Chapter: 1 Communication media 1.1 Tele conference 1.2 Video conference 1.3 Webinar 1.4 Micro blogging



Chapter:2 Virtual classroom and virtual reality 2.1 Uses of virtual classroom 2.2 Virtual reality



Chapter:3 virtual lab 3.1 Objectives of the virtual lab 3.2 iLabs



Chapter:4 Computer aided teaching



Chapter:5 Intelligent Tutoring System


Chapter:6 Expert System


Chapter:7 E-Content

11-12 13 14-16

7.1 module preparation for E- content development 9

Chapter: 8 Course ware


10 11

Chapter: 9 MOOC Chapter:10 Free Software’s in science 10.1 Learning Management System 10.2 MOODLE

18 19-22


Chapter:11 EMAIL



Chapter:12 E-discussion



Chapter:13 CHATS



Chapter:14 WIKIPEDIA



Chapter:15 BLOG



Chapter:16 Social Networking Service



Chapter:17 Creative Commons license









technology, refers to all equipment and programs that are used to process






Communication Technology (ICT) exemplified y the internet and multimedia are obviously of great significance for education. The ICTs integration in education in general and teacher education in particular is the need of the day. The use of ICTs can make substantial change for education and training mainly in two ways. Firstly, the rich representation of information changes learners perception and understanding of the content. Secondly, the vast distribution and easy access to information can change relationships between educators and student- teachers. ICT can also provide powerful support for educational innovations.



COMMUNICATION MEDIA Communication media refers to the means of delivering and receiving data or information. In telecommunication, these means are transmission and storage tools or channels for data storage and transmission The most common used communication medias include teleconferencing, video conferencing, webinar, microblogging.

1.1 TELE CONFERENCE A teleconferencing is a telephone meeting among two or more participants involving technology more sophisticated than a simple two-way phone connection. At it‟s simplest a teleconference can be an auio cinference with one or both ends of the conference sharing a speaker phonee. With considerably more equipment and special arrangements , a teleconference can be a conference, called a video conference

1.2 VIDEO CONFERENCE A video confence is a live, visual connection between two or more people residing in separate locations for the purpose of communication. At it‟s simplest‟ videoconferencing provides transmission of static images and text between two locations. At it‟s most sophisticated it‟s provides transmission of full-motion video images and high-quality audio between multiple locations.each participants has a video camera, microphone and speaker mounted on the computer. As the two participant speak to one another their voices are carried over the network and delivered to the other.


1.3 WEBINAR Webinar is “ web based seminar”. It is a presentation , lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the web using the video conferencing software. The key features of webinar is it‟s interactive element-the ability to give, receive and discuss information‟s. A live online eeducational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions and comments. Using webinar software participants can share audio, documents and applications with webinar attendeevees.

1.4 MICROBLOGGING It,s a type of blog that permits users publish short text updates. A micro blog differ from a traditional blog in that it‟s content is typically smaller in file size. Microblogsallow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links. The most common microblogging platform is twitter, which allowers you to post updates of 140 characters or less. Microblogging on facebook is more flexible than twitter, since you can post longer updates and include media directly in your posts.



VIRTUAL CLASS ROOM AND VIRTUAL REALITY A virtual classroom is an learning environment, created using internet computer, video conferencing devices, in which either teacher is not physically present (for remote learning) or students are not present (distance education) In class room.

2.1 Uses of Virtual classroom •

Supports distance learning and remote education.

• To pool academic resources thereby improving access to advanced educational experiences. • To improve the quality and effectiveness of education by collaborative learning •

To hold and participate in meetings through video conferencing

To increase accessibility of educational resources to the persons disabilities

Appeals Different Learning Styles of learner.

• Create a sense of community among students and instructors who not otherwise interact with one another


2.2 Virtual Reality

It is an artificial environment that is created with hardware and software and presented to the user in such a way that it appears and feels like a real environment. The simplest form of virtual reality is a 3-D image that can be explored interactively at a personal computer, usually by manipulating keys or the mouse so that the content of the image moves in some direction or zooms in or out. More sophisticated effort involves such approaches as wrap-around display screen, actual rooms augmented with wearable computer let you hater, and haptic devices that let you feel the display images. There are two ways of using virtual reality in classroom: the first involve a traditional desktop set up in which the student explores a virtual environment using a computer, keyboard and mouse. Or use some other input device, e.g controller (similar to the wii remote controller).

The second set up is fully immersive and requires the student to wear a head mounted display (HMD) and data glove-for interaction –within a virtual environment. This environment may take the form of a series of large screens or a complete CAVE Virtual reality system.



VIRTUAL LAB Virtual lab is an artificial lab using software and hardware which allow to conduct experiments remotely .Physical distance and the lack of resources make us unable to perform experiments, especially when they involve sophisticated instruments. Also, good teachers are always a scarce resource .Web –based and video – based courses address the issue of teaching to some extent .Conducting joint experiments by two participating institutions and also sharing costly resources has always been a challenge .

3.1 Objectives of the virtual Labs • To provide remote – access to Labs in various disciplines of science and Engineering. •

To motivate students to conduct experiments by arousing their curiosity.

• This would help them in learning and advanced concepts through remote experimentations . • To provide tools for learning , including additional Web – resources , video –lectures , animated demonstrations and self evaluation •

It avoids the dangers involved in experimenting in real laboratory .

• Gives a feel of costly equipment and resources , which are otherwise available to limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances .


3.2 iLabs iLabs is dedicated to the proposition that online laboratories - real laboratories accessed through the internet – can enrich science and engineering education by greatly expanding the range of experiments that students are exposed to in the course of their education. Unlike conventional laboratories, iLabs can be shared across a university or across the world. The iLbs vision is to share expensive equipment and educational materials associated with lab experiments as broadly as possible within higher education and beyond. iLabs teams have created remote laboratories at MIT in microelectronics, chemical engineering, polymer crystallization , structural engineering and signal processing as case studies for understanding the complex requirements of operating remote lab experience and scaling their use to large group of students at MIT and around the world . Based on the experiences of the different iLab development terms The iLabs projects is developing suit of software tools that makes it efficient to bring online and manage complex laboratory experiments. The iLabs Shared Architecture has the following design goals; • Minimize development and management effort for users and providers of remote labs •

Provide a common set of services and development tools

Scale to large number of users worldwide

• Allow multiple universities with diverse network infrastructures to share access.


The MIT iLabs Project

iLabs is dedicated to the proposition that online laboratories – real laboratories accessed through the internet – can enrich science and engineering education by greatly expanding the range of experiments.



COMPUTER AIDED TEACHING It is widely accepted that the integration of modern information and communication. Technologies (ICT) into the teaching learning process has great potential. In fact, it could be the most important way by which states can meet their educational aspirations within reasonable time and resources. The use of computers in school is basically vision as a teaching and learning aid besides to develop computer literacy among the children. Computer aided learning will help to make the present teaching learning process joyful, interesting and easy to understand through audio-visual aids. Teachers will be resourced with Multimedia Contents to explain topics better. Overall it will help us to improve quality of education in long learn. Types of Computer Assisted Instruction 1. Drill-and-practice. Drill and practice provide opportunities or students to repeatedly practice the skills that have a previously been presented and that further practice is necessary for mastery. 2. Tutorial. Tutorial activity includes both the presentation of information and its extension into different forms of work, including drill and practice, games and simulation. 3. Games. Game software often creates a contest to achieve the highest score and either beat others or beat the computer. 4. Simulation. Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not require the expense of real life or its risks. 5. Discovery. Discovery approach provides a large database of information specific to a course or content area and challenges the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate based on their explorations of the data. 6. Problem Solving. This approach helps children develop specific problem solving skills and strategies.


Advantages of CAI •

One-to-one interaction

Great motivator

Freedom to experiment with different option

Instantaneous response/immediate feedback to the answers elicited

Self pacing –allow students to proceed at their own pace

Helps teacher can devote more time to individual students

Privacy helps the shy and slow learner to learn

Individual attention

Learn more and more rapidly

• Multimedia helps to understand difficult concepts through multi sensory approach •

Self- directed learning-students can decide when, where and what to learn

Limitations of CAI •

May feel overwhelmed by the information and resources available

Over use of multimedia may divert the attention from the content

Learning becomes too mechanical

Non availability of good CAI packages



INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEM Computers are used to imitate or expand human intelligence. Artificial intelligence is concerned with the attempt to develop complex computer programs that will be capable of performing difficult cognitive tasks. Artificial intelligence can be used to make computer programs that can have expertise in a particular domain. Such software programs are called expert systems. An expert system is a computer application that performs a task that would otherwise be performed by a human expert. The expert system not only has a knowledge domain, but also has inference making capacities to respond to problematic situations within the domain. Edward Feigenbaum of Stanford University has defined expert system as an intelligent computer program that uses knowledge and inference procedure s to solve problems that are difficult enough to require significant human expertise for their solution. The learning system making use of artificial intelligence techniques are called Intelligent Tutoring System. This system continually assess student‟s knowledge monitor each response, analyze answers to problems, detect misconceptions and learning difficulties and depending on all these information provide remedial help and highly individualized instruction. Although Intelligent Tutoring Systems differ in a variety of ways, most have characteristic structure. Intelligent Tutoring Systems may outwardly appear to be monolithic system but for the purposes of conceptualization and design, it is often easier to think about them as consisting of several interdependent components. Research by Woolf has identified the major component: the student model, the pedagogical module, the expert model, the domain knowledge module, and the communication module.


STUDENT MODEL The student model stores information that is specific to each individual learner. Such a model tracks how well a student is performing on the material being taught. It may also record misconceptions. PEDAGOGICAL MODULE The component provides a model of the teaching process. For example, information about when to review, when to present anew topic, and which topic to present is controlled by the pedagogical module. The student model is used as input to this component, so the pedagogical decision change in accordance with the differing needs of each student. COMMUNICATIONS MODULE Interactions with the learner, including the dialogue and the screen layouts, are controlled by this component. How should the material be presented to the student in the most effective way? The machine-human interface is very crucial in teaching learning process and determines the efficiency of the ITS in simulating a teacher.

EXPERT MODEL The expert model is similar to the domain knowledge in that it must contain the information being taught to the learner. However, it is more than just a representation of the data; it is a model of how someone skilled in a particular domain represents the knowledge. Most commonly, this takes the form of runnable expert model, i.e. one that is capable of solving problems in the domain. By using an expert model, the tutor can compare the learner‟s solution to the expert‟s solution, pinpointing the places where the learner had difficulties.

A strong In Telligent Tutoring System is a thus an expert which is able to solve a problem along with the student, recognize partially correct as well as irrelevant responses, judge when and how much assistance should be offered when a student gets stuck in learning.


Chapter – 6

EXPERT SYSTEM An expert system is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to stimulate the judgment and behavior of a human or an organization that has expert knowledge and experience in a particular field. Typically, an expert system incorporate a knowledge base containing accumulated experience and an inference or rules engine a set of rules for applying the knowledge base to each particular situation that is described to the program. The systems capabilities can be enhanced with additions to the knowledge base or to the set of rules. Current systems may include machine learning capabilities that allow them to improve their performance based on experience. Just as humans do. The concept of experts system was first developed in 1970s Edward feigenbaum, professor and founder of the knowledge systems laboratory at Stanford university. feigenbaum explained that the world was moving from data processing to “knowledge processing:. A transaction which was being enabled by new processor technology and computer architecture. A more recently developed expert system, ROSS, is an artificially –intelligent attorney based on IBM’s Watson cognitive computing system. ROSS relies on self – learning systems that use data mining, Pattern recognition, deep learning and natural language processing to mimic the way the human brain work. Expert system and AI system have evolved so far that they have spurred debate about the fate of humanity in the face of such intelligence, with authors such as Nick Bostrom, professor philosophy at Oxford University, pondering if computing power has surpassed our ability to control it.



Chapter – 7

E–CONTENT E – Content is the heart of e-learning. The elements of e-content could be online articles, streaming video, audio segments, images, specially designed websites and unique learning objects. They engage today‟s computer-savvy student, whose learning style is more interactive, and are familiar with computers, the Internet and video games

7.1 MODULE PREPRATION FOR E-CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Information technology and the internet are major drivers of research, innovation, growth and social change. The growth in internet has brought changes in all walks of life including the education. E-content includes all kinds of content created and delivered through various electronic media from, old media such as print and radio to the increasingly sophisticated electronic tools with combination of sounds, images and text. E-content requires huge amounts of creativity both at „information‟ level as well as the technology level.

Phases of e-content development In e-content development aspect consist of six phases vision analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and evaluation. The analysis phase: It is the most important as it identifies area as in our current situation. This phase accountability considered by the views of subject‟s experts, target audience, objectives and its goals. In this phase , we must know the audience and their skills, budget of the e-content , delivery methods are constraints with due dates.

The design phase:


It involves the complete design of the learning solution. It helps plan of an econtent preparation .in this phase we must know the planning, use of relevant software; required skills; creative and innovative interactions of subjects contents like text, pictures , videos and suitable animations

The development phase: It concerns the actual production of the e-content design. It helps to create the econtent by mixing of text , audio, video, animations references , blocks , links and MCQs ( multiple choice questions ) with some programming specifications like home, exiting, next etc.

The testing phase: It helps to administer the e-content in the actual educational field. in this phase , we must test the spelling mistakes, content errors, clarities of pictures , relevant videos , appropriate audios , timing of animations and hyperlinks. The implementation phase: It helps to administer the e-content to the target audience. This phase explains how to install and how to use it and their difficulties experienced while using econtent. It checks the product accuracy and quality maintenance. The evaluation phase: It helps to satisfy the e-content and its effectiveness. This phase considers feedback from both learners and instructors. After the feedback reactions, the e-content is designed again as post-production for effective delivery of e-content.


We need innovative work in e-content material as a form of digital literacy in educational settings particularly to investigate the implications of new forms of social networking, knowledge sharing and knowledge building. And finally, because of the pervasive nature of e-content as a digital technology, the commercial interest that is invested in it and the largely unregulated content of internet based sources; also need to begin to sketch out what a critical digital literacy might look like. There is, in short, plenty to be done if we are to prepare children and young people to play an active and critical part in the digital future.



COURSEWARE Courseware is educational material intended as kits for teachers for trainers or as tutorials for students, usually packaged for use with a computer. Courseware can encompass any knowledge area, but information technology subjects are most common .courseware is frequently used for delivering education about the personal computer and its most popular business application such as word processing and spreadsheet programs. Courseware is also widely used in information technology industry certification program such as the Microsoft certified systems engineer {MCSE} and the computer technology industry associations A+ examination

Courseware can include: •Material for instructor-led classes •Material for self-directed computer-based training{CBT} •Websites that offer interactive tutorial •Material that is coordinated with distance learning such as live classes conducted over the internet •Videos for use individually or as part of classes The CD-ROM is the most common means of delivering courseware that is not offered online. For teachers and trainers courseware content may include set up information a course plane teaching notes, and exercises.



MOOC A Massive open Online Course(MOOC) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures , readings and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interaction among students, professors, and teaching assistance ( TAs). MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education were first introduced in 2006 and emerged as popular mode of learning in 2012. Early MOOCs often emphasize open-access features, such as open licensing of content, structure and learning goals, to promote the reuse and remixing of sources. Some later MOOCs used closed licenses for their course material while maintaining free access for students.

FEATURES OF A MOOC • AUTONOMY: the structure is conceived to promote autonomous learning with a number of resource in the form of videos, links, documents,… • MASSIVE: The number of places on courses is unlimited, the scope is global and the course are aimed at people with different interests and aspirations. • ON LINE : To take these courses all you need is a computer, smartphone or tablet with internet connection and the use of a global web server. • OPEN AND FREE: the course material are available on internet and are all completely free (some courses, few, offer free access to connects, but the assessments submission is possible only after buying a certificate).




A Learning management systems {LMS} is a software platform that allows training, teaching and interactive presentations to be delivered over the internet. It not only teaches but also handles course registration, administration, tracking of learning progress and reporting. An LMS is the infrastructure that delivers and manages instructional content, identifies and assesses individual and organizational learning or training goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those goals and collects an d presents data for supervising the learning process of an organization as a whole (Szabo&Flesher2002) A Content management system (CMS) is a repository for data where data can be defined as any type of file, such as documents, movies, sound, picture, and so forth. CMSs are frequently used for storing, controlling, revising collaboratively sharing and publishing documentation. Usually a CMS serves as central repository. This is most likely the oldest term used to refer software for e-learning.


Course content delivery

Student registration and administration

Training event management ( ie, scheduling, tracking)

Curriculum and certification management

Skills and competencies management

Skill gap analysis

Individual development plan (IDP)


Assessing and resulting


Training record management

Courseware authoring

Recourse management

Virtual organization

Performance management system integration

10.2 MOODLE MOODLE ( Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning) is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environment. MOODLE provides the most flexible tool-set to support both blended learning and 100% online courses. Configure MOODLE by enabling or disabling core features, and easily integrate everything needed for a course using it‟s complete range of building features, including external collaborative tools such as forums, wikis, chats and blogs.


Assignment submission

Discussion forum

Files download


Moodle instant messages

Online calendar


Online news and announcement

Online quiz

Wiki. Plug – is supported by moodle infra structure

Activities ( including word and math games)

Data field types

Graphical themes

Authentication method

Environment methods

Content filters


Create assignments

Open a chat

Organize a choice (poll)

For a selection/election the teacher can post questions to forum

Create lessons

Design and give a quiz

Initiate a wiki

Conduct a workshop

Keep track all these activities



See all your enrolled classes at a glance.

• Work on assignment from any computer with an internet connection and compatible browser, check the grades • For assignments, quizzes and other tasks, students can contribute to forum, wikis and glossaries •

They can check the course‟s calendar

They can search for important dates and upcoming course event



EMAIL Electronic mail, or email, is a method of exchanging digital messages between people using digital devices such as computers, mobile phones and other electronics. EDUCATIONAL USE OF EMAIL      

Increase motivation through self-directed and collaborative learning. Improve literacy with writing activities geared to authentic audiences. Gain comfort with tools and skills essential for today‟s workplace. Facilitate ESL and foreign language learning. Cultivate knowledge and cultural understanding. Increased access to technology, providing new opportunities for students without home – based access.  Engage in “anywhere, anytime learning” with access from school, library and home.



E – DISCUSSION A discussion boards is an online tool which allows groups to communicate asynchronously, a discussion board is made up of forums which are folders containing messages on a particular subject, forums contain threads which are a series of messages relating to a particular question or topic and each individual contribution to a conversation is called a message.

EDUCATIONAL USE OF E- DISCUSSION  Students can continue an in class discussion outside normal time - tabled classes.  All students can participate so they are democratic. Some students are not confident enough to speak out in face to face classes but are willing to contribute to discussion boards.  They give students time to reflect on their thoughts before contributing.  They allow students to practice their writing skills in a more informal way.  They offer peer learning opportunities- and this takes some of the workload away from the tutor.



CHATS Chats are a text based communication that is live or real time. Chat refers to the process of communicating, interacting or exchanging messages over the internet. It involves two or more individuals that communicate through a chat enabled service or software. Chat is also known as chatting, online chat or internet chat. A Discussion that involves sending messages over the internet, by phone, using a messaging services, etc.

EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES OF CHAT  Well Implemented electronic chats can support their critical thinking, in addition to building knowledge through social constructivism.  The immediately of the technology gives students a direct connection with the instructor as well as classmates.  Web chats promotes real time collaboration and discussion that can lead to deeper processing of class materials.  Education world reviewed one platform, which allows users to create chat rooms for group discussions.  The teachers should be available during off hours to monitor the activity.  It is possible to take advantage of chat tools via mobile devices or tablets, if your classroom is so equipped.  Tools such as Chatzy are great anytime students head to brainstorm a list of ideas or items, or reflect upon an experience such as a field trip or Project – based learning experience.



WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia with the aim to allow anyone to edit articles. Wikipedia is the largest and most popular websites. Wikipedia is owned by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation.

 Wikipedia was launched on January 15, 2001, by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.  Sanger coined its name, a portmanteau of wiki and encyclopedia. There was only the English language version initially, but it quickly developed similar versions in other languages, which differ in content and in editing practices.  With 5,417,262 articles, the English Wikipedia is the largest of the more than 290 Wikipedia encyclopedias. Overall, Wikipedia consists of more than 40 million articles in more than 250 different languages and, as of February 2014, it has 188 billion page views and nearly 500 million unique visitors each month.  As of March 2017, Wikipedia has about forty thousand high – quality articles known as featured Articles and Good Articles that cover vital topics. In 2005, nature published a peer review comparing 42 science articles from Encyclopedia Britannia and Wikipedia, and found that Wikipedia‟s level of accuracy approached Encyclopedia Britannica‟s.

 Criticism of Wikipedia includes claims that it exhibits systemic bias, presents a mixture of “truths, half truths, and some falsehoods” and that, in controversial topics, it is subject to manipulation and spin.



BLOG A blog which is sort for weblog is Web publishing tool that allows authors to publish text, art work, links to other blogs or web sites .Blogs posting are often short and frequent updated .Posting are usually in form of text entries, similar to diary entry or journal .These are often include a posting date and may also includecomments, photos, links …… people who visit the site.

The Use of Blogs In Education Like podcast, wiki and other types of new technology, blogs can be use in class room environment for diary entry; it also can be useful tool to link communication between study groups with in a class or other classes or even schools.

Blogs can serve at least four basic functions;  Classroom management- They can be used to inform the students of class requirements, post handouts, notices and homework assignments.  Collaboration- Blogs provide a space where teachers and students can work to further develop writing or other skills with the advantage of an instant audience.  Discussion- With a blog, every person has equal opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions. Students have time to be reactive to one another and reflective.  Student portfolios- Blog present, organize, and protect student work as digital older entries are archived developing skills and progress may be analyzed more conveniently.



SOCIAL NETWORKING SERVICE A social networking service (also social site, SNS or social media) is an online platform that is used by people to build social networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.


EDMODO: Edmodo is the largest social networking website used mainly for education purposes. As per the survey, more than 13 million people are using this website effectively. ENGLISH BABY: Teaching conversational English is the main objective of the English baby website. The analysis showed that nearly 1.5 million people across the globe are using this website. LIVEMOCHA: Livemocha is a social networking website used to teach various languages to the website users. As per the analysis, nearly 1.2 million people around the world are using this website. ACADMIA. EDU: is a science – related website built especially for scientists and the respective college students. As per the study, more than 1.9 million people are using the website all over the world. EPERNICUS: Epernicus is another social networking website, focuses on social networking aspect, built mainly for scientists and researchers. COURSE CRACKER: Course cracker is a network that enables students, teachers and parents to connect with each other resulting in the refinement of the learning process.


STUDENTS CIRCLE NETWORK: Social circle network is one among the latest editions of the club of social networking sites, consist of different course materials in the field of science, business, engineering, computing and humanities. WIKIPEDIA: A popular social networking website that consists of a great repository of informative articles, generally used by millions of users every one hour. FACEBOOK: Facebook is a famous social networking site that has nearly a billion users all over the world.




A Creative commons (CC) license is one of several public copy right licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copy righted work.  A creative commons license is used when a author wants to give people the right to share, use and build up on a work that he has created.  Creative commons provides an author flexibility (For example he / she might choose to allow only noncommercial uses of his or her work.  Creative commons licenses protects the people who use or re- distribute an author‟s work forum concern of copy right infringement as long as they abide by the conditions that are specified in the license by which the author distributes the works.

PERPOSE OF CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE 1 Creative commons facilitates innovation and collaboration in education. 2 Creative commons enables translation of educational resources in to different languages. 3 Creative commons enables educational resources to evolve and be improved through peer and student edits. 4 Creative commons enables easier discovery of educational resources on the web.

pdf communication technology.pdf

1.1 Tele conference. 1.2 Video conference. 1.3 Webinar. 1.4 Micro blogging. 2-3. 3 Chapter:2 Virtual classroom and. virtual reality. 2.1 Uses of virtual classroom.

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