in the local cemetery. The legend is that an old curse causes the spirits to wander, and now the town wants to capitalize on the phenomena to bring in badly needed tourist dollars. But Doris McClellan, the local psychic, wants the lights debunked, and asks Jeremy to investigate. What Jeremy doesn't count on is falling for Doris' granddaughter, Lexie, the town librarian. Lexie has had enough of smooth-talking city men, and shields her heart, but Jeremy keeps trying to penetrate her tough shell. Lexie never wants to leave Boone Creek, and she believes that Jeremy will never want to stay. Although Sparks' latest starts with great potential, the main characters feel cool and distant; it is the secondary characters who embody the warmth and

verve that usually mark Sparks' best-sellers. Patty Engelmann Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved Review "Sparks knows how to tug at a reader's heartstrings."



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As a science journalist with a regular column in "Scientific American," Jeremy Marsh specializes in debunking the supernatural--until he falls in love with the granddaughter of the town psychic. ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #4438 in eBooks Published on: 2005-04-01 Released on: 2005-04-01 Format: Kindle eBook

From Publishers Weekly Charming, divorced Jeremy Marsh is a rising star. As a dashing, successful 37-year-old Manhattan science journalist, his skeptical scrutiny of ineffective antidepressants, cults and television clairvoyants has caught the eye of North Carolina restaurant owner Doris McClellan, who invites Jeremy to bucolic Boone Creek to scoop the story of eerie mystery lights appearing in an ancient cemetery. A diviner who can predict the sex of unborn babies, Doris suspects the lights are a ghostly curse. Her beautiful librarian granddaughter, Lexie Darnell, makes a lovely, if guarded, tour guide as Jeremy revs up his electromagnetic equipment for the ghost hunt. After witnessing the ethereal graveside lights, both grow closer, much to the chagrin of local deputy Rodney Hopper, who wants Lexie for himself. Guided by sage Doris and manipulated by meddling mayor Tom Gherkin, big-city Jeremy and smalltown Lexie find that trepidation about their differences somehow manages to bloom into love. Jeremy eventually uncovers the hidden truth behind the glowing graveyard fog and departs the lush gothic environs for New York. Can love bridge the gap? Sparks (The Wedding) delivers another shrink-wrapped, reliably uncomplicated romantic confection that's light as air, smooth as silk and gloriously sweet. Agent, Theresa Park. (One-day laydown Apr. 12) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Booklist New York skeptic Jeremy Marsh makes his living exposing frauds in the articles he writes for Scientific American. His latest target is a famous psychic who claims to speak to the dead. The acclaim he receives for his expose places Jeremy in the public eye with an appearance on national television. Jeremy then travels to Boone Creek, North Carolina, to search for the truth behind the mysterious lights that appear in the local cemetery. The legend is that an old curse causes the spirits to wander, and now the town wants to capitalize on the phenomena to bring in badly needed tourist dollars. But Doris McClellan, the local psychic, wants the lights debunked, and asks Jeremy to investigate. What Jeremy doesn't count on is falling for Doris' granddaughter, Lexie, the town librarian. Lexie has had enough of smooth-talking city men, and shields her heart, but Jeremy keeps trying to penetrate her tough shell. Lexie never wants to leave Boone Creek, and she believes that Jeremy will never want to stay. Although Sparks' latest starts with great potential, the main characters feel cool and distant; it is the secondary characters who embody the warmth and verve that usually mark Sparks' best-sellers. Patty Engelmann Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Review "Sparks knows how to tug at a reader's heartstrings." Most helpful customer reviews 92 of 106 people found the following review helpful. Not my favorite Sparks books but worth reading for fans By Ratmammy TRUE BELIEVER by Nicholas Sparks March 25, 2005 In Nicholas Sparks' latest novel, TRUE BELIEVER, Jeremy Marsh is a science journalist whose forte is debunking supernatural phenomenon using science and technology. His latest challenge is to solve the mystery behind the rumors of ghosts living in a cemetery in the small town of Boone Creek, North Carolina. When he starts to fall in love with the local psychic's granddaughter, she does her best to dissuade him, knowing they come from different worlds and that nothing would come of this romance. TRUE BELIEVER is a departure for Sparks, in that this is not a tragedy. It is a straightforward story of a man who is trying to solve the mystery of the ghosts in Cedar Creek Cemetery, and in the midst of working, he meets Lexie Darnell, a woman who has been hurt in the past and is afraid to love again. The two are worlds apart in terms of background, but he feels that they have a chance to make a go at it. Lexie believes in the ghosts, as do many of the town's people. If Jeremy finds the solution to this puzzle, it would change life in Boone Creek and possibly ruin any chances Jeremy has with Lexie. But he continues on, wanting to prove that yet again he can solve any mystery that involves the supernatural. I enjoyed this book, but it's not going to be a favorite. I have always enjoyed Sparks' tragedies (in particular MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE). TRUE BELIEVER was a well-written novel, but it lacks the "oomph" that is characteristic of his stories. The most enjoyable part of this story was the mystery behind the ghosts, but I in particular enjoyed the characters that filled the pages. Sparks always does a good job with the characters that grace the pages of his novels, and while the plot itself may lack something, TRUE BELIEVER is worth the read for any Sparks fan. 26 of 29 people found the following review helpful. Generally liked it, but I was a little underwhelmed... By Angela Dalecki I became a fan of Nicholas Sparks about three years ago, when I read A Walk to Remember a few months before the movie debuted. I cried for a week. The Notebook reduced me to a sobbing wreck as well. So when I sat down to read his newest novel, True Believer, I made sure I was wellstocked with plenty of Kleenex. I was surprised to find I didn't need them. The story is typical of Sparks' tried-and-true style of star-crossed lovers: Jeremy Marsh is a hotshot New York journalist whose life revolves around his career. His current stories involve researching (and debunking) the supernatural-when we first meet Jeremy, he's working on uncovering the sly tricks of Timothy Clausen, a John Edward-type "spirit guide." His next big story brings him to Boone Creek, North Carolina, to investigate a legend of ghostly lights in the town's cemetery. The

small town of Boone Creek is pretty much the polar opposite of New York City, and Jeremy plans to get the heck out of there as soon as his research is complete. Of course, things aren't always as easy as all that. While researching, Jeremy ends up meeting a young girl named Lexie, who runs the town library. Over the course of the week or so that Jeremy is in Boone Creek, they become friends and Jeremy quickly falls head over heels in love with her. Of course, their relationship is ultimately doomed-their homes and lifestyles are completely different, and Lexie doesn't want to give up her small, quiet life in Boone Creek any more than Jeremy wants to give up his career and fast-paced life in New York. It would take a miracle for their relationship to work-the type of miracle Jeremy doesn't believe in. I generally like Nicholas Sparks' work, and I generally liked this book. It's not a cry-fest like some of his other novels have been, and it probably won't be one of his best-remembered books, but it's a sweet story. Despite its tendency to get a tad predictable (you can tell from the beginning that a schmaltzy ending is in store), it still works and leaves you with an overall good feeling. It's a quick read, and it's fast-paced enough to stay interesting. Overall, True Believer is a little something like an after-dinner mint-not much substance, but it's light and sweet and, in the end, leaves you generally satisfied. 15 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Do you Believe? By vtown True Believer is about a guy named Jeremy and a girl named Lexie. Jeremy is a journalist for New York. Jeremy is called down to Lexis's little town because the cemetery is suppose to have ghost in it and Jeremy is suppose to investigate it. While trying to figure out the mystery Jeremy falls for a girl, Lexie. But now after all this time the question is does Lexie love him? Lexie is the pride of the town and she runs the small library. Lexie has lived with her grandmother since she was a child. Her grandmother, Doris, is the owner of the restaurant called "Herbs" and is very popular along the town's people as well. Doris is the one who called Jeremy down to have a look at the cemetery and Doris doesn't believe that there are any ghosts. Jeremy has a feeling she is not the only one but would like the rest of the people to know there are no ghosts. As Jeremy researches more and more he finds out that Doris is not the only one that knows there are no ghosts but she was just the only one that let on that she knew. Now the question is who all knows? Was this just one big scam or was it his imagination? I like this book because it is like a mystery-romance type of book. It is like no other book I've ever read and it is really good. This book can not fit into any other category like the rest of the books can because it is like it s own thing. I would recommend this book to any girl no matter what type of book you like. I would have to say that anybody from teenagers to grandmas would have to say this is a good book and would enjoy reading it. See all 627 customer reviews...


The visibility of the online book or soft documents of the True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks will certainly relieve individuals to get the book. It will also conserve even more time to only search the title or author or author to get up until your book True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks is disclosed. After that, you could go to the web link download to visit that is given by this web site. So, this will be a great time to begin enjoying this book True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks to read. Constantly great time with publication True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks, consistently great time with cash to spend! From Publishers Weekly Charming, divorced Jeremy Marsh is a rising star. As a dashing, successful 37-year-old Manhattan science journalist, his skeptical scrutiny of ineffective antidepressants, cults and television clairvoyants has caught the eye of North Carolina restaurant owner Doris McClellan, who invites Jeremy to bucolic Boone Creek to scoop the story of eerie mystery lights appearing in an ancient cemetery. A diviner who can predict the sex of unborn babies, Doris suspects the lights are a ghostly curse. Her beautiful librarian granddaughter, Lexie Darnell, makes a lovely, if guarded, tour guide as Jeremy revs up his electromagnetic equipment for the ghost hunt. After witnessing the ethereal graveside lights, both grow closer, much to the chagrin of local deputy Rodney Hopper, who wants Lexie for himself. Guided by sage Doris and manipulated by meddling mayor Tom Gherkin, big-city Jeremy and smalltown Lexie find that trepidation about their differences somehow manages to bloom into love. Jeremy eventually uncovers the hidden truth behind the glowing graveyard fog and departs the lush gothic environs for New York. Can love bridge the gap? Sparks (The Wedding) delivers another shrink-wrapped, reliably uncomplicated romantic confection that's light as air, smooth as silk and gloriously sweet. Agent, Theresa Park. (One-day laydown Apr. 12) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Booklist New York skeptic Jeremy Marsh makes his living exposing frauds in the articles he writes for Scientific American. His latest target is a famous psychic who claims to speak to the dead. The acclaim he receives for his expose places Jeremy in the public eye with an appearance on national television. Jeremy then travels to Boone Creek, North Carolina, to search for the truth behind the mysterious lights that appear in the local cemetery. The legend is that an old curse causes the spirits to wander, and now the town wants to capitalize on the phenomena to bring in badly needed tourist dollars. But Doris McClellan, the local psychic, wants the lights debunked, and asks Jeremy to investigate. What Jeremy doesn't count on is falling for Doris' granddaughter, Lexie, the town librarian. Lexie has had enough of smooth-talking city men, and shields her heart, but Jeremy keeps trying to penetrate her tough shell. Lexie never wants to leave Boone Creek, and she believes that Jeremy will never want to stay. Although Sparks' latest starts with great potential, the main characters feel cool and distant; it is the secondary characters who embody the warmth and verve that usually mark Sparks' best-sellers. Patty Engelmann Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Review "Sparks knows how to tug at a reader's heartstrings."

True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks. Eventually, you will certainly find a brand-new experience and expertise by spending even more money. But when? Do you assume that you need to obtain those all needs when having significantly money? Why don't you try to obtain something easy in the beginning? That's something that will lead you to know more about the world, experience, some locations, history, entertainment, and also much more? It is your very own time to proceed checking out habit. One of the publications you can take pleasure in now is True Believer (Jeremy Marsh & Lexie Darnell Book 1) By Nicholas Sparks right here.

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