Physical Education and Health Supply List Mrs. Allen For grades K-4 movement class, students need to wear sneakers and comfortable clothing they can move in. Long hair needs to be pulled back away from the face. For grades 5 and 6 PE class, students do change up so they will need to pack a change of clothing that includes sneakers, socks, shorts or athletic pants, and a Tshirt along with deodorant. For grade 6 health class, students will need a 1" three-ring binder full of loose leaf paper and plenty of pencils and blue ink pens.


Page 1 of 1. Physical Education and Health Supply List. Mrs. Allen. For grades K-4 movement class, students need to wear sneakers and comfortable. clothing they can move in. Long hair needs to be pulled back away from the face. For grades 5 and 6 PE class, students do change up so they will need to pack a. change of ...

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